Introduction to the offer of new services in order to diversify revenue sources and maintain the company on the market (Q4418507)
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Project Q4418507 in Poland
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Introduction to the offer of new services in order to diversify revenue sources and maintain the company on the market |
Project Q4418507 in Poland |
999,861.26 zloty
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222,269.16 Euro
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1,625,790.66 zloty
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361,413.26 Euro
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61.5 percent
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1 January 2021
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31 December 2021
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Realizacja projektu jest rezultatem reagowania Wnioskodawcy na obecną sytuacje rynkową w branży i polega na eliminowaniu negatywnych skutków wystąpienia COVID-19 poprzez inwestycje przyczyniającą się do wprowadzenia do Firmy nowych usług, które w przypadku wystąpienia ponownych obostrzeń na rynku oraz spadku przychodów z tytułu prowadzenia działalności, pozwolą na uzyskiwanie alternatywnych źródeł przychodów. W ramach zadania nabywany będzie urządzenie, które będzie wykorzystywane do wdrożenia do Firmy nowych rozwiązań. Wdrażane będą również rozwiązania TIK, które usprawnią działanie podmiotu w ciężkich czasach kryzysu oraz przyczynią się do redukcji kosztów w Firmie. Efektami kompletnie zrealizowanego projektu, będzie wdrożenie do działalności Wnioskodawcy nowych usług, rozszerzenie zakresu prowadzenia działalności, wzrost konkurencyjności, dzięki nowym rozwiązaniom, utrzymanie oraz zwiększenie zatrudnienia w Firmie, wzrost przychodów w firmie, pozytywna realizacja polityk horyzontalnych. Wnioskodawca sfinansuje projekt ze źródeł własnych. Wnioskodawca jest mikroprzedsiębiorcą, którego projekt będzie zlokalizowany na terenie wiejskim. (Polish)
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The implementation of the project is the result of the Applicant’s response to the current market situation in the industry and consists of eliminating the negative effects of the occurrence of COVID-19 through investments contributing to the introduction of new services to the Company, which, in the event of restrictions on the market and a decrease in revenues from conducting business, will allow to obtain alternative sources of revenue. As part of the task, a device will be purchased, which will be used to implement new solutions to the Company. ICT solutions will also be implemented, which will improve the operation of the entity in difficult times of crisis and contribute to the reduction of costs in the Company. The effects of a fully implemented project will be the implementation of new services into the business of the Applicant, expanding the scope of business, increasing competitiveness, thanks to new solutions, maintaining and increasing employment in the Company, increasing revenues in the company, and positive implementation of horizontal policies. The applicant will finance the project from its own sources. The applicant is a micro-entrepreneur whose project will be located in the countryside. (English)
21 October 2022
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The implementation of the project is the result of the Applicant’s response to the current market situation in the industry and consists of eliminating the negative effects of the occurrence of COVID-19 through investments contributing to the introduction of new services to the Company, which, in the event of restrictions on the market and a decrease in revenues from conducting business, will allow to obtain alternative sources of revenue. As part of the task, a device will be purchased, which will be used to implement new solutions to the Company. ICT solutions will also be implemented, which will improve the operation of the entity in difficult times of crisis and contribute to the reduction of costs in the Company. The effects of a fully implemented project will be the implementation of new services into the business of the Applicant, expanding the scope of business, increasing competitiveness, thanks to new solutions, maintaining and increasing employment in the Company, increasing revenues in the company, and positive implementation of horizontal policies. The applicant will finance the project from its own sources. The applicant is a micro-entrepreneur whose project will be located in the countryside. (English)
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WOJ.: ŁÓDZKIE, POW.: brzeziński
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