Operation and animation of LAGs 1 (Q61473)

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Project in Czech Republic financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Operation and animation of LAGs 1
Project in Czech Republic financed by DG Regio


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    2,345,923.45 Czech koruna
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    93,836.93800000001 Euro
    1 October 2020
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    2,469,393.11 Czech koruna
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    98,775.72439999999 Euro
    1 October 2020
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    95.0 percent
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    1 April 2017
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    31 December 2018
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    31 December 2018
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    MAS České středohoří, z.s.
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    Projekt je určen pro MAS České středohoří, z.s., IČ: 27036952, která získala 19. listopadu 2015 Osvědčení o splnění standardů MAS. Projekt je zacílen na operaci "Příprava a realizace SCLLD pro programové období 2014 - 2020", konkrétně na aktivity spojené s realizací strategie (např. příprava a vyhlašování výzev, příjem žádostí, hodnocení a výběr projektů, animace SCLLD, škol a školských zařízení, monitorování a evaluace SCLLD). (Czech)
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    The project is intended for the Czech Central Bank (MAS) (Czech Central Bank), z.s., ID: 27036952, which was granted a Certificate of Compliance with MAS on 19 November 2015. The project shall be targeted at the operation “Preparation and realisation of the SCLLD for the 2014-2020 programming period”, namely activities linked to the implementation of the strategy (e.g. preparation and announcement of calls, reception of applications, evaluation and selection of projects, animation of the SCD, schools and school facilities, monitoring and evaluation of the SCLLD). (English)
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