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Project Q3710668 in France
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Q3710668 in France


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    4,209,296.8 Euro
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    5,261,621.0 Euro
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    80.00 percent
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    1 January 2019
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    31 December 2019
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    Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de La REUNION
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    20°57'47.66"S, 55°38'33.22"E
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    21°18'44.71"S, 55°29'38.29"E
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    20°56'41.32"S, 55°18'16.20"E
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    20°55'58.73"S, 55°26'49.02"E
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    Le CFA met en oeuvre des actions de formation conformément au Plan Régional de Développement des Formations par la voie de l'apprentissage.en respectant les principes suivants : -Amélioration de l'orientation des jeunes par une bonne connaissance des métiers et des filières de formation qui y conduisent -Enrichissement des parcours à la fois en permettant un déroulement plus fluide des cursus qualifiants et en diversifiant les niveaux d'entrée en apprentissage -Adaptation de la programmation des sections d'apprentissage faite à l'issue de la consultation des professionnels des secteurs concernés et au vu des résultats de réussite aux examens et d'insertion professionnelle -Professionnalisation des jeunes issus des cursus de formation initiale avec ou sans qualification, par le développement des savoir-faire et savoir-être et des compétences transversales au travail, la valorisation de la créativité et de l'esprit d'initiative, le développement des potentiels de création d'entreprise -Accroissement de la responsabilité croisée du maître d'apprentissage et du formateur d'apprenti, dans la transmission des savoirs et dans l'accompagnement du jeune dans son parcours de formation -Développement de la validation des acquis de l'expérience en cas d'échec aux épreuves malgré une bonne intégration dans le milieu du travail -Incitation à la mobilité intra régionale et extra régionale -met en oeuvre une démarche qualité afin de mesurer les indicateurs de réussite et d'insertion -intègre toutes démarches pédagogiques innovantes pour l'accompagnement et le suivi individualisé des apprentis (e-learning...) -met en place un dispositif d'orientation et de conseils pour les participants -met en place un système de traçabilité des actions afin de faciliter les contrôles des services instructeurs -informe les bénéficiaires du financement par le FSE au travers de support (feuilles d'émargements, livrets de l'apprenti...) -assure les obligations relatives aux participants à l'entrée et à la sortie de l'opération **Actions de formation :** **Niveau I** Diplôme Supérieur de Gestion et de Comptabilité MANAGEMENT ET ENTREPRENEURIAT DE PROJETS NUMERIQUES MANAGER ACHATS ET SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER DE SYSTEMES D'INFORMATION ET INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGER DES RESSOURCES HUMAINES(IPAC) **Niveau II** CHEF DE PROJET EN MARKETING INTERNET CONCEPTEUR DE SYSTEME D'INFORMATION CONSULTANT RECRUTEMENT CONTROLEUR DE GESTION MANAGER EN UNITE DE PRODUCTION / RESP PRODUCTION ET PROJET INDUST RESPONSABLE GESTION DES RESSOURCES HUMAINES Responsable de développement commercial RESPONSABLE DE LA DISTRIBUTION RESPONSABLE LOGISTIQUE Responsable Qualité Sécurité Sûreté Environnement CONSULTANT RECRUTEMENT **Niveau III** BTS ASSISTANCE TECHNIQUE INGENIEUR BTS ASSISTANT DE GESTION PME-PMI BTS ASSISTANT DE MANAGER BTS COMMUNICATION BTS GESTION DE LA PME BTS SUPPORT A L'ACTION MANAGERIALE BTS NEGOCIATION Digitalisation RELATION CLIENTELE BTS Maintenance des systèmes (PROD) BTS NEGOCIATION RELATION CLIENTELE CHARGE D'EXPLOITATION EN RESEAUX ET TELECOMS DEVELOPPEUR INTEGRATEUR DE SOLUTIONS INTERNET Diplôme de Gestion et de Comptabilité GESTIONNAIRE D'UNITE COMMERCIALE ET DE DISTRIBUTION Technicien Supérieur du Transport Terrestre de Marchandise TECHNICIEN SUPERIEUR METHODE ET EXPLOITATION LOGISTIQUE Titre professionnel Conducteur de travaux du bâtiment Titre professionnel Conducteur de travaux publics **Niveau IV** BAC PRO COMMERCE BAC PRO GESTION ADMINISTRATION BAC PRO LOGISTIQUE MENTION COMPLEMENTAIRE TECHNICIEN EN RESEAUX ELECTRIQUES VENDEUR CONSEILLER COMMERCIAL **Niveau V** CAP CONDUCTEUR ROUTIER MARCHANDISE CAP CONDUCTEURS D'ENGINS TP ET CARRIERE CAP EMPLOYE DE VENTE SPECIALISE OPTION A CAP EMPLOYE DE VENTE SPECIALISE OPTION B ( Cf Carte apprentissage 2019 et prévisions par cycle - pièces jointes) (French)
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    The CFA implements training activities in accordance with the Regional Plan for the Development of Training through Learning. —Improvement of the guidance of young people through a good knowledge of the professions and the training paths which lead them -Enhanced pathways both by allowing for a smoother flow of qualification courses and by diversifying the levels of entry into apprenticeship -Adaptation of the programming of the learning sections made following consultation with the professionals in the sectors concerned and in the light of the results of passing examinations and vocational integration -Professionalisation of young people from initial training courses with or without qualifications, through the development of know-how and know-being and transversal skills at work, the promotion of creativity and the spirit of initiative, the development of entrepreneurial potentials — Increased cross-responsibility of the learning master and the apprentice trainer, in the transmission of knowledge and in supporting the young person in his/her training path -Development of the validation of the acquired experience in the event of failure to take the tests despite a good integration into the working environment -Incitation to intra-regional and extra mobility regional — implements a quality approach in order to measure success and integration indicators — integrates all innovative pedagogical approaches for the support and individual follow-up of apprentices (e-learning...) — puts in place a guidance and counselling system for participants — puts in place a system of traceability of actions in order to facilitate the checks of the teaching services — informs the beneficiaries of ESF funding through support (emitter sheets, apprentice booklets...) — ensures the obligations relating to participants in the entry and exit of the operation ** Training actions:** **Level I** Higher Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRENEURIAT OF NUMERIC PROJECTS MANAGER ACHATS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGER HUMAN RESOURCES(IPAC) **Level II** PROJECT PROJECT IN MARKETING INTERNET CONCEPTER OF INFORMATION CONSULTING RECRUTMENT CONTROL MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT IN PRODUCTION/RESP PRODUCTION AND PROJECT RESPONSIBLE INDUSTRY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBLE DISTRIBUTION Manager Quality Safety Safety Safety RECRUTMENT **Level III** TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE INGENIOR BTS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT SME-PMI BTS MANAGER ASSISTANT BTS COMMUNICATION BTS SME MANAGEMENT BTS Management ACTION BTS NEGOCIATION Digitalisation CLIENTAL RELATION BTS Systems Maintenance (PROD) BTS CLIENTAL RELATION CHARGE AND TELECOMS DEVELOPER integration OF INTERNET SOLUTIONS Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT OF COMMERCIAL UNITED AND DISTRIBUTION Senior Transport Technician Merchandise TECHNICIEN SUPERIOR METHOD AND LOGISTIC EXPLOITATION Professional Title Building Works Manager Professional Title Public Works Conductor **Level IV** BAC PRO TRADE BAC PRO MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION BAC PRO LOGISTIC MENTION COMPLEMENTARY MENTION TECHNICIEN IN ELECTRIAL RESEALS VENDER COMMERCIAL COUNCIL **Level V** CAP CONDUCTOR ROUTIER MARCHANDISE CAP CONDUCTORS OF ENGINS TP AND CARRIERE CAP SPECIALISED SALE EMPLOYEES OPTION B (Cf Apprenticeship Card 2019 and Cycle Forecasts — Attachments) (English)
    22 November 2021
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    Der CFA führt Ausbildungsmaßnahmen im Einklang mit dem Regionalen Plan zur Entwicklung der Berufsbildung im Wege der Lehrlingsausbildung durch, wobei folgende Grundsätze beachtet werden: —Verbesserung der Orientierung der Jugendlichen durch eine gute Kenntnis der Berufe und Ausbildungswege, die zu ihnen führen – Bereicherung der Laufbahnen durch die Erleichterung eines reibungsloseren Ablaufs der qualifizierenden Lehrpläne und durch die Diversifizierung der Einstiegsstufen in die Lehrlingsausbildung -Anpassung der Programmierung der Ausbildungsabschnitte nach Anhörung der Berufsangehörigen der betreffenden Sektoren und unter Berücksichtigung der Ergebnisse der Prüfungen und der beruflichen Eingliederung -Berufung der Jugendlichen, die aus den Erstausbildungslehrgängen mit oder ohne Qualifikation hervorgegangen sind, durch die Entwicklung des Know-hows und der bereichsübergreifenden Kompetenzen am Arbeitsplatz, die Aufwertung der Kreativität und des Initiativgeistes, die Entwicklung von unternehmerischen Potenzialen – Zunahme der gegenseitigen Verantwortung des Lehrmeisters und des Lehrlingsleiters bei der Vermittlung von Kenntnissen und der Begleitung des Jugendlichen auf seinem Ausbildungsweg – Entwicklung der Validierung der Erfahrungswerte im Falle eines Scheiterns der Prüfungen trotz guter Integration in das Arbeitsumfeld – Förderung der Mobilität intraregionaler und außerregionaler Bereich – verfolgt einen Qualitätsansatz zur Messung der Erfolgs- und Eingliederungsindikatoren – integriert alle innovativen pädagogischen Ansätze für die Begleitung und individuelle Betreuung von Auszubildenden (e-Learning...) – stellt ein Instrument zur Orientierung und Beratung für die Teilnehmer bereit; stellt ein System zur Rückverfolgbarkeit der Aktionen ein, um die Kontrollen der Lehrstellen zu erleichtern – informiert die Empfänger der ESF-Förderung über Unterstützung (Erkundungsblätter, Auszubildendehefte...) -Verpflichtet die Pflichten in Bezug auf die Teilnehmer an der Ein- und Ausreise **Ausbildungsmaßnahmen:***Stufe I** Hochschulabschluss in Management und Buchhaltung MANAGEMENT UND UNTERNEHMEN ENTWICKLUNGSPROJEKTE MANAGER ACHAATEN UND SUPPLY MANAGER INFORMATIONSYSTEM UND INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGER DER RESSOURCES HUMEN (IPAC) **Niveau II** PROJETING CHEF IN MARKETING INTERNET CONSULTANT INFORMATIONSYSTEM CONSULTANT GESCHLOSSEN VERORDNUNGSBESCHREIBUNG IN EINEM PRODUKTION/RESP PRODUKTION UND INDUST ENTWICKLUNG ENTWICKLUNG DER HUMÄNISCHEN GESUNDHEITEN Verantwortlicher für die Entwicklung des Handels RESPONSABLE DER DISTRIBUTION RESPONSABLE LOGISTIQUE Leiter Qualität Sicherheit Sicherheit Umwelt VERTRAGUNG **Stufe III** BTS TECHNISCHE ASSISTANZ INGENIGER BTS GESISTANT KMU-PMI BTS ASSISTANT DE MANAGER BTS BTS COMMUNICATION BTS GESELLSCHAFT BTS SUPPORT AN DIE Geschäftsführung BTS NEGOCIATION Digitalisierung KUNDEN BTS Systeminstandhaltung (PROD) BTS NEGOCIATION KUNDENVERTRAGUNG ZUSAMMENARBEIT IN REISE UND TELECOMS ENTWICKLUNGEN INTERNET SOLUTIONS-Integrator Diplom für Management und Rechnungswesen GESTIONELLE UNITE UND DISTRIBUTION Oberer Techniker des TECHNICISCHEN Gütertransports TECHNICIEN SUPERIEUR METHODE UND EXPLOITATION LOGISTIQUE Berufsbezeichnung Bauleiter Berufsbezeichnung Leiter öffentlicher Bauarbeiten **Niveau IV** BAC PRO COMMERCE BAC PRO GESTION ADMINISTRATION BAC PRO LOGISTIQUE Vollständige TECHNISCHE MENTION IN ELEKTRISCHEN RESEREN VERKAUFEN VERKAUFEN HANDELSRATER **Niveau V** KAP-Kapazität WARZVERKEHR KAUFEN TP UND CARRIE CAP SPEZIALISIERUNGSVERKAUFEN OPTION A CAP EMPLOYE SPECIALISE OPTION B (vgl. Lernkarte 2019 und Zyklusprognosen – Anhänge) (German)
    2 December 2021
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    Het CFA voert opleidingsactiviteiten uit in overeenstemming met het regionale plan voor de ontwikkeling van opleiding door middel van leren. Verbetering van de begeleiding van jongeren door een goede kennis van de beroepen en de opleidingstrajecten die hen leiden -Verbeterde trajecten, zowel door een vlottere stroom van kwalificatiecursussen mogelijk te maken als door diversifiëring van de toegang tot het leerlingwezen -Aanpassing van de programmering van de leervakken na overleg met de beroepsbeoefenaren in de betrokken sectoren en in het licht van de resultaten van geslaagde examens en beroepsintegratie -Professionalisering van jongeren uit initiële opleidingscursussen met of zonder kwalificaties; door de ontwikkeling van knowhow en knowhow en transversale vaardigheden op het werk, de bevordering van creativiteit en de geest van initiatief, de ontwikkeling van het ondernemingspotentieel — Verhoogde kruisverantwoordelijkheid van de leermeester en de leerling-opleider, bij de overdracht van kennis en bij de ondersteuning van de jongere bij zijn/haar opleidingstraject -Ontwikkeling van de validatie van de opgedane ervaring in geval van het niet doen van de tests ondanks een goede integratie in de werkomgeving -Initiatie voor intraregionale en extra mobiliteit regionaal — implementeert een kwaliteitsaanpak om succes en integratie te meten indicatoren — integreert alle innovatieve pedagogische benaderingen voor de ondersteuning en individuele follow-up van leerlingen (e-learning...) — voorziet in een begeleidings- en begeleidingssysteem voor deelnemers — voorziet in een traceerbaarheidssysteem voor acties om de controles van de onderwijsdiensten te vergemakkelijken — informeert de begunstigden van ESF-financiering via steun (emittersheets, leerlingenboekjes...) — zorgt voor de verplichtingen van deelnemers aan de in- en uitgang van de actie ** Opleidingsacties:** **niveau I** Hoger diploma beheer en boekhouding MANAGEMENT EN ENTERPRENEURIAT VAN NUMERIC PROJECTEN MANAGER ACHATEN EN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER VAN INFORMATIE EN INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGER HUMAN RESOURCES(IPAC) **Level II** PROJECT PROJECT IN MARKETING INTERNET-concepter VAN INFORMATIE CONSULTING CONTROL MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT IN PRODUCTION/RESP PRODUCTIE **niveau III** TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE INGENIOR BTS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT SME-PMI BTS MANAGER ASSISTANT BTS COMMUNICATIE BTS MANAGEMENT BTS BTS negociatie onderhoud (PROD) BTS clientele RELATIE CHARGE EN TELECOMS DEVELOPER integratie van INTERNET SOLUTIONS Diploma in Management en Accounting MANAGEMENT VAN COMMERCIAL VERENIGD EN DISTRIBUTION Senior Transport Technicus Merchandise technici SUPERIOR METHOD EN LOGISTIC EXPLOITATION Professionele Titel Bouwwerk Manager Professionele Titel Openbare Werken Dirigent **Level IV** BAC PRO TRADE BAC PRO MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION BAC PRO LOGISTIC MENTION COMPLEMENTARY MENTION technici in Electrial reseals VENDER COMMERCIAL RAAD **Level V** CAP CONDUCTOR ROUTIER MARCHANDISE CAP CONDUCTORS OF Engins TP AND CARRIERE CAP SPECIALISED SALE EMPLOYEES OPTION B (Cf Apprenticeship Card 2019 and Cycle Forecasts — Bijlagen) (Dutch)
    6 December 2021
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    Il CFA attua attività di formazione in conformità con il Piano regionale per lo sviluppo della formazione attraverso l'apprendimento. -Amélioration de l'orientation des jeunes par une bonne connaissance des métiers et des filières de formation qui y conduisent -Enrichissement des parcours à la fois en permettant un déroulement plus fluide des cursus qualifiants et en diversifiant les niveaux d'entrée en apprentissage -Adaptation de la programmation des sections d'apprentissage faite à l'issue de la consultation des professionnels des secteurs concernés et au vu des résultats de réussite aux examens et d'insertion professionnelle -Professionnalisation des jeunes issus des cursus de formation initiale avec ou sans qualification, par le développement des savoir-faire et savoir-être et des compétences transversales au travail, la valorisation de la créativité et de l'esprit d'initiative, le développement des potentiels de création d'entreprise -Accroissement de la responsabilité croisée du maître d'apprentissage et du formateur d'apprenti, dans la transmission des savoirs et dans l'accompagnement du jeune dans son parcours de formation -Développement de la validation des acquis de l'expérience en cas d'échec aux épreuves malgré une bonne intégration dans le milieu du travail -Incitation à la mobilité intra régionale et extra régionale -met en oeuvre une démarche qualité afin de mesurer les indicateurs de réussite et d'insertion -intègre toutes démarches pédagogiques innovantes pour l'accompagnement et le suivi individualisé des apprentis (e-learning...) -met en place un dispositif d'orientation et de conseils pour les participants -met en place un système de traçabilité des actions afin de faciliter les contrôles des services instructeurs -informe les bénéficiaires du financement par le FSE au travers de support (feuilles d'émargements, livrets de l'apprenti...) -assure les obligations relatives aux participants à l'entrée et à la sortie de l'opération **Actions de formation :** **Niveau I** Diplôme Supérieur de Gestion et de Comptabilité MANAGEMENT ET ENTREPRENEURIAT DE PROJETS NUMERIQUES MANAGER ACHATS ET SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER DE SYSTEMES D'INFORMATION ET INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGER DES RESSOURCES HUMAINES(IPAC) **Niveau II** CHEF DE PROJET EN MARKETING INTERNET CONCEPTEUR DE SYSTEME D'INFORMATION CONSULTANT RECRUTEMENT CONTROLEUR DE GESTION MANAGER EN UNITE DE PRODUCTION / RESP PRODUCTION ET PROJET INDUST RESPONSABLE GESTION DES RESSOURCES HUMAINES Responsable de développement commercial RESPONSABLE DE LA DISTRIBUTION RESPONSABLE LOGISTIQUE Responsable Qualité Sécurité Sûreté Environnement CONSULTANT RECRUTEMENT **Niveau III** BTS ASSISTANCE TECHNIQUE INGENIEUR BTS ASSISTANT DE GESTION PME-PMI BTS ASSISTANT DE MANAGER BTS COMMUNICATION BTS GESTION DE LA PME BTS SUPPORT A L'ACTION MANAGERIALE BTS NEGOCIATION Digitalisation RELATION CLIENTELE BTS Maintenance des systèmes (PROD) BTS NEGOCIATION RELATION CLIENTELE CHARGE D'EXPLOITATION EN RESEAUX ET TELECOMS DEVELOPPEUR INTEGRATEUR DE SOLUTIONS INTERNET Diplôme de Gestion et de Comptabilité GESTIONNAIRE D'UNITE COMMERCIALE ET DE DISTRIBUTION Technicien Supérieur du Transport Terrestre de Marchandise TECHNICIEN SUPERIEUR METHODE ET EXPLOITATION LOGISTIQUE Titre professionnel Conducteur de travaux du bâtiment Titre professionnel Conducteur de travaux publics **Niveau IV** BAC PRO COMMERCE BAC PRO GESTION ADMINISTRATION BAC PRO LOGISTIQUE MENTION COMPLEMENTAIRE TECHNICIEN EN RESEAUX ELECTRIQUES VENDEUR CONSEILLER COMMERCIAL **Niveau V** CAP CONDUCTEUR ROUTIER MARCHANDISE CAP CONDUCTEURS D'ENGINS TP ET CARRIERE CAP EMPLOYE DE VENTE SPECIALISE OPTION A CAP EMPLOYE DE VENTE SPECIALISE OPTION B ( Cf Carte apprentissage 2019 et prévisions par cycle - pièces jointes) (Italian)
    13 January 2022
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    El CFA realiza actividades de capacitación de conformidad con el Plan Regional para el Desarrollo de la Formación a través del Aprendizaje. -Amélioration de l'orientation des jeunes par une bonne connaissance des métiers et des filières de formation qui y conduisent -Enrichissement des parcours à la fois en permettant un déroulement plus fluide des cursus qualifiants et en diversifiant les niveaux d'entrée en apprentissage -Adaptation de la programmation des sections d'apprentissage faite à l'issue de la consultation des professionnels des secteurs concernés et au vu des résultats de réussite aux examens et d'insertion professionnelle -Professionnalisation des jeunes issus des cursus de formation initiale avec ou sans qualification, par le développement des savoir-faire et savoir-être et des compétences transversales au travail, la valorisation de la créativité et de l'esprit d'initiative, le développement des potentiels de création d'entreprise -Accroissement de la responsabilité croisée du maître d'apprentissage et du formateur d'apprenti, dans la transmission des savoirs et dans l'accompagnement du jeune dans son parcours de formation -Développement de la validation des acquis de l'expérience en cas d'échec aux épreuves malgré une bonne intégration dans le milieu du travail -Incitation à la mobilité intra régionale et extra régionale -met en oeuvre une démarche qualité afin de mesurer les indicateurs de réussite et d'insertion -intègre toutes démarches pédagogiques innovantes pour l'accompagnement et le suivi individualisé des apprentis (e-learning...) -met en place un dispositif d'orientation et de conseils pour les participants -met en place un système de traçabilité des actions afin de faciliter les contrôles des services instructeurs -informe les bénéficiaires du financement par le FSE au travers de support (feuilles d'émargements, livrets de l'apprenti...) -assure les obligations relatives aux participants à l'entrée et à la sortie de l'opération **Actions de formation :** **Niveau I** Diplôme Supérieur de Gestion et de Comptabilité MANAGEMENT ET ENTREPRENEURIAT DE PROJETS NUMERIQUES MANAGER ACHATS ET SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER DE SYSTEMES D'INFORMATION ET INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGER DES RESSOURCES HUMAINES(IPAC) **Niveau II** CHEF DE PROJET EN MARKETING INTERNET CONCEPTEUR DE SYSTEME D'INFORMATION CONSULTANT RECRUTEMENT CONTROLEUR DE GESTION MANAGER EN UNITE DE PRODUCTION / RESP PRODUCTION ET PROJET INDUST RESPONSABLE GESTION DES RESSOURCES HUMAINES Responsable de développement commercial RESPONSABLE DE LA DISTRIBUTION RESPONSABLE LOGISTIQUE Responsable Qualité Sécurité Sûreté Environnement CONSULTANT RECRUTEMENT **Niveau III** BTS ASSISTANCE TECHNIQUE INGENIEUR BTS ASSISTANT DE GESTION PME-PMI BTS ASSISTANT DE MANAGER BTS COMMUNICATION BTS GESTION DE LA PME BTS SUPPORT A L'ACTION MANAGERIALE BTS NEGOCIATION Digitalisation RELATION CLIENTELE BTS Maintenance des systèmes (PROD) BTS NEGOCIATION RELATION CLIENTELE CHARGE D'EXPLOITATION EN RESEAUX ET TELECOMS DEVELOPPEUR INTEGRATEUR DE SOLUTIONS INTERNET Diplôme de Gestion et de Comptabilité GESTIONNAIRE D'UNITE COMMERCIALE ET DE DISTRIBUTION Technicien Supérieur du Transport Terrestre de Marchandise TECHNICIEN SUPERIEUR METHODE ET EXPLOITATION LOGISTIQUE Titre professionnel Conducteur de travaux du bâtiment Titre professionnel Conducteur de travaux publics **Niveau IV** BAC PRO COMMERCE BAC PRO GESTION ADMINISTRATION BAC PRO LOGISTIQUE MENTION COMPLEMENTAIRE TECHNICIEN EN RESEAUX ELECTRIQUES VENDEUR CONSEILLER COMMERCIAL **Niveau V** CAP CONDUCTEUR ROUTIER MARCHANDISE CAP CONDUCTEURS D'ENGINS TP ET CARRIERE CAP EMPLOYE DE VENTE SPECIALISE OPTION A CAP EMPLOYE DE VENTE SPECIALISE OPTION B ( Cf Carte apprentissage 2019 et prévisions par cycle - pièces jointes) (Spanish)
    14 January 2022
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    CFA viib läbi koolitusi kooskõlas õppimise kaudu toimuva koolituse arendamise piirkondliku kavaga. —Improvement of the guidance of young people through a good knowledge of the professions and the training paths which lead them -Enhanced pathways both by allowing for a smoother flow of qualification courses and by diversifying the levels of entry into apprenticeship -Adaptation of the programming of the learning sections made following consultation with the professionals in the sectors concerned and in the light of the results of passing examinations and vocational integration -Professionalisation of young people from initial training courses with or without qualifications, through the development of know-how and know-being and transversal skills at work, the promotion of creativity and the spirit of initiative, the development of entrepreneurial potentials — Increased cross-responsibility of the learning master and the apprentice trainer, in the transmission of knowledge and in supporting the young person in his/her training path -Development of the validation of the acquired experience in the event of failure to take the tests despite a good integration into the working environment -Incitation to intra-regional and extra mobility regional — implements a quality approach in order to measure success and integration indicators — integrates all innovative pedagogical approaches for the support and individual follow-up of apprentices (e-learning...) — puts in place a guidance and counselling system for participants — puts in place a system of traceability of actions in order to facilitate the checks of the teaching services — informs the beneficiaries of ESF funding through support (emitter sheets, apprentice booklets...) — ensures the obligations relating to participants in the entry and exit of the operation ** Training actions:** **Level I** Higher Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRENEURIAT OF NUMERIC PROJECTS MANAGER ACHATS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGER HUMAN RESOURCES(IPAC) **Level II** PROJECT PROJECT IN MARKETING INTERNET CONCEPTER OF INFORMATION CONSULTING RECRUTMENT CONTROL MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT IN PRODUCTION/RESP PRODUCTION AND PROJECT RESPONSIBLE INDUSTRY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBLE DISTRIBUTION Manager Quality Safety Safety Safety RECRUTMENT **Level III** TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE INGENIOR BTS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT SME-PMI BTS MANAGER ASSISTANT BTS COMMUNICATION BTS SME MANAGEMENT BTS Management ACTION BTS NEGOCIATION Digitalisation CLIENTAL RELATION BTS Systems Maintenance (PROD) BTS CLIENTAL RELATION CHARGE AND TELECOMS DEVELOPER integration OF INTERNET SOLUTIONS Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT OF COMMERCIAL UNITED AND DISTRIBUTION Senior Transport Technician Merchandise TECHNICIEN SUPERIOR METHOD AND LOGISTIC EXPLOITATION Professional Title Building Works Manager Professional Title Public Works Conductor **Level IV** BAC PRO TRADE BAC PRO MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION BAC PRO LOGISTIC MENTION COMPLEMENTARY MENTION TECHNICIEN IN ELECTRIAL RESEALS VENDER COMMERCIAL COUNCIL **Level V** CAP CONDUCTOR ROUTIER MARCHANDISE CAP CONDUCTORS OF ENGINS TP AND CARRIERE CAP SPECIALISED SALE EMPLOYEES OPTION B (Cf Apprenticeship Card 2019 and Cycle Forecasts — Attachments) (Estonian)
    12 August 2022
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    CFA vykdo mokymo veiklą pagal regioninį mokymo plėtros per mokymąsi planą. —Improvement of the guidance of young people through a good knowledge of the professions and the training paths which lead them -Enhanced pathways both by allowing for a smoother flow of qualification courses and by diversifying the levels of entry into apprenticeship -Adaptation of the programming of the learning sections made following consultation with the professionals in the sectors concerned and in the light of the results of passing examinations and vocational integration -Professionalisation of young people from initial training courses with or without qualifications, through the development of know-how and know-being and transversal skills at work, the promotion of creativity and the spirit of initiative, the development of entrepreneurial potentials — Increased cross-responsibility of the learning master and the apprentice trainer, in the transmission of knowledge and in supporting the young person in his/her training path -Development of the validation of the acquired experience in the event of failure to take the tests despite a good integration into the working environment -Incitation to intra-regional and extra mobility regional — implements a quality approach in order to measure success and integration indicators — integrates all innovative pedagogical approaches for the support and individual follow-up of apprentices (e-learning...) — puts in place a guidance and counselling system for participants — puts in place a system of traceability of actions in order to facilitate the checks of the teaching services — informs the beneficiaries of ESF funding through support (emitter sheets, apprentice booklets...) — ensures the obligations relating to participants in the entry and exit of the operation ** Training actions:** **Level I** Higher Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRENEURIAT OF NUMERIC PROJECTS MANAGER ACHATS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGER HUMAN RESOURCES(IPAC) **Level II** PROJECT PROJECT IN MARKETING INTERNET CONCEPTER OF INFORMATION CONSULTING RECRUTMENT CONTROL MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT IN PRODUCTION/RESP PRODUCTION AND PROJECT RESPONSIBLE INDUSTRY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBLE DISTRIBUTION Manager Quality Safety Safety Safety RECRUTMENT **Level III** TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE INGENIOR BTS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT SME-PMI BTS MANAGER ASSISTANT BTS COMMUNICATION BTS SME MANAGEMENT BTS Management ACTION BTS NEGOCIATION Digitalisation CLIENTAL RELATION BTS Systems Maintenance (PROD) BTS CLIENTAL RELATION CHARGE AND TELECOMS DEVELOPER integration OF INTERNET SOLUTIONS Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT OF COMMERCIAL UNITED AND DISTRIBUTION Senior Transport Technician Merchandise TECHNICIEN SUPERIOR METHOD AND LOGISTIC EXPLOITATION Professional Title Building Works Manager Professional Title Public Works Conductor **Level IV** BAC PRO TRADE BAC PRO MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION BAC PRO LOGISTIC MENTION COMPLEMENTARY MENTION TECHNICIEN IN ELECTRIAL RESEALS VENDER COMMERCIAL COUNCIL **Level V** CAP CONDUCTOR ROUTIER MARCHANDISE CAP CONDUCTORS OF ENGINS TP AND CARRIERE CAP SPECIALISED SALE EMPLOYEES OPTION B (Cf Apprenticeship Card 2019 and Cycle Forecasts — Attachments) (Lithuanian)
    12 August 2022
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    CFA provodi aktivnosti osposobljavanja u skladu s Regionalnim planom za razvoj osposobljavanja kroz učenje. —Improvement of the guidance of young people through a good knowledge of the professions and the training paths which lead them -Enhanced pathways both by allowing for a smoother flow of qualification courses and by diversifying the levels of entry into apprenticeship -Adaptation of the programming of the learning sections made following consultation with the professionals in the sectors concerned and in the light of the results of passing examinations and vocational integration -Professionalisation of young people from initial training courses with or without qualifications, through the development of know-how and know-being and transversal skills at work, the promotion of creativity and the spirit of initiative, the development of entrepreneurial potentials — Increased cross-responsibility of the learning master and the apprentice trainer, in the transmission of knowledge and in supporting the young person in his/her training path -Development of the validation of the acquired experience in the event of failure to take the tests despite a good integration into the working environment -Incitation to intra-regional and extra mobility regional — implements a quality approach in order to measure success and integration indicators — integrates all innovative pedagogical approaches for the support and individual follow-up of apprentices (e-learning...) — puts in place a guidance and counselling system for participants — puts in place a system of traceability of actions in order to facilitate the checks of the teaching services — informs the beneficiaries of ESF funding through support (emitter sheets, apprentice booklets...) — ensures the obligations relating to participants in the entry and exit of the operation ** Training actions:** **Level I** Higher Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRENEURIAT OF NUMERIC PROJECTS MANAGER ACHATS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGER HUMAN RESOURCES(IPAC) **Level II** PROJECT PROJECT IN MARKETING INTERNET CONCEPTER OF INFORMATION CONSULTING RECRUTMENT CONTROL MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT IN PRODUCTION/RESP PRODUCTION AND PROJECT RESPONSIBLE INDUSTRY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBLE DISTRIBUTION Manager Quality Safety Safety Safety RECRUTMENT **Level III** TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE INGENIOR BTS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT SME-PMI BTS MANAGER ASSISTANT BTS COMMUNICATION BTS SME MANAGEMENT BTS Management ACTION BTS NEGOCIATION Digitalisation CLIENTAL RELATION BTS Systems Maintenance (PROD) BTS CLIENTAL RELATION CHARGE AND TELECOMS DEVELOPER integration OF INTERNET SOLUTIONS Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT OF COMMERCIAL UNITED AND DISTRIBUTION Senior Transport Technician Merchandise TECHNICIEN SUPERIOR METHOD AND LOGISTIC EXPLOITATION Professional Title Building Works Manager Professional Title Public Works Conductor **Level IV** BAC PRO TRADE BAC PRO MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION BAC PRO LOGISTIC MENTION COMPLEMENTARY MENTION TECHNICIEN IN ELECTRIAL RESEALS VENDER COMMERCIAL COUNCIL **Level V** CAP CONDUCTOR ROUTIER MARCHANDISE CAP CONDUCTORS OF ENGINS TP AND CARRIERE CAP SPECIALISED SALE EMPLOYEES OPTION B (Cf Apprenticeship Card 2019 and Cycle Forecasts — Attachments) (Croatian)
    12 August 2022
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    Η CFA υλοποιεί δραστηριότητες κατάρτισης σύμφωνα με το περιφερειακό σχέδιο για την ανάπτυξη της κατάρτισης μέσω της μάθησης. —Improvement of the guidance of young people through a good knowledge of the professions and the training paths which lead them -Enhanced pathways both by allowing for a smoother flow of qualification courses and by diversifying the levels of entry into apprenticeship -Adaptation of the programming of the learning sections made following consultation with the professionals in the sectors concerned and in the light of the results of passing examinations and vocational integration -Professionalisation of young people from initial training courses with or without qualifications, through the development of know-how and know-being and transversal skills at work, the promotion of creativity and the spirit of initiative, the development of entrepreneurial potentials — Increased cross-responsibility of the learning master and the apprentice trainer, in the transmission of knowledge and in supporting the young person in his/her training path -Development of the validation of the acquired experience in the event of failure to take the tests despite a good integration into the working environment -Incitation to intra-regional and extra mobility regional — implements a quality approach in order to measure success and integration indicators — integrates all innovative pedagogical approaches for the support and individual follow-up of apprentices (e-learning...) — puts in place a guidance and counselling system for participants — puts in place a system of traceability of actions in order to facilitate the checks of the teaching services — informs the beneficiaries of ESF funding through support (emitter sheets, apprentice booklets...) — ensures the obligations relating to participants in the entry and exit of the operation ** Training actions:** **Level I** Higher Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRENEURIAT OF NUMERIC PROJECTS MANAGER ACHATS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGER HUMAN RESOURCES(IPAC) **Level II** PROJECT PROJECT IN MARKETING INTERNET CONCEPTER OF INFORMATION CONSULTING RECRUTMENT CONTROL MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT IN PRODUCTION/RESP PRODUCTION AND PROJECT RESPONSIBLE INDUSTRY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBLE DISTRIBUTION Manager Quality Safety Safety Safety RECRUTMENT **Level III** TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE INGENIOR BTS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT SME-PMI BTS MANAGER ASSISTANT BTS COMMUNICATION BTS SME MANAGEMENT BTS Management ACTION BTS NEGOCIATION Digitalisation CLIENTAL RELATION BTS Systems Maintenance (PROD) BTS CLIENTAL RELATION CHARGE AND TELECOMS DEVELOPER integration OF INTERNET SOLUTIONS Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT OF COMMERCIAL UNITED AND DISTRIBUTION Senior Transport Technician Merchandise TECHNICIEN SUPERIOR METHOD AND LOGISTIC EXPLOITATION Professional Title Building Works Manager Professional Title Public Works Conductor **Level IV** BAC PRO TRADE BAC PRO MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION BAC PRO LOGISTIC MENTION COMPLEMENTARY MENTION TECHNICIEN IN ELECTRIAL RESEALS VENDER COMMERCIAL COUNCIL **Level V** CAP CONDUCTOR ROUTIER MARCHANDISE CAP CONDUCTORS OF ENGINS TP AND CARRIERE CAP SPECIALISED SALE EMPLOYEES OPTION B (Cf Apprenticeship Card 2019 and Cycle Forecasts — Attachments) (Greek)
    12 August 2022
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    CFA vykonáva činnosti odbornej prípravy v súlade s regionálnym plánom rozvoja odbornej prípravy prostredníctvom vzdelávania. —Improvement of the guidance of young people through a good knowledge of the professions and the training paths which lead them -Enhanced pathways both by allowing for a smoother flow of qualification courses and by diversifying the levels of entry into apprenticeship -Adaptation of the programming of the learning sections made following consultation with the professionals in the sectors concerned and in the light of the results of passing examinations and vocational integration -Professionalisation of young people from initial training courses with or without qualifications, through the development of know-how and know-being and transversal skills at work, the promotion of creativity and the spirit of initiative, the development of entrepreneurial potentials — Increased cross-responsibility of the learning master and the apprentice trainer, in the transmission of knowledge and in supporting the young person in his/her training path -Development of the validation of the acquired experience in the event of failure to take the tests despite a good integration into the working environment -Incitation to intra-regional and extra mobility regional — implements a quality approach in order to measure success and integration indicators — integrates all innovative pedagogical approaches for the support and individual follow-up of apprentices (e-learning...) — puts in place a guidance and counselling system for participants — puts in place a system of traceability of actions in order to facilitate the checks of the teaching services — informs the beneficiaries of ESF funding through support (emitter sheets, apprentice booklets...) — ensures the obligations relating to participants in the entry and exit of the operation ** Training actions:** **Level I** Higher Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRENEURIAT OF NUMERIC PROJECTS MANAGER ACHATS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGER HUMAN RESOURCES(IPAC) **Level II** PROJECT PROJECT IN MARKETING INTERNET CONCEPTER OF INFORMATION CONSULTING RECRUTMENT CONTROL MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT IN PRODUCTION/RESP PRODUCTION AND PROJECT RESPONSIBLE INDUSTRY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBLE DISTRIBUTION Manager Quality Safety Safety Safety RECRUTMENT **Level III** TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE INGENIOR BTS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT SME-PMI BTS MANAGER ASSISTANT BTS COMMUNICATION BTS SME MANAGEMENT BTS Management ACTION BTS NEGOCIATION Digitalisation CLIENTAL RELATION BTS Systems Maintenance (PROD) BTS CLIENTAL RELATION CHARGE AND TELECOMS DEVELOPER integration OF INTERNET SOLUTIONS Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT OF COMMERCIAL UNITED AND DISTRIBUTION Senior Transport Technician Merchandise TECHNICIEN SUPERIOR METHOD AND LOGISTIC EXPLOITATION Professional Title Building Works Manager Professional Title Public Works Conductor **Level IV** BAC PRO TRADE BAC PRO MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION BAC PRO LOGISTIC MENTION COMPLEMENTARY MENTION TECHNICIEN IN ELECTRIAL RESEALS VENDER COMMERCIAL COUNCIL **Level V** CAP CONDUCTOR ROUTIER MARCHANDISE CAP CONDUCTORS OF ENGINS TP AND CARRIERE CAP SPECIALISED SALE EMPLOYEES OPTION B (Cf Apprenticeship Card 2019 and Cycle Forecasts — Attachments) (Slovak)
    12 August 2022
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    CFA toteuttaa koulutustoimia oppimisen avulla tapahtuvan koulutuksen kehittämistä koskevan alueellisen suunnitelman mukaisesti. —Improvement of the guidance of young people through a good knowledge of the professions and the training paths which lead them -Enhanced pathways both by allowing for a smoother flow of qualification courses and by diversifying the levels of entry into apprenticeship -Adaptation of the programming of the learning sections made following consultation with the professionals in the sectors concerned and in the light of the results of passing examinations and vocational integration -Professionalisation of young people from initial training courses with or without qualifications, through the development of know-how and know-being and transversal skills at work, the promotion of creativity and the spirit of initiative, the development of entrepreneurial potentials — Increased cross-responsibility of the learning master and the apprentice trainer, in the transmission of knowledge and in supporting the young person in his/her training path -Development of the validation of the acquired experience in the event of failure to take the tests despite a good integration into the working environment -Incitation to intra-regional and extra mobility regional — implements a quality approach in order to measure success and integration indicators — integrates all innovative pedagogical approaches for the support and individual follow-up of apprentices (e-learning...) — puts in place a guidance and counselling system for participants — puts in place a system of traceability of actions in order to facilitate the checks of the teaching services — informs the beneficiaries of ESF funding through support (emitter sheets, apprentice booklets...) — ensures the obligations relating to participants in the entry and exit of the operation ** Training actions:** **Level I** Higher Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRENEURIAT OF NUMERIC PROJECTS MANAGER ACHATS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGER HUMAN RESOURCES(IPAC) **Level II** PROJECT PROJECT IN MARKETING INTERNET CONCEPTER OF INFORMATION CONSULTING RECRUTMENT CONTROL MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT IN PRODUCTION/RESP PRODUCTION AND PROJECT RESPONSIBLE INDUSTRY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBLE DISTRIBUTION Manager Quality Safety Safety Safety RECRUTMENT **Level III** TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE INGENIOR BTS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT SME-PMI BTS MANAGER ASSISTANT BTS COMMUNICATION BTS SME MANAGEMENT BTS Management ACTION BTS NEGOCIATION Digitalisation CLIENTAL RELATION BTS Systems Maintenance (PROD) BTS CLIENTAL RELATION CHARGE AND TELECOMS DEVELOPER integration OF INTERNET SOLUTIONS Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT OF COMMERCIAL UNITED AND DISTRIBUTION Senior Transport Technician Merchandise TECHNICIEN SUPERIOR METHOD AND LOGISTIC EXPLOITATION Professional Title Building Works Manager Professional Title Public Works Conductor **Level IV** BAC PRO TRADE BAC PRO MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION BAC PRO LOGISTIC MENTION COMPLEMENTARY MENTION TECHNICIEN IN ELECTRIAL RESEALS VENDER COMMERCIAL COUNCIL **Level V** CAP CONDUCTOR ROUTIER MARCHANDISE CAP CONDUCTORS OF ENGINS TP AND CARRIERE CAP SPECIALISED SALE EMPLOYEES OPTION B (Cf Apprenticeship Card 2019 and Cycle Forecasts — Attachments) (Finnish)
    12 August 2022
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    CFA realizuje działania szkoleniowe zgodnie z regionalnym planem rozwoju szkoleń poprzez uczenie się. —Improvement of the guidance of young people through a good knowledge of the professions and the training paths which lead them -Enhanced pathways both by allowing for a smoother flow of qualification courses and by diversifying the levels of entry into apprenticeship -Adaptation of the programming of the learning sections made following consultation with the professionals in the sectors concerned and in the light of the results of passing examinations and vocational integration -Professionalisation of young people from initial training courses with or without qualifications, through the development of know-how and know-being and transversal skills at work, the promotion of creativity and the spirit of initiative, the development of entrepreneurial potentials — Increased cross-responsibility of the learning master and the apprentice trainer, in the transmission of knowledge and in supporting the young person in his/her training path -Development of the validation of the acquired experience in the event of failure to take the tests despite a good integration into the working environment -Incitation to intra-regional and extra mobility regional — implements a quality approach in order to measure success and integration indicators — integrates all innovative pedagogical approaches for the support and individual follow-up of apprentices (e-learning...) — puts in place a guidance and counselling system for participants — puts in place a system of traceability of actions in order to facilitate the checks of the teaching services — informs the beneficiaries of ESF funding through support (emitter sheets, apprentice booklets...) — ensures the obligations relating to participants in the entry and exit of the operation ** Training actions:** **Level I** Higher Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRENEURIAT OF NUMERIC PROJECTS MANAGER ACHATS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGER HUMAN RESOURCES(IPAC) **Level II** PROJECT PROJECT IN MARKETING INTERNET CONCEPTER OF INFORMATION CONSULTING RECRUTMENT CONTROL MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT IN PRODUCTION/RESP PRODUCTION AND PROJECT RESPONSIBLE INDUSTRY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBLE DISTRIBUTION Manager Quality Safety Safety Safety RECRUTMENT **Level III** TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE INGENIOR BTS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT SME-PMI BTS MANAGER ASSISTANT BTS COMMUNICATION BTS SME MANAGEMENT BTS Management ACTION BTS NEGOCIATION Digitalisation CLIENTAL RELATION BTS Systems Maintenance (PROD) BTS CLIENTAL RELATION CHARGE AND TELECOMS DEVELOPER integration OF INTERNET SOLUTIONS Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT OF COMMERCIAL UNITED AND DISTRIBUTION Senior Transport Technician Merchandise TECHNICIEN SUPERIOR METHOD AND LOGISTIC EXPLOITATION Professional Title Building Works Manager Professional Title Public Works Conductor **Level IV** BAC PRO TRADE BAC PRO MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION BAC PRO LOGISTIC MENTION COMPLEMENTARY MENTION TECHNICIEN IN ELECTRIAL RESEALS VENDER COMMERCIAL COUNCIL **Level V** CAP CONDUCTOR ROUTIER MARCHANDISE CAP CONDUCTORS OF ENGINS TP AND CARRIERE CAP SPECIALISED SALE EMPLOYEES OPTION B (Cf Apprenticeship Card 2019 and Cycle Forecasts — Attachments) (Polish)
    12 August 2022
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    A CAFA a tanulás révén történő képzésfejlesztésre vonatkozó regionális tervvel összhangban képzési tevékenységeket hajt végre. —Improvement of the guidance of young people through a good knowledge of the professions and the training paths which lead them -Enhanced pathways both by allowing for a smoother flow of qualification courses and by diversifying the levels of entry into apprenticeship -Adaptation of the programming of the learning sections made following consultation with the professionals in the sectors concerned and in the light of the results of passing examinations and vocational integration -Professionalisation of young people from initial training courses with or without qualifications, through the development of know-how and know-being and transversal skills at work, the promotion of creativity and the spirit of initiative, the development of entrepreneurial potentials — Increased cross-responsibility of the learning master and the apprentice trainer, in the transmission of knowledge and in supporting the young person in his/her training path -Development of the validation of the acquired experience in the event of failure to take the tests despite a good integration into the working environment -Incitation to intra-regional and extra mobility regional — implements a quality approach in order to measure success and integration indicators — integrates all innovative pedagogical approaches for the support and individual follow-up of apprentices (e-learning...) — puts in place a guidance and counselling system for participants — puts in place a system of traceability of actions in order to facilitate the checks of the teaching services — informs the beneficiaries of ESF funding through support (emitter sheets, apprentice booklets...) — ensures the obligations relating to participants in the entry and exit of the operation ** Training actions:** **Level I** Higher Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRENEURIAT OF NUMERIC PROJECTS MANAGER ACHATS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGER HUMAN RESOURCES(IPAC) **Level II** PROJECT PROJECT IN MARKETING INTERNET CONCEPTER OF INFORMATION CONSULTING RECRUTMENT CONTROL MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT IN PRODUCTION/RESP PRODUCTION AND PROJECT RESPONSIBLE INDUSTRY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBLE DISTRIBUTION Manager Quality Safety Safety Safety RECRUTMENT **Level III** TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE INGENIOR BTS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT SME-PMI BTS MANAGER ASSISTANT BTS COMMUNICATION BTS SME MANAGEMENT BTS Management ACTION BTS NEGOCIATION Digitalisation CLIENTAL RELATION BTS Systems Maintenance (PROD) BTS CLIENTAL RELATION CHARGE AND TELECOMS DEVELOPER integration OF INTERNET SOLUTIONS Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT OF COMMERCIAL UNITED AND DISTRIBUTION Senior Transport Technician Merchandise TECHNICIEN SUPERIOR METHOD AND LOGISTIC EXPLOITATION Professional Title Building Works Manager Professional Title Public Works Conductor **Level IV** BAC PRO TRADE BAC PRO MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION BAC PRO LOGISTIC MENTION COMPLEMENTARY MENTION TECHNICIEN IN ELECTRIAL RESEALS VENDER COMMERCIAL COUNCIL **Level V** CAP CONDUCTOR ROUTIER MARCHANDISE CAP CONDUCTORS OF ENGINS TP AND CARRIERE CAP SPECIALISED SALE EMPLOYEES OPTION B (Cf Apprenticeship Card 2019 and Cycle Forecasts — Attachments) (Hungarian)
    12 August 2022
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    CFA provádí vzdělávací činnosti v souladu s regionálním plánem rozvoje odborné přípravy prostřednictvím učení. —Improvement of the guidance of young people through a good knowledge of the professions and the training paths which lead them -Enhanced pathways both by allowing for a smoother flow of qualification courses and by diversifying the levels of entry into apprenticeship -Adaptation of the programming of the learning sections made following consultation with the professionals in the sectors concerned and in the light of the results of passing examinations and vocational integration -Professionalisation of young people from initial training courses with or without qualifications, through the development of know-how and know-being and transversal skills at work, the promotion of creativity and the spirit of initiative, the development of entrepreneurial potentials — Increased cross-responsibility of the learning master and the apprentice trainer, in the transmission of knowledge and in supporting the young person in his/her training path -Development of the validation of the acquired experience in the event of failure to take the tests despite a good integration into the working environment -Incitation to intra-regional and extra mobility regional — implements a quality approach in order to measure success and integration indicators — integrates all innovative pedagogical approaches for the support and individual follow-up of apprentices (e-learning...) — puts in place a guidance and counselling system for participants — puts in place a system of traceability of actions in order to facilitate the checks of the teaching services — informs the beneficiaries of ESF funding through support (emitter sheets, apprentice booklets...) — ensures the obligations relating to participants in the entry and exit of the operation ** Training actions:** **Level I** Higher Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRENEURIAT OF NUMERIC PROJECTS MANAGER ACHATS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGER HUMAN RESOURCES(IPAC) **Level II** PROJECT PROJECT IN MARKETING INTERNET CONCEPTER OF INFORMATION CONSULTING RECRUTMENT CONTROL MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT IN PRODUCTION/RESP PRODUCTION AND PROJECT RESPONSIBLE INDUSTRY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBLE DISTRIBUTION Manager Quality Safety Safety Safety RECRUTMENT **Level III** TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE INGENIOR BTS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT SME-PMI BTS MANAGER ASSISTANT BTS COMMUNICATION BTS SME MANAGEMENT BTS Management ACTION BTS NEGOCIATION Digitalisation CLIENTAL RELATION BTS Systems Maintenance (PROD) BTS CLIENTAL RELATION CHARGE AND TELECOMS DEVELOPER integration OF INTERNET SOLUTIONS Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT OF COMMERCIAL UNITED AND DISTRIBUTION Senior Transport Technician Merchandise TECHNICIEN SUPERIOR METHOD AND LOGISTIC EXPLOITATION Professional Title Building Works Manager Professional Title Public Works Conductor **Level IV** BAC PRO TRADE BAC PRO MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION BAC PRO LOGISTIC MENTION COMPLEMENTARY MENTION TECHNICIEN IN ELECTRIAL RESEALS VENDER COMMERCIAL COUNCIL **Level V** CAP CONDUCTOR ROUTIER MARCHANDISE CAP CONDUCTORS OF ENGINS TP AND CARRIERE CAP SPECIALISED SALE EMPLOYEES OPTION B (Cf Apprenticeship Card 2019 and Cycle Forecasts — Attachments) (Czech)
    12 August 2022
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    CFA īsteno mācību pasākumus saskaņā ar Reģionālo plānu mācību attīstībai mācību ceļā. —Improvement of the guidance of young people through a good knowledge of the professions and the training paths which lead them -Enhanced pathways both by allowing for a smoother flow of qualification courses and by diversifying the levels of entry into apprenticeship -Adaptation of the programming of the learning sections made following consultation with the professionals in the sectors concerned and in the light of the results of passing examinations and vocational integration -Professionalisation of young people from initial training courses with or without qualifications, through the development of know-how and know-being and transversal skills at work, the promotion of creativity and the spirit of initiative, the development of entrepreneurial potentials — Increased cross-responsibility of the learning master and the apprentice trainer, in the transmission of knowledge and in supporting the young person in his/her training path -Development of the validation of the acquired experience in the event of failure to take the tests despite a good integration into the working environment -Incitation to intra-regional and extra mobility regional — implements a quality approach in order to measure success and integration indicators — integrates all innovative pedagogical approaches for the support and individual follow-up of apprentices (e-learning...) — puts in place a guidance and counselling system for participants — puts in place a system of traceability of actions in order to facilitate the checks of the teaching services — informs the beneficiaries of ESF funding through support (emitter sheets, apprentice booklets...) — ensures the obligations relating to participants in the entry and exit of the operation ** Training actions:** **Level I** Higher Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRENEURIAT OF NUMERIC PROJECTS MANAGER ACHATS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGER HUMAN RESOURCES(IPAC) **Level II** PROJECT PROJECT IN MARKETING INTERNET CONCEPTER OF INFORMATION CONSULTING RECRUTMENT CONTROL MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT IN PRODUCTION/RESP PRODUCTION AND PROJECT RESPONSIBLE INDUSTRY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBLE DISTRIBUTION Manager Quality Safety Safety Safety RECRUTMENT **Level III** TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE INGENIOR BTS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT SME-PMI BTS MANAGER ASSISTANT BTS COMMUNICATION BTS SME MANAGEMENT BTS Management ACTION BTS NEGOCIATION Digitalisation CLIENTAL RELATION BTS Systems Maintenance (PROD) BTS CLIENTAL RELATION CHARGE AND TELECOMS DEVELOPER integration OF INTERNET SOLUTIONS Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT OF COMMERCIAL UNITED AND DISTRIBUTION Senior Transport Technician Merchandise TECHNICIEN SUPERIOR METHOD AND LOGISTIC EXPLOITATION Professional Title Building Works Manager Professional Title Public Works Conductor **Level IV** BAC PRO TRADE BAC PRO MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION BAC PRO LOGISTIC MENTION COMPLEMENTARY MENTION TECHNICIEN IN ELECTRIAL RESEALS VENDER COMMERCIAL COUNCIL **Level V** CAP CONDUCTOR ROUTIER MARCHANDISE CAP CONDUCTORS OF ENGINS TP AND CARRIERE CAP SPECIALISED SALE EMPLOYEES OPTION B (Cf Apprenticeship Card 2019 and Cycle Forecasts — Attachments) (Latvian)
    12 August 2022
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    Cuireann an CFA gníomhaíochtaí oiliúna i bhfeidhm de réir an Phlean Réigiúnaigh um Fhorbairt Oiliúna tríd an bhFoghlaim. —Improvement of the guidance of young people through a good knowledge of the professions and the training paths which lead them -Enhanced pathways both by allowing for a smoother flow of qualification courses and by diversifying the levels of entry into apprenticeship -Adaptation of the programming of the learning sections made following consultation with the professionals in the sectors concerned and in the light of the results of passing examinations and vocational integration -Professionalisation of young people from initial training courses with or without qualifications, through the development of know-how and know-being and transversal skills at work, the promotion of creativity and the spirit of initiative, the development of entrepreneurial potentials — Increased cross-responsibility of the learning master and the apprentice trainer, in the transmission of knowledge and in supporting the young person in his/her training path -Development of the validation of the acquired experience in the event of failure to take the tests despite a good integration into the working environment -Incitation to intra-regional and extra mobility regional — implements a quality approach in order to measure success and integration indicators — integrates all innovative pedagogical approaches for the support and individual follow-up of apprentices (e-learning...) — puts in place a guidance and counselling system for participants — puts in place a system of traceability of actions in order to facilitate the checks of the teaching services — informs the beneficiaries of ESF funding through support (emitter sheets, apprentice booklets...) — ensures the obligations relating to participants in the entry and exit of the operation ** Training actions:** **Level I** Higher Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRENEURIAT OF NUMERIC PROJECTS MANAGER ACHATS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGER HUMAN RESOURCES(IPAC) **Level II** PROJECT PROJECT IN MARKETING INTERNET CONCEPTER OF INFORMATION CONSULTING RECRUTMENT CONTROL MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT IN PRODUCTION/RESP PRODUCTION AND PROJECT RESPONSIBLE INDUSTRY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBLE DISTRIBUTION Manager Quality Safety Safety Safety RECRUTMENT **Level III** TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE INGENIOR BTS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT SME-PMI BTS MANAGER ASSISTANT BTS COMMUNICATION BTS SME MANAGEMENT BTS Management ACTION BTS NEGOCIATION Digitalisation CLIENTAL RELATION BTS Systems Maintenance (PROD) BTS CLIENTAL RELATION CHARGE AND TELECOMS DEVELOPER integration OF INTERNET SOLUTIONS Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT OF COMMERCIAL UNITED AND DISTRIBUTION Senior Transport Technician Merchandise TECHNICIEN SUPERIOR METHOD AND LOGISTIC EXPLOITATION Professional Title Building Works Manager Professional Title Public Works Conductor **Level IV** BAC PRO TRADE BAC PRO MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION BAC PRO LOGISTIC MENTION COMPLEMENTARY MENTION TECHNICIEN IN ELECTRIAL RESEALS VENDER COMMERCIAL COUNCIL **Level V** CAP CONDUCTOR ROUTIER MARCHANDISE CAP CONDUCTORS OF ENGINS TP AND CARRIERE CAP SPECIALISED SALE EMPLOYEES OPTION B (Cf Apprenticeship Card 2019 and Cycle Forecasts — Attachments) (Irish)
    12 August 2022
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    CFA izvaja dejavnosti usposabljanja v skladu z regionalnim načrtom za razvoj usposabljanja z učenjem. —Improvement of the guidance of young people through a good knowledge of the professions and the training paths which lead them -Enhanced pathways both by allowing for a smoother flow of qualification courses and by diversifying the levels of entry into apprenticeship -Adaptation of the programming of the learning sections made following consultation with the professionals in the sectors concerned and in the light of the results of passing examinations and vocational integration -Professionalisation of young people from initial training courses with or without qualifications, through the development of know-how and know-being and transversal skills at work, the promotion of creativity and the spirit of initiative, the development of entrepreneurial potentials — Increased cross-responsibility of the learning master and the apprentice trainer, in the transmission of knowledge and in supporting the young person in his/her training path -Development of the validation of the acquired experience in the event of failure to take the tests despite a good integration into the working environment -Incitation to intra-regional and extra mobility regional — implements a quality approach in order to measure success and integration indicators — integrates all innovative pedagogical approaches for the support and individual follow-up of apprentices (e-learning...) — puts in place a guidance and counselling system for participants — puts in place a system of traceability of actions in order to facilitate the checks of the teaching services — informs the beneficiaries of ESF funding through support (emitter sheets, apprentice booklets...) — ensures the obligations relating to participants in the entry and exit of the operation ** Training actions:** **Level I** Higher Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRENEURIAT OF NUMERIC PROJECTS MANAGER ACHATS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGER HUMAN RESOURCES(IPAC) **Level II** PROJECT PROJECT IN MARKETING INTERNET CONCEPTER OF INFORMATION CONSULTING RECRUTMENT CONTROL MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT IN PRODUCTION/RESP PRODUCTION AND PROJECT RESPONSIBLE INDUSTRY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBLE DISTRIBUTION Manager Quality Safety Safety Safety RECRUTMENT **Level III** TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE INGENIOR BTS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT SME-PMI BTS MANAGER ASSISTANT BTS COMMUNICATION BTS SME MANAGEMENT BTS Management ACTION BTS NEGOCIATION Digitalisation CLIENTAL RELATION BTS Systems Maintenance (PROD) BTS CLIENTAL RELATION CHARGE AND TELECOMS DEVELOPER integration OF INTERNET SOLUTIONS Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT OF COMMERCIAL UNITED AND DISTRIBUTION Senior Transport Technician Merchandise TECHNICIEN SUPERIOR METHOD AND LOGISTIC EXPLOITATION Professional Title Building Works Manager Professional Title Public Works Conductor **Level IV** BAC PRO TRADE BAC PRO MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION BAC PRO LOGISTIC MENTION COMPLEMENTARY MENTION TECHNICIEN IN ELECTRIAL RESEALS VENDER COMMERCIAL COUNCIL **Level V** CAP CONDUCTOR ROUTIER MARCHANDISE CAP CONDUCTORS OF ENGINS TP AND CARRIERE CAP SPECIALISED SALE EMPLOYEES OPTION B (Cf Apprenticeship Card 2019 and Cycle Forecasts — Attachments) (Slovenian)
    12 August 2022
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    CFA осъществява дейности за обучение в съответствие с Регионалния план за развитие на обучението чрез учене. —Improvement of the guidance of young people through a good knowledge of the professions and the training paths which lead them -Enhanced pathways both by allowing for a smoother flow of qualification courses and by diversifying the levels of entry into apprenticeship -Adaptation of the programming of the learning sections made following consultation with the professionals in the sectors concerned and in the light of the results of passing examinations and vocational integration -Professionalisation of young people from initial training courses with or without qualifications, through the development of know-how and know-being and transversal skills at work, the promotion of creativity and the spirit of initiative, the development of entrepreneurial potentials — Increased cross-responsibility of the learning master and the apprentice trainer, in the transmission of knowledge and in supporting the young person in his/her training path -Development of the validation of the acquired experience in the event of failure to take the tests despite a good integration into the working environment -Incitation to intra-regional and extra mobility regional — implements a quality approach in order to measure success and integration indicators — integrates all innovative pedagogical approaches for the support and individual follow-up of apprentices (e-learning...) — puts in place a guidance and counselling system for participants — puts in place a system of traceability of actions in order to facilitate the checks of the teaching services — informs the beneficiaries of ESF funding through support (emitter sheets, apprentice booklets...) — ensures the obligations relating to participants in the entry and exit of the operation ** Training actions:** **Level I** Higher Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRENEURIAT OF NUMERIC PROJECTS MANAGER ACHATS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGER HUMAN RESOURCES(IPAC) **Level II** PROJECT PROJECT IN MARKETING INTERNET CONCEPTER OF INFORMATION CONSULTING RECRUTMENT CONTROL MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT IN PRODUCTION/RESP PRODUCTION AND PROJECT RESPONSIBLE INDUSTRY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBLE DISTRIBUTION Manager Quality Safety Safety Safety RECRUTMENT **Level III** TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE INGENIOR BTS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT SME-PMI BTS MANAGER ASSISTANT BTS COMMUNICATION BTS SME MANAGEMENT BTS Management ACTION BTS NEGOCIATION Digitalisation CLIENTAL RELATION BTS Systems Maintenance (PROD) BTS CLIENTAL RELATION CHARGE AND TELECOMS DEVELOPER integration OF INTERNET SOLUTIONS Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT OF COMMERCIAL UNITED AND DISTRIBUTION Senior Transport Technician Merchandise TECHNICIEN SUPERIOR METHOD AND LOGISTIC EXPLOITATION Professional Title Building Works Manager Professional Title Public Works Conductor **Level IV** BAC PRO TRADE BAC PRO MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION BAC PRO LOGISTIC MENTION COMPLEMENTARY MENTION TECHNICIEN IN ELECTRIAL RESEALS VENDER COMMERCIAL COUNCIL **Level V** CAP CONDUCTOR ROUTIER MARCHANDISE CAP CONDUCTORS OF ENGINS TP AND CARRIERE CAP SPECIALISED SALE EMPLOYEES OPTION B (Cf Apprenticeship Card 2019 and Cycle Forecasts — Attachments) (Bulgarian)
    12 August 2022
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    Is-CFA timplimenta attivitajiet ta’ taħriġ skont il-Pjan Reġjonali għall-Iżvilupp tat-Taħriġ permezz tat-Tagħlim. —Improvement of the guidance of young people through a good knowledge of the professions and the training paths which lead them -Enhanced pathways both by allowing for a smoother flow of qualification courses and by diversifying the levels of entry into apprenticeship -Adaptation of the programming of the learning sections made following consultation with the professionals in the sectors concerned and in the light of the results of passing examinations and vocational integration -Professionalisation of young people from initial training courses with or without qualifications, through the development of know-how and know-being and transversal skills at work, the promotion of creativity and the spirit of initiative, the development of entrepreneurial potentials — Increased cross-responsibility of the learning master and the apprentice trainer, in the transmission of knowledge and in supporting the young person in his/her training path -Development of the validation of the acquired experience in the event of failure to take the tests despite a good integration into the working environment -Incitation to intra-regional and extra mobility regional — implements a quality approach in order to measure success and integration indicators — integrates all innovative pedagogical approaches for the support and individual follow-up of apprentices (e-learning...) — puts in place a guidance and counselling system for participants — puts in place a system of traceability of actions in order to facilitate the checks of the teaching services — informs the beneficiaries of ESF funding through support (emitter sheets, apprentice booklets...) — ensures the obligations relating to participants in the entry and exit of the operation ** Training actions:** **Level I** Higher Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRENEURIAT OF NUMERIC PROJECTS MANAGER ACHATS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGER HUMAN RESOURCES(IPAC) **Level II** PROJECT PROJECT IN MARKETING INTERNET CONCEPTER OF INFORMATION CONSULTING RECRUTMENT CONTROL MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT IN PRODUCTION/RESP PRODUCTION AND PROJECT RESPONSIBLE INDUSTRY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBLE DISTRIBUTION Manager Quality Safety Safety Safety RECRUTMENT **Level III** TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE INGENIOR BTS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT SME-PMI BTS MANAGER ASSISTANT BTS COMMUNICATION BTS SME MANAGEMENT BTS Management ACTION BTS NEGOCIATION Digitalisation CLIENTAL RELATION BTS Systems Maintenance (PROD) BTS CLIENTAL RELATION CHARGE AND TELECOMS DEVELOPER integration OF INTERNET SOLUTIONS Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT OF COMMERCIAL UNITED AND DISTRIBUTION Senior Transport Technician Merchandise TECHNICIEN SUPERIOR METHOD AND LOGISTIC EXPLOITATION Professional Title Building Works Manager Professional Title Public Works Conductor **Level IV** BAC PRO TRADE BAC PRO MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION BAC PRO LOGISTIC MENTION COMPLEMENTARY MENTION TECHNICIEN IN ELECTRIAL RESEALS VENDER COMMERCIAL COUNCIL **Level V** CAP CONDUCTOR ROUTIER MARCHANDISE CAP CONDUCTORS OF ENGINS TP AND CARRIERE CAP SPECIALISED SALE EMPLOYEES OPTION B (Cf Apprenticeship Card 2019 and Cycle Forecasts — Attachments) (Maltese)
    12 August 2022
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    O CFA implementa atividades de formação de acordo com o Plano Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Formação através da Aprendizagem. —Improvement of the guidance of young people through a good knowledge of the professions and the training paths which lead them -Enhanced pathways both by allowing for a smoother flow of qualification courses and by diversifying the levels of entry into apprenticeship -Adaptation of the programming of the learning sections made following consultation with the professionals in the sectors concerned and in the light of the results of passing examinations and vocational integration -Professionalisation of young people from initial training courses with or without qualifications, through the development of know-how and know-being and transversal skills at work, the promotion of creativity and the spirit of initiative, the development of entrepreneurial potentials — Increased cross-responsibility of the learning master and the apprentice trainer, in the transmission of knowledge and in supporting the young person in his/her training path -Development of the validation of the acquired experience in the event of failure to take the tests despite a good integration into the working environment -Incitation to intra-regional and extra mobility regional — implements a quality approach in order to measure success and integration indicators — integrates all innovative pedagogical approaches for the support and individual follow-up of apprentices (e-learning...) — puts in place a guidance and counselling system for participants — puts in place a system of traceability of actions in order to facilitate the checks of the teaching services — informs the beneficiaries of ESF funding through support (emitter sheets, apprentice booklets...) — ensures the obligations relating to participants in the entry and exit of the operation ** Training actions:** **Level I** Higher Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRENEURIAT OF NUMERIC PROJECTS MANAGER ACHATS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGER HUMAN RESOURCES(IPAC) **Level II** PROJECT PROJECT IN MARKETING INTERNET CONCEPTER OF INFORMATION CONSULTING RECRUTMENT CONTROL MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT IN PRODUCTION/RESP PRODUCTION AND PROJECT RESPONSIBLE INDUSTRY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBLE DISTRIBUTION Manager Quality Safety Safety Safety RECRUTMENT **Level III** TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE INGENIOR BTS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT SME-PMI BTS MANAGER ASSISTANT BTS COMMUNICATION BTS SME MANAGEMENT BTS Management ACTION BTS NEGOCIATION Digitalisation CLIENTAL RELATION BTS Systems Maintenance (PROD) BTS CLIENTAL RELATION CHARGE AND TELECOMS DEVELOPER integration OF INTERNET SOLUTIONS Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT OF COMMERCIAL UNITED AND DISTRIBUTION Senior Transport Technician Merchandise TECHNICIEN SUPERIOR METHOD AND LOGISTIC EXPLOITATION Professional Title Building Works Manager Professional Title Public Works Conductor **Level IV** BAC PRO TRADE BAC PRO MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION BAC PRO LOGISTIC MENTION COMPLEMENTARY MENTION TECHNICIEN IN ELECTRIAL RESEALS VENDER COMMERCIAL COUNCIL **Level V** CAP CONDUCTOR ROUTIER MARCHANDISE CAP CONDUCTORS OF ENGINS TP AND CARRIERE CAP SPECIALISED SALE EMPLOYEES OPTION B (Cf Apprenticeship Card 2019 and Cycle Forecasts — Attachments) (Portuguese)
    12 August 2022
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    CFA gennemfører uddannelsesaktiviteter i overensstemmelse med den regionale plan for udvikling af uddannelse gennem læring. —Improvement of the guidance of young people through a good knowledge of the professions and the training paths which lead them -Enhanced pathways both by allowing for a smoother flow of qualification courses and by diversifying the levels of entry into apprenticeship -Adaptation of the programming of the learning sections made following consultation with the professionals in the sectors concerned and in the light of the results of passing examinations and vocational integration -Professionalisation of young people from initial training courses with or without qualifications, through the development of know-how and know-being and transversal skills at work, the promotion of creativity and the spirit of initiative, the development of entrepreneurial potentials — Increased cross-responsibility of the learning master and the apprentice trainer, in the transmission of knowledge and in supporting the young person in his/her training path -Development of the validation of the acquired experience in the event of failure to take the tests despite a good integration into the working environment -Incitation to intra-regional and extra mobility regional — implements a quality approach in order to measure success and integration indicators — integrates all innovative pedagogical approaches for the support and individual follow-up of apprentices (e-learning...) — puts in place a guidance and counselling system for participants — puts in place a system of traceability of actions in order to facilitate the checks of the teaching services — informs the beneficiaries of ESF funding through support (emitter sheets, apprentice booklets...) — ensures the obligations relating to participants in the entry and exit of the operation ** Training actions:** **Level I** Higher Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRENEURIAT OF NUMERIC PROJECTS MANAGER ACHATS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGER HUMAN RESOURCES(IPAC) **Level II** PROJECT PROJECT IN MARKETING INTERNET CONCEPTER OF INFORMATION CONSULTING RECRUTMENT CONTROL MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT IN PRODUCTION/RESP PRODUCTION AND PROJECT RESPONSIBLE INDUSTRY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBLE DISTRIBUTION Manager Quality Safety Safety Safety RECRUTMENT **Level III** TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE INGENIOR BTS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT SME-PMI BTS MANAGER ASSISTANT BTS COMMUNICATION BTS SME MANAGEMENT BTS Management ACTION BTS NEGOCIATION Digitalisation CLIENTAL RELATION BTS Systems Maintenance (PROD) BTS CLIENTAL RELATION CHARGE AND TELECOMS DEVELOPER integration OF INTERNET SOLUTIONS Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT OF COMMERCIAL UNITED AND DISTRIBUTION Senior Transport Technician Merchandise TECHNICIEN SUPERIOR METHOD AND LOGISTIC EXPLOITATION Professional Title Building Works Manager Professional Title Public Works Conductor **Level IV** BAC PRO TRADE BAC PRO MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION BAC PRO LOGISTIC MENTION COMPLEMENTARY MENTION TECHNICIEN IN ELECTRIAL RESEALS VENDER COMMERCIAL COUNCIL **Level V** CAP CONDUCTOR ROUTIER MARCHANDISE CAP CONDUCTORS OF ENGINS TP AND CARRIERE CAP SPECIALISED SALE EMPLOYEES OPTION B (Cf Apprenticeship Card 2019 and Cycle Forecasts — Attachments) (Danish)
    12 August 2022
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    CFA implementează activități de formare în conformitate cu Planul Regional pentru Dezvoltarea Formării prin Învățare. —Improvement of the guidance of young people through a good knowledge of the professions and the training paths which lead them -Enhanced pathways both by allowing for a smoother flow of qualification courses and by diversifying the levels of entry into apprenticeship -Adaptation of the programming of the learning sections made following consultation with the professionals in the sectors concerned and in the light of the results of passing examinations and vocational integration -Professionalisation of young people from initial training courses with or without qualifications, through the development of know-how and know-being and transversal skills at work, the promotion of creativity and the spirit of initiative, the development of entrepreneurial potentials — Increased cross-responsibility of the learning master and the apprentice trainer, in the transmission of knowledge and in supporting the young person in his/her training path -Development of the validation of the acquired experience in the event of failure to take the tests despite a good integration into the working environment -Incitation to intra-regional and extra mobility regional — implements a quality approach in order to measure success and integration indicators — integrates all innovative pedagogical approaches for the support and individual follow-up of apprentices (e-learning...) — puts in place a guidance and counselling system for participants — puts in place a system of traceability of actions in order to facilitate the checks of the teaching services — informs the beneficiaries of ESF funding through support (emitter sheets, apprentice booklets...) — ensures the obligations relating to participants in the entry and exit of the operation ** Training actions:** **Level I** Higher Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRENEURIAT OF NUMERIC PROJECTS MANAGER ACHATS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGER HUMAN RESOURCES(IPAC) **Level II** PROJECT PROJECT IN MARKETING INTERNET CONCEPTER OF INFORMATION CONSULTING RECRUTMENT CONTROL MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT IN PRODUCTION/RESP PRODUCTION AND PROJECT RESPONSIBLE INDUSTRY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBLE DISTRIBUTION Manager Quality Safety Safety Safety RECRUTMENT **Level III** TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE INGENIOR BTS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT SME-PMI BTS MANAGER ASSISTANT BTS COMMUNICATION BTS SME MANAGEMENT BTS Management ACTION BTS NEGOCIATION Digitalisation CLIENTAL RELATION BTS Systems Maintenance (PROD) BTS CLIENTAL RELATION CHARGE AND TELECOMS DEVELOPER integration OF INTERNET SOLUTIONS Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT OF COMMERCIAL UNITED AND DISTRIBUTION Senior Transport Technician Merchandise TECHNICIEN SUPERIOR METHOD AND LOGISTIC EXPLOITATION Professional Title Building Works Manager Professional Title Public Works Conductor **Level IV** BAC PRO TRADE BAC PRO MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION BAC PRO LOGISTIC MENTION COMPLEMENTARY MENTION TECHNICIEN IN ELECTRIAL RESEALS VENDER COMMERCIAL COUNCIL **Level V** CAP CONDUCTOR ROUTIER MARCHANDISE CAP CONDUCTORS OF ENGINS TP AND CARRIERE CAP SPECIALISED SALE EMPLOYEES OPTION B (Cf Apprenticeship Card 2019 and Cycle Forecasts — Attachments) (Romanian)
    12 August 2022
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    CFA genomför utbildningsverksamhet i enlighet med den regionala planen för utveckling av utbildning genom lärande. —Improvement of the guidance of young people through a good knowledge of the professions and the training paths which lead them -Enhanced pathways both by allowing for a smoother flow of qualification courses and by diversifying the levels of entry into apprenticeship -Adaptation of the programming of the learning sections made following consultation with the professionals in the sectors concerned and in the light of the results of passing examinations and vocational integration -Professionalisation of young people from initial training courses with or without qualifications, through the development of know-how and know-being and transversal skills at work, the promotion of creativity and the spirit of initiative, the development of entrepreneurial potentials — Increased cross-responsibility of the learning master and the apprentice trainer, in the transmission of knowledge and in supporting the young person in his/her training path -Development of the validation of the acquired experience in the event of failure to take the tests despite a good integration into the working environment -Incitation to intra-regional and extra mobility regional — implements a quality approach in order to measure success and integration indicators — integrates all innovative pedagogical approaches for the support and individual follow-up of apprentices (e-learning...) — puts in place a guidance and counselling system for participants — puts in place a system of traceability of actions in order to facilitate the checks of the teaching services — informs the beneficiaries of ESF funding through support (emitter sheets, apprentice booklets...) — ensures the obligations relating to participants in the entry and exit of the operation ** Training actions:** **Level I** Higher Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRENEURIAT OF NUMERIC PROJECTS MANAGER ACHATS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGER HUMAN RESOURCES(IPAC) **Level II** PROJECT PROJECT IN MARKETING INTERNET CONCEPTER OF INFORMATION CONSULTING RECRUTMENT CONTROL MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT IN PRODUCTION/RESP PRODUCTION AND PROJECT RESPONSIBLE INDUSTRY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBLE DISTRIBUTION Manager Quality Safety Safety Safety RECRUTMENT **Level III** TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE INGENIOR BTS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT SME-PMI BTS MANAGER ASSISTANT BTS COMMUNICATION BTS SME MANAGEMENT BTS Management ACTION BTS NEGOCIATION Digitalisation CLIENTAL RELATION BTS Systems Maintenance (PROD) BTS CLIENTAL RELATION CHARGE AND TELECOMS DEVELOPER integration OF INTERNET SOLUTIONS Diploma in Management and Accounting MANAGEMENT OF COMMERCIAL UNITED AND DISTRIBUTION Senior Transport Technician Merchandise TECHNICIEN SUPERIOR METHOD AND LOGISTIC EXPLOITATION Professional Title Building Works Manager Professional Title Public Works Conductor **Level IV** BAC PRO TRADE BAC PRO MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION BAC PRO LOGISTIC MENTION COMPLEMENTARY MENTION TECHNICIEN IN ELECTRIAL RESEALS VENDER COMMERCIAL COUNCIL **Level V** CAP CONDUCTOR ROUTIER MARCHANDISE CAP CONDUCTORS OF ENGINS TP AND CARRIERE CAP SPECIALISED SALE EMPLOYEES OPTION B (Cf Apprenticeship Card 2019 and Cycle Forecasts — Attachments) (Swedish)
    12 August 2022
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    7 December 2023
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