LAGs Subbrdsko — Operational and animation expenditure 2019-2023 (Q61861)

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Project in Czech Republic financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
LAGs Subbrdsko — Operational and animation expenditure 2019-2023
Project in Czech Republic financed by DG Regio


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    6,108,201.69 Czech koruna
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    244,328.0676 Euro
    1 October 2020
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    6,429,685.99 Czech koruna
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    257,187.4396 Euro
    1 October 2020
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    95.0 percent
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    1 September 2019
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    31 December 2023
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    49°31'44.0"N, 13°48'23.4"E
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    MAS Podbrdsko chce prací pro region udržet nastavené standardy MAS a naplňovat SCLLD MAS Podbrdsko po celou dobu programového období 2014-2020 a v návazných letech do roku 2023. MAS realizací tohoto projektu získá finanční prostředky na řídící a administrativní schopnosti MAS a na činnosti související s implementací Strategie MAS Podbrdsko pro roky 2019 až 2023. Náplní projektu jsou také aktivity spojené s animací škol a školských zařízení v OPVVV, tzv. šablony. (Czech)
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    MAs Podbrdsko wants to work for the region to maintain the set standards of LAGs and implement the SCLLD MAs Podbrdsko over the whole period of the 2014-2020 programming period and by 2023. In order to implement this project, LAGs will receive funding for the management and administrative capacity of LAGs and for activities related to the implementation of the LAGs Strategy Pobrdsko for the years 2019 to 2023. The project also includes activities connected with the schools and school facilities of the OPVVV, the so called templates. (English)
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