Activation of the labour force of unemployed persons aged 30 years and over in the particularly disadvantaged position of the labour market in newly elected County (2017) (Q100516)

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Revision as of 14:48, 17 October 2020 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): The aim of the project is to increase the employability of people who are unemployed who are disadvantaged in the labour market, i.e. women, people aged 50+, with disabilities, long-term unemployed and low-skilled by the activation of 226 BO (131K). The project will support 226 unemployed people aged 30 and over (I or II profile) from the above-mentioned groups from the Novosol district. Because they will be covered by comprehensive support, all...)
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Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Activation of the labour force of unemployed persons aged 30 years and over in the particularly disadvantaged position of the labour market in newly elected County (2017)
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    2,037,664.62 zloty
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    489,039.51 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    2,397,252.5 zloty
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    575,340.6 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    85.0 percent
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    1 January 2017
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    31 December 2017
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    51°50'32.6"N, 15°42'12.2"E
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    Celem projektu jest podniesienie zdolności do zatrudnienia osób pozostających bez pracy znajdujących się w szczególnie niekorzystnej sytuacji na rynku pracy tj. kobiet, osób w wieku 50+, z niepełnosprawnościami, długotrwale bezrobotnych i osób o niskich kwalifikacjach przez aktywizację zawodową 226 BO (131K). W projekcie wsparciem objętych zostanie 226 bezrobotnych osób w wieku 30 lat i więcej (I lub II profil) z ww. grup z powiatu nowosolskiego. BO będą objęci kompleksowym wsparciem, wszyscy uczestnicy będą posiadali IPD oraz skorzystają zgodnie z indywidualną potrzebą z: pośrednictwa pracy lub poradnictwa zawodowego wraz z jedną z głównych form wsparcia tj.: stażu, jednorazowych środków na podjęcie działalności gospodarczej albo podejmą pracę w ramach refundacji kosztów wyposażenia lub doposażenia stanowiska pracy. W projekcie 133 BO (97K) skorzysta ze stażu, 25 BO (7K)podejmie pracę w ramach refundacji kosztów wyposażenia lub doposażenia stanowiska pracy, 68 BO (27K) otrzyma jednorazowe środki na podjęcie działalności gospodarczej. (Polish)
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    The aim of the project is to increase the employability of people who are unemployed who are disadvantaged in the labour market, i.e. women, people aged 50+, with disabilities, long-term unemployed and low-skilled by the activation of 226 BO (131K). The project will support 226 unemployed people aged 30 and over (I or II profile) from the above-mentioned groups from the Novosol district. Because they will be covered by comprehensive support, all participants will have an IPD and will benefit according to their individual needs: job placement or career guidance together with one of the main forms of support, i.e.: traineeships, one-off measures to start a business or take up work within the framework of reimbursement of the costs of equipment or retrofitting of the workplace. In the project 133 BO (97K) will benefit from an internship, 25 BO (7K) will work as part of the reimbursement of the costs of equipment or retrofitting of the workplace, 68 BO (27K) will receive one-off funds to start a business activity. (English)
    17 October 2020
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