Development of renewable energy sources in Leżajsk commune (Q118477)

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Project Q118477 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
Development of renewable energy sources in Leżajsk commune
Project Q118477 in Poland


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    9,972,996.18 zloty
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    2,216,997.05 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    12,868,382.19 zloty
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    2,860,641.36 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    77.5 percent
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    12 April 2017
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    31 October 2019
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    50°15'41.18"N, 22°24'50.58"E
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    Proponowany projekt „parasolowy” pt. Rozwój odnawialnych źródeł energii na terenie Gminy Leżajsk dotyczy montażu instalacji OZE (kolektory słoneczne, instalacja fotowoltaiczna, pompy ciepła oraz automatyczne kotły na biomasę) w obiektach mieszkalnych na terenie Gminy Leżajsk.Projekt wyznacza za główny cel strategiczny „Wzrost wykorzystania odnawialnych źródeł energii oraz zmniejszenie emisji zanieczyszczeń powietrza na terenie Gminy Leżajsk, poprzez montaż na 950 na obiektach mieszkalnych do końca 2018 roku 1 213 szt. nowoczesnych instalacji OZE o łącznej mocy zainstalowanej 6,50 MW”.Postawiony cel strategiczny będzie realizowany za pomocą wyznaczonych celów szczegółowych: - zwiększenie od 2018 r. wykorzystania odnawialnych źródeł energii poprzez montaż w Gminie Leżajsk 1213 szt. instalacji OZE;- zmniejszenie w Gminie Leżajsk od 2019 r. emisji CO2 do atmosfery w wysokości 2 269,91 t CO2/rok,- zwiększenie wykorzystania od 2019 r. energii pochodzącej ze źródeł odnawialnych w Gminie Leżajsk w wyniku produkcji energii cieplnej z zamontowanych instalacji OZE w wysokości 5 045,65 MWht/rok- zwiększenie wykorzystania od 2019 r. energii pochodzącej ze źródeł odnawialnych w Gminie Leżajsk w wyniku produkcji energii elektrycznej z zamontowanych instalacji OZE w wysokości rok 850,98 MWhe/rokZakres rzeczowy obejmuje montaż:284 szt. instalacji fotowoltaicznych na budynkach mieszkalnych773 szt. kolektorów słonecznych na budynkach mieszkalnych96 szt. kotłów na biomasę w budynkach mieszkalnych60 szt. pomp ciepła na budynkach mieszkalnych (Polish)
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    Proposed “parasole” project The development of renewable energy sources in the Leżajsk commune concerns the installation of RES installations (solar collectors, photovoltaic installations, heat pumps and automatic biomass boilers) in residential facilities in the Leżajsk commune.The project sets as the main strategic goal "Increase the use of renewable energy sources and reduce the emissions of air pollutants in the Leżajsk commune, through installation on 950 on residential premises by the end of 2018 1 213 units. — increasing the use of renewable energy sources since 2018 by assembly in the Leżajsk Municipality 1213 RES installations;- reduction in the Leżajsk Municipality from 2019 CO2 emissions to the atmosphere of 2269.91 t CO2/year,- increasing the use of energy from renewable energy sources in 2019. (English)
    20 October 2020
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    Projet «ombrelle» proposé: Le développement de sources d’énergie renouvelables dans la municipalité de Leżajsk concerne l’installation d’installations SER (capteurs solaires, installations photovoltaïques, pompes à chaleur et chaudières à biomasse automatiques) dans des installations résidentielles de la commune de Leżajsk. Le projet fixe comme objectif stratégique principal «Accroître l’utilisation des sources d’énergie renouvelables et réduire les émissions de polluants atmosphériques dans la municipalité de Leżajsk, en installant 1 213 installations SER modernes d’une capacité totale installée de 6,50 MW à 950 sur les bâtiments résidentiels d’ici la fin de 2018». L’objectif stratégique sera mis en œuvre en utilisant des objectifs spécifiques: — le montant de l’énergie renouvelable de l’année 2019 de l’utilisation de l’énergie renouvelable dans les installations de production d’énergies renouvelables dans la municipalité de Légume en tant qu’énergie renouvelable/la réduction de l’utilisation de l’énergie renouvelable dans la municipalité de Leżajsk à partir de 2019 de l’utilisation de l’énergie renouvelable dans l’utilisation de l’énergie produite à partir d’installations installées à partir de l’énergie produite à partir de l’énergie produite à partir de la (French)
    2 December 2021
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    Vorgeschlagenes „Umbrella“-Projekt: Die Entwicklung erneuerbarer Energiequellen in der Gemeinde Leżajsk betrifft die Installation von RES-Anlagen (Solarkollektoren, Photovoltaikanlagen, Wärmepumpen und automatische Biomassekessel) in Wohnanlagen in der Gemeinde Leżajsk. Das Projekt hat als wichtigstes strategisches Ziel „Erhöhung der Nutzung erneuerbarer Energiequellen und Verringerung der Luftschadstoffemissionen in der Gemeinde Leżajsk durch die Installation von 1 213 modernen EE-Anlagen mit einer Gesamtkapazität von 6,50 MW bei 950 Wohngebäuden bis Ende 2018“. aus der Nutzung der erneuerbaren Energien in der Gemeinde Leżajsk resultieren aus der Nutzung der erneuerbaren Energien in der Gemeinde Leżajsk in der Gemeinde Leżajsk ab dem Jahr 2019 die Energieerzeugung aus erneuerbaren Energiequellen in Höhe von 5 045,65 MW/Jahr. Die Energieerzeugung aus erneuerbaren Quellen wird in der Gemeinde Leżajsk als Folge der Erzeugung von Energie aus erneuerbaren Energiequellen in der Gemeinde Leżajsk in der Gemeinde Leżajsk erzeugt. (German)
    7 December 2021
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    Voorgesteld overkoepelend project: De ontwikkeling van hernieuwbare energiebronnen in de gemeente Leżajsk betreft de installatie van RES-installaties (zonnecollectoren, fotovoltaïsche installaties, warmtepompen en automatische biomassaketels) in wooninstallaties in de gemeente Leżajsk. Het project stelt als belangrijkste strategische doelstelling „Verhoging van het gebruik van hernieuwbare energiebronnen en vermindering van de uitstoot van luchtverontreinigende stoffen in de gemeente Leżajsk, door de installatie van 1 213 moderne RES-installaties met een totale geïnstalleerde capaciteit van 6,50 MW op woongebouwen tegen het einde van 2018”. De strategische doelstelling zal worden uitgevoerd op basis van specifieke doelstellingen: — increase from 2018 the use of renewable energy sources by installing in the municipality of Leżajsk 1213 RES installations;- reduction in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 CO2 emissions to the atmosphere amounting to 2 269.91 t CO2/year,- increasing the use from renewable energy sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 as a result of the production of thermal energy from installed RES installations in the amount of 5 045.65 MWht/year — increasing the use since 2019 of energy from renewable sources in the commune of Leżajsk as a result of the production of electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.65 MWht/year — increasing the use since 2019 of energy from renewable sources in the commune of Leżajsk as a result of the production of electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increasing the use from renewable energy sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 as a result of the production of electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increase in the use from renewable energy sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 as a result of the production of electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increasing the use from renewable energy from renewable energy sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 as a result of the production of electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increasing the use of energy from renewable sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019, as a result of the production of electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increasing the use of renewable energy from renewable energy sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 as a result of producing electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increasing the use of renewable energy from renewable energy sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 as a result of producing electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increasing the use of renewable energy from renewable energy sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 as a result of producing electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increasing the use of renewable energy from renewable sources in the commune of Leżajsk as a result of the production of electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increasing the use of renewable energy from renewable energy sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 as a result of producing electricity from installed RES installations in the amount (Dutch)
    17 December 2021
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    Progetto "ombrello" proposto: Lo sviluppo delle fonti energetiche rinnovabili nel comune di Leżajsk riguarda l'installazione di impianti FER (collettori solari, impianti fotovoltaici, pompe di calore e caldaie automatiche a biomassa) in impianti residenziali nel comune di Leżajsk. Il progetto si pone come principale obiettivo strategico "Aumentare l'uso delle fonti energetiche rinnovabili e ridurre le emissioni di inquinanti atmosferici nel comune di Leżajsk, installando 1 213 moderni impianti FER con una capacità totale installata di 6,50 MW a 950 sugli edifici residenziali entro la fine del 2018". L'obiettivo strategico sarà attuato utilizzando obiettivi specifici: — increase from 2018 the use of renewable energy sources by installing in the municipality of Leżajsk 1213 RES installations;- reduction in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 CO2 emissions to the atmosphere amounting to 2 269.91 t CO2/year,- increasing the use from renewable energy sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 as a result of the production of thermal energy from installed RES installations in the amount of 5 045.65 MWht/year — increasing the use since 2019 of energy from renewable sources in the commune of Leżajsk as a result of the production of electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.65 MWht/year — increasing the use since 2019 of energy from renewable sources in the commune of Leżajsk as a result of the production of electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increasing the use from renewable energy sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 as a result of the production of electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increase in the use from renewable energy sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 as a result of the production of electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increasing the use from renewable energy from renewable energy sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 as a result of the production of electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increasing the use of energy from renewable sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019, as a result of the production of electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increasing the use of renewable energy from renewable energy sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 as a result of producing electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increasing the use of renewable energy from renewable energy sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 as a result of producing electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increasing the use of renewable energy from renewable energy sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 as a result of producing electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increasing the use of renewable energy from renewable sources in the commune of Leżajsk as a result of the production of electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increasing the use of renewable energy from renewable energy sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 as a result of producing electricity from installed RES installations in the amount (Italian)
    15 January 2022
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    Proyecto «paraguas» propuesto: El desarrollo de fuentes de energía renovables en el municipio de Leżajsk se refiere a la instalación de instalaciones FER (colectores solares, instalaciones fotovoltaicas, bombas de calor y calderas automáticas de biomasa) en instalaciones residenciales del municipio de Leżajsk. El proyecto establece como principal objetivo estratégico «Incrementar el uso de fuentes de energía renovables y reducir las emisiones de contaminantes atmosféricos en el municipio de Leżajsk, mediante la instalación de 1 213 instalaciones modernas de FER con una capacidad instalada total de 6,50 MW en edificios residenciales a finales de 2018». — increase from 2018 the use of renewable energy sources by installing in the municipality of Leżajsk 1213 RES installations;- reduction in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 CO2 emissions to the atmosphere amounting to 2 269.91 t CO2/year,- increasing the use from renewable energy sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 as a result of the production of thermal energy from installed RES installations in the amount of 5 045.65 MWht/year — increasing the use since 2019 of energy from renewable sources in the commune of Leżajsk as a result of the production of electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.65 MWht/year — increasing the use since 2019 of energy from renewable sources in the commune of Leżajsk as a result of the production of electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increasing the use from renewable energy sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 as a result of the production of electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increase in the use from renewable energy sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 as a result of the production of electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increasing the use from renewable energy from renewable energy sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 as a result of the production of electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increasing the use of energy from renewable sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019, as a result of the production of electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increasing the use of renewable energy from renewable energy sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 as a result of producing electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increasing the use of renewable energy from renewable energy sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 as a result of producing electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increasing the use of renewable energy from renewable energy sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 as a result of producing electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increasing the use of renewable energy from renewable sources in the commune of Leżajsk as a result of the production of electricity from installed RES installations in the amount of 850.98 MWhe/year — increasing the use of renewable energy from renewable energy sources in the municipality of Leżajsk from 2019 as a result of producing electricity from installed RES installations in the amount (Spanish)
    18 January 2022
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    Foreslået âEURparasoleâ EUR projekt Udviklingen af vedvarende energikilder i Leżajsk kommune vedrører installation af VE-installationer (solfangere, solcelleanlæg, varmepumper og automatiske biomassekedler) i boliganlæg i Leżajsk kommune. Projektet sætter som det vigtigste strategiske mål "Forøge anvendelsen af vedvarende energikilder og reducere emissionerne af luftforurenende stoffer i Leżajsk kommune gennem installation på 950 på boliglokaler ved udgangen af 2018 1 213 enheder.â EUR øge brugen af vedvarende energikilder siden 2018 ved samling i Leżajsk Kommune 1213 vedvarende energikilder;-året reduktion af CO2 i atmosfæren. (Danish)
    2 July 2022
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    Προτείνεται έργο âEURparasoleâ EUR Η ανάπτυξη των ανανεώσιμων πηγών ενέργειας στην κοινότητα Leżajsk αφορά την εγκατάσταση εγκαταστάσεων ΑΠΕ (ηλιακοί συλλέκτες, φωτοβολταϊκές εγκαταστάσεις, αντλίες θερμότητας και αυτόματοι λέβητες βιομάζας) σε οικιστικές εγκαταστάσεις στην κοινότητα Leżajsk.Το έργο θέτει ως κύριο στρατηγικό στόχο "Αύξηση της χρήσης ανανεώσιμων πηγών ενέργειας και μείωση των εκπομπών ατμοσφαιρικών ρύπων στην κοινότητα Leżajsk, μέσω της εγκατάστασης στις 950 σε οικιστικές εγκαταστάσεις έως το τέλος του 2018 1 213 μονάδες. â EUR αύξηση της χρήσης ανανεώσιμων πηγών ενέργειας από το 2018 με τη συναρμολόγηση στον δήμο Leżajsk από τις ανανεώσιμες πηγές ενέργειας 1213 RES από το 2019 έως το 2019 (Greek)
    2 July 2022
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    Predloženi projekt âEURparasoleâEUR Razvoj obnovljivih izvora energije u općini LeÅ3⁄4ajsk odnosi se na postavljanje postrojenja za proizvodnju energije iz obnovljivih izvora (solarne kolektore, fotonaponske instalacije, toplinske crpke i automatske kotlove na biomasu) u stambenim objektima u općini Ležajsk. Projekt postavlja kao glavni strateški cilj "Povećanje uporabe obnovljivih izvora energije i smanjenje emisija onečišćujućih tvari u zraku u općini Ležajsk, preko instalacije 950 u stambenim prostorima do kraja 2018. godine 1 213 jedinica. (Croatian)
    2 July 2022
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    Proiect propusparasolar Dezvoltarea surselor regenerabile de energie în comuna Leżajsk se referă la instalarea instalațiilor SRE (colectoare solare, instalații fotovoltaice, pompe de căldură și cazane automate pe biomasă) în instalații rezidențiale din comuna Leżajsk. Proiectul stabilește ca obiectiv strategic principal "Creșterea utilizării surselor regenerabile de energie și reducerea emisiilor de poluanți atmosferici în comuna Leżajsk, prin instalarea pe 950 în spațiile rezidențiale până la sfârșitul anului 2018 1 213 de unități. â EUR creșterea utilizării surselor regenerabile de energie începând cu 2018 prin asamblarea în municipalitatea Leżajsk 1213 a surselor regenerabile de energie, reducerea emisiilor de energie de la CO2 la 22. (Romanian)
    2 July 2022
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    Navrhovaný â EURparasoleâ EUR projekt Rozvoj obnoviteľných zdrojov energie v obci LeÅ 0,25ajsk sa týka inštalácie zariadení OZE (solárne kolektory, fotovoltaické zariadenia, tepelné čerpadlá a automatické kotly na biomasu) v obytných zariadeniach v LeÅ 0,25ajsk obci.Projekt stanovuje ako hlavný strategický cieľ "Zvýšiť využívanie obnoviteľných zdrojov energie a znížiť emisie látok znečisťujúcich ovzdušie v obci LeÅ 0,25ajsk, inštaláciou na 950 v obytných priestoroch do konca roka 2018 1 213 jednotiek. â EUR zvýšenie využívania obnoviteľných zdrojov energie od roku 2018 montážou v LeÅ25ajsk energie a zníženie emisií COÅ 0,25ajsk energie z 1213 RES zariadení; (Slovak)
    2 July 2022
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    Proposta âEUR parasoleâ EUR proġett L-iżvilupp ta ‘sorsi ta’ enerġija rinnovabbli fil-komun Leżajsk tikkonċerna l-installazzjoni ta ‘installazzjonijiet RES (kolletturi solari, installazzjonijiet fotovoltajċi, pompi tas-sħana u bojlers tal-bijomassa awtomatiċi) f’faċilitajiet residenzjali fil-komun Leżajsk. Il-proġett jistabbilixxi bħala l-għan strateġiku ewlieni "Żieda l-użu ta ‘sorsi ta’ enerġija rinnovabbli u jnaqqsu l-emissjonijiet ta ‘sustanzi li jniġġsu l-arja fis-sorsi Leżajsk, permezz ta ‘installazzjoni fuq 950 fuq bini residenzjali sa tmiem l-2018 1 213 units. (Maltese)
    2 July 2022
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    Projeto proposto O desenvolvimento de fontes de energia renováveis no município de Leżajsk diz respeito à instalação de instalações FER (coletores solares, instalações fotovoltaicas, bombas de calor e caldeiras automáticas de biomassa) em instalações residenciais na comuna de Leżajsk.O projeto estabelece como principal objetivo estratégico "Aumentar a utilização de fontes de energia renováveis e reduzir as emissões de poluentes atmosféricos no município de Leżajsk, através da instalação em 950 em instalações residenciais até ao final de 20 181 213 unidades. (Portuguese)
    2 July 2022
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    Ehdotettu hanke Uusiutuvien energialähteiden kehittäminen Leżajskin kunnassa koskee uusiutuvien energialähteiden (aurinkokeräimet, aurinkosähkölaitokset, lämpöpumput ja automaattiset biomassakattilat) asentamista asuintiloihin Leżajskin kunnassa. Hankkeen strategisena tavoitteena on lisätä uusiutuvien energialähteiden käyttöä ja vähentää ilman epäpuhtauksien päästöjä Leżajskin kunnassa asentamalla 950 asuintiloihin vuoden 2018 loppuun mennessä. Uusiutuvien energialähteiden käyttöä lisätään vuodesta 2018 lähtien kokoamalla uusiutuvia energialähteitä Leżajskin kunnassa. (Finnish)
    2 July 2022
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    Predlagani projekt â EURARSoleâ EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR za izgradnjo obnovljivih virov energije v LeÅ25ajsk občine 1213ajsk, z namestitvijo na 950 v bivalnih prostorih do konca leta 2018 1 213 enot. â EUR povečanje uporabe obnovljivih virov energije od leta 2018 z montažo v LeÅ⁄ajsk občine 1213 RES 2019. (Slovenian)
    2 July 2022
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    Navrhovaný projekt Rozvoj obnovitelných zdrojů energie v obci Leżajsk se týká instalace zařízení na výrobu energie z obnovitelných zdrojů (solárních kolektorů, fotovoltaických zařízení, tepelných čerpadel a automatických kotlů na biomasu) v obytných zařízeních v obci Leżajsk. Projekt stanoví jako hlavní strategický cíl "Zvýšení využívání obnovitelných zdrojů energie a snížení emisí látek znečišťujících ovzduší v obci Leżajsk prostřednictvím instalace na 950 v obytných prostorách do konce roku 2018 1 213 jednotek. (Czech)
    2 July 2022
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    Siūlomas ā EURparasoleâ EUR projektas Atsinaujinančiųjų energijos išteklių plėtra Le¼ajsk komunoje yra susijęs su AEI įrenginių (saulės kolektorių, fotovoltinių įrenginių, šilumos siurblių ir automatinių biomasės katilų) įrengimu gyvenamosiose patalpose Le¼ajsko savivaldybėje. Projektas nustato kaip pagrindinį strateginį tikslą "Padidinti atsinaujinančių energijos šaltinių naudojimą ir sumažinti oro teršalų išmetimą Le¼ajsko savivaldybėje, įrengiant 950 gyvenamųjų patalpų iki 2018 m. pabaigos. â padidinti atsinaujinančių energijos šaltinių naudojimą nuo 2018 m. iki 2019 m. (Lithuanian)
    2 July 2022
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    Ierosinātais projekts "Atjaunojamo energoresursu attīstība Leżajsk komūnā" attiecas uz AER iekārtu (saules kolektoru, fotoelektrisko iekārtu, siltumsūkņu un automātisko biomasas katlu) uzstādīšanu dzīvojamās ēkās Leżajsk komūnā. Projektā izvirzīts galvenais stratēģiskais mērķis "Palielināt atjaunojamo energoresursu izmantošanu un samazināt gaisa piesārņotāju emisijas Leżajskas komūnā, izmantojot 950 dzīvojamās telpās līdz 2018. gada beigām 1 213 vienības. (Latvian)
    2 July 2022
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    Проект â EURparasoleâEUR Разработването на възобновяеми енергийни източници в община Leżajsk се отнася до инсталирането на инсталации за ВЕИ (слънчеви колектори, фотоволтаични инсталации, термопомпи и автоматични котли на биомаса) в жилищни съоръжения в община Leżajsk. Проектът определя като основна стратегическа цел "Увеличаване на използването на възобновяеми енергийни източници и намаляване на емисиите на замърсители на въздуха в община Leżajsk, чрез инсталиране на 950 в жилищни помещения до края на 2018 г. — 1 213 блока. â EUR увеличаване на използването на възобновяеми енергийни източници от 2018 г. чрез монтаж в община Leżajsk от 1213 ВЕИ инсталации за 2020 г., намаляване на емисиите на CO2 в периода 2019 г. (Bulgarian)
    2 July 2022
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    Javasolt âparasoleâEUR projekt A megújuló energiaforrások fejlesztése Le¼ajsk településen a megújuló energiaforrások (napkollektorok, fotovoltaikus létesítmények, hőszivattyúk és automata biomassza kazánok) Le¼ajsk település lakólétesítményeiben történő telepítésére vonatkozik.A projekt fő stratégiai célja "A megújuló energiaforrások használatának növelése és a légszennyező anyagok kibocsátásának csökkentése Ležajsk településen 2018 végéig a lakóépületekben 950 létesítményen keresztül. â EUR-val növelve a megújuló energiaforrások használatát 2018 óta a Leżajsk településen történő összeszereléssel, és a Leżajsk település légszennyezőanyag-kibocsátásának csökkentését 2019 végéig 950 lakóépületben. â EUR-val növelve a megújuló energiaforrások használatát 2018 óta, a Leżajsk településen történő összeszereléssel, a szén-dioxid-kibocsátás 1213-tól a szén-dioxid-erőművekben. (Hungarian)
    2 July 2022
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    Tionscadal EUR â EURparasoleâ EUR â EUR â EUR â EURparasoleâ EURâ EURâ EURâ EURâ EURparasoleâ EURâ EURâ EURâ EURâ EURâ EURparasoleâ EURâ EURâ EURâ EURâ EURâ EURâ EURparasoleâ EURâ EURâ EUR "Baineann forbairt foinsí fuinnimh in-athnuaite i saoráidí fuinnimh in-athnuaite i saoráidí cónaithe i gcommune Ležajsk) le suiteáil i saoráidí cónaithe i commune. (Irish)
    2 July 2022
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    Föreslaget â EURparasoleâEUR Project Utvecklingen av förnybara energikällor i kommunen Leżajsk avser installation av anläggningar för förnybara energikällor (soluppsamlare, solcellsanläggningar, värmepumpar och värmepannor för automatisk biomassa) i bostäder i kommunen Leżajsk. Projektet sätter som det främsta strategiska målet ”öka användningen av förnybara energikällor och minska utsläppen av luftföroreningar i kommunen Leżajsk, genom installation på 950 i bostäder i slutet av 2018 1 213 enheter. â EUR öka användningen av förnybara energikällor sedan 2018 genom montering i Leżajsk kommuns minskning av koldioxidutsläppen från 22/13 förnybara energikällor i Leżaj kommun. (Swedish)
    2 July 2022
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    Kavandatav projekt Taastuvate energiaallikate arendamine Leżajski kommuunis puudutab taastuvate energiaallikate (päikesekollektorid, fotogalvaanilised seadmed, soojuspumbad ja biomassi automaatsed katlad) paigaldamist elamutesse Leżajski kommuunis. Projekti peamine strateegiline eesmärk on suurendada taastuvate energiaallikate kasutamist ja vähendada õhusaasteainete heitkoguseid Leżajski kommuunis, paigaldades 950-le elamutes 2018. aasta lõpuks 1 213 ühikut. (Estonian)
    2 July 2022
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    WOJ.: PODKARPACKIE, POW.: leżajski
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