No label defined (Q14375)

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Project in Czech Republic financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
No label defined
Project in Czech Republic financed by DG Regio


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    8,089,227.45 Czech koruna
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    323,569.10 Euro
    10 January 2020
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    17,976,061.0 Czech koruna
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    719,042.44 Euro
    10 January 2020
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    45 percent
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    1 December 2016
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    5 June 2018
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    30 June 2018
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    AZUB bike s.r.o.
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    49°1'40.84"N, 17°38'41.42"E
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    Záměrem projektu je rekonstrukce brownfieldu, který je však ve stávajícím stavu nevyužitelný - byla schválena jeho demolice. Realizací projektu se žadateli otevřou možnosti zejména pro rozšíření objemu výroby lehokol (stávající prostory dovolují vyrobit cca 400 kusů lehokol za rok, díky projektu to bude až 700 kusů). Všechny provedené změny povedou k posílení konkurenceschopnosti žadatele a jeho pozice na trhu. a. (Czech)
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    The project aims at the reconstruction of brownfield sites, which in its current state is not usable, and its demolition has been approved. In particular, the project will open up opportunities for the applicant to expand the lethround (the existing premises allow for a production of around 400 pieces of lehoes per year, thanks to the project will be up to 700 pieces). All the changes made will result in an increase in the applicant’s competitiveness and position in the market. (English)
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