Rehabilitation and modernisation of marginalised areas ZUM 1 — Carpathians and ZUM 2 — Welfare to increase quality of life (Q4609466)

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Project Q4609466 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Rehabilitation and modernisation of marginalised areas ZUM 1 — Carpathians and ZUM 2 — Welfare to increase quality of life
Project Q4609466 in Romania


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    7,565,489.5 Romanian Leu
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    1,513,097.9000000001 Euro
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    7,963,673.0 Romanian Leu
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    1,592,734.6 Euro
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    95.00000188355298 percent
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    10 October 2019
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    31 December 2023
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    municipiul caracal
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    44°23'41.60"N, 26°2'54.85"E
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    Reabilitarea și modernizarea zonelor marginalizate ZUM 1 - Carpați și ZUM 2 - Fânărie în vederea creșterii calității vieții și reducerea numărului de persoane aflate în risc de sărăcie și excluziune socială. In cadrul acestui proiect se urmareste reducerea numarului de persoane aflate in risc de sărăcie și excluziune socială prin acțiuni integrate care vizează intervenții în infrastructura sociala (construirea Centrului Comunitar Integrat în care vor fi amenajate o locuinta de urgenta pentru victimele violentei in familie, un spatiu dotat cu dusuri si masini de spalat la care sa aiba acces copiii din cele doua zone marginalizate), infrastructura de educatie ( modernizarea terenurilor de sport de la doua unitati de invatamant din Municipiul Caracal la care au acces copii din zonele marginalizate, amenajarea unei gradinite cu 2 clase in CCI), infrastructura privind amenajarea spatiului urban degradat ( amenajarea spatiului din zona celor doua blocuri situate pe strada Carpati 73 si modernizarea instalatiilor de apa si canal, precum si bransarea la reteaua de gaze naturale), infrastructura rutiera ( modernizarea unui numar de 1504 m de străzi din cele doua zone marginalizate). Prezentul obiectiv de investitii se va realiza in cele doua Zone Urbane Marginalizate identificate conform SDL Gal Inima Romanațiului și incluse in Atlasul Zonelor Marginalizate în urma recensământului efectuat de Banca Mondială: - ZUM 1 Carpati - zona de tip ghetou cu blocuri / zone de tip ghetou in foste colonii de muncitori - Strada Carpati 73 și 73 A - ZUM 2 Fanarie - zone de tip mahala cu case/ zone de tip mahala cu locuinte improvizate/ zone de locuinte sociale sau cladiri ocupate abuziv in zone istorice: str. Negru Voda, nr.15; Drumul Viilor;str. Viilor; Aleea Carpati, Str. Dezrobirii, Str. Ion Neculce, Fundatura Ion Neculce, Str. Tepeș Vodă, Str. Poporului, Str. Bistriței, Str. Înfrățirii, Str. Petre Puican, Str. Walter Mărăcineanu, str. Contemporanul, str. Romaniței, str. Buzești și Str. Vasile Alecsandri. Proiectul, prin obiectivul general, coroborat cu obiectivele specifice si rezultatele asteptate, este in concordanta cu Obiectivul specific al Prioritații de Investții 9.1- Dezvoltare locală plasată sub responsabilitatea comunității, din cadrul Axei Prioritare 9 - Sprijinirea regenerării economice și sociale a comunităților defavorizate din mediul urban, din cadrul Programului Operational Regional 2014-2020. (Romanian)
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    Riabilitazione e modernizzazione delle aree emarginate ZUM 1 — Carpazi e ZUM 2 — Fontana per aumentare la qualità della vita e ridurre il numero di persone a rischio di povertà ed esclusione sociale. The project aims to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (construction of the Integrated Community Centre where an emergency home for victims of domestic violence will be arranged, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), education infrastructure (modernisation of sports grounds from two educational units in the Caracal Municipality, to which children from marginalised areas have access, planning a kindergarten with 2 classes in CCI), infrastructure on the urban areas degraded, the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of ​​the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the city and the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the CCI), the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the two districts, the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the city), the infrastructure on the urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania (the urban infrastructure of the two districts), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas of Romania), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the two urban areas, the building of two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure in the area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the area of the city of Romania, the area of the urban area, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (building of the Integrated Community Centre in which will be arranged an emergency house for victims of violence in the family, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), the education infrastructure (modernisation of two urban areas in the urban area), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban areas located in the area (the urban infrastructure of the city is located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city, the urban infrastructure on the road, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are located in the area of the city, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the L'attuale obiettivo di investimento sarà realizzato nelle due aree urbane marginalizzate identificate secondo SDL Gal Heart of Romania e incluse nell'Atlante delle Aree Marginalizzate a seguito del censimento della Banca Mondiale: — Zum 1 Carpazi — zona tipo ghetto con blocchi/zone di tipo ghetto in ex colonie operaie — Carpazi Via 73 e 73 A — ZUM 2 Phanarie — aree di tipo baraccopoli con case/slum con abitazioni improvvisate/zone abitative sociali o edifici occupati abusivamente in aree storiche: Str. Voda nera, n. 15; Il modo di vivere;str. I vigneti; Il Carpazio Alley, Str. Spedizione, Str. Neculce ionico, Fundatura Ion Neculce, Str. Tepeş Voda, Str. La gente, Str. Bistriţei, Str. Gemellaggio, Str. Petre Puican, Str. Walter Mărăcineanu, str. Il contemporaneo, str. Romaniţei, str. Buzesti e Str. Vasile Alecsandri. Il progetto, attraverso l'obiettivo generale, unitamente agli obiettivi specifici e ai risultati attesi, è in linea con l'obiettivo specifico della priorità di investimento 9.1 — Sviluppo locale di tipo partecipativo nell'ambito dell'asse prioritario 9 — Sostenere la rigenerazione economica e sociale delle comunità urbane svantaggiate, nell'ambito del programma operativo regionale 2014-2020. (Italian)
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    Obnova a modernizace marginalizovaných oblastí ZUM 1 – Karpaty a ZUM 2 – fontána ke zvýšení kvality života a snížení počtu osob ohrožených chudobou a sociálním vyloučením. The project aims to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (construction of the Integrated Community Centre where an emergency home for victims of domestic violence will be arranged, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), education infrastructure (modernisation of sports grounds from two educational units in the Caracal Municipality, to which children from marginalised areas have access, planning a kindergarten with 2 classes in CCI), infrastructure on the urban areas degraded, the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of ​​the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the city and the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the CCI), the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the two districts, the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the city), the infrastructure on the urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania (the urban infrastructure of the two districts), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas of Romania), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the two urban areas, the building of two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure in the area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the area of the city of Romania, the area of the urban area, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (building of the Integrated Community Centre in which will be arranged an emergency house for victims of violence in the family, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), the education infrastructure (modernisation of two urban areas in the urban area), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban areas located in the area (the urban infrastructure of the city is located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city, the urban infrastructure on the road, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are located in the area of the city, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the Současný investiční cíl bude realizován ve dvou marginalizovaných městských oblastech identifikovaných podle SDL Gal Heart Rumunska a zahrnutých do atlasu marginalizovaných oblastí po sčítání Světové banky: — Zum 1 Karpaty – oblast typu ghetta s bloky/oblastmi typu ghetta v koloniích bývalých pracovníků – Karpatské ulice 73 a 73 A – ZUM 2 Phanarie – slumové plochy s domy/sluhy s improvizovanými bytovými/sociálními bytovými plochami nebo budovami nenásilně obsazenými v historických oblastech: str. Černá Voda, č. 15; Cesta k životu; str. Vinice; Karpatská ulička, Str. Expedice, Str. Ion Neculce, Fundatura Ion Neculce, str. Tepeş Voda, Str. Lidé, Str. Bistriţei, Str. Dvojče, Str. Petre Puican, Str. Walter Mărăcineanu, str. Současní, str. Romaniţei, str. Buzesti a Str. Vasile Alecsandriová. Projekt je prostřednictvím obecného cíle ve spojení se specifickými cíli a očekávanými výsledky v souladu se specifickým cílem investiční priority 9.1 – komunitně vedený místní rozvoj v rámci prioritní osy 9 – Podpora hospodářské a sociální obnovy znevýhodněných městských komunit v rámci regionálního operačního programu na období 2014–2020. (Czech)
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    Rehabilitation and modernisation of marginalised areas ZUM 1 — Carpathians and ZUM 2 — Fountain to increase quality of life and reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion. The project aims to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (construction of the Integrated Community Centre where an emergency home for victims of domestic violence will be arranged, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), education infrastructure (modernisation of sports grounds from two educational units in the Caracal Municipality, to which children from marginalised areas have access, planning a kindergarten with 2 classes in CCI), infrastructure on the urban areas degraded, the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of ​​the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the city and the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the CCI), the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the two districts, the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the city), the infrastructure on the urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania (the urban infrastructure of the two districts), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas of Romania), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the two urban areas, the building of two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure in the area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the area of the city of Romania, the area of the urban area, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (building of the Integrated Community Centre in which will be arranged an emergency house for victims of violence in the family, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), the education infrastructure (modernisation of two urban areas in the urban area), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban areas located in the area (the urban infrastructure of the city is located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city, the urban infrastructure on the road, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are located in the area of the city, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the The present investment objective will be realised in the two Marginalised Urban Areas identified according to SDL Gal Heart of Romania and included in the Atlas of Marginalised Areas following the World Bank census: — Zum 1 Carpathians — ghetto type area with blocks/ghetto-type areas in former worker colonies — Carpathian Street 73 and 73 A — ZUM 2 Phanarie — slum-type areas with houses/slums with improvised housing/social housing areas or buildings abusively occupied in historical areas: str. Black Voda, No. 15; The Way of the Living;str. The vineyards; The Carpathian Alley, Str. Despatch, Str. Ion Neculce, Fundatura Ion Neculce, Str. Tepeş Voda, Str. The people, Str. Bistriţei, Str. Twinning, Str. Petre Puican, Str. Walter Mărăcineanu, str. The Contemporary, str. Romaniţei, str. Buzesti and Str. Vasile Alecsandri. The project, through the general objective, in conjunction with the specific objectives and expected results, is in line with the specific objective of the Investment Priority 9.1- Community-led local development within Priority Axis 9 — Supporting the economic and social regeneration of disadvantaged urban communities, within the Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020. (English)
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    Marginaliseeritud alade taastamine ja moderniseerimine ZUM 1 – Karpaadid ja ZUM 2 – purskkaev, et parandada elukvaliteeti ning vähendada vaesuse ja sotsiaalse tõrjutuse ohus olevate inimeste arvu. The project aims to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (construction of the Integrated Community Centre where an emergency home for victims of domestic violence will be arranged, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), education infrastructure (modernisation of sports grounds from two educational units in the Caracal Municipality, to which children from marginalised areas have access, planning a kindergarten with 2 classes in CCI), infrastructure on the urban areas degraded, the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of ​​the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the city and the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the CCI), the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the two districts, the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the city), the infrastructure on the urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania (the urban infrastructure of the two districts), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas of Romania), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the two urban areas, the building of two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure in the area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the area of the city of Romania, the area of the urban area, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (building of the Integrated Community Centre in which will be arranged an emergency house for victims of violence in the family, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), the education infrastructure (modernisation of two urban areas in the urban area), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban areas located in the area (the urban infrastructure of the city is located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city, the urban infrastructure on the road, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are located in the area of the city, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the Praegune investeerimiseesmärk viiakse ellu kahes hajutatud linnapiirkonnas, mis on kindlaks määratud vastavalt dokumendile SDL Gal Heart of Romania ja mis lisatakse pärast Maailmapanga loendust äärealade atlasesse: Zum 1 Karpaadid – getotüüpi ala, kus on plokid/getto-tüüpi alad endistes töötajate kolooniates – Karpaatide tänavad 73 ja 73 A – ZUM 2 Phanarie – slum-tüüpi alad, kus on majad/slumid, kus on improviseeritud eluase/sotsiaaleluasemed või ajaloolistel aladel kuritarvitatud hooned: Str. Must Voda, nr 15; Elutee, str. Viinamarjaistandused; Karpaatide Alley, Str. Despatch, Str. Ion Neculce, Fundatura Ion Neculce, Str. Tepeş Voda, Str. Rahvas, Str. Bistriţei, Str. Mestimine, Str. Petre Puican, Str. Walter Mărăcineanu, str. Nüüdisaegne, str. Romaniţei, str. Buzesti ja Str. Vasile Alecsandri. Projekt on üldeesmärgi kaudu koos erieesmärkide ja oodatavate tulemustega kooskõlas investeerimisprioriteedi 9,1 erieesmärgiga, mis on suunatud ühenduse juhitavale kohalikule arengule prioriteetse suuna nr 9 raames – ebasoodsas olukorras olevate linnakogukondade majandusliku ja sotsiaalse taaselustamise toetamine piirkondliku rakenduskava (2014–2020) raames. (Estonian)
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    Rehabilitación y modernización de las zonas marginadas ZUM 1 — Cárpatos y ZUM 2 — Fuente para aumentar la calidad de vida y reducir el número de personas en riesgo de pobreza y exclusión social. The project aims to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (construction of the Integrated Community Centre where an emergency home for victims of domestic violence will be arranged, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), education infrastructure (modernisation of sports grounds from two educational units in the Caracal Municipality, to which children from marginalised areas have access, planning a kindergarten with 2 classes in CCI), infrastructure on the urban areas degraded, the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of ​​the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the city and the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the CCI), the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the two districts, the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the city), the infrastructure on the urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania (the urban infrastructure of the two districts), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas of Romania), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the two urban areas, the building of two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure in the area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the area of the city of Romania, the area of the urban area, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (building of the Integrated Community Centre in which will be arranged an emergency house for victims of violence in the family, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), the education infrastructure (modernisation of two urban areas in the urban area), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban areas located in the area (the urban infrastructure of the city is located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city, the urban infrastructure on the road, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are located in the area of the city, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the El presente objetivo de inversión se llevará a cabo en las dos áreas urbanas marginadas identificadas según SDL Gal Heart de Rumania e incluidas en el Atlas de Áreas Marginalizadas según el censo del Banco Mundial: — Zum 1 Cárpatos — área tipo ghetto con bloques/zonas tipo gueto en antiguas colonias de trabajadores — Calle Carpathian 73 y 73 A — ZUM 2 Phanarie — zonas tipo tugurios con casas/slumnas con viviendas improvisadas/zonas de vivienda social o edificios ocupados abusivamente en áreas históricas: de Str. Voda Negra, N.º 15; El Camino de los Vivientes;str. Los viñedos; El callejón de los Cárpatos, Str. Envío, Str. Ion Neculce, Fundatura Ion Neculce, Str. Tepeş Voda, Str. La gente, Str. Bistri-ei, Str. Hermanamiento, Str. Petre Puican, Str. Walter Mărăcineanu, str. Lo Contemporáneo, Str. Gitanosei, str. Buzesti y Str. Vasile Alecsandri. El proyecto, a través del objetivo general, junto con los objetivos específicos y los resultados esperados, está en consonancia con el objetivo específico de la prioridad de inversión 9.1 — Desarrollo local participativo dentro del eje prioritario 9 — Apoyar la regeneración económica y social de las comunidades urbanas desfavorecidas, dentro del Programa Operativo Regional 2014-2020. (Spanish)
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    A marginalizált területek rehabilitációja és korszerűsítése ZUM 1 – Kárpátok és ZUM 2 – Fountain az életminőség javítása és a szegénység és a társadalmi kirekesztés kockázatának kitett emberek számának csökkentése érdekében. The project aims to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (construction of the Integrated Community Centre where an emergency home for victims of domestic violence will be arranged, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), education infrastructure (modernisation of sports grounds from two educational units in the Caracal Municipality, to which children from marginalised areas have access, planning a kindergarten with 2 classes in CCI), infrastructure on the urban areas degraded, the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of ​​the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the city and the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the CCI), the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the two districts, the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the city), the infrastructure on the urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania (the urban infrastructure of the two districts), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas of Romania), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the two urban areas, the building of two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure in the area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the area of the city of Romania, the area of the urban area, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (building of the Integrated Community Centre in which will be arranged an emergency house for victims of violence in the family, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), the education infrastructure (modernisation of two urban areas in the urban area), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban areas located in the area (the urban infrastructure of the city is located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city, the urban infrastructure on the road, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are located in the area of the city, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the A jelenlegi beruházási célkitűzés az SDL Gal Heart of Romania szerint meghatározott és a Világbank összeírását követően a marginalizált területek atlaszában szereplő két marginalizált városi területen valósul meg: – Zum 1 Kárpátok – gettó típusú terület tömbökkel/ghetto típusú területekkel a korábbi munkástelepeken – Kárpátok utca 73. és 73. A – ZUM 2 Phanarie – nyomornegyed típusú, improvizált lakóingatlanokkal/szociális lakóterületekkel vagy történelmi területeken visszaélésszerűen használt épületekkel rendelkező nyomornegyedek: ez a Str. Fekete Voda, 15. sz.; Az élet útja;str. A szőlőültetvények; A Kárpátok utcája, Str. Feladás, Str. Ion Neculce, Fundatura Ion Neculce, Str. Tepeş Voda, Str. Az emberek, Str. Bistriţei, Str. Ikertestvér, Str. Petre Puican, Str. Walter Mărăcineanu, str. A kortárs, str. Romaniţei, str. Buzesti és Str. Vasile Alecsandri vagyok. A projekt az általános célkitűzésen keresztül, a konkrét célkitűzésekkel és a várt eredményekkel együtt összhangban van a 9. prioritási tengelyen belül – a hátrányos helyzetű városi közösségek gazdasági és társadalmi megújulásának támogatása – a 2014–2020-as időszakra vonatkozó regionális operatív program keretében a 9. prioritási tengelyen belül megvalósuló 9.1. beruházási prioritás egyedi célkitűzésével. (Hungarian)
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    Rehabilitacija in posodobitev marginaliziranih območij ZUM 1 – Karpati in ZUM 2 – Vodnik za izboljšanje kakovosti življenja in zmanjšanje števila ljudi, ki jim grozita revščina in socialna izključenost. The project aims to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (construction of the Integrated Community Centre where an emergency home for victims of domestic violence will be arranged, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), education infrastructure (modernisation of sports grounds from two educational units in the Caracal Municipality, to which children from marginalised areas have access, planning a kindergarten with 2 classes in CCI), infrastructure on the urban areas degraded, the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of ​​the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the city and the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the CCI), the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the two districts, the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the city), the infrastructure on the urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania (the urban infrastructure of the two districts), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas of Romania), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the two urban areas, the building of two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure in the area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the area of the city of Romania, the area of the urban area, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (building of the Integrated Community Centre in which will be arranged an emergency house for victims of violence in the family, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), the education infrastructure (modernisation of two urban areas in the urban area), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban areas located in the area (the urban infrastructure of the city is located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city, the urban infrastructure on the road, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are located in the area of the city, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the Sedanji naložbeni cilj bo dosežen na dveh obrobnih urbanih območjih, opredeljenih v skladu s SDL Gal srce Romunije in vključenih v Atlas obrobnih območij po popisu Svetovne banke: — Zum 1 Karpati – območje tipa geto z bloki/območji tipa geto v nekdanjih delavskih kolonijah – Carpathian Street 73 in 73 A – ZUM 2 Phanarie – območja s hišami/slumi z improviziranimi stanovanjskimi/socialnimi stanovanjskimi območji ali stavbami, ki so bile zlorabljeno zasedene na zgodovinskih območjih: vse je v redu. Črna Voda, št. 15; Način življenja; str. Vinogradi; Karpatska Alley, Str. Odpošlji, Str. Ion Neculce, Fundatura Ion Neculce, Str. Tepeş Voda, Str. Ljudje, Str. Bistriţei, Str. Pobratenje, Str. Petre Puican, Str. Walter Mărăcineanu, str. Sodobnik, str. Romaniţei, str. Buzesti in Str. Vasile Alecsandri. Projekt je prek splošnega cilja v povezavi s specifičnimi cilji in pričakovanimi rezultati skladen s specifičnim ciljem prednostne naložbe 9.1 – lokalni razvoj, ki ga vodi skupnost, v okviru prednostne osi 9 – Podpora gospodarski in socialni prenovi prikrajšanih mestnih skupnosti v okviru regionalnega operativnega programa 2014–2020. (Slovenian)
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    Riabilitazzjoni u modernizzazzjoni ta ‘żoni emarġinati ZUM 1 — Karpazji u ZUM 2 — Funtana biex tiżdied il-kwalità tal-ħajja u jitnaqqas l-għadd ta’ persuni f’riskju ta ‘faqar u l-esklużjoni soċjali. The project aims to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (construction of the Integrated Community Centre where an emergency home for victims of domestic violence will be arranged, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), education infrastructure (modernisation of sports grounds from two educational units in the Caracal Municipality, to which children from marginalised areas have access, planning a kindergarten with 2 classes in CCI), infrastructure on the urban areas degraded, the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of ​​the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the city and the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the CCI), the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the two districts, the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the city), the infrastructure on the urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania (the urban infrastructure of the two districts), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas of Romania), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the two urban areas, the building of two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure in the area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the area of the city of Romania, the area of the urban area, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (building of the Integrated Community Centre in which will be arranged an emergency house for victims of violence in the family, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), the education infrastructure (modernisation of two urban areas in the urban area), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban areas located in the area (the urban infrastructure of the city is located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city, the urban infrastructure on the road, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are located in the area of the city, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the L-objettiv attwali tal-investiment se jitwettaq fiż-żewġ Żoni Urbani Marġinalizzati identifikati skont l-SDL Gal Heart tar-Rumanija u inklużi fl-Atlas taż-Żoni Marġinati wara ċ-ċensiment tal-Bank Dinji: — Zum 1 Karpazji — żona tat-tip ghetto bi blokki/żoni tat-tip tal-ghetto f’kolonji li qabel kienu ħaddiema — Triq Karpazji 73 u 73 A — ZUM 2 Phanarie — żoni tat-tip slum bi djar/slums bi djar improvizzati/żoni ta’ akkomodazzjoni soċjali jew bini okkupat b’mod abbużiv f’żoni storiċi: Str. L-Iswed Voda, Nru 15; Il-Mixja ta ‘l-Għajxien; Str. Il-vinji; L-Alley tal-Karpazji, Str. Bgħit, Str. Ion Neculce, Fundatura Ion Neculce, Str. Tepeş Voda, Str. Il-poplu, Str. Bistriţei, Str. Ġemellaġġ, Str. Petre Puican, Str. Walter Mărăcineanu, str. Il Kontemporanja, str. Romaniţei, str. Buzesti u Str. Vasile Alecsandri. Il-proġett, permezz tal-objettiv ġenerali, flimkien mal-objettivi speċifiċi u r-riżultati mistennija, huwa konformi mal-objettiv speċifiku tal-Prijorità ta’ Investiment 9.1- Żvilupp lokali mmexxi mill-Komunità fl-Assi Prijoritarju 9 — Appoġġ għar-riġenerazzjoni ekonomika u soċjali ta’ komunitajiet urbani żvantaġġati, fi ħdan il-Programm Operazzjonali Reġjonali 2014–2020. (Maltese)
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    Sociāli atstumto teritoriju ZUM 1 — Karpati un ZUM 2 atjaunošana un modernizācija, lai uzlabotu dzīves kvalitāti un samazinātu nabadzības un sociālās atstumtības riskam pakļauto cilvēku skaitu. The project aims to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (construction of the Integrated Community Centre where an emergency home for victims of domestic violence will be arranged, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), education infrastructure (modernisation of sports grounds from two educational units in the Caracal Municipality, to which children from marginalised areas have access, planning a kindergarten with 2 classes in CCI), infrastructure on the urban areas degraded, the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of ​​the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the city and the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the CCI), the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the two districts, the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the city), the infrastructure on the urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania (the urban infrastructure of the two districts), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas of Romania), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the two urban areas, the building of two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure in the area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the area of the city of Romania, the area of the urban area, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (building of the Integrated Community Centre in which will be arranged an emergency house for victims of violence in the family, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), the education infrastructure (modernisation of two urban areas in the urban area), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban areas located in the area (the urban infrastructure of the city is located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city, the urban infrastructure on the road, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are located in the area of the city, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the Pašreizējais investīciju mērķis tiks sasniegts divās marginalizētajās pilsētu teritorijās, kas noteiktas saskaņā ar Rumānijas SDL Gal Heart un iekļautas marginalizēto teritoriju atlantā pēc Pasaules Bankas skaitīšanas: Zum 1 Karpati — geto tipa teritorija ar blokiem/ghetto tipa apgabaliem bijušajās strādnieku kolonijās — Karpatu iela 73 un 73 A — ZUM 2 Phanarie — graustu tipa apgabali ar mājām/graustiem ar improvizētām mājokļiem/sociālajiem mājokļiem vai ēkām, ko ļaunprātīgi izmanto vēsturiskās teritorijās: Lāčplēša iela Black Voda, Nr. 15; Dzīvesveids;str. Vīna dārzi; Karpatu aleja, Str. Sūtījums, Str. Jonu Neculce, Fundatura Ion Neculce, Str. Tepeş Voda, Str. Cilvēki, Str. Bistriţei, Str. Sadraudzība, Str. Petre Puican, Str. Walter Mărăcineanu, str. Mūsdienu, str. Romaniţei, str. Buzesti un Str. Vasile Alecsandri. Projekts, īstenojot vispārējo mērķi, kopā ar konkrētajiem mērķiem un paredzamajiem rezultātiem atbilst Reģionālās darbības programmas 2014.–2020. gadam 9.1. prioritātes “Sabiedrības virzīta vietējā attīstība” konkrētajam mērķim saskaņā ar 9. prioritāro virzienu “Atbalsts nelabvēlīgā situācijā esošu pilsētu kopienu ekonomiskajai un sociālajai atjaunošanai”. (Latvian)
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    Atsiskyrusių vietovių reabilitacija ir modernizavimas ZUM 1 – Karpatai ir ZUM 2 – fontanas, siekiant pagerinti gyvenimo kokybę ir sumažinti žmonių, kuriems gresia skurdas ir socialinė atskirtis, skaičių. The project aims to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (construction of the Integrated Community Centre where an emergency home for victims of domestic violence will be arranged, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), education infrastructure (modernisation of sports grounds from two educational units in the Caracal Municipality, to which children from marginalised areas have access, planning a kindergarten with 2 classes in CCI), infrastructure on the urban areas degraded, the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of ​​the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the city and the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the CCI), the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the two districts, the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the city), the infrastructure on the urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania (the urban infrastructure of the two districts), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas of Romania), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the two urban areas, the building of two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure in the area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the area of the city of Romania, the area of the urban area, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (building of the Integrated Community Centre in which will be arranged an emergency house for victims of violence in the family, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), the education infrastructure (modernisation of two urban areas in the urban area), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban areas located in the area (the urban infrastructure of the city is located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city, the urban infrastructure on the road, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are located in the area of the city, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the Dabartinis investavimo tikslas bus įgyvendintas dviejose ribojamose miesto teritorijose, nustatytose pagal Rumunijos SDL Gal Heart ir įtrauktose į ribotų teritorijų atlasą po Pasaulio banko surašymo: – Zum 1 Karpatai – geto tipo teritorija su blokais ir (arba) geto tipo plotais buvusiose darbininkų kolonijose – Karpatų g. 73 ir 73 A – ZUM 2 Phanarie – lūšnynų tipo vietovės su namais ir (arba) lūšnynais su savadarbiais būstais ir (arba) socialiniais būstais arba pastatais, netinkamai užimamais istorinėse vietovėse: Šv. Juodoji Voda, Nr. 15; Gyvenimo kelias; Šv. Vynuogynai; Karpatų alėja, Šv. Išsiuntimas, Šv. Jonų Neculce, Fundatura Ion Neculce, Šv. Tepeş Voda, Šv. Žmonės, Šv. Bistriţei, Šv. Giminiavimasis, Šv. Petre Puican, Šv. Walter Mărăcineanu, g. Šiuolaikinis, Šv. Romaniţei, g. Buzesti ir Šv. Vasile Alecsandri. Įgyvendinant bendrąjį tikslą, kartu su konkrečiais tikslais ir numatomais rezultatais, projektas atitinka konkretų investicijų prioriteto 9.1 bendruomenės inicijuotos vietos plėtros tikslą pagal 9 prioritetinę kryptį „Palankesnėje padėtyje esančių miestų bendruomenių ekonominio ir socialinio atgaivinimo rėmimas“ pagal 2014–2020 m. regioninę veiksmų programą. (Lithuanian)
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    Rehabilitering og modernisering af marginaliserede områder ZUM 1 — Karpaterne og ZUM 2 — Springvand for at øge livskvaliteten og reducere antallet af personer, der risikerer fattigdom og social udstødelse. The project aims to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (construction of the Integrated Community Centre where an emergency home for victims of domestic violence will be arranged, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), education infrastructure (modernisation of sports grounds from two educational units in the Caracal Municipality, to which children from marginalised areas have access, planning a kindergarten with 2 classes in CCI), infrastructure on the urban areas degraded, the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of ​​the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the city and the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the CCI), the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the two districts, the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the city), the infrastructure on the urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania (the urban infrastructure of the two districts), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas of Romania), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the two urban areas, the building of two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure in the area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the area of the city of Romania, the area of the urban area, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (building of the Integrated Community Centre in which will be arranged an emergency house for victims of violence in the family, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), the education infrastructure (modernisation of two urban areas in the urban area), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban areas located in the area (the urban infrastructure of the city is located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city, the urban infrastructure on the road, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are located in the area of the city, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the Det nuværende investeringsmål vil blive realiseret i de to marginaliserede byområder, der er identificeret i henhold til SDL Gal Heart of Romania og medtaget i atlasset over marginaliserede områder efter Verdensbankens folketælling: — Zum 1 Karpater — område af typen ghetto med blokke/ghettolignende områder i tidligere arbejderkolonier — Karpatergade 73 og 73 A — ZUM 2 Phanarie — områder af slumtypen med huse/slumområder med improviserede boliger/sociale boligområder eller bygninger, der misbruges i historiske områder: det er Str. Sort Voda, nr. 15; De levendes vej;str. Vinmarkerne; Den Karpatiske Alley, Str. Aflevering, Str. Ion Neculce, Fundatura Ion Neculce, Str. Tepeş Voda, Str. Folket, Str. Begivenheder i Bistrienei, Str. Venskabsby, Str. Hoteller i nærheden af Petre Puican, Str. Walter Mărăcineanu, str. Det moderne, str. Romai, str. Buzesti og Str. Det er Vasile Alecsandri. Projektet er gennem det overordnede mål sammen med de specifikke mål og forventede resultater i overensstemmelse med det specifikke mål for investeringsprioriteten 9.1 — lokaludvikling styret af lokalsamfundet under prioritetsakse 9 — Støtte til økonomisk og social genopretning af ugunstigt stillede bysamfund inden for rammerne af det regionale operationelle program 2014-2020. (Danish)
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    Рехабилитация и модернизация на маргинализирани райони ЗУМ 1 — Карпати и ЗУМ 2 — Фонтан за повишаване на качеството на живот и намаляване на броя на хората, изложени на риск от бедност и социално изключване. The project aims to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (construction of the Integrated Community Centre where an emergency home for victims of domestic violence will be arranged, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), education infrastructure (modernisation of sports grounds from two educational units in the Caracal Municipality, to which children from marginalised areas have access, planning a kindergarten with 2 classes in CCI), infrastructure on the urban areas degraded, the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of ​​the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the city and the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the CCI), the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the two districts, the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the city), the infrastructure on the urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania (the urban infrastructure of the two districts), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas of Romania), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the two urban areas, the building of two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure in the area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the area of the city of Romania, the area of the urban area, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (building of the Integrated Community Centre in which will be arranged an emergency house for victims of violence in the family, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), the education infrastructure (modernisation of two urban areas in the urban area), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban areas located in the area (the urban infrastructure of the city is located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city, the urban infrastructure on the road, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are located in the area of the city, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the Настоящата инвестиционна цел ще бъде реализирана в двете маргинализирани градски зони, определени съгласно SDL Gal Heart на Румъния и включени в Атласа на маргинализираните райони след преброяването на Световната банка: — Zum 1 Карпати — площ тип гето с блокове/гето зони в бивши работнически колонии — Карпатска улица 73 и 73 А — ЗУМ 2 Фанария — райони от бедняшки тип с къщи/бедни квартали с импровизирани жилищни/социални жилищни площи или сгради, обитавани неправомерно в исторически райони: ул. Черна вода, № 15; Пътят на живите;Стр. Лозята; Карпатската алея, ул. Изпращане, ул. Ion Neculce, Fundatura Ion Neculce, ул. Тепеш Вода, ул. Народът, ул. Бистрица, ул. Побратимяване, ул. Петър Пуйкан, ул. Уолтър Мърсиниану, ул. Съвременното, ул. Романитай, ул. Бузести и ул. Василе Александри. Проектът, чрез общата цел, във връзка със специфичните цели и очакваните резултати, е в съответствие със специфичната цел на инвестиционния приоритет 9.1 — водено от общностите местно развитие в рамките на приоритетна ос 9 — Подкрепа за икономическото и социалното възстановяване на градските общности в неравностойно положение, в рамките на Регионалната оперативна програма 2014—2020 г. (Bulgarian)
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    Reabilitação e modernização das zonas marginalizadas ZUM 1 — Cárpatos e ZUM 2 — Fonte para aumentar a qualidade de vida e reduzir o número de pessoas em risco de pobreza e exclusão social. The project aims to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (construction of the Integrated Community Centre where an emergency home for victims of domestic violence will be arranged, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), education infrastructure (modernisation of sports grounds from two educational units in the Caracal Municipality, to which children from marginalised areas have access, planning a kindergarten with 2 classes in CCI), infrastructure on the urban areas degraded, the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the city and the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the CCI), the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the two districts, the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the city), the infrastructure on the urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania (the urban infrastructure of the two districts), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas of Romania), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the two urban areas, the building of two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure in the area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the area of the city of Romania, the area of the urban area, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (building of the Integrated Community Centre in which will be arranged an emergency house for victims of violence in the family, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), the education infrastructure (modernisation of two urban areas in the urban area), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban areas located in the area (the urban infrastructure of the city is located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city, the urban infrastructure on the road, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are located in the area of the city, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the The present investment objective will be realised in the two Marginalised Urban Areas identified according to SDL Gal Heart of Romania and included in the Atlas of Marginalised Areas following the World Bank census: — Zum 1 Cárpatos — zona do tipo gueto com blocos/zonas do tipo gueto em antigas colónias de trabalhadores — Rua dos Cárpatos 73 e 73 A — ZUM 2 Phanarie — zonas do tipo favela com casas/favelas com zonas de habitação/habitação social improvisadas ou edifícios ocupados abusivamente em zonas históricas: str. Black Voda, n.o 15; O Caminho dos Vivos;str. As vinhas; O Beco dos Cárpatos, Str. Expedição, Str. Ion Neculce, Fundatura Ion Neculce, Str. Tepeş Voda, Str. As pessoas, Str. Bistriţei, Str. Geminação, Str. Petre Puican, Str. Walter Mărăcineanu, str. O Contemporâneo, str. Romaniţei, str. Buzesti e Str. Vasile Alecsandri (em inglês). O projeto, através do objetivo geral, em conjugação com os objetivos específicos e os resultados esperados, está em consonância com o objetivo específico da Prioridade de Investimento 9.1 — Desenvolvimento local de base comunitária no âmbito do Eixo Prioritário 9 — Apoio à regeneração económica e social das comunidades urbanas desfavorecidas, no âmbito do Programa Operacional Regional 2014-2020. (Portuguese)
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    Sanierung und Modernisierung der Randgebiete ZUM 1 – Karpaten und ZUM 2 – Brunnen zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität und zur Verringerung der Zahl der von Armut und sozialer Ausgrenzung bedrohten Menschen. The project aims to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (construction of the Integrated Community Centre where an emergency home for victims of domestic violence will be arranged, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), education infrastructure (modernisation of sports grounds from two educational units in the Caracal Municipality, to which children from marginalised areas have access, planning a kindergarten with 2 classes in CCI), infrastructure on the urban areas degraded, the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of ​​the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the city and the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the CCI), the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the two districts, the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the city), the infrastructure on the urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania (the urban infrastructure of the two districts), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas of Romania), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the two urban areas, the building of two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure in the area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the area of the city of Romania, the area of the urban area, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (building of the Integrated Community Centre in which will be arranged an emergency house for victims of violence in the family, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), the education infrastructure (modernisation of two urban areas in the urban area), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban areas located in the area (the urban infrastructure of the city is located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city, the urban infrastructure on the road, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are located in the area of the city, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the Das vorliegende Investitionsziel wird in den beiden nach SDL Gal Heart of Romania ermittelten Randgebieten verwirklicht und nach der Weltbank-Volkszählung in den Atlas der Randgebiete aufgenommen: — Zum 1 Karpaten – Ghettobereich mit Blöcken/Ghetto-ähnlichen Gebieten in ehemaligen Arbeiterkolonien – Karpatenstraße 73 und 73 A – ZUM 2 Phanarie – Slumgebiete mit improvisierten Wohnungen/Sozialwohnungen oder Gebäude, die in historischen Gebieten missbräuchlich besetzt sind: Str. Schwarze Voda, Nr. 15; Der Weg der Lebenden;str. Die Weinberge; Die Karpatengasse, Str. Versand, Str. Ion Neculce, Fundatura Ion Neculce, Str. Tepeş Voda, Str. Das Volk, Str. Bistriţei, Str. Twinning, Str. Petre Puican, Str. Walter Mărăcineanu, Str. Der Zeitgenössische, str. Romaniţei, str. Buzesti und Str. Vasile Alecsandri. Das Projekt steht im Rahmen des allgemeinen Ziels in Verbindung mit den spezifischen Zielen und erwarteten Ergebnissen im Einklang mit dem spezifischen Ziel der Investitionspriorität 9.1- von der Gemeinschaft betriebene lokale Entwicklung innerhalb der Prioritätsachse 9 – Unterstützung der wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Regeneration benachteiligter städtischer Gemeinschaften im Rahmen des regionalen operationellen Programms 2014-2020. (German)
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    Obnova i modernizacija marginaliziranih područja ZUM 1 – Karpati i ZUM 2 – fontana za povećanje kvalitete života i smanjenje broja ljudi izloženih riziku od siromaštva i socijalne isključenosti. The project aims to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (construction of the Integrated Community Centre where an emergency home for victims of domestic violence will be arranged, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), education infrastructure (modernisation of sports grounds from two educational units in the Caracal Municipality, to which children from marginalised areas have access, planning a kindergarten with 2 classes in CCI), infrastructure on the urban areas degraded, the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of ​​the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the city and the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the CCI), the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the two districts, the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the city), the infrastructure on the urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania (the urban infrastructure of the two districts), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas of Romania), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the two urban areas, the building of two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure in the area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the area of the city of Romania, the area of the urban area, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (building of the Integrated Community Centre in which will be arranged an emergency house for victims of violence in the family, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), the education infrastructure (modernisation of two urban areas in the urban area), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban areas located in the area (the urban infrastructure of the city is located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city, the urban infrastructure on the road, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are located in the area of the city, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the Sadašnji cilj ulaganja ostvarit će se u dva marginalizirana urbana područja utvrđena prema SDL Gal Heart of Romania i uključena u Atlas marginaliziranih područja nakon popisa Svjetske banke: — Zum 1 Karpati – područje tipa geta s blokovima/područjima tipa geta u bivšim radničkim kolonijama – Karpatska ulica 73 i 73 A – ZUM 2 Phanarie – područja siromašnog tipa s kućama/slumovima s improviziranim stambenim područjima/socijalnim stambenim područjima ili zgradama koje se zloupotrebljavaju u povijesnim područjima: Str. Crna Voda, br. 15; Način života;str. Vinogradi; Karpatska Alley, Str. Otpremi, Str. Ion Neculce, Fundatura Ion Neculce, Str. Tepeş Voda, Str. Ljudi, Str. Bistriţei, Str. Twinning, Str. Petre Puican, Str. Walter Mărăcineanu, str. Suvremena, str. Romaniţei, str. Buzesti i Str. Vasile Alecsandri. Projekt, kroz opći cilj, zajedno s posebnim ciljevima i očekivanim rezultatima, u skladu je s posebnim ciljem prioriteta ulaganja 9.1 – Lokalni razvoj pod vodstvom zajednice u okviru prioritetne osi 9 – Potpora gospodarskoj i socijalnoj obnovi urbanih zajednica u nepovoljnom položaju, u okviru Regionalnog operativnog programa 2014. – 2020. (Croatian)
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    Syrjäytyneiden alueiden kunnostaminen ja nykyaikaistaminen ZUM 1 – Karpaatit ja ZUM 2 – Fountain, jolla parannetaan elämänlaatua ja vähennetään köyhyys- ja syrjäytymisvaarassa olevien ihmisten määrää. The project aims to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (construction of the Integrated Community Centre where an emergency home for victims of domestic violence will be arranged, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), education infrastructure (modernisation of sports grounds from two educational units in the Caracal Municipality, to which children from marginalised areas have access, planning a kindergarten with 2 classes in CCI), infrastructure on the urban areas degraded, the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of ​​the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the city and the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the CCI), the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the two districts, the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the city), the infrastructure on the urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania (the urban infrastructure of the two districts), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas of Romania), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the two urban areas, the building of two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure in the area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the area of the city of Romania, the area of the urban area, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (building of the Integrated Community Centre in which will be arranged an emergency house for victims of violence in the family, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), the education infrastructure (modernisation of two urban areas in the urban area), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban areas located in the area (the urban infrastructure of the city is located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city, the urban infrastructure on the road, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are located in the area of the city, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the Nykyinen investointitavoite toteutetaan kahdella Romanian SDL Gal Heart -standardin mukaisesti yksilöidyllä ja Maailmanpankin laskennan mukaisella marginaalisoitujen alueiden atlaksella: — Zum 1 Karpaatit – ghettotyyppinen alue, jolla on lohkoja/ghetto-tyyppisiä alueita entisissä työläisyhdyskunnissa – Karpaattien katu 73 ja 73 A – ZUM 2 Phanarie – slummityyppiset alueet, joilla on talot/slummit, joilla on improvisoitu asunto/sosiaalinen asunto, tai rakennukset, joita on väärin käytetty historiallisilla alueilla: älä viitsi. Black Voda, nro 15; Elämän tie;str. Viinitarhat; Karpaattikuja, Str. Lähettäkää, Str. Ion Neculce, Fundatura Ion Neculce, Str. Tepeş Voda, Str. Ihmiset, Str. Bistriánei, Str. Twinning, Str. Petre Puican, Str. Walter Mărăcineanu, str. Nykyaikainen, str. Romaniěei, str. Buzesti ja Str. Vasile Alecsandri. Hanke on yleisen tavoitteen kautta yhdessä erityistavoitteiden ja odotettujen tulosten kanssa linjassa investointiprioriteetin 9.1 – yhteisölähtöisen paikallisen kehittämisen toimintalinjan 9 puitteissa – epäsuotuisassa asemassa olevien kaupunkiyhteisöjen taloudellisen ja sosiaalisen elvyttämisen tukeminen alueellisen toimenpideohjelman 2014–2020 puitteissa. (Finnish)
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    Ceantair imeallaithe a athshlánú agus a nuachóiriú ZUM 1 — Sléibhte Cairp agus ZUM 2 — Fountain chun cáilíocht na beatha a mhéadú agus líon na ndaoine atá i mbaol bochtaineachta agus eisiaimh shóisialta a laghdú. The project aims to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (construction of the Integrated Community Centre where an emergency home for victims of domestic violence will be arranged, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), education infrastructure (modernisation of sports grounds from two educational units in the Caracal Municipality, to which children from marginalised areas have access, planning a kindergarten with 2 classes in CCI), infrastructure on the urban areas degraded, the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of ​​the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the city and the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the CCI), the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the two districts, the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the city), the infrastructure on the urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania (the urban infrastructure of the two districts), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas of Romania), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the two urban areas, the building of two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure in the area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the area of the city of Romania, the area of the urban area, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (building of the Integrated Community Centre in which will be arranged an emergency house for victims of violence in the family, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), the education infrastructure (modernisation of two urban areas in the urban area), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban areas located in the area (the urban infrastructure of the city is located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city, the urban infrastructure on the road, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are located in the area of the city, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the Déanfar an cuspóir infheistíochta reatha a bhaint amach sa dá Limistéar Uirbeacha Imeallachta a sainaithníodh de réir Chroí Gal SDL na Rómáine agus a áirítear in Atlas na Limistéar Imeallachta tar éis dhaonáireamh an Bhainc Dhomhanda: — Zum 1 Carpathians — limistéar de chineál getto ina bhfuil bloic/limistéir de chineál getto i gcoilíneachtaí iaroibrithe — Sráid Shléibhte Cairp 73 agus 73 A — ZUM 2 Phanarie — limistéir de chineál sluma ina bhfuil tithe/lumaí ina bhfuil limistéir tithíochta/tithíochta sóisialta seiftithe nó foirgnimh a áitítear go maslach i limistéir stairiúla: str. Voda Dubh, Uimh. 15; An Bealach na Maireachtála;str. Na bhfíonghort; An t-Alley Sléibhte Cairp, Str. Seoladh, Str. Ian Neculce, Fundatura Ion Neculce, St. Tepeş Voda, Str. Na daoine, Str. Inis dúinn, le do thoil... Nasc, Str. Petre Puican, St. Walter Mărăcineanu, str. An Comhaimseartha, str. Romaniţei, str. Buzesti agus Str. Video comhrá Alecsandri. Tá an tionscadal, tríd an gcuspóir ginearálta, i gcomhar leis na cuspóirí sonracha agus na torthaí a bhfuiltear ag súil leo, i gcomhréir le cuspóir sonrach Thosaíocht Infheistíochta 9.1- Forbairt áitiúil faoi stiúir an phobail laistigh d’Ais Tosaíochta 9 — Tacú le hathghiniúint eacnamaíoch agus shóisialta pobal uirbeach faoi mhíbhuntáiste, laistigh den Chlár Oibríochtúil Réigiúnach 2014-2020. (Irish)
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    Réhabilitation et modernisation des zones marginalisées ZUM 1 — Carpates et ZUM 2 — Fontaine pour améliorer la qualité de vie et réduire le nombre de personnes menacées de pauvreté et d’exclusion sociale. The project aims to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (construction of the Integrated Community Centre where an emergency home for victims of domestic violence will be arranged, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), education infrastructure (modernisation of sports grounds from two educational units in the Caracal Municipality, to which children from marginalised areas have access, planning a kindergarten with 2 classes in CCI), infrastructure on the urban areas degraded, the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of ​​the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the city and the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the CCI), the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the two districts, the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the city), the infrastructure on the urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania (the urban infrastructure of the two districts), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas of Romania), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the two urban areas, the building of two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure in the area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the area of the city of Romania, the area of the urban area, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (building of the Integrated Community Centre in which will be arranged an emergency house for victims of violence in the family, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), the education infrastructure (modernisation of two urban areas in the urban area), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban areas located in the area (the urban infrastructure of the city is located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city, the urban infrastructure on the road, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are located in the area of the city, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the L’objectif d’investissement actuel sera réalisé dans les deux zones urbaines marginalisées identifiées selon SDL Gal Heart de Roumanie et incluses dans l’Atlas des zones marginalisées à la suite du recensement de la Banque mondiale: — Zum 1 Carpates — zone de type ghetto avec des blocs/zones de type ghetto dans d’anciennes colonies de travailleurs — Rue Carpate 73 et 73 A — ZUM 2 Phanarie — zones de type bidonville avec des maisons/fumeaux avec logements improvisés/zones de logement social ou bâtiments abusivement occupés dans des zones historiques: C’est le Str. Black Voda, no 15; La Voie du Vivant;str. Les vignobles; L’Allée des Carpates, Str. Expédition, Str. Ion Neculce, Fundatura Ion Neculce, Str. Tepeş Voda, Str. Le peuple, Str. Bistriței, Str. Jumelage, Str. Petre Puican, Str. Walter Mărăcineanu, str. Le Contemporain, str. Romaniței, str. Buzesti et Str. Vasile Alecsandri. Le projet, dans le cadre de l’objectif général, en liaison avec les objectifs spécifiques et les résultats escomptés, est conforme à l’objectif spécifique de la priorité d’investissement 9.1 — Développement local mené par la Communauté dans le cadre de l’axe prioritaire 9 — Soutien à la régénération économique et sociale des communautés urbaines défavorisées, dans le cadre du programme opérationnel régional 2014-2020. (French)
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    Rehabilitácia a modernizácia marginalizovaných oblastí ZUM 1 – Karpaty a ZUM 2 – fontána na zvýšenie kvality života a zníženie počtu ľudí ohrozených chudobou a sociálnym vylúčením. The project aims to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (construction of the Integrated Community Centre where an emergency home for victims of domestic violence will be arranged, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), education infrastructure (modernisation of sports grounds from two educational units in the Caracal Municipality, to which children from marginalised areas have access, planning a kindergarten with 2 classes in CCI), infrastructure on the urban areas degraded, the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of ​​the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the city and the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the CCI), the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the two districts, the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the city), the infrastructure on the urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania (the urban infrastructure of the two districts), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas of Romania), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the two urban areas, the building of two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure in the area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the area of the city of Romania, the area of the urban area, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (building of the Integrated Community Centre in which will be arranged an emergency house for victims of violence in the family, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), the education infrastructure (modernisation of two urban areas in the urban area), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban areas located in the area (the urban infrastructure of the city is located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city, the urban infrastructure on the road, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are located in the area of the city, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the Súčasný investičný cieľ sa bude realizovať v dvoch marginalizovaných mestských oblastiach identifikovaných podľa SDL Gal Heart of Romania a zahrnutých do Atlasu marginalizovaných oblastí na základe sčítania Svetovej banky: — Zum 1 Karpaty – oblasť typu ghetto s blokmi/oblastighetto typu v bývalých robotníckych kolóniách – Karpatská ulica 73 a 73 A – ZUM 2 Phanarie – oblasti slumového typu s domami/podlažiami s improvizovanými obytnými/sociálnymi obytnými oblasťami alebo budovami, ktoré sú neoprávnene obsadené v historických oblastiach: str. Black Voda, č. 15; Spôsob života;str. Vinice; Karpatský Alley, Str. Expedícia, Str. Ión Neculce, Fundatura Ion Neculce, Str. Tepeş Voda, Str. Ľudia, Str. Bistriţei, Str. Twinning, Str. Petre Puican, Str. Walter Mărăcineanu, str. Súčasnosť, str. Romaniţei, str. Buzesti a Str. Vasile Alecsandri. Projekt prostredníctvom všeobecného cieľa v spojení so špecifickými cieľmi a očakávanými výsledkami je v súlade so špecifickým cieľom investičnej priority 9.1 – Miestny rozvoj pod vedením Spoločenstva v rámci prioritnej osi 9 – Podpora hospodárskej a sociálnej obnovy znevýhodnených mestských komunít v rámci regionálneho operačného programu 2014 – 2020. (Slovak)
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    Rehabilitering och modernisering av marginaliserade områden ZUM 1 – Karpater och ZUM 2 – fontän för att öka livskvaliteten och minska antalet människor som riskerar fattigdom och social utestängning. The project aims to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (construction of the Integrated Community Centre where an emergency home for victims of domestic violence will be arranged, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), education infrastructure (modernisation of sports grounds from two educational units in the Caracal Municipality, to which children from marginalised areas have access, planning a kindergarten with 2 classes in CCI), infrastructure on the urban areas degraded, the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of ​​the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the city and the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the CCI), the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the two districts, the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the city), the infrastructure on the urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania (the urban infrastructure of the two districts), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas of Romania), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the two urban areas, the building of two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure in the area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the area of the city of Romania, the area of the urban area, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (building of the Integrated Community Centre in which will be arranged an emergency house for victims of violence in the family, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), the education infrastructure (modernisation of two urban areas in the urban area), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban areas located in the area (the urban infrastructure of the city is located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city, the urban infrastructure on the road, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are located in the area of the city, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the Det nuvarande investeringsmålet kommer att uppnås i de två marginaliserade stadsområden som fastställts enligt SDL Gal Heart of Romania och inkluderas i Atlas över marginaliserade områden efter Världsbankens folkräkning: — Zum 1 Karpater – område av gettotyp med block/ghettoliknande områden i tidigare arbetarkolonier – Karpatengatan 73 och 73 A – ZUM 2 Phanarie – slumområden med hus/slumområden med improviserade bostäder/sociala bostadsområden eller byggnader som missbrukas i historiska områden: jag är här. Svart Voda, nr 15; Vägen till livet;str. Vingårdarna; Carpathian Alley, Str. Avspatch, Str. Jon Neculce, Fundatura Ion Neculce, Str. Tepeş Voda, Str. Folket, Str. Bistriței, Str. Vänort, Str. Petre Puican, Str. Walter Mărăcineanu, str. Samtida, str. Romaniței, str. Buzesti och Str. Vasile Alecsandri. Projektet, genom det allmänna målet, tillsammans med de specifika målen och de förväntade resultaten ligger i linje med det särskilda målet för investeringsprioriteringen 9.1 – Gemenskapsstyrd lokal utveckling inom insatsområde 9 – Stöd till ekonomisk och social förnyelse av missgynnade stadssamhällen inom det regionala operativa programmet 2014–2020. (Swedish)
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    Αποκατάσταση και εκσυγχρονισμός των περιθωριοποιημένων περιοχών ZUM 1 — Καρπάθια και ZUM 2 — Κρήνη για τη βελτίωση της ποιότητας ζωής και τη μείωση του αριθμού των ατόμων που διατρέχουν κίνδυνο φτώχειας και κοινωνικού αποκλεισμού. The project aims to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (construction of the Integrated Community Centre where an emergency home for victims of domestic violence will be arranged, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), education infrastructure (modernisation of sports grounds from two educational units in the Caracal Municipality, to which children from marginalised areas have access, planning a kindergarten with 2 classes in CCI), infrastructure on the urban areas degraded, the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of ​​the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the city and the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the CCI), the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the two districts, the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the city), the infrastructure on the urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania (the urban infrastructure of the two districts), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas of Romania), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the two urban areas, the building of two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure in the area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the area of the city of Romania, the area of the urban area, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (building of the Integrated Community Centre in which will be arranged an emergency house for victims of violence in the family, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), the education infrastructure (modernisation of two urban areas in the urban area), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban areas located in the area (the urban infrastructure of the city is located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city, the urban infrastructure on the road, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are located in the area of the city, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the Ο παρών επενδυτικός στόχος θα υλοποιηθεί στις δύο περιθωριοποιημένες αστικές περιοχές που προσδιορίζονται σύμφωνα με την SDL Gal Heart of Romania και περιλαμβάνονται στον Άτλαντα περιθωριοποιημένων περιοχών μετά την απογραφή της Παγκόσμιας Τράπεζας: — Zum 1 Καρπάθια — περιοχή τύπου γκέτο με ογκόλιθους/περιοχές τύπου γκέτο σε πρώην αποικίες εργαζομένων — Καρπάθια οδός 73 και 73 A — ZUM 2 Phanarie — περιοχές τύπου παραγκουπόλεως με σπίτια/παραγκουπόλεις με αυτοσχέδιους χώρους στέγασης/κοινωνικής στέγασης ή κτίρια που καταλαμβάνονται καταχρηστικά σε ιστορικές περιοχές: ο Στρ. Black Voda, αριθ. 15; Ο Δρόμος της Ζωής — Στρ. Τους αμπελώνες· Ο Καρπαθιανός Άλλεϊ, Στρ. Αποστολή, Στρ. Ion Neculce, Fundatura Ion Neculce, Στρ. Τεπές Βόντα, Στρ. Οι άνθρωποι, Στρ. Μπίστριτσεϊ, Στρ. Αδελφοποίηση, Στρ. Petre Puican, Στρ. Walter Mărăcineanu, οδός. Το Σύγχρονο, Στρ. Ρομανίτσεϊ, Στρ. Buzesti και Str. Ο Vasile Alecsandri. Το έργο, μέσω του γενικού στόχου, σε συνδυασμό με τους ειδικούς στόχους και τα αναμενόμενα αποτελέσματα, συνάδει με τον ειδικό στόχο της επενδυτικής προτεραιότητας 9.1 — Τοπική ανάπτυξη με πρωτοβουλία των τοπικών κοινοτήτων στο πλαίσιο του άξονα προτεραιότητας 9 — Στήριξη της οικονομικής και κοινωνικής αναγέννησης των μειονεκτουσών αστικών κοινοτήτων, στο πλαίσιο του Περιφερειακού Επιχειρησιακού Προγράμματος 2014-2020. (Greek)
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    Rehabilitatie en modernisering van gemarginaliseerde gebieden ZUM 1 — Karpaten en ZUM 2 — Fontein om de kwaliteit van leven te verhogen en het aantal mensen dat het risico loopt op armoede en sociale uitsluiting te verminderen. The project aims to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (construction of the Integrated Community Centre where an emergency home for victims of domestic violence will be arranged, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), education infrastructure (modernisation of sports grounds from two educational units in the Caracal Municipality, to which children from marginalised areas have access, planning a kindergarten with 2 classes in CCI), infrastructure on the urban areas degraded, the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of ​​the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the city and the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the CCI), the infrastructure on the infrastructure of the two urban areas located in the area of the urban area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the two districts, the modernisation of the 2-class kindergarten in the city), the infrastructure on the urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania (the urban infrastructure of the two districts), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area (the urban infrastructure of the urban areas of Romania), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city of Romania, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure of the two urban areas, the building of two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas, the urban infrastructure in the area, the urban infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the urban infrastructure of the urban area, the area of the city of Romania, the area of the urban area, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, through integrated actions aimed at interventions in the social infrastructure (building of the Integrated Community Centre in which will be arranged an emergency house for victims of violence in the family, a space equipped with showers and washing machines to which children from the two marginalised areas have access), the education infrastructure (modernisation of two urban areas in the urban area), the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the area of the urban areas located in the area (the urban infrastructure of the city is located in the area of the area of the urban area, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the urban areas located in the city, the urban infrastructure on the road, the urban infrastructure on the road, the infrastructure of the two urban areas, the infrastructure of the urban areas that are located in the area of the city, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure in the area of the area, the urban infrastructure of the city, the De huidige investeringsdoelstelling zal worden verwezenlijkt in de twee gemarginaliseerde stedelijke gebieden die zijn geïdentificeerd volgens SDL Gal Heart of Romania en zijn opgenomen in de Atlas van gemarginaliseerde gebieden na de telling van de Wereldbank: — Zum 1 Karpaten — gettotype gebied met blokken/ghetto-achtige gebieden in voormalige arbeiderskolonies — Karpatenstraat 73 en 73 A — ZUM 2 Phanarie — sloppenwijken met huizen/slums met geïmproviseerde huisvesting/sociale huisvestingsgebieden of gebouwen die misbruikt zijn in historische gebieden: het is een Str. Zwarte Voda, nr. 15; De weg van de levende;str. De wijngaarden; De Karpaten Alley, Str. Verzending, Str. Ion Neculce, Fundatura Ion Neculce, Str. Tepeş Voda, Str. Het volk, Str. Bistriței, Str. Twinning, Str. Petre Puican, Str. Walter Mărăcineanu, str. Het hedendaagse, str. Romaniței, str. Buzesti en Str. Vasile Alecsandri. Het project, door middel van de algemene doelstelling, in samenhang met de specifieke doelstellingen en verwachte resultaten, is in overeenstemming met de specifieke doelstelling van investeringsprioriteit 9.1 — door de Gemeenschap geleide lokale ontwikkeling binnen prioritaire as 9 — Ondersteuning van de economische en sociale regeneratie van kansarme stedelijke gemeenschappen in het kader van het regionale operationele programma 2014-2020. (Dutch)
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    Municipiul Caracal, Romania
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    5 June 2024
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