Implementation of innovative products for the HVAC industry (Q112006)

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Revision as of 18:07, 9 October 2024 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Set a claim value: summary (P836): O objetivo do projeto é implementar novos produtos inovadores para a indústria de AVAC, ou seja, unidades de ventilação novas e significativamente melhoradas com sistemas de recuperação de calor e condutas de ventilação no mercado-alvo.O novo equipamento final e os principais componentes utilizados para a recuperação e distribuição de calor do ambiente serão caracterizados por uma série de vantagens que demonstram a sua capacidade de inovação à esca...)
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Project Q112006 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
Implementation of innovative products for the HVAC industry
Project Q112006 in Poland


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    572,550.0 zloty
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    127,277.87 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    1,041,000.0 zloty
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    231,414.3 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    55.0 percent
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    4 September 2017
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    3 September 2019
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    49°58'54.55"N, 20°10'22.26"E
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    Przedmiotem projektu jest wdrożenie na rynek docelowy Polska i kraje ościenne nowych innowacyjnych produktów dla branży HVAC tj. nowych, znacząco ulepszonych central wentylacyjnych z odzyskiem ciepła oraz systemów kanałów wentylacyjnych.Nowe urządzenia finalny oraz kluczowe komponenty wykorzystywane do odzyskiwania i dystrybucji ciepła z otoczenia będą charakteryzowały się szeregiem przewag świadczących o ich innowacyjności w skali co najmniej Europejskiej.W celu wdrożenia innowacyjnych rozwiązań konieczne będzie poniesienie szeregu nakładów inwestycyjnych obejmujących zakup środków trwałych formy do produkcji obudów określonych typów central tj. AP400h, AP 400v, AP650 h, AP 650 v; formy do produkcji elementów kanałów wentylacyjnych rury i kształtki, zakup stanowiska kontrolnego, a także wartości niematerialnych i prawnych licencja na oprogramowanie do zarządzania procesami produkcyjnymi w obrębie niniejszego projektu produkt półkowy.Wieloletnie doświadczenie Wnioskodawcy w realizacji projektów inwestycyjnych, w tym wdrożeń nowych produktów rekuperatorów oraz bogate zasoby techniczne i doświadczona kadra menedżerska powodują, iż nie ma zagrożeń, które mogłyby doprowadzić do opóźnień bądź zagrożeń prawidłowej realizacji projektu zgodnie z przyjętym harmonogramem rzeczowofinansowym.Nowe produkty wpiszą się w zapotrzebowanie zgłaszane przez dynamicznie rozwijającą się branżę HVAC oraz zaostrzające się wymogi prawa w zakresie efektywności energetycznej budynków, co pozwoli osiągnąć zakładane rezultaty ekonomiczne.Dofinansowanie zwiększy zdolność inwestycyjną Wnioskodawcy i zagwarantuje stabilność finansową, co umożliwi dalszy dynamiczny rozwój i osiągnięcie założonych celów biznesowych Spółki.Inwestycja ta zaspokoi nie tylko bieżące potrzeby inwestycyjne Thessla Green, ale pozwoli również zrealizować jej cele długofalowe i wywoła efekt dźwigni inwestycyjnej, co pociągnie za sobą kolejne projekty badawczoinwestycyjne w przedsiębiorstwie. (Polish)
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    The aim of the project is to implement new innovative products for the HVAC industry, i.e. new, significantly improved ventilation units with heat recovery and ventilation duct systems on the target market.The new final equipment and key components used for the recovery and distribution of heat from the environment will be characterised by a number of advantages demonstrating their innovativeness on a European scale.In order to implement innovative solutions, it will be necessary to make a number of investment outlays including the purchase of fixed molds for the production of certain types of housing. AP400h, AP 400v, AP650 h, AP 650 v; forms for the production of elements of ventilation channels of pipes and fittings, purchase of control post, as well as intangible assets and license for software for the management of production processes within this project, the shelf product.Multiannual experience of the Applicants in the implementation of investment projects, including implementation of new products, e.g. recuperators and the rich technical resources of the project and the experienced management staff, ensures that there are no risks that could lead to delays or risks of proper implementation of the project. (English)
    20 October 2020
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    L’objet du projet est la mise en œuvre sur le marché cible de la Pologne et des pays voisins de nouveaux produits innovants pour l’industrie CVC, c’est-à-dire de nouvelles unités de ventilation nettement améliorées avec des systèmes de récupération de chaleur et de conduits de ventilation.Les nouveaux dispositifs finaux et composants clés utilisés pour la récupération et la distribution de chaleur provenant de l’environnement seront caractérisés par un certain nombre d’avantages prouvant leur innovation à l’échelle européenne. AP400h, AP 400v, AP650 h, AP 650 v; forms for the production of elements of ventilation ducts of pipes and fittings, purchase of a control station, as well as intangible and legal assets license for software to manage production processes within this project shelf product.Many years of experience of the Applicant in the implementation of investment projects, including the implementation of new products, e.g. recuperators and rich technical resources and experienced managerial staff mean that there are no risks that could lead to delays or threats to the proper implementation of the project in accordance with the agreed financial schedule, new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, only the current investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not allow for the economic viability of the buildings to be achieved, which will make it possible to achieve the economic performance of the buildings, which will make it possible to achieve the financial performance of the buildings, which will only achieve the necessary investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow the financial stability of the buildings to be increased.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, the current needs will not be met by the long-term needs and the long-term development of the energy efficiency of the buildings, which will allow the economic stability of the buildings to be achieved, the investment will only be able to achieve the desired investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability of the buildings will increase the dynamic investment projects, the investment projects will only be implemented by the current HVAC industry, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow for the economic stability of the buildings, the new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, the dynamically developing HVAC sector, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability will increase the dynamically sound of the buildings.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, and the long-term needs will not be met by the long-term development and the economic performance of the buildings, which will increase the energy efficiency of the buildings. (French)
    1 December 2021
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    Gegenstand des Projekts ist die Umsetzung neuer innovativer Produkte für die HLK-Industrie auf dem Zielmarkt Polens und der Nachbarländer, d. h. neue, deutlich verbesserte Lüftungsanlagen mit Wärmerückgewinnungs- und Lüftungssystemen.Neue Endgeräte und Schlüsselkomponenten für die Rückgewinnung und Verteilung von Wärme aus der Umwelt werden durch eine Reihe von Vorteilen gekennzeichnet sein, die ihre Innovation auf europäischer Ebene beweisen. AP400h, AP 400v, AP650 h, AP 650 v; forms for the production of elements of ventilation ducts of pipes and fittings, purchase of a control station, as well as intangible and legal assets license for software to manage production processes within this project shelf product.Many years of experience of the Applicant in the implementation of investment projects, including the implementation of new products, e.g. recuperators and rich technical resources and experienced managerial staff mean that there are no risks that could lead to delays or threats to the proper implementation of the project in accordance with the agreed financial schedule, new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, only the current investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not allow for the economic viability of the buildings to be achieved, which will make it possible to achieve the economic performance of the buildings, which will make it possible to achieve the financial performance of the buildings, which will only achieve the necessary investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow the financial stability of the buildings to be increased.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, the current needs will not be met by the long-term needs and the long-term development of the energy efficiency of the buildings, which will allow the economic stability of the buildings to be achieved, the investment will only be able to achieve the desired investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability of the buildings will increase the dynamic investment projects, the investment projects will only be implemented by the current HVAC industry, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow for the economic stability of the buildings, the new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, the dynamically developing HVAC sector, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability will increase the dynamically sound of the buildings.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, and the long-term needs will not be met by the long-term development and the economic performance of the buildings, which will increase the energy efficiency of the buildings. (German)
    7 December 2021
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    Het onderwerp van het project is de implementatie op de doelmarkt van Polen en de buurlanden van nieuwe innovatieve producten voor de HVAC-industrie, d.w.z. nieuwe, aanzienlijk verbeterde ventilatie-eenheden met warmteterugwinning en ventilatiekanalen.Nieuwe eindapparatuur en belangrijke componenten die worden gebruikt voor de terugwinning en distributie van warmte uit het milieu zullen worden gekenmerkt door een aantal voordelen die hun innovatie op Europese schaal bewijzen. AP400h, AP 400v, AP650 h, AP 650 v; forms for the production of elements of ventilation ducts of pipes and fittings, purchase of a control station, as well as intangible and legal assets license for software to manage production processes within this project shelf product.Many years of experience of the Applicant in the implementation of investment projects, including the implementation of new products, e.g. recuperators and rich technical resources and experienced managerial staff mean that there are no risks that could lead to delays or threats to the proper implementation of the project in accordance with the agreed financial schedule, new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, only the current investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not allow for the economic viability of the buildings to be achieved, which will make it possible to achieve the economic performance of the buildings, which will make it possible to achieve the financial performance of the buildings, which will only achieve the necessary investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow the financial stability of the buildings to be increased.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, the current needs will not be met by the long-term needs and the long-term development of the energy efficiency of the buildings, which will allow the economic stability of the buildings to be achieved, the investment will only be able to achieve the desired investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability of the buildings will increase the dynamic investment projects, the investment projects will only be implemented by the current HVAC industry, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow for the economic stability of the buildings, the new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, the dynamically developing HVAC sector, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability will increase the dynamically sound of the buildings.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, and the long-term needs will not be met by the long-term development and the economic performance of the buildings, which will increase the energy efficiency of the buildings. (Dutch)
    17 December 2021
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    Oggetto del progetto è l'implementazione sul mercato target della Polonia e dei paesi limitrofi di nuovi prodotti innovativi per l'industria HVAC, ovvero nuove unità di ventilazione notevolmente migliorate con sistemi di recupero del calore e canali di ventilazione.I nuovi dispositivi finali e componenti chiave utilizzati per il recupero e la distribuzione del calore dall'ambiente saranno caratterizzati da una serie di vantaggi che dimostrano la loro innovazione su scala europea. AP400h, AP 400v, AP650 h, AP 650 v; forms for the production of elements of ventilation ducts of pipes and fittings, purchase of a control station, as well as intangible and legal assets license for software to manage production processes within this project shelf product.Many years of experience of the Applicant in the implementation of investment projects, including the implementation of new products, e.g. recuperators and rich technical resources and experienced managerial staff mean that there are no risks that could lead to delays or threats to the proper implementation of the project in accordance with the agreed financial schedule, new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, only the current investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not allow for the economic viability of the buildings to be achieved, which will make it possible to achieve the economic performance of the buildings, which will make it possible to achieve the financial performance of the buildings, which will only achieve the necessary investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow the financial stability of the buildings to be increased.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, the current needs will not be met by the long-term needs and the long-term development of the energy efficiency of the buildings, which will allow the economic stability of the buildings to be achieved, the investment will only be able to achieve the desired investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability of the buildings will increase the dynamic investment projects, the investment projects will only be implemented by the current HVAC industry, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow for the economic stability of the buildings, the new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, the dynamically developing HVAC sector, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability will increase the dynamically sound of the buildings.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, and the long-term needs will not be met by the long-term development and the economic performance of the buildings, which will increase the energy efficiency of the buildings. (Italian)
    15 January 2022
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    El objetivo del proyecto es la aplicación en el mercado objetivo de Polonia y los países vecinos de nuevos productos innovadores para la industria de climatización, es decir, unidades de ventilación nuevas y significativamente mejoradas con sistemas de recuperación de calor y conductos de ventilación.Los nuevos dispositivos finales y componentes clave utilizados para la recuperación y distribución del calor del medio ambiente se caracterizarán por una serie de ventajas que demuestran su innovación a escala europea. AP400h, AP 400v, AP650 h, AP 650 v; forms for the production of elements of ventilation ducts of pipes and fittings, purchase of a control station, as well as intangible and legal assets license for software to manage production processes within this project shelf product.Many years of experience of the Applicant in the implementation of investment projects, including the implementation of new products, e.g. recuperators and rich technical resources and experienced managerial staff mean that there are no risks that could lead to delays or threats to the proper implementation of the project in accordance with the agreed financial schedule, new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, only the current investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not allow for the economic viability of the buildings to be achieved, which will make it possible to achieve the economic performance of the buildings, which will make it possible to achieve the financial performance of the buildings, which will only achieve the necessary investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow the financial stability of the buildings to be increased.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, the current needs will not be met by the long-term needs and the long-term development of the energy efficiency of the buildings, which will allow the economic stability of the buildings to be achieved, the investment will only be able to achieve the desired investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability of the buildings will increase the dynamic investment projects, the investment projects will only be implemented by the current HVAC industry, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow for the economic stability of the buildings, the new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, the dynamically developing HVAC sector, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability will increase the dynamically sound of the buildings.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, and the long-term needs will not be met by the long-term development and the economic performance of the buildings, which will increase the energy efficiency of the buildings. (Spanish)
    18 January 2022
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    Projektets emne er gennemførelsen på Polens og nabolandenes målmarked af nye innovative produkter til HVAC-industrien, dvs. nye væsentligt forbedrede ventilationsaggregater med varmegenvinding og ventilationskanaler.Nye endelige anordninger og nøglekomponenter, der anvendes til genvinding og distribution af varme fra miljøet, vil være kendetegnet ved en række fordele, der beviser deres innovation på europæisk plan. AP400h, AP 400v, AP650 h, AP 650 v; forms for the production of elements of ventilation ducts of pipes and fittings, purchase of a control station, as well as intangible and legal assets license for software to manage production processes within this project shelf product.Many years of experience of the Applicant in the implementation of investment projects, including the implementation of new products, e.g. recuperators and rich technical resources and experienced managerial staff mean that there are no risks that could lead to delays or threats to the proper implementation of the project in accordance with the agreed financial schedule, new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, only the current investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not allow for the economic viability of the buildings to be achieved, which will make it possible to achieve the economic performance of the buildings, which will make it possible to achieve the financial performance of the buildings, which will only achieve the necessary investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow the financial stability of the buildings to be increased.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, the current needs will not be met by the long-term needs and the long-term development of the energy efficiency of the buildings, which will allow the economic stability of the buildings to be achieved, the investment will only be able to achieve the desired investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability of the buildings will increase the dynamic investment projects, the investment projects will only be implemented by the current HVAC industry, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow for the economic stability of the buildings, the new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, the dynamically developing HVAC sector, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability will increase the dynamically sound of the buildings.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, and the long-term needs will not be met by the long-term development and the economic performance of the buildings, which will increase the energy efficiency of the buildings. (Danish)
    2 July 2022
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    Αντικείμενο του έργου είναι η υλοποίηση στην αγορά-στόχο της Πολωνίας και των γειτονικών χωρών νέων καινοτόμων προϊόντων για τη βιομηχανία HVAC, δηλαδή νέων, σημαντικά βελτιωμένων μονάδων εξαερισμού με συστήματα ανάκτησης θερμότητας και αερισμού.Οι νέες τελικές συσκευές και τα βασικά συστατικά που χρησιμοποιούνται για την ανάκτηση και τη διανομή θερμότητας από το περιβάλλον θα χαρακτηρίζονται από μια σειρά πλεονεκτημάτων που αποδεικνύουν την καινοτομία τους σε ευρωπαϊκή κλίμακα. AP400h, AP 400v, AP650 h, AP 650 v· forms for the production of elements of ventilation ducts of pipes and fittings, purchase of a control station, as well as intangible and legal assets license for software to manage production processes within this project shelf product.Many years of experience of the Applicant in the implementation of investment projects, including the implementation of new products, e.g. recuperators and rich technical resources and experienced managerial staff mean that there are no risks that could lead to delays or threats to the proper implementation of the project in accordance with the agreed financial schedule, new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, only the current investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not allow for the economic viability of the buildings to be achieved, which will make it possible to achieve the economic performance of the buildings, which will make it possible to achieve the financial performance of the buildings, which will only achieve the necessary investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow the financial stability of the buildings to be increased.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, the current needs will not be met by the long-term needs and the long-term development of the energy efficiency of the buildings, which will allow the economic stability of the buildings to be achieved, the investment will only be able to achieve the desired investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability of the buildings will increase the dynamic investment projects, the investment projects will only be implemented by the current HVAC industry, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow for the economic stability of the buildings, the new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, the dynamically developing HVAC sector, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability will increase the dynamically sound of the buildings.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, and the long-term needs will not be met by the long-term development and the economic performance of the buildings, which will increase the energy efficiency of the buildings. (Greek)
    2 July 2022
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    Predmet projekta je implementacija na ciljnom tržištu Poljske i susjednih zemalja novih inovativnih proizvoda za HVAC industriju, odnosno novih, značajno poboljšanih ventilacijskih jedinica sa sustavima za povrat topline i ventilacijske kanale. AP400h, AP 400v, AP650 h, AP 650 v; forms for the production of elements of ventilation ducts of pipes and fittings, purchase of a control station, as well as intangible and legal assets license for software to manage production processes within this project shelf product.Many years of experience of the Applicant in the implementation of investment projects, including the implementation of new products, e.g. recuperators and rich technical resources and experienced managerial staff mean that there are no risks that could lead to delays or threats to the proper implementation of the project in accordance with the agreed financial schedule, new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, only the current investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not allow for the economic viability of the buildings to be achieved, which will make it possible to achieve the economic performance of the buildings, which will make it possible to achieve the financial performance of the buildings, which will only achieve the necessary investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow the financial stability of the buildings to be increased.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, the current needs will not be met by the long-term needs and the long-term development of the energy efficiency of the buildings, which will allow the economic stability of the buildings to be achieved, the investment will only be able to achieve the desired investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability of the buildings will increase the dynamic investment projects, the investment projects will only be implemented by the current HVAC industry, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow for the economic stability of the buildings, the new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, the dynamically developing HVAC sector, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability will increase the dynamically sound of the buildings.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, and the long-term needs will not be met by the long-term development and the economic performance of the buildings, which will increase the energy efficiency of the buildings. (Croatian)
    2 July 2022
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    Obiectul proiectului este punerea în aplicare pe piața țintă a Poloniei și a țărilor învecinate a unor noi produse inovatoare pentru industria HVAC, și anume unități de ventilație noi, îmbunătățite semnificativ, cu sisteme de recuperare a căldurii și de ventilație. AP400h, AP 400v, AP650 h, AP 650 v; forms for the production of elements of ventilation ducts of pipes and fittings, purchase of a control station, as well as intangible and legal assets license for software to manage production processes within this project shelf product.Many years of experience of the Applicant in the implementation of investment projects, including the implementation of new products, e.g. recuperators and rich technical resources and experienced managerial staff mean that there are no risks that could lead to delays or threats to the proper implementation of the project in accordance with the agreed financial schedule, new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, only the current investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not allow for the economic viability of the buildings to be achieved, which will make it possible to achieve the economic performance of the buildings, which will make it possible to achieve the financial performance of the buildings, which will only achieve the necessary investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow the financial stability of the buildings to be increased.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, the current needs will not be met by the long-term needs and the long-term development of the energy efficiency of the buildings, which will allow the economic stability of the buildings to be achieved, the investment will only be able to achieve the desired investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability of the buildings will increase the dynamic investment projects, the investment projects will only be implemented by the current HVAC industry, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow for the economic stability of the buildings, the new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, the dynamically developing HVAC sector, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability will increase the dynamically sound of the buildings.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, and the long-term needs will not be met by the long-term development and the economic performance of the buildings, which will increase the energy efficiency of the buildings. (Romanian)
    2 July 2022
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    Predmetom projektu je realizácia nových inovatívnych produktov pre priemysel HVAC na cieľovom trhu Poľska a susedných krajín, t. j. nové, výrazne vylepšené vetracie jednotky so systémami rekuperácie a vetrania tepla.Nové koncové zariadenia a kľúčové komponenty používané na rekuperáciu a distribúciu tepla zo životného prostredia budú charakterizované množstvom výhod, ktoré dokazujú ich inovácie v európskom meradle. AP400h, AP 400v, AP650 h, AP 650 v; forms for the production of elements of ventilation ducts of pipes and fittings, purchase of a control station, as well as intangible and legal assets license for software to manage production processes within this project shelf product.Many years of experience of the Applicant in the implementation of investment projects, including the implementation of new products, e.g. recuperators and rich technical resources and experienced managerial staff mean that there are no risks that could lead to delays or threats to the proper implementation of the project in accordance with the agreed financial schedule, new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, only the current investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not allow for the economic viability of the buildings to be achieved, which will make it possible to achieve the economic performance of the buildings, which will make it possible to achieve the financial performance of the buildings, which will only achieve the necessary investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow the financial stability of the buildings to be increased.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, the current needs will not be met by the long-term needs and the long-term development of the energy efficiency of the buildings, which will allow the economic stability of the buildings to be achieved, the investment will only be able to achieve the desired investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability of the buildings will increase the dynamic investment projects, the investment projects will only be implemented by the current HVAC industry, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow for the economic stability of the buildings, the new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, the dynamically developing HVAC sector, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability will increase the dynamically sound of the buildings.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, and the long-term needs will not be met by the long-term development and the economic performance of the buildings, which will increase the energy efficiency of the buildings. (Slovak)
    2 July 2022
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    Is-suġġett tal-proġett huwa l-implimentazzjoni fis-suq fil-mira tal-Polonja u tal-pajjiżi ġirien ta’ prodotti innovattivi ġodda għall-industrija tal-HVAC, jiġifieri unitajiet ta’ ventilazzjoni ġodda u mtejba b’mod sinifikanti b’sistemi ta’ rkupru tas-sħana u ta’ kanali tal-ventilazzjoni. L-apparati finali ġodda u l-komponenti ewlenin użati għall-irkupru u d-distribuzzjoni tas-sħana mill-ambjent se jkunu kkaratterizzati minn għadd ta’ vantaġġi li jagħtu prova tal-innovazzjoni tagħhom fuq skala Ewropea. AP400h, AP 400v, AP650 h, AP 650 v; forms for the production of elements of ventilation ducts of pipes and fittings, purchase of a control station, as well as intangible and legal assets license for software to manage production processes within this project shelf product.Many years of experience of the Applicant in the implementation of investment projects, including the implementation of new products, e.g. recuperators and rich technical resources and experienced managerial staff mean that there are no risks that could lead to delays or threats to the proper implementation of the project in accordance with the agreed financial schedule, new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, only the current investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not allow for the economic viability of the buildings to be achieved, which will make it possible to achieve the economic performance of the buildings, which will make it possible to achieve the financial performance of the buildings, which will only achieve the necessary investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow the financial stability of the buildings to be increased.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, the current needs will not be met by the long-term needs and the long-term development of the energy efficiency of the buildings, which will allow the economic stability of the buildings to be achieved, the investment will only be able to achieve the desired investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability of the buildings will increase the dynamic investment projects, the investment projects will only be implemented by the current HVAC industry, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow for the economic stability of the buildings, the new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, the dynamically developing HVAC sector, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability will increase the dynamically sound of the buildings.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, and the long-term needs will not be met by the long-term development and the economic performance of the buildings, which will increase the energy efficiency of the buildings. (Maltese)
    2 July 2022
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    O objetivo do projeto é implementar novos produtos inovadores para a indústria de AVAC, ou seja, unidades de ventilação novas e significativamente melhoradas com sistemas de recuperação de calor e condutas de ventilação no mercado-alvo.O novo equipamento final e os principais componentes utilizados para a recuperação e distribuição de calor do ambiente serão caracterizados por uma série de vantagens que demonstram a sua capacidade de inovação à escala europeia.A fim de implementar soluções inovadoras, será necessário efetuar uma série de investimentos, incluindo a aquisição de moldes fixos para a produção de determinados tipos de habitação. AP400h, AP 400v, AP650 h, AP 650 v; formulários para a produção de elementos de canais de ventilação de tubagens e acessórios, aquisição de posto de controlo, bem como ativos incorpóreos e licença de software para a gestão dos processos de produção no âmbito deste projeto, o produto de prateleira.A experiência plurianual dos candidatos na execução de projetos de investimento, incluindo a execução de novos produtos, por exemplo, recuperadores e os ricos recursos técnicos do projeto e o pessoal de gestão experiente, garante que não existem riscos que possam conduzir a atrasos ou riscos de boa execução do projeto. (Portuguese)
    2 July 2022
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    Hankkeen aiheena on LVI-teollisuuden uusien innovatiivisten tuotteiden, eli uusien, merkittävästi parannettujen ilmanvaihtokoneiden, joissa on lämmöntalteenotto- ja ilmanvaihtokanavajärjestelmät, käyttöönotto Puolan ja naapurimaiden kohdemarkkinoilla. Uusilla loppulaitteilla ja keskeisillä komponenteilla, joita käytetään ympäristön lämmön talteenottoon ja jakeluun, on useita etuja, jotka osoittavat niiden innovaation Euroopan laajuisesti. AP400h, AP 400v, AP650 h, AP 650 v; forms for the production of elements of ventilation ducts of pipes and fittings, purchase of a control station, as well as intangible and legal assets license for software to manage production processes within this project shelf product.Many years of experience of the Applicant in the implementation of investment projects, including the implementation of new products, e.g. recuperators and rich technical resources and experienced managerial staff mean that there are no risks that could lead to delays or threats to the proper implementation of the project in accordance with the agreed financial schedule, new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, only the current investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not allow for the economic viability of the buildings to be achieved, which will make it possible to achieve the economic performance of the buildings, which will make it possible to achieve the financial performance of the buildings, which will only achieve the necessary investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow the financial stability of the buildings to be increased.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, the current needs will not be met by the long-term needs and the long-term development of the energy efficiency of the buildings, which will allow the economic stability of the buildings to be achieved, the investment will only be able to achieve the desired investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability of the buildings will increase the dynamic investment projects, the investment projects will only be implemented by the current HVAC industry, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow for the economic stability of the buildings, the new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, the dynamically developing HVAC sector, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability will increase the dynamically sound of the buildings.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, and the long-term needs will not be met by the long-term development and the economic performance of the buildings, which will increase the energy efficiency of the buildings. (Finnish)
    2 July 2022
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    Predmet projekta je izvedba novih inovativnih izdelkov za industrijo HVAC na ciljnem trgu Poljske in sosednjih držav, tj. novih, bistveno izboljšanih prezračevalnih enot s sistemi rekuperacije toplote in prezračevanja. AP400h, AP 400v, AP650 h, AP 650 v; forms for the production of elements of ventilation ducts of pipes and fittings, purchase of a control station, as well as intangible and legal assets license for software to manage production processes within this project shelf product.Many years of experience of the Applicant in the implementation of investment projects, including the implementation of new products, e.g. recuperators and rich technical resources and experienced managerial staff mean that there are no risks that could lead to delays or threats to the proper implementation of the project in accordance with the agreed financial schedule, new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, only the current investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not allow for the economic viability of the buildings to be achieved, which will make it possible to achieve the economic performance of the buildings, which will make it possible to achieve the financial performance of the buildings, which will only achieve the necessary investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow the financial stability of the buildings to be increased.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, the current needs will not be met by the long-term needs and the long-term development of the energy efficiency of the buildings, which will allow the economic stability of the buildings to be achieved, the investment will only be able to achieve the desired investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability of the buildings will increase the dynamic investment projects, the investment projects will only be implemented by the current HVAC industry, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow for the economic stability of the buildings, the new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, the dynamically developing HVAC sector, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability will increase the dynamically sound of the buildings.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, and the long-term needs will not be met by the long-term development and the economic performance of the buildings, which will increase the energy efficiency of the buildings. (Slovenian)
    2 July 2022
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    Předmětem projektu je realizace na cílovém trhu Polska a sousedních zemí nových inovativních výrobků pro průmysl vysokonapěťových a klimatizačních systémů, tj. nových, výrazně zdokonalených větracích jednotek s rekuperačními a ventilačními systémy.Nová konečná zařízení a klíčové komponenty používané pro rekuperaci a distribuci tepla z životního prostředí budou charakterizovány řadou výhod dokládajících jejich inovace v evropském měřítku. AP400h, AP 400v, AP650 h, AP 650 v; forms for the production of elements of ventilation ducts of pipes and fittings, purchase of a control station, as well as intangible and legal assets license for software to manage production processes within this project shelf product.Many years of experience of the Applicant in the implementation of investment projects, including the implementation of new products, e.g. recuperators and rich technical resources and experienced managerial staff mean that there are no risks that could lead to delays or threats to the proper implementation of the project in accordance with the agreed financial schedule, new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, only the current investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not allow for the economic viability of the buildings to be achieved, which will make it possible to achieve the economic performance of the buildings, which will make it possible to achieve the financial performance of the buildings, which will only achieve the necessary investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow the financial stability of the buildings to be increased.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, the current needs will not be met by the long-term needs and the long-term development of the energy efficiency of the buildings, which will allow the economic stability of the buildings to be achieved, the investment will only be able to achieve the desired investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability of the buildings will increase the dynamic investment projects, the investment projects will only be implemented by the current HVAC industry, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow for the economic stability of the buildings, the new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, the dynamically developing HVAC sector, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability will increase the dynamically sound of the buildings.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, and the long-term needs will not be met by the long-term development and the economic performance of the buildings, which will increase the energy efficiency of the buildings. (Czech)
    2 July 2022
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    Projekto tema – naujų inovatyvių produktų, skirtų ŠVOK pramonei, įgyvendinimas tikslinėje Lenkijos ir kaimyninių šalių rinkoje, t. y. nauji, žymiai patobulinti vėdinimo įrenginiai su šilumos atgavimo ir vėdinimo kanalų sistemomis. AP400h, AP 400v, AP650 h, AP 650 v; forms for the production of elements of ventilation ducts of pipes and fittings, purchase of a control station, as well as intangible and legal assets license for software to manage production processes within this project shelf product.Many years of experience of the Applicant in the implementation of investment projects, including the implementation of new products, e.g. recuperators and rich technical resources and experienced managerial staff mean that there are no risks that could lead to delays or threats to the proper implementation of the project in accordance with the agreed financial schedule, new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, only the current investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not allow for the economic viability of the buildings to be achieved, which will make it possible to achieve the economic performance of the buildings, which will make it possible to achieve the financial performance of the buildings, which will only achieve the necessary investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow the financial stability of the buildings to be increased.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, the current needs will not be met by the long-term needs and the long-term development of the energy efficiency of the buildings, which will allow the economic stability of the buildings to be achieved, the investment will only be able to achieve the desired investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability of the buildings will increase the dynamic investment projects, the investment projects will only be implemented by the current HVAC industry, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow for the economic stability of the buildings, the new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, the dynamically developing HVAC sector, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability will increase the dynamically sound of the buildings.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, and the long-term needs will not be met by the long-term development and the economic performance of the buildings, which will increase the energy efficiency of the buildings. (Lithuanian)
    2 July 2022
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    Projekta mērķis ir Polijas un kaimiņvalstu mērķa tirgū ieviest jaunus inovatīvus produktus HVAC nozarei, t. i., jaunas, ievērojami uzlabotas ventilācijas iekārtas ar siltuma atgūšanas un ventilācijas cauruļvadu sistēmām. Jaunas galīgās ierīces un galvenās sastāvdaļas, ko izmanto siltuma reģenerācijai un sadalei no vides, raksturos vairākas priekšrocības, kas pierāda to inovāciju Eiropas mērogā. AP400h, AP 400v, AP650 h, AP 650 v; forms for the production of elements of ventilation ducts of pipes and fittings, purchase of a control station, as well as intangible and legal assets license for software to manage production processes within this project shelf product.Many years of experience of the Applicant in the implementation of investment projects, including the implementation of new products, e.g. recuperators and rich technical resources and experienced managerial staff mean that there are no risks that could lead to delays or threats to the proper implementation of the project in accordance with the agreed financial schedule, new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, only the current investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not allow for the economic viability of the buildings to be achieved, which will make it possible to achieve the economic performance of the buildings, which will make it possible to achieve the financial performance of the buildings, which will only achieve the necessary investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow the financial stability of the buildings to be increased.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, the current needs will not be met by the long-term needs and the long-term development of the energy efficiency of the buildings, which will allow the economic stability of the buildings to be achieved, the investment will only be able to achieve the desired investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability of the buildings will increase the dynamic investment projects, the investment projects will only be implemented by the current HVAC industry, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow for the economic stability of the buildings, the new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, the dynamically developing HVAC sector, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability will increase the dynamically sound of the buildings.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, and the long-term needs will not be met by the long-term development and the economic performance of the buildings, which will increase the energy efficiency of the buildings. (Latvian)
    2 July 2022
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    Предмет на проекта е въвеждането на целевия пазар на Полша и съседните държави на нови иновативни продукти за ОВК индустрията, т.е. нови, значително подобрени вентилационни агрегати с системи за оползотворяване на топлината и вентилационни канали. Новите крайни устройства и ключови компоненти, използвани за оползотворяване и разпределение на топлина от околната среда, ще се характеризират с редица предимства, доказващи тяхната иновация в европейски мащаб. AP400h, AP 400v, AP650 h, AP 650 v; forms for the production of elements of ventilation ducts of pipes and fittings, purchase of a control station, as well as intangible and legal assets license for software to manage production processes within this project shelf product.Many years of experience of the Applicant in the implementation of investment projects, including the implementation of new products, e.g. recuperators and rich technical resources and experienced managerial staff mean that there are no risks that could lead to delays or threats to the proper implementation of the project in accordance with the agreed financial schedule, new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, only the current investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not allow for the economic viability of the buildings to be achieved, which will make it possible to achieve the economic performance of the buildings, which will make it possible to achieve the financial performance of the buildings, which will only achieve the necessary investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow the financial stability of the buildings to be increased.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, the current needs will not be met by the long-term needs and the long-term development of the energy efficiency of the buildings, which will allow the economic stability of the buildings to be achieved, the investment will only be able to achieve the desired investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability of the buildings will increase the dynamic investment projects, the investment projects will only be implemented by the current HVAC industry, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow for the economic stability of the buildings, the new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, the dynamically developing HVAC sector, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability will increase the dynamically sound of the buildings.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, and the long-term needs will not be met by the long-term development and the economic performance of the buildings, which will increase the energy efficiency of the buildings. (Bulgarian)
    2 July 2022
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    A projekt tárgya Lengyelország és a szomszédos országok célpiacán új innovatív termékek bevezetése a HVAC ipar számára, azaz új, jelentősen továbbfejlesztett szellőztetőberendezések hővisszanyerő és szellőzőcsatornás rendszerekkel.A környezetből származó hő visszanyeréséhez és elosztásához használt új végberendezéseket és kulcsfontosságú alkatrészeket számos olyan előnnyel fogják jellemezni, amelyek európai szintű innovációjukat bizonyítják. AP400h, AP 400v, AP650 h, AP 650 v; forms for the production of elements of ventilation ducts of pipes and fittings, purchase of a control station, as well as intangible and legal assets license for software to manage production processes within this project shelf product.Many years of experience of the Applicant in the implementation of investment projects, including the implementation of new products, e.g. recuperators and rich technical resources and experienced managerial staff mean that there are no risks that could lead to delays or threats to the proper implementation of the project in accordance with the agreed financial schedule, new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, only the current investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not allow for the economic viability of the buildings to be achieved, which will make it possible to achieve the economic performance of the buildings, which will make it possible to achieve the financial performance of the buildings, which will only achieve the necessary investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow the financial stability of the buildings to be increased.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, the current needs will not be met by the long-term needs and the long-term development of the energy efficiency of the buildings, which will allow the economic stability of the buildings to be achieved, the investment will only be able to achieve the desired investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability of the buildings will increase the dynamic investment projects, the investment projects will only be implemented by the current HVAC industry, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow for the economic stability of the buildings, the new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, the dynamically developing HVAC sector, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability will increase the dynamically sound of the buildings.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, and the long-term needs will not be met by the long-term development and the economic performance of the buildings, which will increase the energy efficiency of the buildings. (Hungarian)
    2 July 2022
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    Is é ábhar an tionscadail cur chun feidhme ar spriocmhargadh na Polainne agus na dtíortha comharsanachta táirgí nuálacha nua do thionscal HVAC, i.e. aonaid aerála nua atá feabhsaithe go mór le córais aisghabhála teasa agus córais duchtanna aerála.Beidh roinnt buntáistí ag baint le feistí deiridh nua agus comhpháirteanna tábhachtacha a úsáidtear chun teas a aisghabháil agus a dháileadh ón gcomhshaol lena gcruthaítear a nuálaíocht ar scála Eorpach. AP400h, AP 400v, AP650 h, AP 650 v; forms for the production of elements of ventilation ducts of pipes and fittings, purchase of a control station, as well as intangible and legal assets license for software to manage production processes within this project shelf product.Many years of experience of the Applicant in the implementation of investment projects, including the implementation of new products, e.g. recuperators and rich technical resources and experienced managerial staff mean that there are no risks that could lead to delays or threats to the proper implementation of the project in accordance with the agreed financial schedule, new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, only the current investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not allow for the economic viability of the buildings to be achieved, which will make it possible to achieve the economic performance of the buildings, which will make it possible to achieve the financial performance of the buildings, which will only achieve the necessary investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow the financial stability of the buildings to be increased.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, the current needs will not be met by the long-term needs and the long-term development of the energy efficiency of the buildings, which will allow the economic stability of the buildings to be achieved, the investment will only be able to achieve the desired investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability of the buildings will increase the dynamic investment projects, the investment projects will only be implemented by the current HVAC industry, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow for the economic stability of the buildings, the new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, the dynamically developing HVAC sector, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability will increase the dynamically sound of the buildings.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, and the long-term needs will not be met by the long-term development and the economic performance of the buildings, which will increase the energy efficiency of the buildings. (Irish)
    2 July 2022
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    Projektet är inriktat på Polens och grannländernas målmarknad för nya innovativa produkter för VVS-industrin, dvs. nya, avsevärt förbättrade ventilationsenheter med värmeåtervinnings- och ventilationskanalsystem. Nya slutanordningar och nyckelkomponenter som används för återvinning och distribution av värme från miljön kommer att kännetecknas av ett antal fördelar som bevisar deras innovation på europeisk nivå. AP400h, AP 400v, AP650 h, AP 650 v; forms for the production of elements of ventilation ducts of pipes and fittings, purchase of a control station, as well as intangible and legal assets license for software to manage production processes within this project shelf product.Many years of experience of the Applicant in the implementation of investment projects, including the implementation of new products, e.g. recuperators and rich technical resources and experienced managerial staff mean that there are no risks that could lead to delays or threats to the proper implementation of the project in accordance with the agreed financial schedule, new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, only the current investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not allow for the economic viability of the buildings to be achieved, which will make it possible to achieve the economic performance of the buildings, which will make it possible to achieve the financial performance of the buildings, which will only achieve the necessary investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow the financial stability of the buildings to be increased.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, the current needs will not be met by the long-term needs and the long-term development of the energy efficiency of the buildings, which will allow the economic stability of the buildings to be achieved, the investment will only be able to achieve the desired investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability of the buildings will increase the dynamic investment projects, the investment projects will only be implemented by the current HVAC industry, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow for the economic stability of the buildings, the new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, the dynamically developing HVAC sector, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability will increase the dynamically sound of the buildings.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, and the long-term needs will not be met by the long-term development and the economic performance of the buildings, which will increase the energy efficiency of the buildings. (Swedish)
    2 July 2022
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    Projekti eesmärk on rakendada Poola ja naaberriikide sihtturul kütte-, ventilatsiooni- ja kliimaseadmete tööstuse jaoks uusi uuenduslikke tooteid, st uusi, oluliselt täiustatud ventilatsiooniseadmeid koos soojustagastus- ja ventilatsioonikanalite süsteemidega.Uutele lõppseadmetele ja põhikomponentidele, mida kasutatakse keskkonna soojuse taaskasutamiseks ja jaotamiseks, iseloomustavad mitmed eelised, mis tõendavad nende innovatsiooni Euroopa tasandil. AP400h, AP 400v, AP650 h, AP 650 v; forms for the production of elements of ventilation ducts of pipes and fittings, purchase of a control station, as well as intangible and legal assets license for software to manage production processes within this project shelf product.Many years of experience of the Applicant in the implementation of investment projects, including the implementation of new products, e.g. recuperators and rich technical resources and experienced managerial staff mean that there are no risks that could lead to delays or threats to the proper implementation of the project in accordance with the agreed financial schedule, new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, only the current investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not allow for the economic viability of the buildings to be achieved, which will make it possible to achieve the economic performance of the buildings, which will make it possible to achieve the financial performance of the buildings, which will only achieve the necessary investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow the financial stability of the buildings to be increased.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, the current needs will not be met by the long-term needs and the long-term development of the energy efficiency of the buildings, which will allow the economic stability of the buildings to be achieved, the investment will only be able to achieve the desired investment objectives, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability of the buildings will increase the dynamic investment projects, the investment projects will only be implemented by the current HVAC industry, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but will allow for the economic stability of the buildings, the new products will enter into the demand of the investment companies, the dynamically developing HVAC sector, and the long-term requirements of the law will not be met by the economic performance of the buildings, but the economic viability will increase the dynamically sound of the buildings.The new products will enter into the demand of investment projects, and the long-term needs will not be met by the long-term development and the economic performance of the buildings, which will increase the energy efficiency of the buildings. (Estonian)
    2 July 2022
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    WOJ.: MAŁOPOLSKIE, POW.: wielicki
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    24 May 2023
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