Creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives (Q3056473)

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Project Q3056473 in Latvia
Language Label Description Also known as
Creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives
Project Q3056473 in Latvia


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    411,449.97 Euro
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    500,000.0 Euro
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    82.29 percent
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    1 January 2021
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    30 November 2023
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    Atvasināta publiska persona "Latvijas Valsts koksnes ķīmijas institūts"
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    56°58'29.75"N, 24°11'33.22"E
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    Nosaukums: Ekoloģisku un bionoārdāmu materiālu izveide no dabīgām šķiedrām ar funkcionālām biopolimēru piedevām (saīsinājums EcBioMa)Projekta EcBioMa vispārējais mērķis ir veikt ar saimniecisko aktivitāti nesaistītu rūpniecisku pētījumu un eksperimentālu izstrādni ekoloģisku un bionoārdāmu materiālu izveidei no dabīgām šķiedrām ar funkcionālām biopolimēru piedevām, tādā veidā nodrošinot jauno zinātnieku, studentu nodarbinātību un jaunu pētnieku amatu izveidi zinātniskās institūcijās un uzņēmumos, kā arī dodot ieguldījumu Latvijas viedās specializācijas stratēģijas mērķu sasniegšanā.EcBioMa zinātniskais mērķis ir attīstīt ekoloģiskus un bionoārdāmus materiālus no dabīgām šķiedrām ar funkconālām biopolimēru piedevām, iekļaujot biopolimēru ieguves metodes izstrādi no ģeogrāfiskā stāvokļa neatkarīga avota, kā arī iekļaujot Inovatīva micēlija un dabīgas šķiedras saturoša biokompozīta izveidi.Mērķu sasniegšanai sadarbības partneri - zinātniska institūcija Latvijas Valsts koksnes ķīmijas institūts (NACE kods 72.19) un vidējais komersants SIA V.L.T. (NACE kods 17.29) veiks tehniski ekonomisko priekšizpēti, rūpniecisku pētījumu un eksperimentālu izstrādni.Galvenās aktivitātes: 1. Vadība, koordinēšana, publicitāte; 2. Tehniski ekonomiskā priekšizpēte; 3.Biopolimēra ekstrakcija no atjaunojama resursa; 4. Šķiedru materiāla izveide; 5. Šķiedru materiāla aprobācija pilotiekārtā.Plānotie rezultāti:Hitozāna ekstrakcijas metode, ekoloģiska un bionoārdāma materiāla no dabīgām šķiedrām ar funkcionālām biopolimēru piedevām izveides tehnoloģija, micēlija un dabīgas šķiedras saturoša biokompozīta prototips TRL 4, dabīgu šķiedru ar biopolimēra piedevu kompozītmateriāla produkta prototips TRL 6.Projekta ilgums: 34 mēneši Darbības tiek uzsāktas 2021.gada 1.janvārī, pirms vienošanās par projekta īstenošanu noslēgšanasProjekts nav saistīts ar saimniecisko darbību, kopējais budžets 500 000 EUR, ERAF finansējums 411 449,97 EUR, valsts budžeta finansējums 51 050,00 EUR, Cits publiskais finansējums 22 500,02 EUR, privātās attiecināmās izmaksas 15 000,01 EURProjekta īstenošanā iesaistīti zinātniskais un zinātnes tehniskais personāls 3,5580 PLE apmērā, studējošo iesaiste 0,926 PLE (26,0259%), Jauno zinātnieku skaits (pilna laika ekvivalents), kuri projekta laikā ir attīstījuši savas kompetences, ieskaitot karjeras attīstību: 1,006 PLE.Projekts atbilst:Tautsaimniecības transformācijas virzienam (1) Ražošanas un eksporta struktūras maiņa tradicionālajās tautsaimniecības nozarēs;Specializācijas jomai „Zināšanu-ietilpīga bioekonomika”; RIS3 izaugsmes prioritātēm Nr. 1 un Nr 6.NACE kods. 17.29 - Cita veida papīra un kartona izstrādājumu ražošanaOECD klasifikācija: 2.5. Materiālu inženierija; 1.6. Bioloģijas zinātnesAtslēgas vārdi: celuloze, hitozāns, šķiedru kompozītmateriāli, biopolimēri, micēliju saturoši biokompozīti, iepakojums. (Latvian)
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    Name: Creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives (abbreviation EcBioMa)The overall purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical industrial research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibers with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the bio-polymer is to provide the young scientists, students and new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as to include the development of the ecological and biodegradable materials from biomerics from biomerics.The main objective of the bioconomic biopolymer is to provide the new scientists, students and the creation of new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as the development of the natural bio-fibres by including the bioconomic bio-objectives.The bioconomic bioconcentration of the bio-objective.Buiting of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives with functional biodegradable materials.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable bio-degradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The general purpose of the EcBioMay is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-efficient and biodegradable materials from natural fibres.The general purpose of EcBioMa will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for the creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from bio-merics.The general purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-business activity non-industrial research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the EcBioMaa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural bio-dimension.The overall purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa.The overall purpose of the project EcBioMaature is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-degradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for the creation of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa 72.19The overall purpose of the project 1. Leadership, coordination, publicity; 2. Feasibility study of a technically economic nature; 3. Biopolymer extraction from a renewable resource; 4. The production of fibre material; 5. Planned results: Ithozan extraction method, ecological and biodegradable material from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives TRL 6Prototype of biopolymer product: TRL 4 Prototype of biopolymer: 34 months Operations are started on January 1, 2021, before conclusion of agreement on project implementationThe project is not related to economic activity, total budget EUR 500000, ERDF funding EUR 411449,97, state budget funding EUR 51050,00, Other public funding EUR 22500,02, private eligible costs 15 000,01 Involved scientific and scientific technical personnel in the implementation of the project in the amount of 3.5580 FTE, student involvement 0.926 PLE (26.0259 %), number of young scientists (full-time equivalent) who have developed their career development during the project: 1.006 PLE.The project corresponds to:Introduction of the economic transformation direction (1) Change of the structure of production and exports in traditional economic sectors;Specialisation for ‘Knowledge-Intensive Bio-Economy’; RIS3 growth priorities No 1 and No 6NACE code. 17.29 – Manufacture of other articles of paper and paperboard 2.5. Material engineering; 1.6. (English)
    15 July 2021
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    Titre: L’objectif général du projet EcBioMa est de mener des recherches industrielles non économiques et de développer des matériaux écologiques et biodégradables à partir de fibres naturelles contenant des additifs fonctionnels pour les biopolymères, de manière à garantir l’emploi de jeunes scientifiques, d’étudiants et de nouveaux chercheurs dans les institutions et entreprises scientifiques, ainsi qu’à contribuer à la réalisation des objectifs de la stratégie lettone de spécialisation intelligente. 1. Gestion, coordination, publicité; 2. Étude de faisabilité; 3.L’extraction de biopolymères à partir de ressources renouvelables; 4. La création de matériaux en fibres; 5. Projet pilote d’approbation des matériaux de fibres.Planifié rezultāti:Hitozāna Méthode d’extraction, matériau écologique et biodégradable à partir de fibres naturelles avec additifs biopolymères fonctionnels, prototype de mycélium et de biocomposite de fibres naturelles TRL 4, fibre naturelle avec biopolymère additif composite prototype de produit TRL 6.Durée du projet: 34 mois Les activités commencent le 1er janvier 2021, avant la conclusion de l’accord sur la mise en œuvre du projet, le projet n’est pas lié à l’activité économique, le budget total de 500 000 EUR, le financement du FEDER 411 449,97 EUR, le financement du budget de l’État 51 050,00 EUR, les autres financements publics 22 500,02 EUR, les coûts privés éligibles 15 000,01 EUR La mise en œuvre du projet implique le personnel scientifique et scientifique technique d’un montant de 3 5580 PLE, la participation des étudiants 0,926 PLE (26,0259 %), nombre de jeunes scientifiques (équivalent temps plein) qui ont développé leurs compétences au cours du projet, y compris l’évolution de carrière: 1.06 PLE.Projet atbilst:Tautsaimniecības Direction de la transformation (1) Modification de la structure de la production et de l’exportation dans les secteurs économiques traditionnels; Spécialisation dans le domaine de la bioéconomie à forte intensité de connaissances; RIS3 Croissance Priorités 1 et 6 Code NACE. 17.29 — Fabrication d’autres ouvrages en papier et carton Classification de l’OCDE: 2.5. L’ingénierie des matériaux; 1.6. Sciences biologiques Mots-clés: cellulose, chitosan, fibres composites, biopolymères, biocomposites contenant du mycélium, emballage. (French)
    25 November 2021
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    Titel: Übergeordnetes Ziel des Projekts EcBioMa ist es, nichtwirtschaftliche industrielle Forschung und experimentelle Entwicklung ökologischer und biologisch abbaubarer Materialien aus natürlichen Fasern mit funktionellen Biopolymerzusätzen durchzuführen und so die Beschäftigung junger Wissenschaftler, Studenten und die Etablierung neuer Forscher in wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen und Unternehmen zu gewährleisten und zur Verwirklichung der Ziele der lettischen Strategie für intelligente Spezialisierung beizutragen. 1. Verwaltung, Koordinierung, Publizität; 2. Durchführbarkeitsstudie; 3. Biopolymer-Extraktion aus erneuerbaren Ressourcen; 4. Herstellung von Fasermaterial; 5. Fasermaterial approbation pilot.Planed rezultāti:Hitozāna Extraktionsmethode, ökologische und biologisch abbaubare Materialien aus Naturfasern mit funktionalen Biopolymer-Zusatzstoffen, Myzel- und Naturfaser-Biokomposit-Prototyp TRL 4, Naturfaser mit Biopolymer Additive Composite Produkt Prototyp TRL 6.Projektdauer: 34 Monate Aktivitäten beginnen am 1. Januar 2021, vor Abschluss der Vereinbarung über die Durchführung des Projekts, das Projekt ist nicht mit der wirtschaftlichen Tätigkeit verbunden, das Gesamtbudget von 500 000 EUR, EFRE-Finanzierung 411 449,97 EUR, staatliche Mittel 51 050,00 EUR, Sonstige öffentliche Mittel 22 500,02 EUR, private förderfähige Kosten 15 000 EUR.Die Projektdurchführung umfasst wissenschaftliche und wissenschaftliche technische Mitarbeiter in Höhe von 3.5580 PLE, Studentenbeteiligung 0,926 PLE (26,0259 %), Anzahl der jungen Wissenschaftler (Vollzeitäquivalent), die ihre Kompetenzen während des Projekts entwickelt haben, einschließlich Karriereentwicklung: 1.06 PLE.Projekt atbilst:Tautsaimniecības Transformationsrichtung (1) Veränderung der Produktions- und Exportstruktur in traditionellen Wirtschaftssektoren; Spezialisierung auf dem Gebiet der wissensintensiven Bioökonomie; RIS3-Wachstumsprioritäten 1 und 6NACE-Code. 17.29 – Herstellung anderer Waren aus Papier und PappeOECD-Klassifizierung: 2.5. Materialtechnik; 1.6. BiowissenschaftenLockwords: Cellulose, Chitosan, Faserverbundstoffe, Biopolymere, myceliumhaltige Biocomposite, Verpackung. (German)
    28 November 2021
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    Titel: De algemene doelstelling van het project EcBioMa is het uitvoeren van niet-economisch industrieel onderzoek en de experimentele ontwikkeling van ecologische en biologisch afbreekbare materialen uit natuurlijke vezels met functionele biopolymerenadditieven, zodat jonge wetenschappers, studenten en de vestiging van nieuwe onderzoekers in wetenschappelijke instellingen en ondernemingen worden ingezet en bijdragen tot de verwezenlijking van de doelstellingen van de Letse strategie voor slimme specialisatie. 1. Beheer, coördinatie, publiciteit; 2. Haalbaarheidsstudie; 3.Biopolymeerextractie uit hernieuwbare bronnen; 4. De creatie van vezelmateriaal; 5. Goedkeuring van vezelmateriaal pilot.Gepland rezultāti:Hitozāna extractiemethode, ecologisch en biologisch afbreekbaar materiaal uit natuurlijke vezels met functionele biopolymeeradditieven, mycelium en biocomposiet van natuurlijke vezels, prototype TRL 4, natuurlijke vezels met biopolymeer additief composietproduct prototype TRL 6.Projectduur: 34 maanden Activiteiten worden gestart op 1 januari 2021, vóór de sluiting van de overeenkomst over de uitvoering van het project, het project heeft geen betrekking op economische activiteit, het totale budget van 500 000 EUR, EFRO-financiering 411 449,97 EUR, financiering uit de overheidsbegroting 51 050,00 EUR, andere overheidsfinanciering 22 500,02 EUR, particuliere subsidiabele kosten 15 000,01 EURDe uitvoering van het project omvat wetenschappelijk en wetenschappelijk technisch personeel voor een bedrag van 35580 PLE, betrokkenheid van studenten 0,926 PLE (26,0259 %), aantal jonge wetenschappers (voltijdsequivalent) dat hun competenties tijdens het project heeft ontwikkeld, met inbegrip van loopbaanontwikkeling: 1.06 PLE.Project atbilst:Tautsaimniecības transformatierichting (1) Verandering van de structuur van de productie en export in traditionele economische sectoren; Specialisatie voor het gebied van kennisintensieve bio-economie; RIS3-groeiprioriteiten 1 en 6NACE-code. 17.29 — Vervaardiging van andere artikelen van papier en karton 2.5. Materiaaltechniek; 1.6. Biologische WetenschappenLockwords: cellulose, chitosan, vezelcomposieten, biopolymeren, mycelium-bevattende biocomposieten, verpakking. (Dutch)
    28 November 2021
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    Titolo: L'obiettivo generale del progetto EcBioMa è quello di realizzare ricerche industriali non economiche e lo sviluppo sperimentale di materiali ecologici e biodegradabili a partire da fibre naturali con additivi per biopolimeri funzionali, garantendo in tal modo l'impiego di giovani scienziati, studenti e la creazione di nuovi ricercatori in istituti scientifici e imprese, nonché contribuendo al conseguimento degli obiettivi della strategia lettone di specializzazione intelligente. 1. Gestione, coordinamento, pubblicità; 2. Studio di fattibilità; Estrazione 3.Biopolimero da risorse rinnovabili; 4. La creazione di materiale fibroso; 5. Progetto pilota per l'approvazione del materiale in fibra.Metodo di estrazione pianificato rezultāti:Hitozāna, materiale ecologico e biodegradabile da fibre naturali con additivi funzionali per biopolimeri, prototipo di micelio e fibra naturale biocomposito TRL 4, fibra naturale con biopolimero additivo prodotto composito prototipo TRL 6.Durata del progetto: 34 mesi Le attività sono iniziate il 1º gennaio 2021, prima della conclusione dell'accordo sull'attuazione del progetto, il progetto non è legato all'attività economica, il bilancio totale di 500 000 EUR, il finanziamento FESR 411 449,97 EUR, il finanziamento del bilancio statale 51 050,00 EUR, altri finanziamenti pubblici 22 500,02 EUR, costi ammissibili privati 15 000,01 EUR L'attuazione del progetto coinvolge personale tecnico scientifico e scientifico per un importo di 35580 PLE, coinvolgimento degli studenti 0,926 PLE (26,0259 %), numero di giovani scienziati (equivalenti a tempo pieno) che hanno sviluppato le loro competenze durante il progetto, compreso lo sviluppo della carriera: 1.06 PLE.Project atbilst:Tautsaimniecības direzione di trasformazione (1) Cambiamento della struttura della produzione e dell'esportazione nei settori economici tradizionali; Specializzazione per il settore della bioeconomia ad alta intensità di conoscenza; RIS3 Priorità di crescita 1 e codice 6NACE. 17.29 — Fabbricazione di altri lavori di carta e di cartone Classificazione OCSE: 2.5. Ingegneria dei materiali; 1.6. Scienze biologicheLockwords: cellulosa, chitosano, fibre composite, biopolimeri, biocompositi contenenti micelio, imballaggi. (Italian)
    11 January 2022
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    Título: El objetivo general del proyecto EcBioMa es llevar a cabo la investigación industrial no económica y el desarrollo experimental de materiales ecológicos y biodegradables procedentes de fibras naturales con aditivos funcionales de biopolímeros, garantizando así el empleo de jóvenes científicos, estudiantes y el establecimiento de nuevos investigadores en instituciones científicas y empresas, así como contribuir a la consecución de los objetivos de la Estrategia de Especialización Inteligente de Letonia. 1. Gestión, coordinación, publicidad; 2. Estudio de viabilidad; 3.Extracción de biopolímeros a partir de recursos renovables; 4. La creación de material de fibra; 5. Piloto de aprobación de materiales de fibra.Planeado: método de extracción, material ecológico y biodegradable de fibras naturales con aditivos de biopolímero funcional, prototipo de biocompuesto de micelio y fibra natural TRL 4, fibra natural con biopolímero de biopolímero prototipo de producto compuesto TRL 6. Duración del proyecto: 34 meses Las actividades se inician el 1 de enero de 2021, antes de la celebración del acuerdo sobre la ejecución del proyecto, el proyecto no está relacionado con la actividad económica, el presupuesto total de 500 000 EUR, la financiación del FEDER 411 449,97 EUR, la financiación del presupuesto del Estado 51 050,00 EUR, otra financiación pública 22 500,02 EUR, los costes privados subvencionables 15 000,01 EUR La ejecución del proyecto implica a personal técnico científico y científico por un importe de 35.580 PLE, participación de estudiantes 0,926 PLE (26,0259 %), número de jóvenes científicos (equivalente a tiempo completo) que han desarrollado sus competencias durante el proyecto, incluido el desarrollo profesional: 1.06 PLE.Proyecto: Dirección de transformación (1) Cambio en la estructura de la producción y exportación en los sectores económicos tradicionales; Especialización para el campo de la bioeconomía intensiva en conocimiento; RIS3 Prioridades de crecimiento 1 y 6NACE Código. 17.29 — Fabricación de otros artículos de papel y cartón Clasificación OCDE: 2.5. Ingeniería de materiales; 1.6. Ciencias BiológicasLockwords: celulosa, quitosano, compuestos de fibra, biopolímeros, biocompuestos que contienen micelio, envases. (Spanish)
    12 January 2022
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    Nimi: Creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives (abbreviation EcBioMa)The overall purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical industrial research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibers with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the bio-polymer is to provide the young scientists, students and new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as to include the development of the ecological and biodegradable materials from biomerics from biomerics.The main objective of the bioconomic biopolymer is to provide the new scientists, students and the creation of new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as the development of the natural bio-fibres by including the bioconomic bio-objectives.The bioconomic bioconcentration of the bio-objective.Buiting of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives with functional biodegradable materials.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable bio-degradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The general purpose of the EcBioMay is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-efficient and biodegradable materials from natural fibres.The general purpose of EcBioMa will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for the creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from bio-merics.The general purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-business activity non-industrial research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the EcBioMaa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural bio-dimension.The overall purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa.The overall purpose of the project EcBioMaature is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-degradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for the creation of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa 72.19The overall purpose of the project 1. Juhtimine, koordineerimine, avalikustamine; 2. Tehniliselt majanduslikku laadi teostatavusuuring; 3. Biopolümeeri kaevandamine taastuvatest ressurssidest; 4. Kiudmaterjali tootmine; 5. Kavandatud tulemused: Itosaani ekstraheerimismeetod, ökoloogiline ja biolagunev materjal looduslikest kiududest funktsionaalsete biopolümeerilisanditega TRL 6 Biopolümeeri toote prototüüp: TRL 4 biopolümeeri prototüüp: 34 kuud Tegevusi alustatakse 1. jaanuaril 2021 enne projekti rakendamise kokkuleppe sõlmimistProjekt ei ole seotud majandustegevusega, kogueelarve 500000 eurot, ERFi toetus 411449,97 eurot, riigieelarve rahastamine 51050,00 eurot, muu riiklik rahastamine 22500,02 eurot, erasektori abikõlblikud kulud 15 000,01 Projekti rakendamisse kaasatud teadus- ja teadustöötajad summas 35 580 täistööajale taandatud töötajat, üliõpilaste kaasamine 0,926 PLE (26 0259 %), noorte teadlaste arv (täistööaja ekvivalent), kes on projekti käigus arendanud karjääri: 1.006 PLE.Projekt vastab to:Introduction majanduse ümberkujundamise suunale (1) Tootmise ja ekspordi struktuuri muutmine traditsioonilistes majandussektorites; „Teadmiste intensiivne biomajandus“; RIS3 kasvuprioriteetide nr 1 ja 6NACE koodid. 17.29 – Muude paberist ja papist toodete tootmine 2.5. Materjalitehnoloogia; 1.6. (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
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    Vardas, pavardė: Creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives (abbreviation EcBioMa)The overall purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical industrial research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibers with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the bio-polymer is to provide the young scientists, students and new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as to include the development of the ecological and biodegradable materials from biomerics from biomerics.The main objective of the bioconomic biopolymer is to provide the new scientists, students and the creation of new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as the development of the natural bio-fibres by including the bioconomic bio-objectives.The bioconomic bioconcentration of the bio-objective.Buiting of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives with functional biodegradable materials.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable bio-degradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The general purpose of the EcBioMay is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-efficient and biodegradable materials from natural fibres.The general purpose of EcBioMa will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for the creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from bio-merics.The general purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-business activity non-industrial research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the EcBioMaa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural bio-dimension.The overall purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa.The overall purpose of the project EcBioMaature is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-degradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for the creation of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa 72.19The overall purpose of the project 1. Vadovavimas, koordinavimas, viešinimas; 2. Techninio ekonominio pobūdžio galimybių studija; 3. Biopolimerų gavyba iš atsinaujinančiųjų išteklių; 4. Pluoštinių medžiagų gamyba; 5. Planuojami rezultatai: Ithozano ekstrahavimo metodas, ekologiškos ir biologiškai skaidžios medžiagos iš natūralių pluoštų su funkciniais biopolimerų priedais TRL 6Biopolimero produkto prototipas: TRL 4 biopolimero prototipas: 34 mėnesiai Veiklos pradedamos 2021 m. sausio 1 d., prieš sudarant susitarimą dėl projekto įgyvendinimoProjektas nėra susijęs su ekonomine veikla, bendras biudžetas – 500 000 EUR, ERPF finansavimas – 411 449,97 EUR, valstybės biudžeto finansavimas – 51 050,00 EUR, kitas viešasis finansavimas – 22 500,02 EUR, privačios tinkamos finansuoti išlaidos – 15 000,01 Projekto įgyvendinimo metu dalyvavo 35580 visos darbo dienos ekvivalentų mokslo ir mokslo darbuotojai, studentų dalyvavimas 0,96 PLE (26,0259 proc.), jaunų mokslininkų skaičius (visos darbo dienos ekvivalentas), kurių karjeros raida projekto metu: 1.006 PLE.Projektas atitinka ekonominės transformacijos kryptį (1) Gamybos ir eksporto struktūros pakeitimas tradiciniuose ekonomikos sektoriuose; Žinių intensyvios bioekonomikos specializacija; RIS3 augimo prioritetų Nr. 1 ir Nr. 6NACE kodas. 17.29 – Kitų popieriaus ir kartono dirbinių gamyba 2.5. Medžiagų inžinerija; 1.6. (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Naziv: Creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives (abbreviation EcBioMa)The overall purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical industrial research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibers with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the bio-polymer is to provide the young scientists, students and new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as to include the development of the ecological and biodegradable materials from biomerics from biomerics.The main objective of the bioconomic biopolymer is to provide the new scientists, students and the creation of new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as the development of the natural bio-fibres by including the bioconomic bio-objectives.The bioconomic bioconcentration of the bio-objective.Buiting of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives with functional biodegradable materials.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable bio-degradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The general purpose of the EcBioMay is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-efficient and biodegradable materials from natural fibres.The general purpose of EcBioMa will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for the creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from bio-merics.The general purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-business activity non-industrial research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the EcBioMaa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural bio-dimension.The overall purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa.The overall purpose of the project EcBioMaature is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-degradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for the creation of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa 72.19The overall purpose of the project 1. Vodstvo, koordinacija, promidžba; 2. Studija izvedivosti tehničke gospodarske prirode; 3. Vađenje biopolimera iz obnovljivih izvora; 4. Proizvodnju vlaknastog materijala; 5. Planirani rezultati: Metoda ekstrakcije Ithozan, ekološki i biorazgradivi materijal iz prirodnih vlakana s funkcionalnim biopolimernim aditivima TRL 6Prototip biopolimernog proizvoda: TRL 4 Prototip biopolimera: 34 mjeseca Operacije počinju 1. siječnja 2021., prije sklapanja sporazuma o provedbi projektaProjekt nije povezan s gospodarskom aktivnošću, ukupnim proračunom 500 000 EUR, sredstvima EFRR-a 411 449,97 EUR, financiranjem državnog proračuna 51 050,00 EUR, ostalim javnim sredstvima 22 500,02 EUR, privatnim prihvatljivim troškovima 15 000,01 Uključeno znanstveno i znanstveno tehničko osoblje u provedbi projekta u iznosu od 3,5580 EPRV-a, sudjelovanje studenata 0,926 PLE (26,0259 %), broj mladih znanstvenika (ekvivalent punog radnog vremena) koji su razvili razvoj karijere tijekom projekta: 1.006 PLE.Projekt odgovara to:Introduction smjera gospodarske preobrazbe (1) Promjena strukture proizvodnje i izvoza u tradicionalnim gospodarskim sektorima; Specijalizacija za biogospodarstvo s intenzivnim znanjem; RIS3 prioriteti rasta br. 1 i br. 6NACE kodovi. 17.29 – Proizvodnja ostalih proizvoda od papira i kartona 2.5. Inženjering materijala; 1.6. (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
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    Ονοματεπώνυμο: Creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives (abbreviation EcBioMa)The overall purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical industrial research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibers with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the bio-polymer is to provide the young scientists, students and new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as to include the development of the ecological and biodegradable materials from biomerics from biomerics.The main objective of the bioconomic biopolymer is to provide the new scientists, students and the creation of new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as the development of the natural bio-fibres by including the bioconomic bio-objectives.The bioconomic bioconcentration of the bio-objective.Buiting of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives with functional biodegradable materials.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable bio-degradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The general purpose of the EcBioMay is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-efficient and biodegradable materials from natural fibres.The general purpose of EcBioMa will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for the creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from bio-merics.The general purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-business activity non-industrial research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the EcBioMaa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural bio-dimension.The overall purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa.The overall purpose of the project EcBioMaature is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-degradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for the creation of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa 72.19The overall purpose of the project 1. Ηγεσία, συντονισμός, δημοσιότητα· 2. Μελέτη σκοπιμότητας τεχνικής οικονομικής φύσης· 3. Εξόρυξη βιοπολυμερών από ανανεώσιμο πόρο· 4. Την παραγωγή ινών· 5. Προγραμματισμένα αποτελέσματα: Μέθοδος εκχύλισης Ithozan, οικολογικά και βιοαποικοδομήσιμα υλικά από φυσικές ίνες με λειτουργικά βιοπολυμερή πρόσθετα TRL 6Πρωτότυπο βιοπολυμερούς προϊόντος: TRL 4 Πρωτότυπο βιοπολυμερούς: 34 μήνες Οι πράξεις ξεκινούν την 1η Ιανουαρίου 2021, πριν από τη σύναψη συμφωνίας για την υλοποίηση του έργουΤο έργο δεν σχετίζεται με οικονομική δραστηριότητα, συνολικό προϋπολογισμό EUR 500000, χρηματοδότηση ΕΤΠΑ 411 449,97 EUR, χρηματοδότηση από τον κρατικό προϋπολογισμό 51 050,00 EUR, Άλλη δημόσια χρηματοδότηση 22 500,02 EUR, ιδιωτικές επιλέξιμες δαπάνες 15.000,01 Συμμετέχον επιστημονικό και επιστημονικό τεχνικό προσωπικό στην υλοποίηση του έργου ύψους 3.5580 ΙΠΑ, συμμετοχή σπουδαστών 0,926 PLE (26,0259 %), αριθμός νέων επιστημόνων (ισοδύναμο πλήρους απασχόλησης) που έχουν αναπτύξει την εξέλιξη της σταδιοδρομίας τους κατά τη διάρκεια του έργου: 1.006 PLE.Το έργο αντιστοιχεί στη διεύθυνση to:Introduction της κατεύθυνσης του οικονομικού μετασχηματισμού (1) Αλλαγή της διάρθρωσης της παραγωγής και των εξαγωγών σε παραδοσιακούς οικονομικούς τομείς· Ειδικότητα για την «Γνώση-εντατική βιο-οικονομία»· Κωδικός RIS3 για την ανάπτυξη αριθ. 1 και αριθ. 6NACE. 17.29 — Κατασκευή άλλων ειδών από χαρτί και χαρτόνι 2.5. Μηχανική υλικών· 1.6. (Greek)
    3 August 2022
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    Názov: Creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives (abbreviation EcBioMa)The overall purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical industrial research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibers with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the bio-polymer is to provide the young scientists, students and new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as to include the development of the ecological and biodegradable materials from biomerics from biomerics.The main objective of the bioconomic biopolymer is to provide the new scientists, students and the creation of new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as the development of the natural bio-fibres by including the bioconomic bio-objectives.The bioconomic bioconcentration of the bio-objective.Buiting of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives with functional biodegradable materials.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable bio-degradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The general purpose of the EcBioMay is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-efficient and biodegradable materials from natural fibres.The general purpose of EcBioMa will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for the creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from bio-merics.The general purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-business activity non-industrial research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the EcBioMaa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural bio-dimension.The overall purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa.The overall purpose of the project EcBioMaature is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-degradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for the creation of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa 72.19The overall purpose of the project 1. Vedenie, koordinácia, publicita; 2. Štúdia uskutočniteľnosti technicky ekonomickej povahy; 3. Ťažba biopolymérov z obnoviteľných zdrojov; 4. Výroba vláknitého materiálu; 5. Plánované výsledky: Metóda extrakcie Ithozan, ekologický a biologicky rozložiteľný materiál z prírodných vlákien s funkčnými biopolymérnymi prísadami TRL 6Prototyp biopolymérneho produktu: TRL 4 Prototyp biopolyméru: 34 mesiacov Operácie sa začínajú 1. januára 2021, pred uzavretím dohody o realizácii projektuProjekt nesúvisí s hospodárskou činnosťou, celkový rozpočet 500 000 EUR, financovanie z EFRR 411 449,97 EUR, financovanie zo štátneho rozpočtu 51 050,00 EUR, iné verejné financovanie 22 500,02 EUR, oprávnené súkromné náklady 15 000,01 Zapojený vedecko-technický personál do realizácie projektu vo výške 3,5580 FTE, účasť študentov 0,926 PLE (26,0259 %), počet mladých vedcov (ekvivalent plného pracovného času), ktorí počas projektu rozvinuli svoj kariérny rozvoj: 1.006 PLE.Projekt zodpovedá to:Introduction smeru hospodárskej transformácie (1) Zmena štruktúry výroby a vývozu v tradičných hospodárskych odvetviach; Špecializácia pre „znalosť-intenzívna biohospodárstvo“; Priority rastu RIS3 č. 1 a 6NACE kód. 17.29 – Výroba ostatných výrobkov z papiera a lepenky 2.5. Materiálové inžinierstvo; 1.6. (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
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    Nimi: Creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives (abbreviation EcBioMa)The overall purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical industrial research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibers with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the bio-polymer is to provide the young scientists, students and new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as to include the development of the ecological and biodegradable materials from biomerics from biomerics.The main objective of the bioconomic biopolymer is to provide the new scientists, students and the creation of new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as the development of the natural bio-fibres by including the bioconomic bio-objectives.The bioconomic bioconcentration of the bio-objective.Buiting of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives with functional biodegradable materials.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable bio-degradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The general purpose of the EcBioMay is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-efficient and biodegradable materials from natural fibres.The general purpose of EcBioMa will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for the creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from bio-merics.The general purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-business activity non-industrial research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the EcBioMaa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural bio-dimension.The overall purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa.The overall purpose of the project EcBioMaature is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-degradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for the creation of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa 72.19The overall purpose of the project 1. Johtajuus, koordinointi, julkisuus; 2. Teknisesti taloudellinen toteutettavuustutkimus; 3. Biopolymeerin talteenotto uusiutuvista lähteistä; 4. Kuitumateriaalin tuotanto; 5. Suunnitellut tulokset: Ithozanin uuttomenetelmä, luonnonkuiduista saatava ekologinen ja biohajoava materiaali, jossa on toiminnallisia biopolymeerilisäaineita TRL 6Prototyypin biopolymeerituote: TRL 4 Biopolymeerin prototyyppi: 34 kuukautta Toimenpiteet käynnistyvät 1. tammikuuta 2021 ennen hankkeen toteuttamista koskevan sopimuksen tekemistä. Hanke ei liity taloudelliseen toimintaan, kokonaisbudjetti 500000 euroa, EAKR:n rahoitus 411449,97 euroa, valtion talousarviorahoitus 51050,00 euroa, muu julkinen rahoitus 22500,02 euroa, yksityiset tukikelpoiset kustannukset 15 000,01 Tieteellisen ja tieteellisen teknisen henkilöstön osallistuminen hankkeen toteuttamiseen on 3,5580 FTE, opiskelijoiden osallistuminen 0,926 PLE (26,0259 prosenttia), nuorten tutkijoiden määrä (kokoaikavastaavaa) hankkeen aikana: 1.006 PLE. Hanke vastaa talouden muutossuuntaa to:Introduction (1) Tuotanto- ja vientirakenteen muutos perinteisillä talouden aloilla, osaamisintensiivisen biotalouden erityisjärjestely; RIS3-strategian kasvuprioriteetit nro 1 ja 6NACE-koodi. 17.29 – Muiden paperi-, kartonki- ja pahvitavaroiden valmistus 2.5. Materiaalitekniikka; 1.6. (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
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    Imię i nazwisko: Creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives (abbreviation EcBioMa)The overall purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical industrial research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibers with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the bio-polymer is to provide the young scientists, students and new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as to include the development of the ecological and biodegradable materials from biomerics from biomerics.The main objective of the bioconomic biopolymer is to provide the new scientists, students and the creation of new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as the development of the natural bio-fibres by including the bioconomic bio-objectives.The bioconomic bioconcentration of the bio-objective.Buiting of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives with functional biodegradable materials.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable bio-degradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The general purpose of the EcBioMay is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-efficient and biodegradable materials from natural fibres.The general purpose of EcBioMa will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for the creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from bio-merics.The general purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-business activity non-industrial research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the EcBioMaa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural bio-dimension.The overall purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa.The overall purpose of the project EcBioMaature is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-degradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for the creation of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa 72.19The overall purpose of the project 1. Przywództwo, koordynacja, reklama; 2. Studium wykonalności o charakterze ekonomicznym; 3. Wydobycie biopolimeru z zasobów odnawialnych; 4. Produkcji materiału włóknistego; 5. Planowane rezultaty: Metoda ekstrakcji Ithozan, ekologiczny i biodegradowalny materiał z włókien naturalnych z funkcjonalnymi dodatkami biopolimerowymi TRL 6Prototyp produktu biopolimerowego: TRL 4 Prototyp biopolimeru: 34 miesiące Operacje rozpoczyna się 1 stycznia 2021 r., przed zawarciem porozumienia w sprawie realizacji projektuProjekt nie jest związany z działalnością gospodarczą, całkowity budżet 500 000 EUR, finansowanie z EFRR 411 449,97 EUR, finansowanie z budżetu państwa 51 050,00 EUR, inne środki publiczne 22 500,02 EUR, prywatne koszty kwalifikowalne 15 000,01 Zaangażowany personel naukowo-techniczny w realizację projektu w wysokości 3,5580 EPC, zaangażowanie studentów 0,926 PLE (26,0259 %), liczba młodych naukowców (ekwiwalent pełnego czasu pracy), którzy rozwinęli swój rozwój kariery w trakcie projektu: 1.006 PLE.Projekt odpowiada to:Introduction kierunku transformacji gospodarczej (1) Zmiana struktury produkcji i eksportu w tradycyjnych sektorach gospodarki; specjalizacja dla „Wiedza-intensywna biogospodarka”; Priorytety wzrostu RIS3 nr 1 i kod nr 6NACE. 17.29 – Produkcja pozostałych artykułów z papieru i tektury 2.5. Inżynieria materiałowa; 1.6. (Polish)
    3 August 2022
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    Név: Creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives (abbreviation EcBioMa)The overall purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical industrial research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibers with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the bio-polymer is to provide the young scientists, students and new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as to include the development of the ecological and biodegradable materials from biomerics from biomerics.The main objective of the bioconomic biopolymer is to provide the new scientists, students and the creation of new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as the development of the natural bio-fibres by including the bioconomic bio-objectives.The bioconomic bioconcentration of the bio-objective.Buiting of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives with functional biodegradable materials.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable bio-degradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The general purpose of the EcBioMay is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-efficient and biodegradable materials from natural fibres.The general purpose of EcBioMa will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for the creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from bio-merics.The general purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-business activity non-industrial research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the EcBioMaa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural bio-dimension.The overall purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa.The overall purpose of the project EcBioMaature is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-degradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for the creation of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa 72.19The overall purpose of the project 1. Vezetés, koordináció, nyilvánosság; 2. Műszakilag gazdasági jellegű megvalósíthatósági tanulmány; 3. Biopolimer-kitermelés megújuló forrásból; 4. Rostanyag előállítása; 5. Tervezett eredmények: Ithozan extrakciós módszer, természetes szálakból származó ökológiai és biológiailag lebontható anyag funkcionális biopolimer adalékokkal TRL 6A biopolimer termék prototípusa: TRL 4 A biopolimer prototípusa: 34 hónap A műveletek megkezdése 2021. január 1-jén, a projekt megvalósításáról szóló megállapodás megkötése előtt A projekt nem kapcsolódik a gazdasági tevékenységhez, a teljes költségvetés 500 000 EUR, ERFA-finanszírozás 411 449,97 EUR, állami költségvetés finanszírozása 51 050,00 EUR, egyéb közfinanszírozás 22 500,02 EUR, magán támogatható költségek 15 000,01 A projekt végrehajtásában részt vevő tudományos és tudományos műszaki személyzet 3,5580 FTE összegben, a hallgatói részvétel 0,926 PLE (26,0259%), azon fiatal tudósok száma (teljes munkaidős egyenérték), akik a projekt során fejlesztették karrierjüket: 1.006 PLE.A projekt megfelel a to:Introduction gazdasági átalakulás irányának (1) A termelés és az export szerkezetének változása a hagyományos gazdasági ágazatokban; A „Tudásintenzív biogazdaság” szakosodása; RIS3 1. és 6. NACE-kód. 17.29 – Egyéb papír- és kartontermék gyártása 2.5. Anyagfejlesztés; 1.6. (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Název: Creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives (abbreviation EcBioMa)The overall purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical industrial research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibers with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the bio-polymer is to provide the young scientists, students and new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as to include the development of the ecological and biodegradable materials from biomerics from biomerics.The main objective of the bioconomic biopolymer is to provide the new scientists, students and the creation of new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as the development of the natural bio-fibres by including the bioconomic bio-objectives.The bioconomic bioconcentration of the bio-objective.Buiting of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives with functional biodegradable materials.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable bio-degradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The general purpose of the EcBioMay is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-efficient and biodegradable materials from natural fibres.The general purpose of EcBioMa will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for the creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from bio-merics.The general purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-business activity non-industrial research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the EcBioMaa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural bio-dimension.The overall purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa.The overall purpose of the project EcBioMaature is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-degradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for the creation of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa 72.19The overall purpose of the project 1. Vedení, koordinace, publicita; 2. Studie proveditelnosti technicky ekonomické povahy; 3. Extrakce biopolymeru z obnovitelných zdrojů; 4. Výroba vláknitých materiálů; 5. Plánované výsledky: Metoda extrakce Ithozan, ekologický a biologicky rozložitelný materiál z přírodních vláken s funkčními biopolymerními přísadami TRL 6Prototyp biopolymerního produktu: TRL 4 Prototyp biopolymeru: 34 měsíců Operace jsou zahájeny 1. ledna 2021, před uzavřením dohody o provádění projektuProjekt nesouvisí s hospodářskou činností, celkový rozpočet 500 000 EUR, financování z EFRR 411 449,97 EUR, financování státního rozpočtu 51 050,00 EUR, ostatní veřejné financování 22 500,02 EUR, soukromé způsobilé náklady 15 000,01 Zapojený vědecký a vědecký technický personál do provádění projektu ve výši 3,5580 FTE, zapojení studentů 0,926 PLE (26,0259 %), počet mladých vědců (v přepočtu na plný úvazek), kteří během projektu rozvinuli svůj kariérní rozvoj: 1.006 PLE.Projekt odpovídá to:Introduction směr ekonomické transformace (1) Změna struktury produkce a vývozu v tradičních hospodářských odvětvích;Specializace pro „znalosti intenzivní biohospodářství“; Priority růstu RIS3 č. 1 a kód 6NACE. 17.29 – Výroba ostatních výrobků z papíru a lepenky 2.5. Materiálové inženýrství; 1.6. (Czech)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Ainm: Creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives (abbreviation EcBioMa)The overall purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical industrial research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibers with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the bio-polymer is to provide the young scientists, students and new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as to include the development of the ecological and biodegradable materials from biomerics from biomerics.The main objective of the bioconomic biopolymer is to provide the new scientists, students and the creation of new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as the development of the natural bio-fibres by including the bioconomic bio-objectives.The bioconomic bioconcentration of the bio-objective.Buiting of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives with functional biodegradable materials.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable bio-degradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The general purpose of the EcBioMay is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-efficient and biodegradable materials from natural fibres.The general purpose of EcBioMa will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for the creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from bio-merics.The general purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-business activity non-industrial research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the EcBioMaa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural bio-dimension.The overall purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa.The overall purpose of the project EcBioMaature is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-degradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for the creation of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa 72.19The overall purpose of the project 1. Ceannaireacht, comhordú, poiblíocht; 2. Staidéar féidearthachta de chineál eacnamaíoch teicniúil; 3. Eastóscadh bithpholaiméara ó acmhainn in-athnuaite; 4. Ábhar snáithíneach a tháirgeadh; 5. Na torthaí atá beartaithe: Modh eastósctha Ithozan, ábhar éiceolaíoch agus in-bhithmhillte ó shnáithíní nádúrtha ina bhfuil breiseáin bhithpholaiméire fheidhmiúla TRL 6Protaitíopa táirge bithpholaiméire: TRL 4 Fréamhshamhail bithpholaiméara: 34 mhí Tosaítear oibríochtaí an 1 Eanáir 2021, sula dtugtar an comhaontú i gcrích maidir le cur chun feidhme an tionscadail Níl baint ag an tionscadal le gníomhaíocht eacnamaíoch, buiséad iomlán EUR 500000, maoiniú CFRE EUR 411449,97, buiséad stáit EUR 51050,00, Maoiniú poiblí eile EUR 22500,02, costais phríobháideacha incháilithe 15 000,01 Pearsanra teicniúil eolaíochta agus eolaíochta atá rannpháirteach i gcur chun feidhme an tionscadail de 3.5580 FTE, rannpháirtíocht mac léinn 0.926 PLE (26.0259 %), líon na n-eolaithe óga (coibhéis lánaimseartha) a d’fhorbair a bhforbairt gairme le linn an tionscadail: 1.006 PLE.Tá an tionscadal ag teacht le to:Introduction i dtreo an chlaochlaithe eacnamaíoch (1) Athrú ar struchtúr an táirgthe agus na n-onnmhairí in earnálacha eacnamaíocha traidisiúnta;Speisialtóireacht do ‘Bithgheilleagar atá dian ar eolas’; Tosaíochtaí fáis RIS3 Uimh. 1 agus Uimh. 6NACE. 17.29 — Monarú earraí eile as páipéar agus as cairtchlár 2.5. Innealtóireacht Ábhar; 1.6. (Irish)
    3 August 2022
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    Ime in priimek: Creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives (abbreviation EcBioMa)The overall purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical industrial research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibers with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the bio-polymer is to provide the young scientists, students and new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as to include the development of the ecological and biodegradable materials from biomerics from biomerics.The main objective of the bioconomic biopolymer is to provide the new scientists, students and the creation of new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as the development of the natural bio-fibres by including the bioconomic bio-objectives.The bioconomic bioconcentration of the bio-objective.Buiting of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives with functional biodegradable materials.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable bio-degradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The general purpose of the EcBioMay is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-efficient and biodegradable materials from natural fibres.The general purpose of EcBioMa will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for the creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from bio-merics.The general purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-business activity non-industrial research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the EcBioMaa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural bio-dimension.The overall purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa.The overall purpose of the project EcBioMaature is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-degradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for the creation of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa 72.19The overall purpose of the project 1. Vodenje, usklajevanje, obveščanje javnosti; 2. Študija izvedljivosti tehnično ekonomske narave; 3. Ekstrakcija biopolimerov iz obnovljivih virov; 4. Proizvodnjo vlaknenega materiala; 5. Načrtovani rezultati: Metoda ekstrakcije itozan, ekološka in biorazgradljiva snov iz naravnih vlaken s funkcionalnimi biopolimernimi dodatki TRL 6Prototip biopolimernega izdelka: TRL 4 Prototip biopolimera: 34 mesecev Operacije se začnejo 1. januarja 2021, pred sklenitvijo sporazuma o izvajanju projektaProjekt ni povezan z gospodarsko dejavnostjo, skupni proračun 500 000 EUR, sredstva ESRR 411 449,97 EUR, državna proračunska sredstva 51 050,00 EUR, Druga javna sredstva 22 500,02 EUR, zasebni upravičeni stroški 15.000,01 Vključeno znanstveno in znanstveno tehnično osebje v izvajanje projekta v višini 3,5580 EPDČ, udeležba študentov 0,926 PLE (26,0259 %), število mladih znanstvenikov (polni delovni čas), ki so razvili svoj karierni razvoj med projektom: 1.006 PLE.Projekt ustreza to:Introduction smeri gospodarske preobrazbe (1) Sprememba strukture proizvodnje in izvoza v tradicionalnih gospodarskih sektorjih;Specializacija za „Znanje-intenzivno biogospodarstvo“; RIS3 prednostni nalogi rasti št. 1 in št. 6NACE šifra. 17.29 – Proizvodnja drugih izdelkov iz papirja in kartona 2.5. Inženirstvo materialov; 1.6. (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
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    Име: Creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives (abbreviation EcBioMa)The overall purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical industrial research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibers with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the bio-polymer is to provide the young scientists, students and new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as to include the development of the ecological and biodegradable materials from biomerics from biomerics.The main objective of the bioconomic biopolymer is to provide the new scientists, students and the creation of new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as the development of the natural bio-fibres by including the bioconomic bio-objectives.The bioconomic bioconcentration of the bio-objective.Buiting of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives with functional biodegradable materials.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable bio-degradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The general purpose of the EcBioMay is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-efficient and biodegradable materials from natural fibres.The general purpose of EcBioMa will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for the creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from bio-merics.The general purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-business activity non-industrial research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the EcBioMaa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural bio-dimension.The overall purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa.The overall purpose of the project EcBioMaature is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-degradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for the creation of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa 72.19The overall purpose of the project 1. Ръководство, координация, публичност; 2. Проучване на осъществимостта от технически икономически характер; 3. Извличане на биополимер от възобновяем ресурс; 4. Производството на влакнести материали; 5. Планирани резултати: Метод за екстракция на Итозан, екологичен и биоразградим материал от естествени влакна с функционални биополимерни добавки TRL 6Прототип на биополимерния продукт: TRL 4 Прототип на биополимера: 34 месеца Операциите започват на 1 януари 2021 г., преди сключването на споразумение за изпълнение на проекта. Проектът не е свързан с икономическа дейност, общ бюджет 500 000 EUR, финансиране от ЕФРР 411 449,97 EUR, финансиране от държавния бюджет 51 050,00 EUR, Друго публично финансиране в размер на 22 500,02 EUR, частни допустими разходи 15 000,01 Участващ научен и научен технически персонал в изпълнението на проекта в размер на 3,5580 ЕПРВ, участие на студенти 0,926 PLE (26,0259 %), брой млади учени (еквивалент на пълен работен ден), които са развили професионалното си развитие по време на проекта: 1.006 ПЛЕ.Проектът съответства to:Introduction на посоката на икономическа трансформация (1) Промяна на структурата на производство и износ в традиционните икономически сектори;Специализация за „Интензивна биоикономика на знанието“; RIS3 Приоритети за растеж № 1 и № 6NACE код. 17.29 — Производство на други изделия от хартия и картон Материално инженерство; 1.6. (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
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    Isem: Creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives (abbreviation EcBioMa)The overall purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical industrial research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibers with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the bio-polymer is to provide the young scientists, students and new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as to include the development of the ecological and biodegradable materials from biomerics from biomerics.The main objective of the bioconomic biopolymer is to provide the new scientists, students and the creation of new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as the development of the natural bio-fibres by including the bioconomic bio-objectives.The bioconomic bioconcentration of the bio-objective.Buiting of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives with functional biodegradable materials.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable bio-degradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The general purpose of the EcBioMay is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-efficient and biodegradable materials from natural fibres.The general purpose of EcBioMa will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for the creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from bio-merics.The general purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-business activity non-industrial research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the EcBioMaa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural bio-dimension.The overall purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa.The overall purpose of the project EcBioMaature is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-degradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for the creation of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa 72.19The overall purpose of the project 1. Tmexxija, koordinazzjoni, pubbliċità; 2. Studju ta’ fattibbiltà ta’ natura teknikament ekonomika; 3. L-estrazzjoni tal-bijopolimeru minn riżorsa rinnovabbli; 4. Il-produzzjoni ta’ materjal tal-fibra; 5. Riżultati ppjanati: Metodu ta’ estrazzjoni Ithozan, materjal ekoloġiku u bijodegradabbli minn fibri naturali b’addittivi bijopolimeri funzjonali TRL 6Prototip ta’ prodott tal-bijopolimeru: TRL 4 Prototip ta’ bijopolimeru: 34 xahar L-operazzjonijiet jinbdew fl-1 ta’ Jannar 2021, qabel il-konklużjoni tal-ftehim dwar l-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett Il-proġett mhuwiex relatat mal-attività ekonomika, il-baġit totali ta’ EUR 500000, il-finanzjament tal-FEŻR EUR 411449,97, il-finanzjament tal-baġit tal-Istat EUR 51050,00, Finanzjament pubbliku ieħor EUR 22500,02, l-ispejjeż eliġibbli privati 15 000,01 Il-persunal tekniku xjentifiku u xjentifiku involut fl-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett fl-ammont ta’ 3.5580 FTE, l-involviment tal-istudenti 0.926 PLE (26.0259 %), l-għadd ta’ xjentisti żgħażagħ (ekwivalenti full-time) li żviluppaw l-iżvilupp tal-karriera tagħhom matul il-proġett: 1.006 PLE.Il-proġett jikkorrispondi to:Introduction tad-direzzjoni tat-trasformazzjoni ekonomika (1) Bidla fl-istruttura tal-produzzjoni u l-esportazzjonijiet fis-setturi ekonomiċi tradizzjonali;Speċjalizzazzjoni għal “Bijoekonomija Intensiva fuq l-Għarfien”; Il-prijoritajiet ta’ tkabbir RIS3 Nru 1 u Nru 6NACE. 17.29 — Manifattura ta’ oġġetti oħra tal-karta u l-ka... (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
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    Nome: Creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives (abbreviation EcBioMa)The overall purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical industrial research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibers with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the bio-polymer is to provide the young scientists, students and new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as to include the development of the ecological and biodegradable materials from biomerics from biomerics.The main objective of the bioconomic biopolymer is to provide the new scientists, students and the creation of new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as the development of the natural bio-fibres by including the bioconomic bio-objectives.The bioconomic bioconcentration of the bio-objective.Buiting of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives with functional biodegradable materials.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable bio-degradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The general purpose of the EcBioMay is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-efficient and biodegradable materials from natural fibres.The general purpose of EcBioMa will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for the creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from bio-merics.The general purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-business activity non-industrial research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the EcBioMaa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural bio-dimension.The overall purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa.The overall purpose of the project EcBioMaature is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-degradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for the creation of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa 72.19The overall purpose of the project 1. Liderança, coordenação, publicidade; 2. Estudo de viabilidade de natureza tecnicamente económica; 3. Extração de biopolímeros a partir de um recurso renovável; 4. A produção de fibras; 5. Resultados previstos: Método de extração Ithozan, material ecológico e biodegradável de fibras naturais com aditivos biopolímeros funcionais TRL 6Protótipo de produto biopolímero: TRL 4 Protótipo de biopolímero: 34 meses As operações têm início em 1 de janeiro de 2021, antes da celebração do acordo sobre a execução do projeto. O projeto não está relacionado com a atividade económica, o orçamento total de 500 000 EUR, o financiamento do FEDER 411 449,97 EUR, o financiamento do orçamento do Estado de 51 050,00 EUR, os outros financiamentos públicos 22 500,02 EUR, os custos elegíveis privados 15 000,01 O pessoal técnico científico e científico envolvido na execução do projeto no montante de 3,5580 ETI, a participação dos estudantes 0,926 PLE (26,0259 %), o número de jovens cientistas (equivalente a tempo inteiro) que desenvolveram a sua carreira durante o projeto: 1.006 PLE.O projeto corresponde to:Introduction da direção de transformação económica (1) Mudança da estrutura de produção e exportação nos setores económicos tradicionais; Especialização para a Bioeconomia Intensiva do Conhecimento; Prioridades de crescimento n.º 1 e n.º 6NACE da RIS3. 17.29 — Fabricação de outras obras de papel e cartão 2.5. Engenharia de materiais; 1.6. (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
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    Navn: Creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives (abbreviation EcBioMa)The overall purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical industrial research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibers with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the bio-polymer is to provide the young scientists, students and new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as to include the development of the ecological and biodegradable materials from biomerics from biomerics.The main objective of the bioconomic biopolymer is to provide the new scientists, students and the creation of new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as the development of the natural bio-fibres by including the bioconomic bio-objectives.The bioconomic bioconcentration of the bio-objective.Buiting of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives with functional biodegradable materials.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable bio-degradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The general purpose of the EcBioMay is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-efficient and biodegradable materials from natural fibres.The general purpose of EcBioMa will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for the creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from bio-merics.The general purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-business activity non-industrial research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the EcBioMaa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural bio-dimension.The overall purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa.The overall purpose of the project EcBioMaature is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-degradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for the creation of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa 72.19The overall purpose of the project 1. Lederskab, koordinering, offentlig omtale 2. Gennemførlighedsundersøgelse af teknisk økonomisk art 3. Udvinding af biopolymerer fra en vedvarende ressource 4. Fremstilling af fibermateriale 5. Planlagte resultater: Ithozan-ekstraktionsmetode, økologisk og bionedbrydeligt materiale fra naturlige fibre med funktionelle biopolymer-tilsætningsstoffer TRL 6Prototype af biopolymerprodukt: TRL 4 Prototype af biopolymer: 34 måneder Operationerne påbegyndes den 1. januar 2021, inden der indgås en aftale om projektgennemførelseProjektet vedrører ikke økonomisk aktivitet, det samlede budget på 500 000 EUR, EFRU-finansiering 411 449,97 EUR, statsbudgetfinansiering 51 050,00 EUR, anden offentlig finansiering 22 500,02 EUR, private støtteberettigede omkostninger 15 000,01 Involveret videnskabeligt og videnskabeligt teknisk personale i gennemførelsen af projektet med et beløb på 3,5580 FTE, studerendes deltagelse 0,926 PLE (26,0259 %), antal unge forskere (fuldtidsækvivalenter), der har udviklet deres karriereudvikling under projektet: 1.006 PLE.Projektet svarer til to:Introduction af den økonomiske omstillingsretning (1) Ændring i produktions- og eksportstrukturen i traditionelle økonomiske sektorer;Specialisering til "videnintensiv bioøkonomi"; RIS3 Vækstprioritet nr. 1 og nr. 6NACE-kode. 17.29 — Fremstilling af andre varer af papir og pap 2.5. Materialeteknik 1.6. (Danish)
    3 August 2022
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    Denumire: Creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives (abbreviation EcBioMa)The overall purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical industrial research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibers with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the bio-polymer is to provide the young scientists, students and new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as to include the development of the ecological and biodegradable materials from biomerics from biomerics.The main objective of the bioconomic biopolymer is to provide the new scientists, students and the creation of new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as the development of the natural bio-fibres by including the bioconomic bio-objectives.The bioconomic bioconcentration of the bio-objective.Buiting of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives with functional biodegradable materials.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable bio-degradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The general purpose of the EcBioMay is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-efficient and biodegradable materials from natural fibres.The general purpose of EcBioMa will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for the creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from bio-merics.The general purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-business activity non-industrial research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the EcBioMaa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural bio-dimension.The overall purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa.The overall purpose of the project EcBioMaature is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-degradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for the creation of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa 72.19The overall purpose of the project 1. Conducere, coordonare, publicitate; 2. Studiu de fezabilitate de natură tehnico-economică; 3. Extracția biopolimerului dintr-o resursă regenerabilă; 4. Producția de material fibros; 5. Rezultatele planificate: Metoda de extracție Ithozan, material ecologic și biodegradabil din fibre naturale cu aditivi funcționali pentru biopolimeri TRL 6Prototipul produsului biopolimer: TRL 4 Prototipul biopolimerului: 34 luni Operațiunile sunt demarate la 1 ianuarie 2021, înainte de încheierea acordului privind implementarea proiectuluiProiectul nu are legătură cu activitatea economică, bugetul total 500 000 EUR, finanțarea FEDR 411 449,97 EUR, finanțarea de la bugetul de stat 51 050,00 EUR, Alte fonduri publice 22 500,02 EUR, costuri eligibile private 15 000,01 Personal tehnic științific și științific implicat în implementarea proiectului în valoare de 35580 ENI, implicarea studenților 0,926 PLE (26,0259 %), numărul tinerilor oameni de știință (echivalent normă întreagă) care și-au dezvoltat dezvoltarea carierei în cadrul proiectului: 1.006 PLE.Proiectul corespunde to:Introduction a direcției de transformare economică (1) Schimbarea structurii producției și exporturilor în sectoarele economice tradiționale; specializarea pentru „bioeconomia intensivă a cunoașterii”; Prioritățile de creștere RIS3 nr. 1 și codul 6NACE. 17.29 – Fabricarea altor articole din hârtie și carton 2.5. Inginerie materială; 1.6. (Romanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Namn: Creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives (abbreviation EcBioMa)The overall purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical industrial research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural fibers with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the bio-polymer is to provide the young scientists, students and new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as to include the development of the ecological and biodegradable materials from biomerics from biomerics.The main objective of the bioconomic biopolymer is to provide the new scientists, students and the creation of new researchers in scientific institutions and enterprises, as well as the development of the natural bio-fibres by including the bioconomic bio-objectives.The bioconomic bioconcentration of the bio-objective.Buiting of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives with functional biodegradable materials.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable bio-degradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The general purpose of the EcBioMay is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-efficient and biodegradable materials from natural fibres.The general purpose of EcBioMa will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials for the creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from bio-merics.The general purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-business activity non-industrial research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials for creation of biodegradable materials from natural fibres with functional biopolymer additives.The overall purpose of the EcBioMaa is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from natural bio-dimension.The overall purpose of EcBioMas will perform non-economic research and experimental development of eco- and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa.The overall purpose of the project EcBioMaature is to perform non-economic research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials in eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of eco-degradable materials from EcBioMa.The general purpose of the project EcBioMa is to perform non-economical research and experimental development of ecological and biodegradable materials for the creation of eco- and biodegradable materials for creation of ecological and biodegradable materials from EcBioMaa 72.19The overall purpose of the project 1. Ledarskap, samordning och publicitet. 2. Genomförbarhetsstudie av tekniskt ekonomiskt slag. 3. Utvinning av biopolymerer från en förnybar resurs. 4. Produktion av fibermaterial. 5. Planerade resultat: Ithozan extraktionsmetod, ekologiskt och biologiskt nedbrytbart material från naturfibrer med funktionella biopolymertillsatser TRL 6Prototyp av biopolymerprodukt: TRL 4 Prototyp av biopolymer: 34 månader Operations påbörjas den 1 januari 2021, innan överenskommelse om projektgenomförande ingåsProjektet är inte relaterat till ekonomisk verksamhet, total budget 500 000 EUR, Eruf-finansiering 411 449,97 EUR, statlig budgetfinansiering 51 050,00 EUR, övrig offentlig finansiering 22 500,02 EUR, privata stödberättigande kostnader 15000,01 Involverad vetenskaplig och vetenskaplig teknisk personal i genomförandet av projektet till ett belopp av 3.5580 heltidsekvivalenter, studentengagemang 0,926 PLE (26,0259 %), antal unga forskare (motsvarande heltid) som har utvecklat sin karriärutveckling under projektet: 1.006 PLE.Projektet motsvarar to:Introduction av den ekonomiska omvandlingsriktningen (1) Förändring av produktions- och exportstrukturen i traditionella ekonomiska sektorer.Specialisering för ”kunskapsintensiv bioekonomi”. RIS3:s tillväxtprioriteringar nr 1 och nr 6NACE-kod. 17.29 – Tillverkning av andra artiklar av papper och papp 2.5. Materialteknik; 1.6. (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
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    Dzērbenes iela 27, Rīga, LV-1006
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    Mūrmuižas iela 11A, Valmiera, Valmieras nov., LV-4201
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