Pilot Programme for Maritime Entrepreneurship — Maritime Stars (Q2100901)

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Revision as of 09:41, 12 October 2020 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): Maritime industries are among the most important for exports, job creation and growth. Denmark, despite its modest size in the Superliga, is the world’s largest maritime nation.In North Jutland, maritime industries are among the most important based on the same parameters, and in North Jutland alone there are about 400 maritime companies and around 15,000 jobs.In addition, the industry has been acquired in growth, as underlined by massive expans...)
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Project in Denmark financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Pilot Programme for Maritime Entrepreneurship — Maritime Stars
Project in Denmark financed by DG Regio


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    3,628,100.0 Danish krone
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    471,653.0 Euro
    16 January 2020
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    7,256,200.0 Danish krone
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    943,306.0 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    50.0 percent
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    4 April 2018
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    31 December 2021
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    Fonden Marcod-Maritimt Center for Optimering og Drift
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    57°26'24.0"N, 10°30'9.7"E
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    De maritime erhverv er blandt de vigtigste for såvel eksport, jobskabelse og vækst. Danmark er trods sin beskedne størrelse i superligaen, når det gælder verdens største søfartsnationer.I Nordjylland er de maritime erhverv blandt de vigtigste ud fra de samme parametre, og der findes alene i Nordjylland ca. 400 maritime virksomheder og ca. 15.000 arbejdspladser.Tilmed er erhvervet i vækst, hvilket understreges af massive havneudvidelsesprojekter i bl.a. Frederikshavn, Skagen, Hirtshals og Hanstholm. RN og Vækstforum bakker op om den fortsatte udvikling af den maritime klynge, og har indgået vækstpartnerskabsaftale med regeringen herom. Det handler om vækst i jobskabelsen, kompetenceniveauet og økonomi. Men til trods for at det maritime er en regional styrkeposition, som i høj grad tilgodeser vækstmulighederne også i regionens yderområder - så findes der ikke noget tilbud til maritime iværksættere i Jylland.Samtidig hører vi fra etablerede virksomheder i branchen, at man gerne vil i kontakt med iværksættere for at få sat fokus på temaer og udfordringer i branchen - men man ved ikke hvordan.Det ønsker vi med dette program at gøre noget ved. Vi ønsker at finde og udvikle 15 af de mest perspektivrige maritime iværksættere med størst vækstpotentiale.Samtidig ønsker vi at indgå i mentor/co-create samarbejde med 10-15 maritime fyrtårnsvirksomheder, der ulønnet skal indgå i de individuelle udviklingsforløb. Vi forventer at denne konstellation vil være win/win for alle parter - at det vil medvirke til kritisk masse til programmet, således at vi kan finde de bedst mulige startup kandidater. Og samtidig medvirke til at skabe innovation i den maritime branche.Begge dele bakkes op af anbefalingerne fra Regeringens Blå Vækstteam, der netop peger på innovation og en særlig indsats for maritimt iværksætteri som nøgleområder for at kunne indfri branchens vækstpotentiale.Projektet forventes at køre i 3 år med et hold på 5 startups hvert år - i alt 15.De første 3 måneder i hvert år går med at tiltrække/udvælge årets 5 bedste maritime startup kandidater. Herefter kører programmet april-dec i et 9-måneders udviklingsforløb, hvor kandidaterne køres gennem et intensivt individuelt og kollektivt udviklingsforløb med forretningsudvikling, finansiering og ad hoc specialistbistand. Herefter er de klar til markedslaunch og klar til at medvirke til innovation, vækst og jobskabelse i den maritime industri.Projektet køres af den maritime klyngeorganisation, MARCOD. (Danish)
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    Maritime industries are among the most important for exports, job creation and growth. Denmark, despite its modest size in the Superliga, is the world’s largest maritime nation.In North Jutland, maritime industries are among the most important based on the same parameters, and in North Jutland alone there are about 400 maritime companies and around 15,000 jobs.In addition, the industry has been acquired in growth, as underlined by massive expansion projects in Frederikshavn, Skagen, Hirtshals and Hanstholm. The RN and Growth Forum support the continued development of the maritime cluster and have entered into a growth partnership agreement with the government. It is about growth in job creation, the level of competence and the economy. But in spite of the fact that maritime power is a position of regional strength, which to a large extent accommodates growth opportunities in the outermost regions of the region, there is no provision for maritime entrepreneurs in Jutland.At the same time, we hear from established companies in the industry that you would like to get in touch with entrepreneurs in order to focus on the themes and challenges in the industry – but you don't know how.We want to do something about this with this programme. We want to find and develop 15 of the most prospective maritime entrepreneurs with the greatest growth potential.At the same time, we want to engage in mentor/co-create collaboration with 10-15 maritime lighthouse companies, which will be part of the individual development cycles unpaid. We expect that this constellation will be win/win for all parties – that it will contribute to critical mass for the program, so that we can find the best possible startup candidates. Both are backed up by the recommendations of the Government’s Blue Growth Team, which point to innovation and a special effort for maritime entrepreneurship as key areas to meet the industry’s growth potential.The project is expected to run for 3 years with a team of 5 start-ups each year – a total of 15.The first 3 months of each year will attract/select this year’s 5 best maritime start-up candidates. The programme then runs April-Dec in a 9-month development programme, where the candidates are run through an intensive individual and collective development programme with business development, financing and ad hoc specialist assistance. After that, they are ready for marketlaunch and ready to contribute to innovation, growth and job creation in the maritime industry.The project is run by the maritime cluster organisation, MARCOD. (English)
    12 October 2020
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