Increasing the efficiency of the existing boiler house in Madona county in Dzelzava (Q3057262)

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Project Q3057262 in Latvia
Language Label Description Also known as
Increasing the efficiency of the existing boiler house in Madona county in Dzelzava
Project Q3057262 in Latvia


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    238,915.32 Euro
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    613,268.9 Euro
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    38.96 percent
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    3 April 2018
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    2 February 2020
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    Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību "Madonas Siltums"
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    57°0'18.14"N, 26°26'26.99"E
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    SIA „Madonas siltums” projektu īsteno, lai uzlabotu esošo Dzelzavas pagasta katlu māju darbības efektivitāti, tādā veidā nodrošinot nepārtrauktu un stabilu siltumenerģijas piegādi esošajiem un potenciāli jaunajiem patērētājiem, lai samazinātu vai noturētu siltumenerģijas izmaksas pašreizējā līmenī, kā arī paaugstinātu uzņēmuma vērtību. Analizējot esošo situāciju, secināms, ka, lai siltuma ražošana Dzelzavas pagastā darbotos efektīvi, nepieciešams veikt divu esošo centralizētās siltumapgādes sistēmu apvienošanu (Dzelzavas ciema siltumapgādes sistēma un Aizpurves ciema siltumapgādes sistēma), kā arī rekonstruēt esošo Dzelzavas ciema katlu māju. Dotajā siltumenerģijas ražošanas objektu modernizācijas projektā tiek paredzēta virkne pasākumu:•Papildus esošiem 2gab. malkas ūdens sildāmajiem katliem „ORIONS” 2H2M ar uzstādīto siltuma jaudu 1,0 MW katram, uzstāda jaunu šķeldas katlu ar siltuma jaudu 1,2 MW;•Pie esošās katlu mājas izbūvē šķeldas noliktavu ar kustīgām grīdām un šķeldas padeves sistēmām;•Atteikties no esošās Dzelzavas pagasta Aizpurves ciema katlu mājas ekspluatācijas;•Izbūvēt siltumtrašu saistvadu, lai apvienotu Dzelzavas pagasta divas esošās neatkarīgās centralizētās siltumapgades sistmas (Dzelzavas ciems un Aizpurves ciems);•Veikt esošo katlu mājas siltumtīklu sūkņu nomaiņu, lai nodrošinātu nepieciešamo hidraulisko režīmu apvienotajās centralizētajās siltumapgādes sistēmās.Projekta rezultātā:•Dzelzavas pagasta katlu māju kopējais lietderības koeficents palielināsies no 61,02% uz 87%;•Tiks uzstādīts jauns šķeldas katls ar siltuma jaudu 1,2MW un lietderības koeficientu 87%;•Esošie ūdenssildāmie katli paliks rezervē – avārijas gadījumiem;•Samazināsies siltuma ražošanas iekārtu ietekme uz vidi.Paredzams, ka projekts tiks īstenots 22 mēnešu laikā no līguma ar CFLA noslēgšanas brīža par KF līdzfinansējuma piesaisti. Tā kopējās izmaksas varētu sasniegt ap EUR 984051,69, no kā aptuveni EUR 251 194 sastādīt KF līdzfinansējums. (Latvian)
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    SIA “Madonas siltums” implements the project in order to improve the operational efficiency of existing boiler houses of the Ironava parish, thus ensuring continuous and stable supply of thermal energy to existing and potential new customers in order to reduce or keep thermal energy costs at the current level, as well as to increase the company’s value. Analysing the current situation, it can be concluded that in order for the production of heat in the Ironava parish to work effectively, it is necessary to combine two existing district heating systems (heating system of Dzelzava village and heating system of Aizpurve village), as well as to reconstruct the existing boiler house in Dzelzava village. The project of upgrading thermal energy objects provides for a number of measures:•In addition to the existing 2pcs for water heated boilers “Orions” 2H2M with installed heat output of 1.0 MW each, installs a new woodchip boiler with heat output 1,2 MW;•Off the existing conduit lighthouses in the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of Manufactured Lighthouses to the district of the building.•Connect the heating in the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Describing from the existing Iron Lighthouses to the outlet of the district.•Constituting the heating system.•Buishable boilers for heating systems;•Exit for the existing consumable boilers.Conditional installation of the heating system.•Conditional heating house building with installed heating boilers with installed heat supply systems;•Bake out of the existing consumable heating boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW.Contracting the heating system on the heating system•Containing the boilers in the storage with moving boilers and chips for the installation of the heating system;•Deliver out of the existing Iron of the Ciling Lightings from the Outside of the Customer Lighthouses.•Continuating the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out from the existing Iron Cover-loaded Lighthouses from the Outdoor-Use of the heating system.•Consurable in the heating house.•Consulate the thermal storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of the production of the cables from the lighthouses.Constituted on the districts of the heating system•Constructing the boilers in the storage spacehouse with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out of the existing conduits for the production of the lighthouses from the outlets.Connect the heating system from the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Exhibiling from the existing Iron of the production of the outdoors.Connect the heating system from the external heating system.•Constructing the thermal energy into the house.•Blu for the thermal boilers with the installed heat supply systems;•Deliver for a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;Constituting the existing boilers in the heating house•Inclu in the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers of 1.0 MW;Oblining a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•Contracting the conduit of the heating of the heating boilers.•Including the building with the installed thermal capacity of 1,0 MW each, installing a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•At the existing heating system.•Consurfault of the building with the thermalthouthouses with the installed heat of the boilers with the installation of the heating system;•Delivering from the existing woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive of the heating house•Includes the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers with the power supply systems;•Exhibit for the existing Iron of the Coverheading and the Connected Club of the Outside of the Lighthouses•Constructing the heating house•Include the storage with moving boilers and chipsets for the installation of the heating boilers with heat output of 1,2 MW;Consuying the conduits of the production of the lighthouse from the heating system•Containing the thermal boilers in the storage with the installed heating boilers with the installed heating boilers with a thermal output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive power of the existing consumables.Conducting the Its total cost could amount to around EUR 984051.69, of which the CF co-funding some EUR 251 194. (English)
    15 July 2021
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    SIA «Madonas siltums» met en œuvre le projet afin d’améliorer l’efficacité opérationnelle des chaufferies existantes dans la paroisse de Dzelzavas, assurant ainsi un approvisionnement continu et stable en énergie thermique aux consommateurs existants et potentiellement nouveaux afin de réduire ou de maintenir les coûts de l’énergie thermique au niveau actuel, ainsi que d’augmenter la valeur de l’entreprise. En analysant la situation actuelle, on peut conclure que pour que la production de chaleur dans la paroisse de Dzelzavas fonctionne efficacement, il est nécessaire de combiner les deux systèmes de chauffage urbain existants (système d’approvisionnement en chaleur du village d’Iron et système d’approvisionnement en chaleur du village d’Aizpurve), ainsi que de reconstruire la chaufferie existante du village de Dzelzavas. Le projet de modernisation des installations de production d’énergie thermique prévoit une série de mesures:•En plus des chaudières à bois 2pcs existantes «Orions» 2H2M d’une puissance calorifique installée de 1,0 MW chacune, installe une nouvelle chaudière à copeaux d’une capacité thermique de 1,2 MW;•La construction d’un entrepôt de copeaux avec planchers mobiles et systèmes d’alimentation en copeaux;•Rejet de l’exploitation de la chaufferie existante dans le village d’Aizpurve de la paroisse de Dzelzavas; •Construire un interconnecteur pour le chauffage de deux systèmes indépendants de chauffage de la paroisse de Dzelzavas (Iron Village et Aizpurve Village); • Prendre le remplacement des pompes existantes du réseau de chaleur des chaufferies afin d’assurer le régime hydraulique nécessaire dans les systèmes de chauffage urbain combinés. 02 % à 87 %;•Une nouvelle chaudière pour copeaux à bois d’une puissance thermique de 1,2 MW et d’un rendement de 87 % sera installée;• Les chaudières existantes pour le chauffage de l’eau resteront en réserve — en cas d’accident;•L’impact environnemental des installations de production de chaleur diminuera.Le projet devrait être mis en œuvre dans les 22 mois suivant la conclusion de l’accord avec la CFCA pour attirer le cofinancement des FC. Son coût total pourrait s’élever à environ 984 051,69 EUR, dont quelque 251 194 EUR seraient cofinancés par le FC. (French)
    25 November 2021
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    SIA „Madonas siltums“ setzt das Projekt um, um die Betriebseffizienz bestehender Kesselhäuser in der Pfarrei Dzelzavas zu verbessern und so eine kontinuierliche und stabile Versorgung bestehender und potenziell neuer Verbraucher mit Wärmeenergie zu gewährleisten, um die thermischen Energiekosten auf dem aktuellen Niveau zu senken oder aufrechtzuerhalten und den Wert des Unternehmens zu erhöhen. Bei einer Analyse der aktuellen Situation kann der Schluss gezogen werden, dass die beiden bestehenden Fernwärmesysteme (Eiserne Dorfwärmeversorgung und Aizpurve Dorfwärmeversorgung) kombiniert werden müssen, um die Wärmeerzeugung in der Gemeinde Dzelzavas effizient zu betreiben und das bestehende Kesselhaus des Dorfes Dzelzavas zu rekonstruieren. Das Vorhaben zur Modernisierung der thermischen Energieerzeugungsanlagen sieht eine Reihe von Maßnahmen vor:•Zusätzlich zu den bestehenden 2 Stück Holzheizkesseln „Orions“ 2H2M mit installierter Wärmeleistung von je 1,0 MW installiert ein neuer Chipkessel mit einer Wärmeleistung von 1,2 MW;•Im bestehenden Kesselhaus bauen Sie ein Holzchip-Lager mit beweglichen Böden und Chip-Zuführungssystemen;•Abwerfen vom Betrieb des bestehenden Kesselhauses in Dzelzavas Gemeinde Aizpurve Dorf; • Bau einer Verbindungsleitung für Heizleitungen, um zwei bestehende unabhängige Fernwärmesysteme der Gemeinde Dzelzavas (Iron Village und Aizpurve Village) zu kombinieren; • Ersetzen bestehender Kesselhaus-Wärmenetzpumpen, um die notwendige hydraulische Regelung in den kombinierten Fernwärmesystemen zu gewährleisten. 02 % bis 87 %;• Ein neuer Kessel für Holzschnitzel mit einer Wärmeleistung von 1,2 MW und einem Wirkungsgrad von 87 % wird installiert;• bestehende Warmwasserbereiter werden in Reserve bleiben – im Falle von Unfällen;•Die Umweltauswirkungen von Wärmeerzeugungsanlagen werden abnehmen.Das Projekt soll innerhalb von 22 Monaten nach Abschluss der Vereinbarung mit der CF-Kofinanzierung durchgeführt werden. Die Gesamtkosten könnten sich auf rund 984 051,69 EUR belaufen, wovon etwa 251 194 EUR vom KF kofinanziert würden. (German)
    28 November 2021
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    SIA „Madonas siltums” voert het project uit om de operationele efficiëntie van bestaande ketelhuizen in de parochie Dzelzavas te verbeteren, waardoor een continue en stabiele levering van thermische energie aan bestaande en mogelijk nieuwe consumenten wordt gewaarborgd om de thermische energiekosten op het huidige niveau te verlagen of te handhaven, en om de waarde van het bedrijf te verhogen. Op basis van de huidige situatie kan worden geconcludeerd dat om de warmteproductie in de parochie Dzelzavas efficiënt te laten functioneren, het noodzakelijk is de twee bestaande stadsverwarmingssystemen (Iron dorpswarmtevoorzieningssysteem en Aizpurve dorpswarmtevoorzieningssysteem) te combineren en het bestaande ketelhuis van het dorp Dzelzavas te reconstrueren. Het project voor de modernisering van installaties voor de productie van thermische energie voorziet in een reeks maatregelen:•In aanvulling op de bestaande 2 stuks houtgestookte ketels „Orions” 2H2M met een geïnstalleerde warmteafgifte van elk 1,0 MW, installeert een nieuwe chipketel met een warmtecapaciteit van 1,2 MW;•Op het bestaande ketelhuis bouwt een houtsnipperpakhuis met bewegende vloeren en chiptoevoersystemen;•Verwerp van de exploitatie van het bestaande ketelhuis in de parochie Dzelzavas in het dorp Aizpurve; •Een interconnector voor verwarmingsleidingen bouwen om twee bestaande onafhankelijke stadsverwarmingssystemen van de parochie Dzelzavas (Iron Village en Aizpurve Village) te combineren;• Neem de vervanging van bestaande warmtenetpompen voor ketelhuis om de nodige hydraulische regeling in de gecombineerde stadsverwarmingssystemen te waarborgen. 02 % tot 87 %;•Een nieuwe ketel voor houtsnippers met een warmteafgifte van 1,2 MW en een rendement van 87 % zal worden geïnstalleerd;• Bestaande waterverwarmingsketels blijven in reserve — bij ongevallen;•De milieueffecten van warmteproductie-installaties zullen afnemen. Het project zal naar verwachting binnen 22 maanden na de sluiting van de overeenkomst met het CFCA worden uitgevoerd om cofinanciering van CF-financiering aan te trekken. De totale kosten zouden ongeveer 984 051,69 EUR kunnen bedragen, waarvan zo’n 25 194 EUR medegefinancierd zou worden door het CF. (Dutch)
    28 November 2021
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    Si "Madonas siltums" sta attuando il progetto al fine di migliorare l'efficienza operativa delle case caldaie esistenti nella parrocchia di Dzelzavas, garantendo così un approvvigionamento continuo e stabile di energia termica ai consumatori esistenti e potenzialmente nuovi al fine di ridurre o mantenere i costi energetici termici al livello attuale, nonché di aumentare il valore dell'azienda. Analizzando la situazione attuale, si può concludere che affinché la produzione di calore nella parrocchia di Dzelzavas funzioni in modo efficiente, è necessario combinare i due sistemi di teleriscaldamento esistenti (sistema di approvvigionamento di calore del villaggio di ferro e sistema di approvvigionamento di calore del villaggio di Aizpurve), nonché per ricostruire la casa di caldaia esistente del villaggio di Dzelzavas. Il progetto di ammodernamento degli impianti di produzione di energia termica prevede una serie di misure:•In aggiunta alle caldaie a legna da 2 pezzi esistenti "Orions" 2H2M con una potenza termica installata di 1,0 MW ciascuna, installa una nuova caldaia a chip con una capacità termica di 1,2 MW;•All'attuale casa caldaia costruire un magazzino di cippato con pavimenti mobili e sistemi di alimentazione trucioli;•Rigettare dal funzionamento della casa caldaia esistente nel villaggio di Aizpurve della parrocchia di Dzelzavas; •Costruire un interconnettore per la rete di riscaldamento per combinare due sistemi indipendenti di riscaldamento autonomo della parrocchia di Dzelzavas (Iron Village e Aizpurve Village); • Prendere la sostituzione delle pompe esistenti per la rete di riscaldamento delle caldaie per garantire il regime idraulico necessario nei sistemi di teleriscaldamento combinati: dal 02 % all'87 %;• Una nuova caldaia per trucioli a legna con una potenza termica di 1,2 MW e un'efficienza dell'87 % sarà installata;• Le caldaie esistenti per il riscaldamento dell'acqua rimarranno in riserva — in caso di incidenti;•L'impatto ambientale degli impianti di produzione di calore diminuirà.Il progetto dovrebbe essere attuato entro 22 mesi dalla conclusione dell'accordo con la CFCA per attirare il cofinanziamento di CF. Il suo costo totale potrebbe ammontare a circa 984 051,69 EUR, di cui circa 25 194 EUR sarebbero cofinanziati dal FC. (Italian)
    11 January 2022
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    SIA «Madonas siltums» está implementando el proyecto con el fin de mejorar la eficiencia operativa de las calderas existentes en la parroquia de Dzelzavas, asegurando así un suministro continuo y estable de energía térmica a los consumidores existentes y potencialmente nuevos con el fin de reducir o mantener los costes de energía térmica en el nivel actual, así como para aumentar el valor de la empresa. Analizando la situación actual, se puede concluir que para que la producción de calor en la parroquia de Dzelzavas funcione de manera eficiente, es necesario combinar los dos sistemas de calefacción urbana existentes (sistema de suministro de calor de la aldea de hierro y sistema de suministro de calor de la aldea de Aizpurve), así como reconstruir la casa de calderas existente en el pueblo de Dzelzavas. El proyecto de modernización de las instalaciones de producción de energía térmica prevé una serie de medidas:•Además de las calderas de leña «Orions» 2H2M existentes, con una potencia calorífica instalada de 1,0 MW cada una, se instala una nueva caldera con una capacidad térmica de 1,2 MW;•En la casa de calderas existente construir un almacén de achique de madera con pisos móviles y sistemas de alimentación de virutas;•Rechazar el funcionamiento de la casa de calderas existente en la parroquia de Dzelzavas en la localidad de Aizpurve; •Construir un interconector para la red de calefacción para combinar dos sistemas de calefacción urbanos existentes de la parroquia de Dzelzavas (Iron Village y Aizpurve Village);• Tome la sustitución de las bombas existentes de la red de calor de la casa de calderas para garantizar el régimen hidráulico necesario en los sistemas urbanos de calefacción combinados. Del 02 % al 87 %;•Una nueva caldera para virutas de madera con una potencia calorífica de 1,2 MW y una eficiencia del 87 % se instalará;• Las calderas de calentamiento de agua existentes permanecerán en la reserva — en caso de accidentes;• El impacto ambiental de las instalaciones de producción de calor disminuirá. Se espera que el proyecto se ejecute dentro de los 22 meses siguientes a la celebración del acuerdo con la CFCA para atraer la cofinanciación de CF. Su coste total podría ascender a unos 984 051,69 EUR, de los cuales unos 25 194 EUR serían cofinanciados por el FC. (Spanish)
    12 January 2022
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    SIA „Madonas siltums“ rakendab projekti, et parandada Ironava valla olemasolevate katlamajade töö tõhusust, tagades seeläbi soojusenergia pideva ja stabiilse tarnimise olemasolevatele ja potentsiaalsetele uutele klientidele, et vähendada või hoida soojusenergia kulusid praegusel tasemel, samuti suurendada ettevõtte väärtust. Praegust olukorda analüüsides võib järeldada, et Ironava vallas soojuse tootmiseks on vaja ühendada kaks olemasolevat kaugküttesüsteemi (Dzelzava küla küttesüsteem ja Aizpurve küla küttesüsteem) ning taastada Dzelzava küla olemasolev katlamaja. The project of upgrading thermal energy objects provides for a number of measures:•In addition to the existing 2pcs for water heated boilers “Orions” 2H2M with installed heat output of 1.0 MW each, installs a new woodchip boiler with heat output 1,2 MW;•Off the existing conduit lighthouses in the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of Manufactured Lighthouses to the district of the building.•Connect the heating in the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Describing from the existing Iron Lighthouses to the outlet of the district.•Constituting the heating system.•Buishable boilers for heating systems;•Exit for the existing consumable boilers.Conditional installation of the heating system.•Conditional heating house building with installed heating boilers with installed heat supply systems;•Bake out of the existing consumable heating boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW.Contracting the heating system on the heating system•Containing the boilers in the storage with moving boilers and chips for the installation of the heating system;•Deliver out of the existing Iron of the Ciling Lightings from the Outside of the Customer Lighthouses.•Continuating the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out from the existing Iron Cover-loaded Lighthouses from the Outdoor-Use of the heating system.•Consurable in the heating house.•Consulate the thermal storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of the production of the cables from the lighthouses.Constituted on the districts of the heating system•Constructing the boilers in the storage spacehouse with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out of the existing conduits for the production of the lighthouses from the outlets.Connect the heating system from the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Exhibiling from the existing Iron of the production of the outdoors.Connect the heating system from the external heating system.•Constructing the thermal energy into the house.•Blu for the thermal boilers with the installed heat supply systems;•Deliver for a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;Constituting the existing boilers in the heating house•Inclu in the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers of 1.0 MW;Oblining a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•Contracting the conduit of the heating of the heating boilers.•Including the building with the installed thermal capacity of 1,0 MW each, installing a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•At the existing heating system.•Consurfault of the building with the thermalthouthouses with the installed heat of the boilers with the installation of the heating system;•Delivering from the existing woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive of the heating house•Includes the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers with the power supply systems;•Exhibit for the existing Iron of the Coverheading and the Connected Club of the Outside of the Lighthouses•Constructing the heating house•Include the storage with moving boilers and chipsets for the installation of the heating boilers with heat output of 1,2 MW;Consuying the conduits of the production of the lighthouse from the heating system•Containing the thermal boilers in the storage with the installed heating boilers with the installed heating boilers with a thermal output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive power of the existing consumables.Conducting the Its total cost could amount to around EUR 984051.69, of which the CF co-funding some EUR 251 194. (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
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    SIA „Madonas siltums“ įgyvendina projektą, kurio tikslas – pagerinti esamų Ironavos parapijos katilinių eksploatacinį efektyvumą, taip užtikrinant nuolatinį ir stabilų šilumos energijos tiekimą esamiems ir potencialiems naujiems klientams, siekiant sumažinti ar išlaikyti dabartinį šiluminės energijos kainą, taip pat padidinti įmonės vertę. Analizuojant dabartinę situaciją, galima daryti išvadą, kad tam, kad šilumos gamyba Ironavos parapijoje veiktų efektyviai, būtina sujungti dvi esamas centralizuoto šildymo sistemas (Dzelzavos kaimo šildymo sistemą ir Aizpurvės kaimo šildymo sistemą), taip pat rekonstruoti esamą katilinę Dzelzavos kaime. The project of upgrading thermal energy objects provides for a number of measures:•In addition to the existing 2pcs for water heated boilers “Orions” 2H2M with installed heat output of 1.0 MW each, installs a new woodchip boiler with heat output 1,2 MW;•Off the existing conduit lighthouses in the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of Manufactured Lighthouses to the district of the building.•Connect the heating in the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Describing from the existing Iron Lighthouses to the outlet of the district.•Constituting the heating system.•Buishable boilers for heating systems;•Exit for the existing consumable boilers.Conditional installation of the heating system.•Conditional heating house building with installed heating boilers with installed heat supply systems;•Bake out of the existing consumable heating boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW.Contracting the heating system on the heating system•Containing the boilers in the storage with moving boilers and chips for the installation of the heating system;•Deliver out of the existing Iron of the Ciling Lightings from the Outside of the Customer Lighthouses.•Continuating the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out from the existing Iron Cover-loaded Lighthouses from the Outdoor-Use of the heating system.•Consurable in the heating house.•Consulate the thermal storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of the production of the cables from the lighthouses.Constituted on the districts of the heating system•Constructing the boilers in the storage spacehouse with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out of the existing conduits for the production of the lighthouses from the outlets.Connect the heating system from the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Exhibiling from the existing Iron of the production of the outdoors.Connect the heating system from the external heating system.•Constructing the thermal energy into the house.•Blu for the thermal boilers with the installed heat supply systems;•Deliver for a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;Constituting the existing boilers in the heating house•Inclu in the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers of 1.0 MW;Oblining a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•Contracting the conduit of the heating of the heating boilers.•Including the building with the installed thermal capacity of 1,0 MW each, installing a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•At the existing heating system.•Consurfault of the building with the thermalthouthouses with the installed heat of the boilers with the installation of the heating system;•Delivering from the existing woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive of the heating house•Includes the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers with the power supply systems;•Exhibit for the existing Iron of the Coverheading and the Connected Club of the Outside of the Lighthouses•Constructing the heating house•Include the storage with moving boilers and chipsets for the installation of the heating boilers with heat output of 1,2 MW;Consuying the conduits of the production of the lighthouse from the heating system•Containing the thermal boilers in the storage with the installed heating boilers with the installed heating boilers with a thermal output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive power of the existing consumables.Conducting the Its total cost could amount to around EUR 984051.69, of which the CF co-funding some EUR 251 194. (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
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    SIA „Madonas siltums” provodi projekt s ciljem poboljšanja operativne učinkovitosti postojećih kotlovnica župe Ironava, čime se osigurava kontinuirana i stabilna opskrba toplinskom energijom postojećim i potencijalnim novim kupcima kako bi se smanjili ili održali troškovi toplinske energije na sadašnjoj razini, kao i povećala vrijednost tvrtke. Analizirajući sadašnju situaciju, može se zaključiti da je za učinkovitu proizvodnju topline u župi Ironava potrebno kombinirati dva postojeća sustava centraliziranog grijanja (sustav grijanja sela Dzelzava i sustav grijanja sela Aizpurve), kao i rekonstruirati postojeću kotlovnicu u selu Dzelzava. The project of upgrading thermal energy objects provides for a number of measures:•In addition to the existing 2pcs for water heated boilers “Orions” 2H2M with installed heat output of 1.0 MW each, installs a new woodchip boiler with heat output 1,2 MW;•Off the existing conduit lighthouses in the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of Manufactured Lighthouses to the district of the building.•Connect the heating in the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Describing from the existing Iron Lighthouses to the outlet of the district.•Constituting the heating system.•Buishable boilers for heating systems;•Exit for the existing consumable boilers.Conditional installation of the heating system.•Conditional heating house building with installed heating boilers with installed heat supply systems;•Bake out of the existing consumable heating boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW.Contracting the heating system on the heating system•Containing the boilers in the storage with moving boilers and chips for the installation of the heating system;•Deliver out of the existing Iron of the Ciling Lightings from the Outside of the Customer Lighthouses.•Continuating the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out from the existing Iron Cover-loaded Lighthouses from the Outdoor-Use of the heating system.•Consurable in the heating house.•Consulate the thermal storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of the production of the cables from the lighthouses.Constituted on the districts of the heating system•Constructing the boilers in the storage spacehouse with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out of the existing conduits for the production of the lighthouses from the outlets.Connect the heating system from the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Exhibiling from the existing Iron of the production of the outdoors.Connect the heating system from the external heating system.•Constructing the thermal energy into the house.•Blu for the thermal boilers with the installed heat supply systems;•Deliver for a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;Constituting the existing boilers in the heating house•Inclu in the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers of 1.0 MW;Oblining a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•Contracting the conduit of the heating of the heating boilers.•Including the building with the installed thermal capacity of 1,0 MW each, installing a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•At the existing heating system.•Consurfault of the building with the thermalthouthouses with the installed heat of the boilers with the installation of the heating system;•Delivering from the existing woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive of the heating house•Includes the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers with the power supply systems;•Exhibit for the existing Iron of the Coverheading and the Connected Club of the Outside of the Lighthouses•Constructing the heating house•Include the storage with moving boilers and chipsets for the installation of the heating boilers with heat output of 1,2 MW;Consuying the conduits of the production of the lighthouse from the heating system•Containing the thermal boilers in the storage with the installed heating boilers with the installed heating boilers with a thermal output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive power of the existing consumables.Conducting the Its total cost could amount to around EUR 984051.69, of which the CF co-funding some EUR 251 194. (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Η SIA «Madonas siltums» υλοποιεί το έργο με σκοπό τη βελτίωση της λειτουργικής απόδοσης των υφιστάμενων λεβητόρων της ενορίας Ironava, εξασφαλίζοντας έτσι συνεχή και σταθερή παροχή θερμικής ενέργειας σε υφιστάμενους και δυνητικούς νέους πελάτες, προκειμένου να μειωθεί ή να διατηρηθεί το κόστος της θερμικής ενέργειας στο σημερινό επίπεδο, καθώς και να αυξηθεί η αξία της εταιρείας. Αναλύοντας την τρέχουσα κατάσταση, μπορεί να συναχθεί το συμπέρασμα ότι, προκειμένου η παραγωγή θερμότητας στην ενορία Ironava να λειτουργήσει αποτελεσματικά, είναι απαραίτητο να συνδυαστούν δύο υφιστάμενα συστήματα τηλεθέρμανσης (σύστημα θέρμανσης του χωριού Dzelzava και σύστημα θέρμανσης του χωριού Aizpurve), καθώς και να ανακατασκευαστεί το υπάρχον λεβητοστάσιο στο χωριό Dzelzava. The project of upgrading thermal energy objects provides for a number of measures:•In addition to the existing 2pcs for water heated boilers “Orions” 2H2M with installed heat output of 1.0 MW each, installs a new woodchip boiler with heat output 1,2 MW;•Off the existing conduit lighthouses in the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of Manufactured Lighthouses to the district of the building.•Connect the heating in the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Describing from the existing Iron Lighthouses to the outlet of the district.•Constituting the heating system.•Buishable boilers for heating systems;•Exit for the existing consumable boilers.Conditional installation of the heating system.•Conditional heating house building with installed heating boilers with installed heat supply systems;•Bake out of the existing consumable heating boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW.Contracting the heating system on the heating system•Containing the boilers in the storage with moving boilers and chips for the installation of the heating system;•Deliver out of the existing Iron of the Ciling Lightings from the Outside of the Customer Lighthouses.•Continuating the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out from the existing Iron Cover-loaded Lighthouses from the Outdoor-Use of the heating system.•Consurable in the heating house.•Consulate the thermal storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of the production of the cables from the lighthouses.Constituted on the districts of the heating system•Constructing the boilers in the storage spacehouse with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out of the existing conduits for the production of the lighthouses from the outlets.Connect the heating system from the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Exhibiling from the existing Iron of the production of the outdoors.Connect the heating system from the external heating system.•Constructing the thermal energy into the house.•Blu for the thermal boilers with the installed heat supply systems;•Deliver for a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;Constituting the existing boilers in the heating house•Inclu in the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers of 1.0 MW;Oblining a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•Contracting the conduit of the heating of the heating boilers.•Including the building with the installed thermal capacity of 1,0 MW each, installing a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•At the existing heating system.•Consurfault of the building with the thermalthouthouses with the installed heat of the boilers with the installation of the heating system;•Delivering from the existing woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive of the heating house•Includes the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers with the power supply systems;•Exhibit for the existing Iron of the Coverheading and the Connected Club of the Outside of the Lighthouses•Constructing the heating house•Include the storage with moving boilers and chipsets for the installation of the heating boilers with heat output of 1,2 MW;Consuying the conduits of the production of the lighthouse from the heating system•Containing the thermal boilers in the storage with the installed heating boilers with the installed heating boilers with a thermal output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive power of the existing consumables.Conducting the Its total cost could amount to around EUR 984051.69, of which the CF co-funding some EUR 251 194. (Greek)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    SIA „Madonas siltums“ realizuje projekt s cieľom zlepšiť prevádzkovú efektívnosť existujúcich kotolní farnosti Ironava, čím zabezpečuje nepretržité a stabilné dodávky tepelnej energie existujúcim a potenciálnym novým zákazníkom s cieľom znížiť alebo udržať náklady na tepelnú energiu na súčasnej úrovni, ako aj zvýšiť hodnotu spoločnosti. Pri analýze súčasnej situácie možno dospieť k záveru, že na efektívne fungovanie výroby tepla vo farnosti Ironava je potrebné spojiť dva existujúce systémy diaľkového vykurovania (vykurovací systém obce Dzelzava a vykurovací systém obce Aizpurve), ako aj rekonštrukciu existujúceho kotolne v obci Dzelzava. The project of upgrading thermal energy objects provides for a number of measures:•In addition to the existing 2pcs for water heated boilers “Orions” 2H2M with installed heat output of 1.0 MW each, installs a new woodchip boiler with heat output 1,2 MW;•Off the existing conduit lighthouses in the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of Manufactured Lighthouses to the district of the building.•Connect the heating in the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Describing from the existing Iron Lighthouses to the outlet of the district.•Constituting the heating system.•Buishable boilers for heating systems;•Exit for the existing consumable boilers.Conditional installation of the heating system.•Conditional heating house building with installed heating boilers with installed heat supply systems;•Bake out of the existing consumable heating boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW.Contracting the heating system on the heating system•Containing the boilers in the storage with moving boilers and chips for the installation of the heating system;•Deliver out of the existing Iron of the Ciling Lightings from the Outside of the Customer Lighthouses.•Continuating the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out from the existing Iron Cover-loaded Lighthouses from the Outdoor-Use of the heating system.•Consurable in the heating house.•Consulate the thermal storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of the production of the cables from the lighthouses.Constituted on the districts of the heating system•Constructing the boilers in the storage spacehouse with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out of the existing conduits for the production of the lighthouses from the outlets.Connect the heating system from the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Exhibiling from the existing Iron of the production of the outdoors.Connect the heating system from the external heating system.•Constructing the thermal energy into the house.•Blu for the thermal boilers with the installed heat supply systems;•Deliver for a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;Constituting the existing boilers in the heating house•Inclu in the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers of 1.0 MW;Oblining a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•Contracting the conduit of the heating of the heating boilers.•Including the building with the installed thermal capacity of 1,0 MW each, installing a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•At the existing heating system.•Consurfault of the building with the thermalthouthouses with the installed heat of the boilers with the installation of the heating system;•Delivering from the existing woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive of the heating house•Includes the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers with the power supply systems;•Exhibit for the existing Iron of the Coverheading and the Connected Club of the Outside of the Lighthouses•Constructing the heating house•Include the storage with moving boilers and chipsets for the installation of the heating boilers with heat output of 1,2 MW;Consuying the conduits of the production of the lighthouse from the heating system•Containing the thermal boilers in the storage with the installed heating boilers with the installed heating boilers with a thermal output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive power of the existing consumables.Conducting the Its total cost could amount to around EUR 984051.69, of which the CF co-funding some EUR 251 194. (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    SIA ”Madonas siltums” toteuttaa hankkeen parantaakseen Ironavan seurakunnan nykyisten kattilatalojen toiminnallista tehokkuutta ja siten varmistaakseen lämpöenergian jatkuvan ja vakaan tarjonnan nykyisille ja mahdollisille uusille asiakkaille lämpöenergian kustannusten vähentämiseksi tai pitämiseksi nykyisellä tasolla sekä yhtiön arvon lisäämiseksi. Nykytilanteen analysoimiseksi voidaan päätellä, että jotta Ironavan seurakunnan lämmöntuotanto toimisi tehokkaasti, on tarpeen yhdistää kaksi olemassa olevaa kaukolämpöjärjestelmää (Dzelzavan kylän lämmitysjärjestelmä ja Aizpurven kylän lämmitysjärjestelmä) sekä kunnostaa Dzelzavan kylän nykyinen kattilatalo. The project of upgrading thermal energy objects provides for a number of measures:•In addition to the existing 2pcs for water heated boilers “Orions” 2H2M with installed heat output of 1.0 MW each, installs a new woodchip boiler with heat output 1,2 MW;•Off the existing conduit lighthouses in the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of Manufactured Lighthouses to the district of the building.•Connect the heating in the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Describing from the existing Iron Lighthouses to the outlet of the district.•Constituting the heating system.•Buishable boilers for heating systems;•Exit for the existing consumable boilers.Conditional installation of the heating system.•Conditional heating house building with installed heating boilers with installed heat supply systems;•Bake out of the existing consumable heating boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW.Contracting the heating system on the heating system•Containing the boilers in the storage with moving boilers and chips for the installation of the heating system;•Deliver out of the existing Iron of the Ciling Lightings from the Outside of the Customer Lighthouses.•Continuating the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out from the existing Iron Cover-loaded Lighthouses from the Outdoor-Use of the heating system.•Consurable in the heating house.•Consulate the thermal storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of the production of the cables from the lighthouses.Constituted on the districts of the heating system•Constructing the boilers in the storage spacehouse with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out of the existing conduits for the production of the lighthouses from the outlets.Connect the heating system from the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Exhibiling from the existing Iron of the production of the outdoors.Connect the heating system from the external heating system.•Constructing the thermal energy into the house.•Blu for the thermal boilers with the installed heat supply systems;•Deliver for a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;Constituting the existing boilers in the heating house•Inclu in the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers of 1.0 MW;Oblining a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•Contracting the conduit of the heating of the heating boilers.•Including the building with the installed thermal capacity of 1,0 MW each, installing a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•At the existing heating system.•Consurfault of the building with the thermalthouthouses with the installed heat of the boilers with the installation of the heating system;•Delivering from the existing woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive of the heating house•Includes the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers with the power supply systems;•Exhibit for the existing Iron of the Coverheading and the Connected Club of the Outside of the Lighthouses•Constructing the heating house•Include the storage with moving boilers and chipsets for the installation of the heating boilers with heat output of 1,2 MW;Consuying the conduits of the production of the lighthouse from the heating system•Containing the thermal boilers in the storage with the installed heating boilers with the installed heating boilers with a thermal output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive power of the existing consumables.Conducting the Its total cost could amount to around EUR 984051.69, of which the CF co-funding some EUR 251 194. (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    SIA „Madonas siltums” realizuje projekt w celu poprawy efektywności operacyjnej istniejących kotłowni w parafii Ironava, zapewniając w ten sposób stałe i stabilne dostawy energii cieplnej do istniejących i potencjalnych nowych odbiorców w celu zmniejszenia lub utrzymania kosztów energii cieplnej na obecnym poziomie, a także zwiększenia wartości firmy. Analizując obecną sytuację, można stwierdzić, że aby produkcja ciepła w parafii Ironava działała skutecznie, konieczne jest połączenie dwóch istniejących systemów ciepłowniczych (system ogrzewania wsi Dzelzava i system grzewczy wsi Aizpurve), a także odbudowę istniejącej kotłowni w miejscowości Dzelzava. The project of upgrading thermal energy objects provides for a number of measures:•In addition to the existing 2pcs for water heated boilers “Orions” 2H2M with installed heat output of 1.0 MW each, installs a new woodchip boiler with heat output 1,2 MW;•Off the existing conduit lighthouses in the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of Manufactured Lighthouses to the district of the building.•Connect the heating in the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Describing from the existing Iron Lighthouses to the outlet of the district.•Constituting the heating system.•Buishable boilers for heating systems;•Exit for the existing consumable boilers.Conditional installation of the heating system.•Conditional heating house building with installed heating boilers with installed heat supply systems;•Bake out of the existing consumable heating boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW.Contracting the heating system on the heating system•Containing the boilers in the storage with moving boilers and chips for the installation of the heating system;•Deliver out of the existing Iron of the Ciling Lightings from the Outside of the Customer Lighthouses.•Continuating the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out from the existing Iron Cover-loaded Lighthouses from the Outdoor-Use of the heating system.•Consurable in the heating house.•Consulate the thermal storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of the production of the cables from the lighthouses.Constituted on the districts of the heating system•Constructing the boilers in the storage spacehouse with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out of the existing conduits for the production of the lighthouses from the outlets.Connect the heating system from the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Exhibiling from the existing Iron of the production of the outdoors.Connect the heating system from the external heating system.•Constructing the thermal energy into the house.•Blu for the thermal boilers with the installed heat supply systems;•Deliver for a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;Constituting the existing boilers in the heating house•Inclu in the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers of 1.0 MW;Oblining a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•Contracting the conduit of the heating of the heating boilers.•Including the building with the installed thermal capacity of 1,0 MW each, installing a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•At the existing heating system.•Consurfault of the building with the thermalthouthouses with the installed heat of the boilers with the installation of the heating system;•Delivering from the existing woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive of the heating house•Includes the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers with the power supply systems;•Exhibit for the existing Iron of the Coverheading and the Connected Club of the Outside of the Lighthouses•Constructing the heating house•Include the storage with moving boilers and chipsets for the installation of the heating boilers with heat output of 1,2 MW;Consuying the conduits of the production of the lighthouse from the heating system•Containing the thermal boilers in the storage with the installed heating boilers with the installed heating boilers with a thermal output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive power of the existing consumables.Conducting the Its total cost could amount to around EUR 984051.69, of which the CF co-funding some EUR 251 194. (Polish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    A SIA „Madonas siltums” a projektet annak érdekében valósítja meg, hogy javítsa az Ironava plébániai kazánházak működési hatékonyságát, ezáltal biztosítva a meglévő és potenciális új ügyfelek folyamatos és stabil hőenergiával való ellátását annak érdekében, hogy a hőenergia-költségeket a jelenlegi szinten csökkentse vagy megtartsa, valamint növelje a vállalat értékét. A jelenlegi helyzet elemzése alapján megállapítható, hogy ahhoz, hogy az Ironava plébániai hőtermelés hatékonyan működjön, két meglévő távfűtési rendszert (Dzelzava falu fűtési rendszere és Aizpurve falu fűtési rendszere), valamint Dzelzava falu meglévő kazánházának rekonstruálására van szükség. The project of upgrading thermal energy objects provides for a number of measures:•In addition to the existing 2pcs for water heated boilers “Orions” 2H2M with installed heat output of 1.0 MW each, installs a new woodchip boiler with heat output 1,2 MW;•Off the existing conduit lighthouses in the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of Manufactured Lighthouses to the district of the building.•Connect the heating in the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Describing from the existing Iron Lighthouses to the outlet of the district.•Constituting the heating system.•Buishable boilers for heating systems;•Exit for the existing consumable boilers.Conditional installation of the heating system.•Conditional heating house building with installed heating boilers with installed heat supply systems;•Bake out of the existing consumable heating boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW.Contracting the heating system on the heating system•Containing the boilers in the storage with moving boilers and chips for the installation of the heating system;•Deliver out of the existing Iron of the Ciling Lightings from the Outside of the Customer Lighthouses.•Continuating the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out from the existing Iron Cover-loaded Lighthouses from the Outdoor-Use of the heating system.•Consurable in the heating house.•Consulate the thermal storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of the production of the cables from the lighthouses.Constituted on the districts of the heating system•Constructing the boilers in the storage spacehouse with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out of the existing conduits for the production of the lighthouses from the outlets.Connect the heating system from the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Exhibiling from the existing Iron of the production of the outdoors.Connect the heating system from the external heating system.•Constructing the thermal energy into the house.•Blu for the thermal boilers with the installed heat supply systems;•Deliver for a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;Constituting the existing boilers in the heating house•Inclu in the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers of 1.0 MW;Oblining a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•Contracting the conduit of the heating of the heating boilers.•Including the building with the installed thermal capacity of 1,0 MW each, installing a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•At the existing heating system.•Consurfault of the building with the thermalthouthouses with the installed heat of the boilers with the installation of the heating system;•Delivering from the existing woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive of the heating house•Includes the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers with the power supply systems;•Exhibit for the existing Iron of the Coverheading and the Connected Club of the Outside of the Lighthouses•Constructing the heating house•Include the storage with moving boilers and chipsets for the installation of the heating boilers with heat output of 1,2 MW;Consuying the conduits of the production of the lighthouse from the heating system•Containing the thermal boilers in the storage with the installed heating boilers with the installed heating boilers with a thermal output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive power of the existing consumables.Conducting the Its total cost could amount to around EUR 984051.69, of which the CF co-funding some EUR 251 194. (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Společnost SIA „Madonas siltums“ realizuje projekt s cílem zlepšit provozní efektivitu stávajících kotelen v Ironavské farnosti a tím zajistit nepřetržitou a stabilní dodávku tepelné energie stávajícím i potenciálním novým zákazníkům s cílem snížit nebo udržet náklady na tepelnou energii na současné úrovni a zvýšit hodnotu společnosti. Z analýzy současné situace lze vyvodit závěr, že pro efektivní fungování výroby tepla ve farnosti Ironava je nutné kombinovat dva stávající systémy dálkového vytápění (topný systém obce Dzelzava a topný systém obce Aizpurve) a rekonstruovat stávající kotelnu v obci Dzelzava. The project of upgrading thermal energy objects provides for a number of measures:•In addition to the existing 2pcs for water heated boilers “Orions” 2H2M with installed heat output of 1.0 MW each, installs a new woodchip boiler with heat output 1,2 MW;•Off the existing conduit lighthouses in the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of Manufactured Lighthouses to the district of the building.•Connect the heating in the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Describing from the existing Iron Lighthouses to the outlet of the district.•Constituting the heating system.•Buishable boilers for heating systems;•Exit for the existing consumable boilers.Conditional installation of the heating system.•Conditional heating house building with installed heating boilers with installed heat supply systems;•Bake out of the existing consumable heating boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW.Contracting the heating system on the heating system•Containing the boilers in the storage with moving boilers and chips for the installation of the heating system;•Deliver out of the existing Iron of the Ciling Lightings from the Outside of the Customer Lighthouses.•Continuating the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out from the existing Iron Cover-loaded Lighthouses from the Outdoor-Use of the heating system.•Consurable in the heating house.•Consulate the thermal storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of the production of the cables from the lighthouses.Constituted on the districts of the heating system•Constructing the boilers in the storage spacehouse with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out of the existing conduits for the production of the lighthouses from the outlets.Connect the heating system from the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Exhibiling from the existing Iron of the production of the outdoors.Connect the heating system from the external heating system.•Constructing the thermal energy into the house.•Blu for the thermal boilers with the installed heat supply systems;•Deliver for a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;Constituting the existing boilers in the heating house•Inclu in the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers of 1.0 MW;Oblining a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•Contracting the conduit of the heating of the heating boilers.•Including the building with the installed thermal capacity of 1,0 MW each, installing a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•At the existing heating system.•Consurfault of the building with the thermalthouthouses with the installed heat of the boilers with the installation of the heating system;•Delivering from the existing woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive of the heating house•Includes the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers with the power supply systems;•Exhibit for the existing Iron of the Coverheading and the Connected Club of the Outside of the Lighthouses•Constructing the heating house•Include the storage with moving boilers and chipsets for the installation of the heating boilers with heat output of 1,2 MW;Consuying the conduits of the production of the lighthouse from the heating system•Containing the thermal boilers in the storage with the installed heating boilers with the installed heating boilers with a thermal output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive power of the existing consumables.Conducting the Its total cost could amount to around EUR 984051.69, of which the CF co-funding some EUR 251 194. (Czech)
    3 August 2022
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    Cuireann COSN “Madonas siltums” an tionscadal chun feidhme chun éifeachtúlacht oibríochtúil thithe coire reatha pharóiste Ironava a fheabhsú, agus ar an gcaoi sin soláthar leanúnach agus cobhsaí fuinnimh theirmigh a áirithiú do chustaiméirí nua atá ann cheana agus do chustaiméirí nua féideartha chun costais fuinnimh theirmigh a laghdú nó a choinneáil ar an leibhéal reatha, chomh maith le luach na cuideachta a mhéadú. Anailís a dhéanamh ar an staid reatha, is féidir teacht ar an gconclúid go bhfuil sé riachtanach dhá chóras téimh ceantair atá ann cheana féin a chur le chéile (córas téimh shráidbhaile Dzelzava agus córas téimh sráidbhaile Aizpurve) chun teas a tháirgeadh i bparóiste Ironava, chomh maith leis an teach coire atá ann cheana i sráidbhaile Dzelzava a athchruthú. The project of upgrading thermal energy objects provides for a number of measures:•In addition to the existing 2pcs for water heated boilers “Orions” 2H2M with installed heat output of 1.0 MW each, installs a new woodchip boiler with heat output 1,2 MW;•Off the existing conduit lighthouses in the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of Manufactured Lighthouses to the district of the building.•Connect the heating in the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Describing from the existing Iron Lighthouses to the outlet of the district.•Constituting the heating system.•Buishable boilers for heating systems;•Exit for the existing consumable boilers.Conditional installation of the heating system.•Conditional heating house building with installed heating boilers with installed heat supply systems;•Bake out of the existing consumable heating boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW.Contracting the heating system on the heating system•Containing the boilers in the storage with moving boilers and chips for the installation of the heating system;•Deliver out of the existing Iron of the Ciling Lightings from the Outside of the Customer Lighthouses.•Continuating the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out from the existing Iron Cover-loaded Lighthouses from the Outdoor-Use of the heating system.•Consurable in the heating house.•Consulate the thermal storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of the production of the cables from the lighthouses.Constituted on the districts of the heating system•Constructing the boilers in the storage spacehouse with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out of the existing conduits for the production of the lighthouses from the outlets.Connect the heating system from the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Exhibiling from the existing Iron of the production of the outdoors.Connect the heating system from the external heating system.•Constructing the thermal energy into the house.•Blu for the thermal boilers with the installed heat supply systems;•Deliver for a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;Constituting the existing boilers in the heating house•Inclu in the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers of 1.0 MW;Oblining a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•Contracting the conduit of the heating of the heating boilers.•Including the building with the installed thermal capacity of 1,0 MW each, installing a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•At the existing heating system.•Consurfault of the building with the thermalthouthouses with the installed heat of the boilers with the installation of the heating system;•Delivering from the existing woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive of the heating house•Includes the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers with the power supply systems;•Exhibit for the existing Iron of the Coverheading and the Connected Club of the Outside of the Lighthouses•Constructing the heating house•Include the storage with moving boilers and chipsets for the installation of the heating boilers with heat output of 1,2 MW;Consuying the conduits of the production of the lighthouse from the heating system•Containing the thermal boilers in the storage with the installed heating boilers with the installed heating boilers with a thermal output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive power of the existing consumables.Conducting the Its total cost could amount to around EUR 984051.69, of which the CF co-funding some EUR 251 194. (Irish)
    3 August 2022
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    SIA „Madonas siltums“ izvaja projekt za izboljšanje operativne učinkovitosti obstoječih kotlovskih hiš župnije Ironava, s čimer zagotavlja stalno in stabilno dobavo toplotne energije obstoječim in potencialnim novim odjemalcem, da bi zmanjšali ali ohranili stroške toplotne energije na sedanji ravni ter povečali vrednost podjetja. Z analizo trenutnega stanja je mogoče sklepati, da je za učinkovito delovanje proizvodnje toplote v župniji Ironava potrebno združiti dva obstoječa sistema daljinskega ogrevanja (ogrevalni sistem vasi Dzelzava in ogrevalni sistem vasi Aizpurve) ter rekonstruirati obstoječo kotlovnico v vasi Dzelzava. The project of upgrading thermal energy objects provides for a number of measures:•In addition to the existing 2pcs for water heated boilers “Orions” 2H2M with installed heat output of 1.0 MW each, installs a new woodchip boiler with heat output 1,2 MW;•Off the existing conduit lighthouses in the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of Manufactured Lighthouses to the district of the building.•Connect the heating in the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Describing from the existing Iron Lighthouses to the outlet of the district.•Constituting the heating system.•Buishable boilers for heating systems;•Exit for the existing consumable boilers.Conditional installation of the heating system.•Conditional heating house building with installed heating boilers with installed heat supply systems;•Bake out of the existing consumable heating boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW.Contracting the heating system on the heating system•Containing the boilers in the storage with moving boilers and chips for the installation of the heating system;•Deliver out of the existing Iron of the Ciling Lightings from the Outside of the Customer Lighthouses.•Continuating the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out from the existing Iron Cover-loaded Lighthouses from the Outdoor-Use of the heating system.•Consurable in the heating house.•Consulate the thermal storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of the production of the cables from the lighthouses.Constituted on the districts of the heating system•Constructing the boilers in the storage spacehouse with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out of the existing conduits for the production of the lighthouses from the outlets.Connect the heating system from the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Exhibiling from the existing Iron of the production of the outdoors.Connect the heating system from the external heating system.•Constructing the thermal energy into the house.•Blu for the thermal boilers with the installed heat supply systems;•Deliver for a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;Constituting the existing boilers in the heating house•Inclu in the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers of 1.0 MW;Oblining a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•Contracting the conduit of the heating of the heating boilers.•Including the building with the installed thermal capacity of 1,0 MW each, installing a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•At the existing heating system.•Consurfault of the building with the thermalthouthouses with the installed heat of the boilers with the installation of the heating system;•Delivering from the existing woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive of the heating house•Includes the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers with the power supply systems;•Exhibit for the existing Iron of the Coverheading and the Connected Club of the Outside of the Lighthouses•Constructing the heating house•Include the storage with moving boilers and chipsets for the installation of the heating boilers with heat output of 1,2 MW;Consuying the conduits of the production of the lighthouse from the heating system•Containing the thermal boilers in the storage with the installed heating boilers with the installed heating boilers with a thermal output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive power of the existing consumables.Conducting the Its total cost could amount to around EUR 984051.69, of which the CF co-funding some EUR 251 194. (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
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    SIA „Madonas siltums“ изпълнява проекта с цел подобряване на експлоатационната ефективност на съществуващите котли на енорията Иронава, като по този начин се гарантира непрекъснато и стабилно снабдяване с топлинна енергия на съществуващи и потенциални нови клиенти, за да се намалят или поддържат разходите за топлинна енергия на сегашното ниво, както и да се увеличи стойността на дружеството. Анализирайки настоящата ситуация, може да се заключи, че за да може производството на топлинна енергия в енорията Иронава да работи ефективно, е необходимо да се съчетаят две съществуващи топлофикационни системи (отоплителна система на село Джелзава и отоплителна система на с. Аизпурве), както и да се реконструира съществуващата котел в село Джелзава. The project of upgrading thermal energy objects provides for a number of measures:•In addition to the existing 2pcs for water heated boilers “Orions” 2H2M with installed heat output of 1.0 MW each, installs a new woodchip boiler with heat output 1,2 MW;•Off the existing conduit lighthouses in the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of Manufactured Lighthouses to the district of the building.•Connect the heating in the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Describing from the existing Iron Lighthouses to the outlet of the district.•Constituting the heating system.•Buishable boilers for heating systems;•Exit for the existing consumable boilers.Conditional installation of the heating system.•Conditional heating house building with installed heating boilers with installed heat supply systems;•Bake out of the existing consumable heating boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW.Contracting the heating system on the heating system•Containing the boilers in the storage with moving boilers and chips for the installation of the heating system;•Deliver out of the existing Iron of the Ciling Lightings from the Outside of the Customer Lighthouses.•Continuating the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out from the existing Iron Cover-loaded Lighthouses from the Outdoor-Use of the heating system.•Consurable in the heating house.•Consulate the thermal storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of the production of the cables from the lighthouses.Constituted on the districts of the heating system•Constructing the boilers in the storage spacehouse with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out of the existing conduits for the production of the lighthouses from the outlets.Connect the heating system from the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Exhibiling from the existing Iron of the production of the outdoors.Connect the heating system from the external heating system.•Constructing the thermal energy into the house.•Blu for the thermal boilers with the installed heat supply systems;•Deliver for a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;Constituting the existing boilers in the heating house•Inclu in the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers of 1.0 MW;Oblining a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•Contracting the conduit of the heating of the heating boilers.•Including the building with the installed thermal capacity of 1,0 MW each, installing a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•At the existing heating system.•Consurfault of the building with the thermalthouthouses with the installed heat of the boilers with the installation of the heating system;•Delivering from the existing woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive of the heating house•Includes the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers with the power supply systems;•Exhibit for the existing Iron of the Coverheading and the Connected Club of the Outside of the Lighthouses•Constructing the heating house•Include the storage with moving boilers and chipsets for the installation of the heating boilers with heat output of 1,2 MW;Consuying the conduits of the production of the lighthouse from the heating system•Containing the thermal boilers in the storage with the installed heating boilers with the installed heating boilers with a thermal output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive power of the existing consumables.Conducting the Its total cost could amount to around EUR 984051.69, of which the CF co-funding some EUR 251 194. (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
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    SIA “Madonas siltums” timplimenta l-proġett sabiex ittejjeb l-effiċjenza operattiva ta ‘djar bojler eżistenti tal-parroċċa Ironava, u b’hekk tiżgura provvista kontinwa u stabbli ta’ enerġija termali lill-klijenti eżistenti u potenzjali ġodda sabiex jitnaqqsu jew jinżammu l-ispejjeż tal-enerġija termali fil-livell attwali, kif ukoll biex jiżdied il-valur tal-kumpanija. Analiżi tas-sitwazzjoni attwali, jista’ jiġi konkluż li sabiex il-produzzjoni tas-sħana fil-parroċċa ta’ Ironava taħdem b’mod effettiv, huwa meħtieġ li jiġu kkombinati żewġ sistemi ta’ tisħin distrettwali eżistenti (sistema ta’ tisħin tal-villaġġ ta’ Dzelzava u s-sistema tat-tisħin tar-raħal ta’ Aizpurve), kif ukoll li tinbena mill-ġdid id-dar tal-bojler eżistenti fir-raħal ta’ Dzelzava. The project of upgrading thermal energy objects provides for a number of measures:•In addition to the existing 2pcs for water heated boilers “Orions” 2H2M with installed heat output of 1.0 MW each, installs a new woodchip boiler with heat output 1,2 MW;•Off the existing conduit lighthouses in the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of Manufactured Lighthouses to the district of the building.•Connect the heating in the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Describing from the existing Iron Lighthouses to the outlet of the district.•Constituting the heating system.•Buishable boilers for heating systems;•Exit for the existing consumable boilers.Conditional installation of the heating system.•Conditional heating house building with installed heating boilers with installed heat supply systems;•Bake out of the existing consumable heating boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW.Contracting the heating system on the heating system•Containing the boilers in the storage with moving boilers and chips for the installation of the heating system;•Deliver out of the existing Iron of the Ciling Lightings from the Outside of the Customer Lighthouses.•Continuating the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out from the existing Iron Cover-loaded Lighthouses from the Outdoor-Use of the heating system.•Consurable in the heating house.•Consulate the thermal storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of the production of the cables from the lighthouses.Constituted on the districts of the heating system•Constructing the boilers in the storage spacehouse with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out of the existing conduits for the production of the lighthouses from the outlets.Connect the heating system from the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Exhibiling from the existing Iron of the production of the outdoors.Connect the heating system from the external heating system.•Constructing the thermal energy into the house.•Blu for the thermal boilers with the installed heat supply systems;•Deliver for a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;Constituting the existing boilers in the heating house•Inclu in the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers of 1.0 MW;Oblining a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•Contracting the conduit of the heating of the heating boilers.•Including the building with the installed thermal capacity of 1,0 MW each, installing a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•At the existing heating system.•Consurfault of the building with the thermalthouthouses with the installed heat of the boilers with the installation of the heating system;•Delivering from the existing woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive of the heating house•Includes the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers with the power supply systems;•Exhibit for the existing Iron of the Coverheading and the Connected Club of the Outside of the Lighthouses•Constructing the heating house•Include the storage with moving boilers and chipsets for the installation of the heating boilers with heat output of 1,2 MW;Consuying the conduits of the production of the lighthouse from the heating system•Containing the thermal boilers in the storage with the installed heating boilers with the installed heating boilers with a thermal output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive power of the existing consumables.Conducting the Its total cost could amount to around EUR 984051.69, of which the CF co-funding some EUR 251 194. (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
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    A SIA “Madonas siltums” implementa o projeto com o objetivo de melhorar a eficiência operacional das caldeiras existentes na freguesia de Ironava, garantindo assim um fornecimento contínuo e estável de energia térmica aos clientes existentes e potenciais novos clientes, de modo a reduzir ou manter os custos de energia térmica ao nível atual, bem como aumentar o valor da empresa. Analisando a situação atual, pode concluir-se que, para que a produção de calor na freguesia de Ironava funcione eficazmente, é necessário combinar dois sistemas de aquecimento urbano existentes (sistema de aquecimento da aldeia de Dzelzava e sistema de aquecimento da aldeia de Aizpurve), bem como reconstruir a casa de caldeiras existente na aldeia de Dzelzava. The project of upgrading thermal energy objects provides for a number of measures:•In addition to the existing 2pcs for water heated boilers “Orions” 2H2M with installed heat output of 1.0 MW each, installs a new woodchip boiler with heat output 1,2 MW;•Off the existing conduit lighthouses in the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of Manufactured Lighthouses to the district of the building.•Connect the heating in the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Describing from the existing Iron Lighthouses to the outlet of the district.•Constituting the heating system.•Buishable boilers for heating systems;•Exit for the existing consumable boilers.Conditional installation of the heating system.•Conditional heating house building with installed heating boilers with installed heat supply systems;•Bake out of the existing consumable heating boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW.Contracting the heating system on the heating system•Containing the boilers in the storage with moving boilers and chips for the installation of the heating system;•Deliver out of the existing Iron of the Ciling Lightings from the Outside of the Customer Lighthouses.•Continuating the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out from the existing Iron Cover-loaded Lighthouses from the Outdoor-Use of the heating system.•Consurable in the heating house.•Consulate the thermal storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of the production of the cables from the lighthouses.Constituted on the districts of the heating system•Constructing the boilers in the storage spacehouse with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out of the existing conduits for the production of the lighthouses from the outlets.Connect the heating system from the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Exhibiling from the existing Iron of the production of the outdoors.Connect the heating system from the external heating system.•Constructing the thermal energy into the house.•Blu for the thermal boilers with the installed heat supply systems;•Deliver for a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;Constituting the existing boilers in the heating house•Inclu in the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers of 1.0 MW;Oblining a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•Contracting the conduit of the heating of the heating boilers.•Including the building with the installed thermal capacity of 1,0 MW each, installing a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•At the existing heating system.•Consurfault of the building with the thermalthouthouses with the installed heat of the boilers with the installation of the heating system;•Delivering from the existing woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive of the heating house•Includes the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers with the power supply systems;•Exhibit for the existing Iron of the Coverheading and the Connected Club of the Outside of the Lighthouses•Constructing the heating house•Include the storage with moving boilers and chipsets for the installation of the heating boilers with heat output of 1,2 MW;Consuying the conduits of the production of the lighthouse from the heating system•Containing the thermal boilers in the storage with the installed heating boilers with the installed heating boilers with a thermal output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive power of the existing consumables.Conducting the Its total cost could amount to around EUR 984051.69, of which the CF co-funding some EUR 251 194. (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    SIA "Madonas siltums" implementerer projektet for at forbedre driftseffektiviteten af eksisterende kedelhuse i Ironava sognet og dermed sikre kontinuerlig og stabil forsyning af termisk energi til eksisterende og potentielle nye kunder med henblik på at reducere eller holde varmeenergiomkostningerne på det nuværende niveau samt øge virksomhedens værdi. Ved at analysere den nuværende situation kan det konkluderes, at for at produktionen af varme i Ironava sognet kan fungere effektivt, er det nødvendigt at kombinere to eksisterende fjernvarmesystemer (varmesystem i landsbyen Dzelzava og varmesystemet i landsbyen Aizpurve) samt at rekonstruere det eksisterende kedelhus i landsbyen Dzelzava. The project of upgrading thermal energy objects provides for a number of measures:•In addition to the existing 2pcs for water heated boilers “Orions” 2H2M with installed heat output of 1.0 MW each, installs a new woodchip boiler with heat output 1,2 MW;•Off the existing conduit lighthouses in the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of Manufactured Lighthouses to the district of the building.•Connect the heating in the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Describing from the existing Iron Lighthouses to the outlet of the district.•Constituting the heating system.•Buishable boilers for heating systems;•Exit for the existing consumable boilers.Conditional installation of the heating system.•Conditional heating house building with installed heating boilers with installed heat supply systems;•Bake out of the existing consumable heating boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW.Contracting the heating system on the heating system•Containing the boilers in the storage with moving boilers and chips for the installation of the heating system;•Deliver out of the existing Iron of the Ciling Lightings from the Outside of the Customer Lighthouses.•Continuating the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out from the existing Iron Cover-loaded Lighthouses from the Outdoor-Use of the heating system.•Consurable in the heating house.•Consulate the thermal storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of the production of the cables from the lighthouses.Constituted on the districts of the heating system•Constructing the boilers in the storage spacehouse with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out of the existing conduits for the production of the lighthouses from the outlets.Connect the heating system from the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Exhibiling from the existing Iron of the production of the outdoors.Connect the heating system from the external heating system.•Constructing the thermal energy into the house.•Blu for the thermal boilers with the installed heat supply systems;•Deliver for a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;Constituting the existing boilers in the heating house•Inclu in the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers of 1.0 MW;Oblining a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•Contracting the conduit of the heating of the heating boilers.•Including the building with the installed thermal capacity of 1,0 MW each, installing a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•At the existing heating system.•Consurfault of the building with the thermalthouthouses with the installed heat of the boilers with the installation of the heating system;•Delivering from the existing woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive of the heating house•Includes the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers with the power supply systems;•Exhibit for the existing Iron of the Coverheading and the Connected Club of the Outside of the Lighthouses•Constructing the heating house•Include the storage with moving boilers and chipsets for the installation of the heating boilers with heat output of 1,2 MW;Consuying the conduits of the production of the lighthouse from the heating system•Containing the thermal boilers in the storage with the installed heating boilers with the installed heating boilers with a thermal output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive power of the existing consumables.Conducting the Its total cost could amount to around EUR 984051.69, of which the CF co-funding some EUR 251 194. (Danish)
    3 August 2022
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    SIA „Madonas siltums” implementează proiectul în vederea îmbunătățirii eficienței operaționale a cazanelor existente din parohia Ironava, asigurând astfel aprovizionarea continuă și stabilă cu energie termică a clienților existenți și potențiali, în vederea reducerii sau menținerii costurilor energiei termice la nivelul actual, precum și a creșterii valorii companiei. Analizând situația actuală, se poate concluziona că, pentru ca producția de căldură în parohia Ironava să funcționeze eficient, este necesară combinarea a două sisteme de termoficare existente (sistemul de încălzire a satului Dzelzava și sistemul de încălzire al satului Aizpurve), precum și reconstrucția cazanului existent în satul Dzelzava. The project of upgrading thermal energy objects provides for a number of measures:•In addition to the existing 2pcs for water heated boilers “Orions” 2H2M with installed heat output of 1.0 MW each, installs a new woodchip boiler with heat output 1,2 MW;•Off the existing conduit lighthouses in the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of Manufactured Lighthouses to the district of the building.•Connect the heating in the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Describing from the existing Iron Lighthouses to the outlet of the district.•Constituting the heating system.•Buishable boilers for heating systems;•Exit for the existing consumable boilers.Conditional installation of the heating system.•Conditional heating house building with installed heating boilers with installed heat supply systems;•Bake out of the existing consumable heating boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW.Contracting the heating system on the heating system•Containing the boilers in the storage with moving boilers and chips for the installation of the heating system;•Deliver out of the existing Iron of the Ciling Lightings from the Outside of the Customer Lighthouses.•Continuating the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out from the existing Iron Cover-loaded Lighthouses from the Outdoor-Use of the heating system.•Consurable in the heating house.•Consulate the thermal storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of the production of the cables from the lighthouses.Constituted on the districts of the heating system•Constructing the boilers in the storage spacehouse with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out of the existing conduits for the production of the lighthouses from the outlets.Connect the heating system from the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Exhibiling from the existing Iron of the production of the outdoors.Connect the heating system from the external heating system.•Constructing the thermal energy into the house.•Blu for the thermal boilers with the installed heat supply systems;•Deliver for a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;Constituting the existing boilers in the heating house•Inclu in the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers of 1.0 MW;Oblining a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•Contracting the conduit of the heating of the heating boilers.•Including the building with the installed thermal capacity of 1,0 MW each, installing a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•At the existing heating system.•Consurfault of the building with the thermalthouthouses with the installed heat of the boilers with the installation of the heating system;•Delivering from the existing woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive of the heating house•Includes the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers with the power supply systems;•Exhibit for the existing Iron of the Coverheading and the Connected Club of the Outside of the Lighthouses•Constructing the heating house•Include the storage with moving boilers and chipsets for the installation of the heating boilers with heat output of 1,2 MW;Consuying the conduits of the production of the lighthouse from the heating system•Containing the thermal boilers in the storage with the installed heating boilers with the installed heating boilers with a thermal output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive power of the existing consumables.Conducting the Its total cost could amount to around EUR 984051.69, of which the CF co-funding some EUR 251 194. (Romanian)
    3 August 2022
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    SIA ”Madonas siltums” genomför projektet för att förbättra drifteffektiviteten i befintliga pannhus i Ironava socken, vilket säkerställer kontinuerlig och stabil tillförsel av värmeenergi till befintliga och potentiella nya kunder för att minska eller hålla värmeenergikostnaderna på nuvarande nivå, samt för att öka företagets värde. När man analyserar den nuvarande situationen kan man dra slutsatsen att för att värmeproduktionen i Ironavas församling ska fungera effektivt är det nödvändigt att kombinera två befintliga fjärrvärmesystem (värmesystemet i byn Dzelzava och värmesystemet i byn Aizpurve) och att rekonstruera det befintliga pannhuset i byn Dzelzava. The project of upgrading thermal energy objects provides for a number of measures:•In addition to the existing 2pcs for water heated boilers “Orions” 2H2M with installed heat output of 1.0 MW each, installs a new woodchip boiler with heat output 1,2 MW;•Off the existing conduit lighthouses in the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of Manufactured Lighthouses to the district of the building.•Connect the heating in the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Describing from the existing Iron Lighthouses to the outlet of the district.•Constituting the heating system.•Buishable boilers for heating systems;•Exit for the existing consumable boilers.Conditional installation of the heating system.•Conditional heating house building with installed heating boilers with installed heat supply systems;•Bake out of the existing consumable heating boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW.Contracting the heating system on the heating system•Containing the boilers in the storage with moving boilers and chips for the installation of the heating system;•Deliver out of the existing Iron of the Ciling Lightings from the Outside of the Customer Lighthouses.•Continuating the building with the cable storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out from the existing Iron Cover-loaded Lighthouses from the Outdoor-Use of the heating system.•Consurable in the heating house.•Consulate the thermal storage with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver from the existing Iron of the production of the cables from the lighthouses.Constituted on the districts of the heating system•Constructing the boilers in the storage spacehouse with moving boilers and chips supply systems;•Deliver out of the existing conduits for the production of the lighthouses from the outlets.Connect the heating system from the heating system•Construct the thermal energy storage with moving boilers and chips for the supply systems;•Exhibiling from the existing Iron of the production of the outdoors.Connect the heating system from the external heating system.•Constructing the thermal energy into the house.•Blu for the thermal boilers with the installed heat supply systems;•Deliver for a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;Constituting the existing boilers in the heating house•Inclu in the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers of 1.0 MW;Oblining a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•Contracting the conduit of the heating of the heating boilers.•Including the building with the installed thermal capacity of 1,0 MW each, installing a new woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1.2 MW;•At the existing heating system.•Consurfault of the building with the thermalthouthouses with the installed heat of the boilers with the installation of the heating system;•Delivering from the existing woodchip boiler with a heat output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive of the heating house•Includes the storage of the chips with the installed heating boilers with the power supply systems;•Exhibit for the existing Iron of the Coverheading and the Connected Club of the Outside of the Lighthouses•Constructing the heating house•Include the storage with moving boilers and chipsets for the installation of the heating boilers with heat output of 1,2 MW;Consuying the conduits of the production of the lighthouse from the heating system•Containing the thermal boilers in the storage with the installed heating boilers with the installed heating boilers with a thermal output of 1,2 MW;The constitutive power of the existing consumables.Conducting the Its total cost could amount to around EUR 984051.69, of which the CF co-funding some EUR 251 194. (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
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    Kļavu iela 6A, Dzelzava, Dzelzavas pag., Madonas nov., LV-4873
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