Knowledge and competence. Program of improving the quality of educational offer in primary schools of the municipality of Chojnów (Q97374)

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Project Q97374 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
Knowledge and competence. Program of improving the quality of educational offer in primary schools of the municipality of Chojnów
Project Q97374 in Poland


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    1,868,956.22 zloty
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    415,468.97 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    2,198,772.03 zloty
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    488,787.02 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    85.0 percent
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    3 September 2018
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    31 December 2020
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    51°14'28.64"N, 16°20'37.28"E
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    PROBLEM: Niesatysfakcjonujące wyniki nauczania oraz uzyskane przez uczniów na egzaminach zewnętrznych /Baza szkół niedostosowana do potrzeb nowoczesnego procesu dydaktycznegoCEL: Poprawa jakości procesu kształcenia w 6 dolnośląskich szkołach podstawowych ogólnokształcących z terenów wiejskich dla których organem prowadzącym jest Gmina Chojnów, umożliwiająca zwiększenie szans edukacyjnych uczniów poprzez wzrost ich kompetencji oraz wdrożenie przyjętych rozwiązań do praktyki szkółGRUPA: Projekt obejmuje wsparciem 225 uczennice i 247 uczniów i 87 n-li (K70) odpowiednio uczących się/pracujących w szkołach Gminy ChojnówZADANIA:Cel zostanie osiągnięty poprzez:-organizację zajęć rozszerzających podstawę programową-organizację zajęć dydaktyczno-wyrównawczych służących wyrównaniu dysproporcji w procesie kształcenia-organizację kółek zainteresowań rozwijających uzdolnienia uczniów i przyczyniających się do rozwoju kompetencji kluczowych-organizację zajęć pozaszkolnych rozwijających kompetencje kluczowe uczniów-organizację doradztwa i opieki PP, w tym dla uczniów o specjalnych potrzebach edukacyjnych-podniesienie kwalifikacji zawodowych nauczycieli-wyposażenie i doposażenie bazy dydaktycznej szkół/zgodnie z rekomendacjami MEN/w sprzęt i materiały niezbędne do prowadzenia zajęć przyczyniających się do rozwoju kompetencji kluczowychREZULTATY: Efektem projektu będzie nabycie przez uczniów i nauczycieli pożądanych kompetencji i kwalifikacji oraz podniesienie jakości kształcenia w szkołach Gminy ChojnówSkala działań prowadzonych przed rozpoczęciem realizacji projektu przez szkoły nie ulegnie zmniejszeniu w stosunku do skali działań prow.w okr.12m-cy poprzedzających rozpoczęcie realizacji projektu,oraz że nie obniży skali prowadzonych w tym okresie działań również w trakcie trwania projektu (Polish)
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    THE PROBLEM IS: Unsatisfactory teaching results and obtained by pupils on external examinations/Schoolbase not suited to the needs of modern teaching processCEL: Improving the quality of education in 6 Lower Silesian primary schools in general from rural areas for which the governing body is Chojnów Municipality, enabling students to improve their educational opportunities by increasing their competences and implementing the adopted solutions to the practice of schoolsGRUPA: The project includes the support of 225 pupils and 247 students and 87 n-li (K70) respectively learners/working in schools of ChojnówADAY:The objective will be achieved by:-organisation of classes extending the curriculum-organisation of teaching and equilibrium activities aimed at equalising the disparities in the learning base of teaching-organisation of vocational training centres of interests developing pupils’ skills and contributing to the development of key competences. The project will result in the acquisition by pupils and teachers of the desired competences and qualifications, as well as improving the quality of education in the schools of ChojnówThe scale of activities carried out before the start of the project by schools will not be reduced in relation to the scale of the activities carried out during the project. (English)
    15 October 2020
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    LE PROBLÈME EST: Résultats d’enseignement insatisfaisants obtenus par les élèves lors d’examens externes/base scolaire non adaptés aux besoins du processus d’enseignement moderneCEL: Amélioration de la qualité du processus éducatif dans 6 écoles primaires de Basse-Silésie de l’enseignement général des zones rurales dont l’autorité est la municipalité de Chojnów, permettant d’accroître les possibilités d’éducation des élèves en augmentant leurs compétences et en mettant en œuvre les solutions adoptées à la pratique des écolesGRUPA: The project includes support for 225 pupils and 247 pupils and 87 n-li (K70) appropriately learners/workers in schools of ChojnówZADANIA Municipality: The aim will be achieved by:-organising classes expanding the curriculum base-organisation of didactic and equalisation classes to compensate for disparities in the educational process-organisation of interest circles developing pupils’ talents and contributing to the development of key competences-organisation of out-of-school activities developing key competences of pupils-organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommanding of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipplies and equipping with the necessary training/recommotement of the key competences of the schools/organisation of the training and training facilities, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for Le résultat du projet sera l’acquisition par les élèves et les enseignants des compétences et qualifications souhaitées et l’amélioration de la qualité de l’enseignement dans les écoles de la municipalité de Chojnów. (French)
    1 December 2021
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    DAS PROBLEM IST: Unbefriedigende Lehrergebnisse und erzielt von Schülern in externen Prüfungen/Schulbasis nicht an die Bedürfnisse des modernen Lehrprozesses angepasstCEL: Verbesserung der Qualität des Bildungsprozesses in 6 niederschlesischen Grundschulen der allgemeinen Bildung aus ländlichen Gebieten, für die die Gemeinde Chojnów zuständig ist, wodurch die Bildungschancen der Schüler erhöht werden können, indem sie ihre Kompetenzen erweitern und die angenommenen Lösungen für die Praxis der Schulen umsetzenGRUPA: The project includes support for 225 pupils and 247 pupils and 87 n-li (K70) appropriately learners/workers in schools of ChojnówZADANIA Municipality: The aim will be achieved by:-organising classes expanding the curriculum base-organisation of didactic and equalisation classes to compensate for disparities in the educational process-organisation of interest circles developing pupils’ talents and contributing to the development of key competences-organisation of out-of-school activities developing key competences of pupils-organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommanding of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipplies and equipping with the necessary training/recommotement of the key competences of the schools/organisation of the training and training facilities, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for Das Ergebnis des Projekts wird der Erwerb der gewünschten Kompetenzen und Qualifikationen durch die Schüler und Lehrer sein und die Verbesserung der Qualität der Bildung in den Schulen der Gemeinde ChojnówSkala Aktivitäten, die vor Beginn des Projekts von den Schulen durchgeführt werden, werden in Bezug auf das Ausmaß der Aktivitäten, die in Bezug auf den Umfang der Maßnahmen im 12. Jahrhundert vor Beginn des Projekts durchgeführt werden, nicht abnehmen, und dass es das Ausmaß der während dieses Zeitraums auch während der Projektlaufzeit durchgeführten Aktivitäten nicht verringern wird. (German)
    7 December 2021
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    HET PROBLEEM IS: Onbevredigende onderwijsresultaten en verkregen door leerlingen in externe examens/Schoolbasis die niet zijn aangepast aan de behoeften van het moderne onderwijsprocesCEL: Verbetering van de kwaliteit van het onderwijsproces in 6 lager-Silezische basisscholen voor algemeen onderwijs uit plattelandsgebieden waarvoor de gemeente Chojnów bevoegd is, waardoor de onderwijskansen van leerlingen kunnen worden vergroot door hun competenties te vergroten en de toegepaste oplossingen voor de praktijk van scholenGRUPA toe te passen: The project includes support for 225 pupils and 247 pupils and 87 n-li (K70) appropriately learners/workers in schools of ChojnówZADANIA Municipality: The aim will be achieved by:-organising classes expanding the curriculum base-organisation of didactic and equalisation classes to compensate for disparities in the educational process-organisation of interest circles developing pupils’ talents and contributing to the development of key competences-organisation of out-of-school activities developing key competences of pupils-organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommanding of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipplies and equipping with the necessary training/recommotement of the key competences of the schools/organisation of the training and training facilities, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for Het resultaat van het project is de verwerving door leerlingen en docenten van de gewenste competenties en kwalificaties en het verhogen van de kwaliteit van het onderwijs in de scholen van de gemeente ChojnówSkala die vóór de start van het project door de scholen worden uitgevoerd, zal niet afnemen ten opzichte van de omvang van de activiteiten die in de 12e eeuw voorafgaand aan de start van het project zijn uitgevoerd, en dat het de omvang van de tijdens deze periode uitgevoerde activiteiten niet zal verminderen, ook tijdens de looptijd van het project. (Dutch)
    16 December 2021
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    IL PROBLEMA È: Risultati di insegnamento insoddisfacenti e ottenuti dagli alunni in esami esterni/base scolastica non adattati alle esigenze del moderno processo didatticoCEL: Migliorare la qualità del processo educativo in 6 scuole primarie della Bassa Slesia di istruzione generale provenienti dalle zone rurali per le quali l'autorità è il Comune di Chojnów, consentendo di aumentare le opportunità educative degli alunni aumentando le loro competenze e implementando le soluzioni adottate per la pratica delle scuoleGRUPA: The project includes support for 225 pupils and 247 pupils and 87 n-li (K70) appropriately learners/workers in schools of ChojnówZADANIA Municipality: The aim will be achieved by:-organising classes expanding the curriculum base-organisation of didactic and equalisation classes to compensate for disparities in the educational process-organisation of interest circles developing pupils’ talents and contributing to the development of key competences-organisation of out-of-school activities developing key competences of pupils-organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommanding of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipplies and equipping with the necessary training/recommotement of the key competences of the schools/organisation of the training and training facilities, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for Il risultato del progetto sarà l'acquisizione da parte di alunni e insegnanti delle competenze e delle qualifiche desiderate e l'aumento della qualità dell'istruzione nelle scuole del comune di ChojnówSkala attività svolte prima dell'inizio del progetto da parte delle scuole non diminuirà in relazione alla portata delle attività svolte in relazione alla portata delle misure nel XII secolo precedente l'inizio del progetto, e che non ridurrà la portata delle attività svolte durante questo periodo anche durante la durata del progetto. (Italian)
    16 January 2022
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    EL PROBLEMA ES: Resultados insatisfactorios de la enseñanza y obtenidos por los alumnos en exámenes externos/base escolar no adaptadas a las necesidades del proceso de enseñanza moderno CEL: Mejorar la calidad del proceso educativo en 6 escuelas primarias de educación general de las zonas rurales de Baja Silesia, cuya autoridad es el municipio de Chojnów, lo que permite aumentar las oportunidades educativas de los alumnos mediante el aumento de sus competencias y la aplicación de las soluciones adoptadas a la práctica de las escuelasGRUPA: The project includes support for 225 pupils and 247 pupils and 87 n-li (K70) appropriately learners/workers in schools of ChojnówZADANIA Municipality: The aim will be achieved by:-organising classes expanding the curriculum base-organisation of didactic and equalisation classes to compensate for disparities in the educational process-organisation of interest circles developing pupils’ talents and contributing to the development of key competences-organisation of out-of-school activities developing key competences of pupils-organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommanding of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipplies and equipping with the necessary training/recommotement of the key competences of the schools/organisation of the training and training facilities, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for El resultado del proyecto será la adquisición por parte de alumnos y profesores de las competencias y cualificaciones deseadas y el aumento de la calidad de la educación en las escuelas del Municipio de ChojnówSkala las actividades realizadas antes del inicio del proyecto por las escuelas no disminuirán en relación con la escala de actividades realizadas en relación con la escala de las medidas en el siglo XII anterior al inicio del proyecto, y que no reducirá la escala de las actividades realizadas durante este período también durante la duración del proyecto. (Spanish)
    20 January 2022
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    PROBLEEM ON SELLES: Ebarahuldavad õpetamistulemused, mille õpilased on saanud väliseksamitel/koolibaasil, mis ei ole kohandatud kaasaegse õpetamisprotsessi vajadustele: Haridusprotsessi kvaliteedi parandamine kuues Alam-Sileesia üldhariduskoolis maapiirkondadest, mille ametiasutus on Chojnówi vald, võimaldades suurendada õpilaste haridusvõimalusi, suurendades nende pädevust ja rakendades koolide praktikale vastu võetud lahendusiGRUPA: The project includes support for 225 pupils and 247 pupils and 87 n-li (K70) appropriately learners/workers in schools of ChojnówZADANIA Municipality: The aim will be achieved by:-organising classes expanding the curriculum base-organisation of didactic and equalisation classes to compensate for disparities in the educational process-organisation of interest circles developing pupils’ talents and contributing to the development of key competences-organisation of out-of-school activities developing key competences of pupils-organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommanding of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipplies and equipping with the necessary training/recommotement of the key competences of the schools/organisation of the training and training facilities, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for Projekti tulemuseks on soovitud pädevuste ja kvalifikatsioonide omandamine õpilaste ja õpetajate poolt ning kooli poolt Chojnówi valla Skala koolides enne projekti algust elluviidud tegevuste kvaliteedi tõstmine võrreldes meetmete ulatusega 12. sajandil enne projekti algust ning et see ei vähenda selle perioodi jooksul elluviidavate tegevuste ulatust ka projekti kestuse ajal. (Estonian)
    13 August 2022
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    PROBLEMA YRA TOKIA: Nepatenkinami mokymo rezultatai, kuriuos mokiniai gauna per išorinius egzaminus/mokyklos bazę, kuri nėra pritaikyta šiuolaikinio mokymo proceso poreikiamsCEL: Gerinti švietimo proceso kokybę 6 Žemutinės Silezijos bendrojo ugdymo pradinėse mokyklose iš kaimo vietovių, kurioms institucija yra Chojnów savivaldybė, suteikiant galimybę padidinti mokinių švietimo galimybes didinant jų kompetencijas ir įgyvendinant priimtus mokyklų praktikos sprendimusGRUPA: The project includes support for 225 pupils and 247 pupils and 87 n-li (K70) appropriately learners/workers in schools of ChojnówZADANIA Municipality: The aim will be achieved by:-organising classes expanding the curriculum base-organisation of didactic and equalisation classes to compensate for disparities in the educational process-organisation of interest circles developing pupils’ talents and contributing to the development of key competences-organisation of out-of-school activities developing key competences of pupils-organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommanding of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipplies and equipping with the necessary training/recommotement of the key competences of the schools/organisation of the training and training facilities, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for Projekto rezultatas – mokinių ir mokytojų pageidaujamų kompetencijų ir kvalifikacijų įgijimas, švietimo kokybės gerinimas Chojnów savivaldybės mokykloseSkalos veikla, vykdoma iki projekto pradžios, nesumažės, palyginti su veiklų, vykdytų pagal priemonių mastą 12-ajame amžiuje iki projekto pradžios, mastu, ir kad tai nesumažins šiuo laikotarpiu vykdomos veiklos masto ir projekto vykdymo laikotarpiu. (Lithuanian)
    13 August 2022
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    PROBLEM JE: Nezadovoljavajući rezultati nastave i dobiveni od učenika na vanjskim ispitima/Školska baza nije prilagođena potrebama suvremenog nastavnog procesaZEL: Poboljšanje kvalitete obrazovnog procesa u 6 Donja Šleska osnovnih škola općeg obrazovanja iz ruralnih područja za koje je nadležno općina Chojnów, čime se povećavaju obrazovne mogućnosti učenika povećanjem njihovih kompetencija i primjenom usvojenih rješenja za praksu školaGRUPA: The project includes support for 225 pupils and 247 pupils and 87 n-li (K70) appropriately learners/workers in schools of ChojnówZADANIA Municipality: The aim will be achieved by:-organising classes expanding the curriculum base-organisation of didactic and equalisation classes to compensate for disparities in the educational process-organisation of interest circles developing pupils’ talents and contributing to the development of key competences-organisation of out-of-school activities developing key competences of pupils-organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommanding of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipplies and equipping with the necessary training/recommotement of the key competences of the schools/organisation of the training and training facilities, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for Rezultat projekta bit će stjecanje željenih kompetencija i kvalifikacija od strane učenika i nastavnika te povećanje kvalitete obrazovanja u školama Općine Chojnów Skala aktivnosti koje škole provode prije početka projekta neće se smanjivati u odnosu na opseg aktivnosti provedenih u odnosu na opseg mjera u 12. stoljeću prije početka projekta, te da se njime neće smanjiti opseg aktivnosti provedenih tijekom tog razdoblja i za vrijeme trajanja projekta. (Croatian)
    13 August 2022
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    ΤΟ ΠΡΌΒΛΗΜΑ ΕΊΝΑΙ: Μη ικανοποιητικά αποτελέσματα διδασκαλίας και που λαμβάνονται από μαθητές σε εξωτερικές εξετάσεις/Σχολική βάση που δεν είναι προσαρμοσμένη στις ανάγκες της σύγχρονης διδακτικής διαδικασίαςCEL: Βελτίωση της ποιότητας της εκπαιδευτικής διαδικασίας σε 6 δημοτικά σχολεία της Κάτω Σιλεσίας γενικής εκπαίδευσης από αγροτικές περιοχές για τις οποίες η αρχή είναι ο Δήμος Chojnów, επιτρέποντας την αύξηση των εκπαιδευτικών ευκαιριών των μαθητών αυξάνοντας τις ικανότητές τους και εφαρμόζοντας τις εγκεκριμένες λύσεις στην πρακτική των σχολείωνGRUPA: The project includes support for 225 pupils and 247 pupils and 87 n-li (K70) appropriately learners/workers in schools of ChojnówZADANIA Municipality: The aim will be achieved by:-organising classes expanding the curriculum base-organisation of didactic and equalisation classes to compensate for disparities in the educational process-organisation of interest circles developing pupils’ talents and contributing to the development of key competences-organisation of out-of-school activities developing key competences of pupils-organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommanding of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipplies and equipping with the necessary training/recommotement of the key competences of the schools/organisation of the training and training facilities, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for Το αποτέλεσμα του έργου θα είναι η απόκτηση από τους μαθητές και τους εκπαιδευτικούς των επιθυμητών ικανοτήτων και προσόντων και η βελτίωση της ποιότητας της εκπαίδευσης στα σχολεία του Δήμου Chojnów, οι οποίες πραγματοποιήθηκαν πριν από την έναρξη του έργου από τα σχολεία, δεν θα μειωθεί σε σχέση με την κλίμακα των δραστηριοτήτων που διεξάγονται σε σχέση με την κλίμακα των μέτρων του 12ου αιώνα πριν από την έναρξη του έργου και ότι δεν θα μειώσει την κλίμακα των δραστηριοτήτων που διεξάγονται κατά τη διάρκεια αυτής της περιόδου και κατά τη διάρκεια του έργου. (Greek)
    13 August 2022
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    PROBLÉMOM JE: Neuspokojivé výsledky výučby získané žiakmi v externých skúškach/školská základňa nie je prispôsobená potrebám moderného vyučovacieho procesuCEL: Zlepšenie kvality vzdelávacieho procesu na 6 základných školách všeobecného vzdelávania dolného Sliezska z vidieckych oblastí, pre ktoré je orgánom obec Chojnów, čo umožňuje zvýšiť vzdelávacie príležitosti žiakov zvýšením ich kompetencií a implementáciou prijatých riešení praxe škôlGRUPA: The project includes support for 225 pupils and 247 pupils and 87 n-li (K70) appropriately learners/workers in schools of ChojnówZADANIA Municipality: The aim will be achieved by:-organising classes expanding the curriculum base-organisation of didactic and equalisation classes to compensate for disparities in the educational process-organisation of interest circles developing pupils’ talents and contributing to the development of key competences-organisation of out-of-school activities developing key competences of pupils-organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommanding of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipplies and equipping with the necessary training/recommotement of the key competences of the schools/organisation of the training and training facilities, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for Výsledkom projektu bude získanie požadovaných kompetencií a kvalifikácií žiakmi a učiteľmi a zvýšenie kvality vzdelávania v školách obce ChojnówSkala, ktoré školy vykonávajú pred začatím projektu, pokiaľ ide o rozsah činností vykonávaných v súvislosti s rozsahom opatrení v 12. storočí pred začiatkom projektu, a že neznižuje rozsah činností vykonávaných počas tohto obdobia ani počas trvania projektu. (Slovak)
    13 August 2022
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    ONGELMANA ON: Epätyydyttäviä opetustuloksia, jotka oppilaat ovat saavuttaneet ulkoisissa tenteissä/koulupohjassa, jota ei ole mukautettu nykyaikaisen opetusprosessin tarpeisiinCEL: Koulutuksen laadun parantaminen kuudessa ala-Sleesian peruskoulussa, jotka ovat peräisin maaseutualueilta, joiden viranomainen on Chojnówin kunta, mikä mahdollistaa oppilaiden koulutusmahdollisuuksien lisäämisen lisäämällä heidän osaamistaan ja soveltamalla koulujen käytäntöihin hyväksyttyjä ratkaisujaGRUPA: The project includes support for 225 pupils and 247 pupils and 87 n-li (K70) appropriately learners/workers in schools of ChojnówZADANIA Municipality: The aim will be achieved by:-organising classes expanding the curriculum base-organisation of didactic and equalisation classes to compensate for disparities in the educational process-organisation of interest circles developing pupils’ talents and contributing to the development of key competences-organisation of out-of-school activities developing key competences of pupils-organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommanding of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipplies and equipping with the necessary training/recommotement of the key competences of the schools/organisation of the training and training facilities, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for Hankkeen tuloksena oppilaat ja opettajat hankkivat halutun pätevyyden ja pätevyyden ja parantavat Chojnówin kunnan kouluissa ennen hankkeen aloittamista harjoitetun koulutuksen laatua suhteessa hankkeen käynnistämistä edeltäneeseen 1200-luvun toimenpiteiden laajuuteen, eikä se vähennä tämän ajanjakson aikana toteutettujen toimien laajuutta myös hankkeen keston aikana. (Finnish)
    13 August 2022
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    A PROBLÉMA A KÖVETKEZŐ: Nem kielégítő tanítási eredmények és a tanulók által a külső vizsgákon/Oktatási alap nem alkalmazkodott a modern tanítási folyamatCEL: Az oktatási folyamat minőségének javítása 6 alsó-sziléziai általános iskolában a vidéki területekről, ahol a hatóság Chojnów önkormányzata, lehetővé téve a tanulók oktatási lehetőségeinek növelését kompetenciáik növelésével és az iskolák gyakorlatára vonatkozóan elfogadott megoldások megvalósításávalGRUPA: The project includes support for 225 pupils and 247 pupils and 87 n-li (K70) appropriately learners/workers in schools of ChojnówZADANIA Municipality: The aim will be achieved by:-organising classes expanding the curriculum base-organisation of didactic and equalisation classes to compensate for disparities in the educational process-organisation of interest circles developing pupils’ talents and contributing to the development of key competences-organisation of out-of-school activities developing key competences of pupils-organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommanding of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipplies and equipping with the necessary training/recommotement of the key competences of the schools/organisation of the training and training facilities, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for A projekt eredményeként a tanulók és a tanárok megszerezték a kívánt kompetenciákat és képesítéseket, és javítják a Chojnów Önkormányzati Önkormányzat iskoláiban az oktatás minőségét az iskolák által a projekt megkezdése előtt végzett tevékenységek nagyságrendjéhez képest nem csökkennek a projekt kezdetét megelőző 12. századi intézkedések nagyságrendjéhez képest, és nem csökkenti az ebben az időszakban végzett tevékenységek nagyságrendjét a projekt időtartama alatt is. (Hungarian)
    13 August 2022
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    PROBLÉM JE V TOM, ŽE: Neuspokojivé výsledky výuky získané žáky v externích zkouškách/školní základně, která není přizpůsobena potřebám moderního výukového procesuCEL: Zlepšení kvality vzdělávacího procesu v 6 nižších základních školách všeobecného vzdělávání z venkovských oblastí, pro něž je orgánem obce Chojnów, což umožňuje zvýšit vzdělávací příležitosti žáků zvýšením jejich kompetencí a prováděním přijatých řešení pro praxi školGRUPA: The project includes support for 225 pupils and 247 pupils and 87 n-li (K70) appropriately learners/workers in schools of ChojnówZADANIA Municipality: The aim will be achieved by:-organising classes expanding the curriculum base-organisation of didactic and equalisation classes to compensate for disparities in the educational process-organisation of interest circles developing pupils’ talents and contributing to the development of key competences-organisation of out-of-school activities developing key competences of pupils-organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommanding of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipplies and equipping with the necessary training/recommotement of the key competences of the schools/organisation of the training and training facilities, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for Výsledkem projektu bude získání požadovaných kompetencí a kvalifikací žáky a učiteli a zvýšení kvality vzdělávání ve školách města ChojnówSkala prováděné před zahájením projektu školami nebude klesat ve vztahu k rozsahu činností prováděných ve vztahu k rozsahu opatření ve 12. století předcházejícím zahájení projektu a že nebude zmenšovat rozsah činností prováděných v tomto období ani po dobu trvání projektu. (Czech)
    13 August 2022
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    PROBLĒMA IR ŠĀDA: Neapmierinoši mācību rezultāti, ko skolēni ieguvuši ārējos eksāmenos/skolu bāzē, kas nav pielāgota mūsdienu mācību procesa vajadzībāmCEL: Izglītības procesa kvalitātes uzlabošana 6 Lejassilēzijas vispārējās izglītības pamatskolās no lauku apvidiem, kuros iestāde ir Chojnów pašvaldība, ļaujot palielināt skolēnu izglītības iespējas, palielinot viņu kompetences un īstenojot pieņemtos risinājumus skolu prakseiGRUPA: The project includes support for 225 pupils and 247 pupils and 87 n-li (K70) appropriately learners/workers in schools of ChojnówZADANIA Municipality: The aim will be achieved by:-organising classes expanding the curriculum base-organisation of didactic and equalisation classes to compensate for disparities in the educational process-organisation of interest circles developing pupils’ talents and contributing to the development of key competences-organisation of out-of-school activities developing key competences of pupils-organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommanding of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipplies and equipping with the necessary training/recommotement of the key competences of the schools/organisation of the training and training facilities, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for Projekta rezultātā skolēni un skolotāji apgūs vēlamās kompetences un kvalifikācijas un paaugstinās izglītības kvalitāti Chojnów pašvaldības skolāsSkalas aktivitātes, kas veiktas pirms projekta uzsākšanas skolās, nesamazināsies salīdzinājumā ar veikto pasākumu apjomu 12. gadsimtā pirms projekta sākuma un nesamazina šajā periodā veikto darbību mērogu arī projekta īstenošanas laikā. (Latvian)
    13 August 2022
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    IS É AN FHADHB NÁ: Torthaí teagaisc míshásúla a fhaigheann daltaí i scrúduithe seachtracha/bunáit scoile nach bhfuil curtha in oiriúint do riachtanais an phróisis nua-aimseartha teagaiscCEL: Feabhas a chur ar cháilíocht an phróisis oideachais i 6 bhunscoil Shíoda Íochtarach d’oideachas ginearálta ó cheantair thuaithe arb é Bardas Chojnów an t-údarás ina leith, rud a fhágann gur féidir deiseanna oideachais na ndaltaí a mhéadú trína n-inniúlachtaí a mhéadú agus trí na réitigh a glacadh maidir le cleachtas na scoileannaGRUPA a chur i bhfeidhm: The project includes support for 225 pupils and 247 pupils and 87 n-li (K70) appropriately learners/workers in schools of ChojnówZADANIA Municipality: The aim will be achieved by:-organising classes expanding the curriculum base-organisation of didactic and equalisation classes to compensate for disparities in the educational process-organisation of interest circles developing pupils’ talents and contributing to the development of key competences-organisation of out-of-school activities developing key competences of pupils-organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommanding of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipplies and equipping with the necessary training/recommotement of the key competences of the schools/organisation of the training and training facilities, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for Is é toradh an tionscadail ná na hinniúlachtaí agus na cáilíochtaí atá ag teastáil a bheith á bhfáil ag daltaí agus ag múinteoirí agus cáilíocht an oideachais a mhéadú i scoileanna ghníomhaíochtaí Chojnów BardasSkala a rinne na scoileanna roimh thús an tionscadail, ní laghdóidh sé i ndáil le scála na ngníomhaíochtaí a rinneadh i ndáil le scála na mbeart sa 12a haois roimh thús an tionscadail, agus nach laghdóidh sé scála na ngníomhaíochtaí a rinneadh le linn na tréimhse seo freisin le linn ré an tionscadail. (Irish)
    13 August 2022
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    TEŽAVA JE V: Nezadovoljivi rezultati poučevanja, ki so jih pridobili učenci na zunanjih izpitih/šolska baza, ki niso prilagojeni potrebam sodobnega učnega procesaCEL: Izboljšanje kakovosti izobraževalnega procesa v 6 nižjih šlezijskih osnovnih šolah splošnega izobraževanja s podeželja, za katere je pristojna občina Chojnów, kar omogoča povečanje izobraževalnih možnosti učencev s povečanjem njihovih kompetenc in izvajanjem sprejetih rešitev za prakso šolGRUPA: The project includes support for 225 pupils and 247 pupils and 87 n-li (K70) appropriately learners/workers in schools of ChojnówZADANIA Municipality: The aim will be achieved by:-organising classes expanding the curriculum base-organisation of didactic and equalisation classes to compensate for disparities in the educational process-organisation of interest circles developing pupils’ talents and contributing to the development of key competences-organisation of out-of-school activities developing key competences of pupils-organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommanding of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipplies and equipping with the necessary training/recommotement of the key competences of the schools/organisation of the training and training facilities, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for Rezultat projekta bo pridobivanje želenih kompetenc in kvalifikacij s strani učencev in učiteljev ter povečanje kakovosti izobraževanja v šolah občine ChojnówSkala, ki so ga šole izvajale pred začetkom projekta, ne bo padel glede na obseg aktivnosti, ki so se izvajale glede na obseg ukrepov v 12. stoletju pred začetkom projekta, in da tudi v času trajanja projekta ne bo zmanjšal obsega aktivnosti, ki se izvajajo v tem obdobju. (Slovenian)
    13 August 2022
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    ПРОБЛЕМЪТ Е: Незадоволителни резултати от преподаването и получени от учениците на външни изпити/Училищна база, които не са адаптирани към нуждите на съвременния процес на преподаванeCEL: Подобряване на качеството на образователния процес в 6 Долносилезийски начални училища за общо образование от селските райони, за които органът е Община Чойнов, което дава възможност за увеличаване на образователните възможности на учениците чрез увеличаване на техните компетенции и прилагане на приетите решения за практиката на училищатаГРУПА: The project includes support for 225 pupils and 247 pupils and 87 n-li (K70) appropriately learners/workers in schools of ChojnówZADANIA Municipality: The aim will be achieved by:-organising classes expanding the curriculum base-organisation of didactic and equalisation classes to compensate for disparities in the educational process-organisation of interest circles developing pupils’ talents and contributing to the development of key competences-organisation of out-of-school activities developing key competences of pupils-organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommanding of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipplies and equipping with the necessary training/recommotement of the key competences of the schools/organisation of the training and training facilities, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for Резултатът от проекта ще бъде придобиването от ученици и учители на желаните компетентности и квалификации и повишаването на качеството на образованието в училищата на община Чойнов, извършвани преди началото на проекта от училищата, няма да намалее спрямо мащаба на дейностите, извършвани във връзка с мащаба на мерките през 12-и век, предшестващ началото на проекта, и че няма да намали мащаба на дейностите, извършвани през този период, и по време на продължителността на проекта. (Bulgarian)
    13 August 2022
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    IL-PROBLEMA HIJA: Riżultati tat-tagħlim mhux sodisfaċenti u miksuba mill-istudenti f’eżamijiet esterni/Bażi tal-iskola mhux adattata għall-ħtiġijiet tal-proċess tat-tagħlim modernCEL: It-titjib tal-kwalità tal-proċess tal-edukazzjoni f’6 skejjel primarji Sileżjani t’Isfel tal-edukazzjoni ġenerali minn żoni rurali li għalihom l-awtorità hija l-Muniċipalità ta’ Chojnów, li jippermetti li jiżdiedu l-opportunitajiet edukattivi tal-istudenti billi jiżdiedu l-kompetenzi tagħhom u jiġu implimentati s-soluzzjonijiet adottati għall-prattika tal-schoolGRUPA: The project includes support for 225 pupils and 247 pupils and 87 n-li (K70) appropriately learners/workers in schools of ChojnówZADANIA Municipality: The aim will be achieved by:-organising classes expanding the curriculum base-organisation of didactic and equalisation classes to compensate for disparities in the educational process-organisation of interest circles developing pupils’ talents and contributing to the development of key competences-organisation of out-of-school activities developing key competences of pupils-organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommanding of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipplies and equipping with the necessary training/recommotement of the key competences of the schools/organisation of the training and training facilities, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for Ir-riżultat tal-proġett se jkun l-akkwist mill-istudenti u l-għalliema tal-kompetenzi u l-kwalifiki mixtieqa u ż-żieda fil-kwalità tal-edukazzjoni fl-iskejjel tal-attivitajiet tal-Muniċipalità ta’ Chojnów imwettqa qabel il-bidu tal-proġett mill-iskejjel mhux se jonqos fir-rigward tal-iskala tal-attivitajiet imwettqa fir-rigward tal-iskala tal-miżuri fit-12-il seklu qabel il-bidu tal-proġett, u li mhux se jnaqqas l-iskala tal-attivitajiet imwettqa matul dan il-perjodu wkoll matul il-proġett. (Maltese)
    13 August 2022
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    O PROBLEMA É: Resultados pedagógicos insatisfatórios e obtidos pelos alunos em exames externos/base escolar não adequada às necessidades do processo de ensino moderno CEL: Melhorar a qualidade do ensino em 6 escolas primárias da Baixa Silésia em geral das zonas rurais para as quais o órgão dirigente é o município de Chojnów, permitindo que os alunos melhorem as suas oportunidades educativas através do aumento das suas competências e da aplicação das soluções adotadas para a prática das escolasGRUPA: O projeto inclui o apoio de 225 alunos e 247 alunos e 87 alunos (K70), respetivamente, aprendentes/trabalhadores nas escolas de ChojnówADAY:O objetivo será alcançado através da:-organização de turmas que alarguem o currículo-organização de atividades de ensino e equilíbrio destinadas a igualar as disparidades na base de aprendizagem do ensino-organização de centros de formação profissional de interesses que desenvolvam as competências dos alunos e contribuam para o desenvolvimento de competências essenciais. O projeto resultará na aquisição pelos alunos e professores das competências e qualificações desejadas, bem como na melhoria da qualidade do ensino nas escolas de Chojnów. A escala das atividades realizadas antes do início do projeto pelas escolas não será reduzida em relação à escala das atividades realizadas durante o projeto. (Portuguese)
    13 August 2022
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    PROBLEMET ER: Utilfredsstillende undervisningsresultater og opnået af elever i eksterne eksamener/skolebase ikke tilpasset behovene i moderne undervisningsprocesCEL: Forbedring af kvaliteten af uddannelsesprocessen i 6 nedre Schlesiske grundskoler for almen uddannelse fra landdistrikter, hvor myndigheden er Chojnów kommune, hvilket gør det muligt at øge elevernes uddannelsesmuligheder ved at øge deres kompetencer og gennemføre de vedtagne løsninger på skolernes praksisGRUPA: The project includes support for 225 pupils and 247 pupils and 87 n-li (K70) appropriately learners/workers in schools of ChojnówZADANIA Municipality: The aim will be achieved by:-organising classes expanding the curriculum base-organisation of didactic and equalisation classes to compensate for disparities in the educational process-organisation of interest circles developing pupils’ talents and contributing to the development of key competences-organisation of out-of-school activities developing key competences of pupils-organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommanding of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipplies and equipping with the necessary training/recommotement of the key competences of the schools/organisation of the training and training facilities, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for Resultatet af projektet vil være, at elever og lærere erhverver de ønskede kompetencer og kvalifikationer og øger kvaliteten af undervisningen i skolerne i Chojnów MunicipalitySkala-aktiviteter, der gennemføres før projektets start af skolerne, vil ikke falde i forhold til omfanget af de aktiviteter, der gennemføres i forhold til foranstaltningernes omfang i det 12. århundrede forud for projektets start, og at det ikke vil reducere omfanget af de aktiviteter, der gennemføres i denne periode, også i løbet af projektets varighed. (Danish)
    13 August 2022
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    PROBLEMA ESTE: Rezultate nesatisfăcătoare ale predării și obținute de elevi la examene externe/bază școlară neadaptată la nevoile procesului de predare modern CEL: Îmbunătățirea calității procesului educațional în 6 școli primare din Silezia Inferioară de învățământ general din zonele rurale pentru care autoritatea este municipalitatea Chojnów, permițând creșterea oportunităților educaționale ale elevilor prin creșterea competențelor acestora și implementarea soluțiilor adoptate pentru practica școlilorGRUPA: The project includes support for 225 pupils and 247 pupils and 87 n-li (K70) appropriately learners/workers in schools of ChojnówZADANIA Municipality: The aim will be achieved by:-organising classes expanding the curriculum base-organisation of didactic and equalisation classes to compensate for disparities in the educational process-organisation of interest circles developing pupils’ talents and contributing to the development of key competences-organisation of out-of-school activities developing key competences of pupils-organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommanding of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipplies and equipping with the necessary training/recommotement of the key competences of the schools/organisation of the training and training facilities, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for Rezultatul proiectului va fi dobândirea de către elevi și profesori a competențelor și calificărilor dorite și creșterea calității educației în școlile din municipalitatea Chojnów, activitățile desfășurate înainte de începerea proiectului de către școli nu vor scădea în raport cu amploarea activităților desfășurate în legătură cu amploarea măsurilor din secolul al XII-lea care precedă începerea proiectului și că nu va reduce amploarea activităților desfășurate în această perioadă și pe durata proiectului. (Romanian)
    13 August 2022
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    PROBLEMET ÄR: Otillfredsställande undervisningsresultat och erhållna av elever i externa tentor/Skolbas som inte är anpassade till behoven i modern undervisningsprocessCEL: Förbättra kvaliteten på utbildningsprocessen i 6 låg-silesiska grundskolor för allmän utbildning från landsbygdsområden för vilka myndigheten är Chojnóws kommun, vilket gör det möjligt att öka elevernas utbildningsmöjligheter genom att öka deras kompetens och genomföra de antagna lösningarna för praktiken av skolorGRUPA: The project includes support for 225 pupils and 247 pupils and 87 n-li (K70) appropriately learners/workers in schools of ChojnówZADANIA Municipality: The aim will be achieved by:-organising classes expanding the curriculum base-organisation of didactic and equalisation classes to compensate for disparities in the educational process-organisation of interest circles developing pupils’ talents and contributing to the development of key competences-organisation of out-of-school activities developing key competences of pupils-organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommanding of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipplies and equipping with the necessary training/recommotement of the key competences of the schools/organisation of the training and training facilities, including for pupils with special educational needs-to improve the professional qualifications of teachers, equipping and equipping the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for pupils with special educational needs-up of the professional qualifications of teachers-equipment and equipping with the necessary training base/recommendation of the key competences of the schools/organisation of PP counselling and care, including for Projektets resultat kommer att vara elevernas och lärarnas förvärv av de önskade kompetenserna och kvalifikationerna och höja kvaliteten på utbildningen i skolorna i Chojnów kommunSkala-verksamheter som genomförts innan projektet inleddes av skolorna kommer inte att minska i förhållande till omfattningen av de verksamheter som genomförts i förhållande till omfattningen av åtgärderna under det 12:a århundradet före projektets början, och att det inte kommer att minska omfattningen av de aktiviteter som utförts under denna period även under projektets löptid. (Swedish)
    13 August 2022
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    WOJ.: DOLNOŚLĄSKIE, POW.: legnicki
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    24 May 2023
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