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Project Q3056556 in Latvia
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Q3056556 in Latvia


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    3,037,430.35 Euro
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    5,270,827.98 Euro
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    57.63 percent
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    13 October 2016
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    31 December 2018
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    SIA "Meža nozares kompetences centrs"
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    56°54'41.11"N, 24°8'39.98"E
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    Meža nozares kompetences centrs aptver divus zinātniskos virzienus:•Jauni koksnes materiāli un tehnoloģijas;•Meža kapitālvērtības palielināšana un mežsaimniecība.Kompetences centra mērķis ir atbalstīt vismaz 10 pētījumus atbilstoši definētajiem pētniecības virzieniem, attīstot jaunus produktus un tehnoloģijas nozarē un ieviešot tās ražošanā, tādējādi veicinot pētniecības un rūpniecības sektora sadarbību, kā arī nozares komersantu konkurētspējas paaugstināšanu.Projekts tiks īstenots Latvijas viedās specializācijas stratēģijas jomā – “Zināšanu ietilpīga bioekonomika”, apakšjomā – “Inovatīvi risinājumi mežsaimniecībai un kokapstrādē”.Kompetences centra darbības rezultātā plānots atbalstīt vismaz 10 pētniecības projektus, vismaz 6 komersantus, kas turpmāk ieviesīs ražošanā jaunus produktus vai tehnoloģijas.Projekta kopējās pētījumu izmaksas sastāda virs 5 miljoniem eiro, plānotais Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonda (turpmāk – ERAF) atbalsta apjoms – 3 206 250 EUR.Projektu plānots īstenot 30 mēnešu laikā, no 2016.gada 1.jūlija līdz 2018.gada 31.decembrim (Latvian)
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    The aim of the Competence Centre is to support at least 10 research according to defined research directions by developing new products and technologies in the field and introducing them in production, thus promoting cooperation of research and industry sector, as well as increasing the competitiveness of the industry merchants.The project will be implemented in the field of Latvian smart specialisation strategy – “Crown-intensive bio-economy”, sub-area of 3206250 joint projects in the field of the project – to be implemented in the field of 10 million project projects. (English)
    15 July 2021
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    Le domaine de la «règle de la sidérurgie» est le «régime de la sidérurgie», le «soutien à la production» et le «soutien à la production», la «raté des produits et de la production», la «règle de la production agricole» et la «raté de la production». (French)
    25 November 2021
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    Im Bereich der Holzindustrie werden mindestens 10 Projekte zur Förderung von Bioökonomen und -technologien durchgeführt, die sich mit der Entwicklung von „Bioökonomie-Projekten“ befassen, die die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Forschung und Industrie fördern sowie die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Branchenhändler verbessern.Das Projekt soll mindestens 10 Projekte im Bereich der Bioökonomie unterstützen, die mindestens 10 Forschungsprojekte fördern, die die Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Forschung und der Industrie fördern. (German)
    28 November 2021
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    Het kenniscentrum voor de bosbouw omvat twee wetenschappelijke onderdelen:•Nieuwe houtmaterialen en -technologieën;•Verhoging van de waarde van boskapitaal en bosbouw. Het kenniscentrum heeft ten minste 10 studies tot doel om op basis van de gedefinieerde onderzoeksonderdelen steun te verlenen aan nieuwe producten en technologieën in de sector en deze in de productie te introduceren, en zo de samenwerking tussen de onderzoeks- en industriële sectoren te bevorderen en het concurrentievermogen van de handelaren in de sector te vergroten. Het project zal worden uitgevoerd op het gebied van de strategie voor slimme specialisatie van Letland — "kennisintensieve bio-economie", deelgebied "Innovatieve oplossingen voor bosbouw en houtverwerking".Het project is bedoeld om ten minste 10 onderzoeksprojecten te ondersteunen, ten minste 6 commeristen op het gebied van slimme specialisatiestrategie — "Kennisintensieve bio-economie" in het deelgebied "Innovatieve oplossingen voor bosbouw en houtbewerking".Het project is bedoeld om ten minste 10 onderzoeksprojecten te ondersteunen, ten minste 6 commerators op het gebied van slimme specialisatiestrategie — "kennisintensieve bio-economie", deelgebied "Innovatieve oplossingen voor bosbouw en houtverwerking".Het project is bedoeld om uiterlijk op 31 december 2018 ten minste 10 onderzoeksprojecten te ondersteunen, waarvan ten minste 6 vertegenwoordigers in de strategie voor slimme specialisatie van Letland — "Kennisintensieve bio-economie" in het deelgebied "Innovatieve oplossingen voor bosbouw en houtverwerking". Het project zal ten minste 10 onderzoeksprojecten ondersteunen, waarvan ten minste 6 vertegenwoordigers in de strategie voor slimme specialisatie van Letland — "Kennisintensieve bio-economie", deelgebied "Innovatieve oplossingen voor bosbouw en houtbewerking". Het project is bedoeld om ten minste 10 onderzoeksprojecten te ondersteunen, ten minste 6 vertegenwoordigers in de strategie voor slimme specialisatie van Letland — "Kennisintensieve bio-economie", deelgebied "Innovatieve oplossingen voor bosbouw en houtverwerking".Het project is bedoeld om ten minste 10 onderzoeksprojecten te ondersteunen, ten minste 6 commeristen in de Letse strategie voor slimme specialisatie, "kennisintensieve bio-economie", deelgebied "Innovatieve oplossingen voor bosbouw en houtverwerking".Het project is bedoeld om ten minste 10 onderzoeksprojecten te ondersteunen, ten minste 6 commeristen, die zullen worden uitgevoerd op het gebied van "kennisintensieve bio-economie", deelgebied "Innovatieve oplossingen voor bosbouw en houtverwerking".Het project is bedoeld om ten minste 10 onderzoeksprojecten te ondersteunen, ten minste 6 commeristen, die zullen worden uitgevoerd in de Letse strategie voor slimme specialisatie — "kennisintensieve bio-economie", deelgebied "Innovatieve oplossingen voor bosbouw en houtbewerking".Het project is bedoeld om ten minste 10 onderzoeksprojecten te ondersteunen, ten minste 6 commerants, die zullen worden uitgevoerd op het gebied van "Kennisintensieve bio-economie", deelgebied "Innovatieve oplossingen voor bosbouw en houtverwerking".Het project is bedoeld om ten minste 10 onderzoeksprojecten te ondersteunen, ten minste 6 commeristen op het gebied van slimme specialisatiestrategie — "K (Dutch)
    28 November 2021
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    The Forestry Competence Centre covers two scientific strands:•New wood materials and technologies;•Increasing forest capital value and forestry.The aim of the Competence Centre is to support at least 10 studies according to the defined research strands, developing new products and technologies in the sector and introducing them into production, thus promoting cooperation between the research and industrial sectors, as well as increasing the competitiveness of the sector’s merchants. The project will be implemented in the field of the smart specialisation strategy of Latvia — "Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy", sub-area "Innovative solutions for forestry and wood processing".The project is planned to support at least 10 research projects, at least 6 commerists in the field of smart specialisation strategy — "Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy" in the sub-area "Innovative solutions for forestry and woodworking".The project is planned to support at least 10 research projects, at least 6 commerators in the field of smart specialisation strategy — "Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy", sub-area "Innovative solutions for forestry and wood processing".The project is planned to support at least 10 research projects, at least 6 commerists in Latvia’s smart specialisation strategy — "Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy" in the subarea "Innovative solutions for forestry and wood processing" by 31 December 2018. The project will support at least 10 research projects, at least 6 commerists in Latvia’s smart specialisation strategy — "Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy", sub-area "Innovative solutions for forestry and woodworking". The project is planned to support at least 10 research projects, at least 6 commerists in Latvia’s smart specialisation strategy — "Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy", sub-area "Innovative solutions for forestry and wood processing".The project is planned to support at least 10 research projects, at least 6 commerists in Latvia’s smart specialisation strategy, "Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy", sub-area "Innovative solutions for forestry and wood processing".The project is planned to support at least 10 research projects, at least 6 commerists, which will be implemented in the area of "Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy", subarea "Innovative solutions for forestry and wood processing".The project is planned to support at least 10 research projects, at least 6 commerists, which will be implemented in Latvia’s Smart Specialisation Strategy — "Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy", sub-area "Innovative solutions for forestry and woodworking".The project is planned to support at least 10 research projects, at least 6 commerants, which will be implemented in the area of "Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy", subarea "Innovative solutions for forestry and wood processing".The project is planned to support at least 10 research projects, at least 6 commerists in the field of smart specialisation strategy — "K (Italian)
    11 January 2022
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    The Forestry Competence Centre covers two scientific strands:•New wood materials and technologies;•Increasing forest capital value and forestry.The aim of the Competence Centre is to support at least 10 studies according to the defined research strands, developing new products and technologies in the sector and introducing them into production, thus promoting cooperation between the research and industrial sectors, as well as increasing the competitiveness of the sector’s merchants. The project will be implemented in the field of the smart specialisation strategy of Latvia — "Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy", sub-area "Innovative solutions for forestry and wood processing".The project is planned to support at least 10 research projects, at least 6 commerists in the field of smart specialisation strategy — "Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy" in the sub-area "Innovative solutions for forestry and woodworking".The project is planned to support at least 10 research projects, at least 6 commerators in the field of smart specialisation strategy — "Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy", sub-area "Innovative solutions for forestry and wood processing".The project is planned to support at least 10 research projects, at least 6 commerists in Latvia’s smart specialisation strategy — "Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy" in the subarea "Innovative solutions for forestry and wood processing" by 31 December 2018. The project will support at least 10 research projects, at least 6 commerists in Latvia’s smart specialisation strategy — "Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy", sub-area "Innovative solutions for forestry and woodworking". The project is planned to support at least 10 research projects, at least 6 commerists in Latvia’s smart specialisation strategy — "Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy", sub-area "Innovative solutions for forestry and wood processing".The project is planned to support at least 10 research projects, at least 6 commerists in Latvia’s smart specialisation strategy, "Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy", sub-area "Innovative solutions for forestry and wood processing".The project is planned to support at least 10 research projects, at least 6 commerists, which will be implemented in the area of "Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy", subarea "Innovative solutions for forestry and wood processing".The project is planned to support at least 10 research projects, at least 6 commerists, which will be implemented in Latvia’s Smart Specialisation Strategy — "Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy", sub-area "Innovative solutions for forestry and woodworking".The project is planned to support at least 10 research projects, at least 6 commerants, which will be implemented in the area of "Knowledge-intensive bioeconomy", subarea "Innovative solutions for forestry and wood processing".The project is planned to support at least 10 research projects, at least 6 commerists in the field of smart specialisation strategy — "K (Spanish)
    12 January 2022
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    Pädevuskeskuse eesmärk on toetada vähemalt kümmet kindlaksmääratud uurimissuunale vastavat teadustööd, arendades selles valdkonnas uusi tooteid ja tehnoloogiaid ning viies need tootmisse, edendades seeläbi teadus- ja tööstussektori koostööd ning suurendades tööstuskaupmeeste konkurentsivõimet. Projekt viiakse ellu Läti aruka spetsialiseerumise strateegia valdkonnas – „Küprose intensiivne biomajandus“, mis on projekti valdkonnas 3206250 ühisprojekti alavaldkond, mida rakendatakse 10 miljoni projekti raames. (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
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    Kompetencijos centro tikslas – remti ne mažiau kaip 10 mokslinių tyrimų pagal nustatytas mokslinių tyrimų kryptis, kuriant naujus produktus ir technologijas šioje srityje ir diegiant juos gamyboje, taip skatinant mokslinių tyrimų ir pramonės sektoriaus bendradarbiavimą, taip pat didinant pramonės prekybininkų konkurencingumą. Projektas bus įgyvendinamas Latvijos pažangiosios specializacijos strategijos srityje – „Karūnos imli bioekonomika“, 3206250 bendrų projektų srityje projekto srityje – bus įgyvendinama 10 mln. projektų srityje. (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Cilj Centra kompetencija je podržati najmanje 10 istraživanja prema definiranim smjerovima istraživanja razvijanjem novih proizvoda i tehnologija u tom području i njihovim uvođenjem u proizvodnju, čime se promiče suradnja istraživačkog i industrijskog sektora, kao i povećanje konkurentnosti industrijskih trgovaca. Projekt će se provoditi u području latvijske strategije pametne specijalizacije – „Crown-intenzivna biogospodarstvo”, potpodručja 3206250 zajedničkih projekata u području projekta – koji će se provoditi u području 10 milijuna projektnih projekata. (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
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    Στόχος του κέντρου ικανοτήτων είναι η υποστήριξη τουλάχιστον 10 ερευνών σύμφωνα με καθορισμένες κατευθύνσεις έρευνας, με την ανάπτυξη νέων προϊόντων και τεχνολογιών στον τομέα και την εισαγωγή τους στην παραγωγή, προωθώντας έτσι τη συνεργασία του τομέα της έρευνας και της βιομηχανίας, καθώς και αυξάνοντας την ανταγωνιστικότητα των εμπόρων της βιομηχανίας. Το έργο θα υλοποιηθεί στον τομέα της στρατηγικής έξυπνης εξειδίκευσης της Λετονίας — «Βιοοικονομία υψηλής έντασης», υποτομέας 3206250 κοινών έργων στον τομέα του έργου — που θα υλοποιηθεί στον τομέα των 10 εκατομμυρίων σχεδίων έργων. (Greek)
    3 August 2022
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    Cieľom kompetenčného centra je podporiť najmenej 10 výskumov podľa definovaných smerov výskumu prostredníctvom vývoja nových produktov a technológií v tejto oblasti a ich zavádzania do výroby, čím sa podporí spolupráca v oblasti výskumu a priemyslu, ako aj zvýšenie konkurencieschopnosti obchodníkov v priemysle. Projekt sa bude realizovať v oblasti lotyšskej stratégie inteligentnej špecializácie – „Biohospodárstvo intenzívne využívajúce korunu“, podoblasť 3206250 spoločných projektov v oblasti projektu, ktorá sa má realizovať v oblasti 10 miliónov projektov. (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
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    Osaamiskeskuksen tavoitteena on tukea vähintään 10:tä tutkimussuunnan mukaista tutkimusta kehittämällä alan uusia tuotteita ja teknologioita ja ottamalla ne käyttöön tuotannossa, mikä edistää tutkimus- ja teollisuusalan yhteistyötä ja parantaa teollisuuden kauppiaiden kilpailukykyä. Hanke toteutetaan Latvian älykkään erikoistumisen strategian – ”Crown-intensiivisen biotalouden” osa-alueella 3206250 hankkeen alalla. Hanke toteutetaan 10 miljoonan hankehankkeen alalla. (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
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    Celem Centrum Kompetencji jest wsparcie co najmniej 10 badań zgodnie z określonymi kierunkami badawczymi poprzez opracowanie nowych produktów i technologii w tej dziedzinie oraz wprowadzenie ich do produkcji, a tym samym promowanie współpracy między sektorem badawczym i przemysłowym, a także zwiększenie konkurencyjności handlowców przemysłowych. Projekt będzie realizowany w zakresie łotewskiej strategii inteligentnej specjalizacji – „Gospodarka bio-intensywna” podobszar 3206250 wspólnych projektów w zakresie projektu – do realizacji w zakresie 10 mln projektów projektowych. (Polish)
    3 August 2022
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    A kompetenciaközpont célja, hogy legalább 10, meghatározott kutatási iránynak megfelelő kutatást támogasson új termékek és technológiák fejlesztésével és a termelésbe történő bevezetésével, elősegítve ezáltal a kutatási és ipari szektor együttműködését, valamint növelve az ipari kereskedők versenyképességét.A projekt végrehajtása a lett intelligens szakosodási stratégia – a „Crown-intenzív biogazdaság” alterületen, a projekt területén megvalósítandó 3206250 közös projekt alterületén történik – 10 millió projekt területén valósul meg. (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
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    Cílem kompetenčního centra je podpořit nejméně 10 výzkumů podle definovaných směrů výzkumu vývojem nových produktů a technologií v této oblasti a jejich zaváděním do výroby, a tím podpořit spolupráci v oblasti výzkumu a průmyslu, jakož i zvýšit konkurenceschopnost obchodníků z průmyslu. Projekt bude realizován v oblasti lotyšské strategie inteligentní specializace – „Hospodářství s vysokými příjmy“, podoblasti 3206250 společných projektů v oblasti projektu – které mají být realizovány v oblasti 10 milionů projektových projektů. (Czech)
    3 August 2022
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    Is é is aidhm don Lárionad Inniúlachta tacú le 10 taighde ar a laghad de réir treoracha sainithe taighde trí tháirgí agus teicneolaíochtaí nua a fhorbairt sa réimse agus iad a thabhairt isteach sa táirgeadh, agus ar an gcaoi sin comhar idir earnáil an taighde agus earnáil an tionscail a chur chun cinn, chomh maith le hiomaíochas ceannaithe an tionscail a mhéadú. Cuirfear an tionscadal chun feidhme i réimse straitéis na Laitvia um speisialtóireacht chliste — “Bithgheilleagar dianchruthaithe”, folimistéar de 3206250 tionscadal comhpháirteach i réimse an tionscadail — a bheidh le cur chun feidhme i réimse na 10 milliún tionscadal tionscadail. (Irish)
    3 August 2022
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    Cilj strokovnega centra je podpreti vsaj 10 raziskav v skladu z opredeljenimi raziskovalnimi usmeritvami z razvojem novih izdelkov in tehnologij na tem področju in njihovim uvajanjem v proizvodnjo, s čimer bi spodbudili sodelovanje med raziskovalnim in industrijskim sektorjem ter povečali konkurenčnost industrijskih trgovcev. Projekt se bo izvajal na področju latvijske strategije pametne specializacije – „Crown-intenzivna biogospodarstvo“, podpodročja 3206250 skupnih projektov na področju projekta, ki se bo izvajal na področju 10 milijonov projektnih projektov. (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
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    Целта на Експертния център е да подпомага най-малко 10 научни изследвания в съответствие с определени изследователски направления, като разработва нови продукти и технологии в тази област и ги въвежда в производството, като по този начин насърчава сътрудничеството между научноизследователския и промишления сектор, както и повишава конкурентоспособността на търговците в индустрията. Проектът ще бъде реализиран в областта на латвийската стратегия за интелигентна специализация — „Интензивна биоикономика“, подобласт от 3206250 съвместни проекта в областта на проекта, които ще бъдат изпълнени в областта на 10 милиона проекта. (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
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    L-għan taċ-Ċentru ta’ Kompetenza huwa li jappoġġa mill-inqas 10 riċerka skont direzzjonijiet ta’ riċerka definiti billi jiżviluppa prodotti u teknoloġiji ġodda fil-qasam u jintroduċihom fil-produzzjoni, u b’hekk jippromwovi l-kooperazzjoni tas-settur tar-riċerka u l-industrija, kif ukoll iżid il-kompetittività tan-negozjanti tal-industrija. Il-proġett se jiġi implimentat fil-qasam tal-istrateġija Latvjana ta’ speċjalizzazzjoni intelliġenti — “Bijoekonomija intensiva fl-ibliet”, subżona ta’ 3206250 proġett konġunt fil-qasam tal-proġett — li għandhom jiġu implimentati fil-qasam ta’ 10 miljun proġett ta’ proġetti. (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
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    O objetivo do Centro de Competências é apoiar pelo menos 10 investigação de acordo com orientações de investigação definidas, desenvolvendo novos produtos e tecnologias no terreno e introduzindo-as na produção, promovendo assim a cooperação entre os setores da investigação e da indústria, bem como aumentando a competitividade dos comerciantes da indústria. O projeto será executado no domínio da estratégia de especialização inteligente letã — «bioeconomia intensiva em cadeia», subárea de 3206250 projetos conjuntos no domínio do projeto — a executar no domínio de 10 milhões de projetos. (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
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    Formålet med kompetencecentret er at støtte mindst 10 forskning i henhold til fastlagte forskningsretninger ved at udvikle nye produkter og teknologier på området og indføre dem i produktionen og dermed fremme samarbejdet mellem forsknings- og industrisektoren samt øge konkurrenceevnen for de handlende i industrien. Projektet vil blive gennemført inden for Letlands strategi for intelligent specialisering — "Crown-intensiv bioøkonomi", underområde 3206250 fælles projekter inden for projektet — der skal gennemføres inden for 10 millioner projektprojekter. (Danish)
    3 August 2022
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    Scopul Centrului de competențe este de a sprijini cel puțin 10 cercetări în conformitate cu direcțiile de cercetare definite prin dezvoltarea de noi produse și tehnologii în domeniu și introducerea acestora în producție, promovând astfel cooperarea dintre sectorul cercetării și industriei, precum și creșterea competitivității comercianților din industrie. Proiectul va fi implementat în domeniul strategiei de specializare inteligentă a Letoniei – „Bioeconomie intensivă a creșterii”, subdomeniul 3206250 de proiecte comune în domeniul proiectului – care urmează să fie implementat în domeniul a 10 milioane de proiecte. (Romanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Syftet med kompetenscentrumet är att stödja minst 10 forskning i enlighet med fastställda forskningsinriktningar genom att utveckla nya produkter och tekniker på området och introducera dem i produktionen, och därigenom främja samarbete mellan forsknings- och industrisektorn samt öka industrins konkurrenskraft.Projektet kommer att genomföras inom Lettlands strategi för smart specialisering – ”Krownintensiv bioekonomi”, delområde 3206250 gemensamma projekt inom området för projektet – som ska genomföras inom området för 10 miljoner projektprojekt. (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
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    Visa Latvija
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