Sustainable Bottom 2.0. (Q2100759)

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Revision as of 09:39, 12 October 2020 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): The aim of the project is to help small and medium-sized enterprises with green and circular business development. The goal is for approx. 100 companies to have a circular potential assessment, of which 70-90 companies develop green and circular business models that can lead to energy and resource efficiency, improved competitiveness and growth potential. Small and medium-sized enterprises with potential and motivation for energy and resource ef...)
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Project in Denmark financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Sustainable Bottom 2.0.
Project in Denmark financed by DG Regio


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    13,554,060.0 Danish krone
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    1,762,027.8 Euro
    16 January 2020
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    27,108,120.0 Danish krone
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    3,524,055.6 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    50.0 percent
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    1 February 2019
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    31 March 2022
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    Gate 21
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    55°40'1.6"N, 12°20'56.4"E
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    Projektets formål er at hjælpe små og mellemstore virksomheder med grøn og cirkulær forretningsudvikling. Målet er, at ca. 100 virksomheder får en cirkulær potentialevurdering og heraf får 70-90 virksomheder udviklet grønne og cirkulære forretningsmodeller, som kan lede til energi- og ressourceeffektiviseringer, forbedret konkurrenceevne og vækstpotentiale. Små og mellemstore virksomheder med potentiale og motivation for energi- og ressourceeffektiviseringer og cirkulær økonomi kan deltage, men der er udviklet særlige spor for virksomheder i byggebranchen og oplevelsesbranchen med deltagelse af stærke brancheaktører. Projektet tilbyder to mulige virksomhedsforløb, som afhænger af potentialer og motivation for forretningsudvikling. 40% af virksomhederne vil via intensivt rådgivningsforløb udvikle en ny forretningsmodel baseret på cirkulære principper med fokus på værdikædesamarbejde (cirkulær forretningsmodel). 60% af virksomhederne vil via netværksbaserede forløb optimere deres forretningsmodel (temaspecifik forretningsmodel) indenfor særlige temaer som eksempelvis madspild, grøn logistik, miljøoptimeret emballage. Alle virksomhederne vil blive tilbudt energitjek og en potentialevurdering. Udviklingen af forretningsmodellerne foregår med assistance fra rådgiver og understøttes af projektets partnere blandt andet via udviklingsworkshops og temaspecifikke workshops og indsatser. Virksomhederne har mulighed for at søge investeringsstøtte til implementering af den grønne forretningsmodel. Gate 21 gennemfører projektet sammen med kommuner, brancheorganisationer, videnspartnere og energiaktører. Projektpartnerne har dels stor kontaktflade og kendskab til virksomhederne, er dels fagligt stærke inden for specifikke områder af den grønne forretningsmodel. Der vil være løbende og struktureret læringsopsamling i projektet med fokus på at sprede og forankre indsatserne hos virksomhederne og projektpartnerne efter projektperioden. Projektet får desuden bred opbakning fra SMV organisationer, brancheaktører, værdikædeaktører, yderligere kommuner samt store virksomheder, som kan understøtte spredningen og forankringen af projektet. Effekterne bliver opgjort kvantitativt i forhold til CO2, energi- og ressourceeffektiviseringer samt kvalitativt via lærings- og forankringsanalyse hos virksomhederne og partnerne. (Danish)
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    The aim of the project is to help small and medium-sized enterprises with green and circular business development. The goal is for approx. 100 companies to have a circular potential assessment, of which 70-90 companies develop green and circular business models that can lead to energy and resource efficiency, improved competitiveness and growth potential. Small and medium-sized enterprises with potential and motivation for energy and resource efficiency and circular economy can participate, but special tracks have been developed for companies in the construction and experience industry with the participation of strong industry actors. The project offers two possible business processes that depend on potentials and motivation for business development. Through intensive consultancy, 40 % of companies will develop a new business model based on circular principles focusing on value chain cooperation (circular business model). 60 % of the companies will optimise their business model (theme-specific business model) through networked processes within specific themes such as food waste, green logistics, environmentally-optimised packaging. All companies will be offered an energy check and a potential assessment. The development of the business models takes place with the assistance of consultants and is supported by the project’s partners, among other things through development workshops and theme-specific workshops and initiatives. Companies have the opportunity to seek investment support for implementing the green business model. Gate 21 is carrying out the project together with municipalities, industry organisations, knowledge partners and energy actors. The project partners have a high level of contact and knowledge of the companies and are partly professionally strong in specific areas of the green business model. There will be continuous and structured learning collection in the project with a focus on spreading and anchoring the efforts of the companies and project partners after the project period. The project also receives broad support from SME organisations, industry actors, value chain actors, additional municipalities and large companies that can support the diversification and anchoring of the project. The effects are quantified in relation to CO2, energy and resource efficiency improvements as well as qualitatively through learning and anchoring analysis at companies and partners. (English)
    12 October 2020
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