On the path of development – supporting and stimulating the activity of children with autism and couplings. (Q110855)
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Project Q110855 in Poland
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | On the path of development – supporting and stimulating the activity of children with autism and couplings. |
Project Q110855 in Poland |
83,997.5 zloty
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105,117.5 zloty
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1 September 2019
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31 December 2020
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Celem głównym projektu, który zostanie osiągnięty do 31.12.2020r., jest wyrównywanie szans edukacyjnych i rozwojowych 12 dzieci (9 chłopców 3 dziewczynki) z niepełnosprawnościami (DzN) tj. z autyzmem i ze sprzężeniami w wieku 3–9 lat, zamieszkałych na terenie p.legionowskiego poprzez organizację dodatkowych zajęć specjalistycznych, wspierających i wyrównujących szanse edukacyjne w zakresie stwierdzonych deficytów. Okres realizacji P.:01.09.19-31.12.2020 tj. 15 m-cy.Okres finan. istniejących miejsc wych. przedszkolnego tj. realizacja dodatkowej oferty edukacyjnej będzie prowadzona w okresie od 01.12.2019– 30.11.2020. DzN w szczególności potrzebują bardzo intensywnych oddziaływań terapeutycznych ukierunkowanych na ich indywidualne potrzeby w zakresie:komunikacji,rozwoju poznawczego,rozwoju sensomotorycznego oraz rozwoju społeczno-emocjonalnego.Podjęcie terapii w tym okresie rozwoju jest bardzo istotne ze względu na dużą plastyczność mózgu małego dziecku,ponieważ dzięki odpowiednim działaniom w znacznym stopniu zwiększamy szansę dziecka na szybsze przyswajanie wdrażanych umiejętności.Dzięki takim intensywnym stymulacjom podejmowanym na zajęciach terap. dziecko z autyzmem i sprzężeniami efektywniej będzie nabywało umiejętności związane z samodzielnością, z porozumiewaniem się oraz z funkcjonowaniem w relacji z rówieśnikami.Poprzez takie oddziaływania zmniejsza się możliwość wykluczenia społecznego dziecka,a zwiększa jego możliwości w zakresie optymalnego funkcjonowania w społeczeństwie.Dzięki realizacji projektu każde dziecko z autyzmem i sprzężeniami uczęszczające do przedszkola w roku szkolnym 2019/2020 (12DzN) oraz w toku realizacji projektu w roku szkol. 2020/2021, poddane zostanie treningowi umiejętności społecznych oraz dzieci będą uczestniczyły w grupowych zajęć wspierających i rozwijających umiejętności samoobsługowe i samodzielność, dogoterapii, koncertach muzycznych o charakterze terapeutycznym oraz warsztatach tanecznych o charakterze terapeutycznym. (Polish)
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The main objective of the project, to be achieved by 31.12.2020, is to equalise the educational and development opportunities of 12 children (9 boys 3 girls) with disabilities (DZN) i.e. with autism and couplings aged 3-9 years, residing in the territory of P.legionowski through the organisation of additional specialised activities, supporting and equalising educational opportunities in terms of identified deficits. Implementation period P.:01.09.19-31.12.2020 i.e. 15 months.Final period of the existing preschool facilities, i.e. the implementation of an additional educational offer will be carried out in the period from 01.12.2019-30.11.2020. In particular, DZN need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensomotorial development and socio-emotional development.Entreatment of therapy during this period of development is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because thanks to the proper functioning of the child, through proper actions we significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of children’s ability, the ability of the child to become effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with children’s abilities, in particular, they need very intensive therapeutic effects aimed at their individual needs in the field of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because due to proper activities, the functioning of the child will significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with children’s ability, the ability of the child to be effectively balanced with the corrective actions of the child will significantly increase the ability of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to this intensive stimulation of the child and the ability of the child to be effective with the ability of the child, the ability of the child to be satisfied with the ability of the child.In particular they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important because of the ability of the brain of a small child, because of proper functioning of the child, we significantly increase the chances of the child’s performance and faster absorption of the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations with children’s ability to be effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimu a faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of children, the ability of the child to be effective, because of the proper functioning of the child will be reduced by the ability of the child to perform more quickly and faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations of children and the ability of the child to be taken into account.In particular, they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs: communication, cognition, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-ethnic development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important because of the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because of the possibility of functioning of the child, due to the proper functioning of the child, and the ability of the child to achieve the 2020/2021 will be subjected to training of social skills and children will participate in group activities supporting and developing self-service skills and independence, dogotherapy, music concerts of a therapeutic character and dance workshops of a therapeutic character. (English)
20 October 2020
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Le principal objectif du projet, qui sera atteint d’ici le 31.12.2020, est de mettre à niveau les possibilités d’éducation et de développement de 12 enfants (9 garçons 3 filles) handicapés (DZN), c’est-à-dire avec autisme et couplages à l’âge de 3 à 9 ans, résidant dans la région de P.legionowski par l’organisation de classes spécialisées supplémentaires, soutenant et égalisant les possibilités d’éducation dans le domaine des déficits identifiés. Période de mise en œuvre P.:01.09.19-31.12.2020 i.e. 15 mois.La période de financement des places préscolaires existantes, c’est-à-dire la mise en œuvre d’une offre éducative complémentaire, se déroulera du 01.12.2019 au 30.11.2020. DZN en particulier besoin d’interactions thérapeutiques très intensives visant à leurs besoins individuels dans: le développement cognitif, le développementsensomory et le développement socio-émotionnel.La prise de la thérapie pendant cette période de développement est très importante en raison de la plasticité élevée du cerveau d’un petit enfant, grâce à des actions appropriées, nous augmentons considérablement les chances de l’enfant d’acquérir les compétences mises en œuvre plus rapidement. Grâce à cette stimulation intense entreprise pendant les cours de thérapie, un enfant avec autisme et couplages sera plus efficace dans l’acquisition de compétences liées à l’autonomie, avec compréhension et avec le fonctionnement par rapport aux pairs de l’enfant. 2020/2021, suivra une formation aux compétences sociales et les enfants participeront à des activités de groupe soutenant et développant des compétences en libre-service et l’autonomie, la dogothérapie, des concerts de musique thérapeutique et des ateliers de danse de nature thérapeutique. (French)
1 December 2021
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Das Hauptziel des Projekts, das bis zum 31.12.2020 erreicht werden soll, besteht darin, die Bildungs- und Entwicklungschancen von 12 Kindern (9 Jungen 3 Mädchen) mit Behinderungen (DZN) zu ebnen, d. h. mit Autismus und Kupplungen im Alter von 3-9 Jahren, die im Gebiet P.legionowski wohnen, durch die Organisation zusätzlicher Fachklassen, die Unterstützung und Chancengleichheit im Bereich der festgestellten Defizite. Durchführungszeitraum P.:01.09.19-31.12.2020 d. h. 15 Monate.Die Laufzeit der Finanzierung bestehender Vorschulplätze, d. h. die Durchführung eines zusätzlichen Bildungsangebots, wird vom 01.12.2019-30.11.2020 durchgeführt. DZN braucht vor allem sehr intensive therapeutische Interaktionen, die auf ihre individuellen Bedürfnisse ausgerichtet sind: kognitive Entwicklung, Sensibilisierung und sozioemotionale Entwicklung.Die Therapie während dieser Entwicklungsphase ist aufgrund der hohen Plastizität des Gehirns eines kleinen Kindes sehr wichtig, da wir aufgrund geeigneter Maßnahmen die Chance des Kindes erheblich erhöhen, die Fähigkeiten schneller zu erwerben. Dank der intensiven Stimulation während der Therapieklassen wird ein Kind mit Autismus und Kupplungen effektiver sein, um Fähigkeiten im Zusammenhang mit Selbstvertrauen, Verständnis und Funktion in Bezug auf die Gleichaltrige des Kindes zu erwerben. 2020/2021 werden Schulungen für soziale Kompetenzen durchgeführt, und Kinder werden an Gruppenaktivitäten teilnehmen, die Selbstbedienungskompetenzen und Selbstvertrauen, Dogotherapie, therapeutische Musikkonzerte und Tanzworkshops therapeutischer Art unterstützen und entwickeln. (German)
7 December 2021
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De belangrijkste doelstelling van het project, dat tegen 31.12.2020 zal worden verwezenlijkt, is het opvoeden en ontwikkelen van 12 kinderen (9 jongens 3 meisjes) met een handicap (DZN), d.w.z. met autisme en koppelingen op de leeftijd van 3-9 jaar, die in het P.legionowski-gebied wonen door de organisatie van extra gespecialiseerde klassen, ter ondersteuning en gelijkstelling van onderwijskansen op het gebied van vastgestelde tekorten. Uitvoeringsperiode P.:01.09.19-31.12.2020 d.w.z. 15 maanden.De periode van financiering van bestaande voorschoolse plaatsen, d.w.z. de uitvoering van een aanvullend educatief aanbod zal worden uitgevoerd van 1.12.2019-30.11.2020. DZN in het bijzonder hebben zeer intensieve therapeutische interacties gericht op hun individuele behoeften in: cognitieve ontwikkeling, gevoelige ontwikkeling en sociaal-emotionele ontwikkeling.Het opnemen van therapie tijdens deze periode van ontwikkeling is zeer belangrijk vanwege de hoge plasticiteit van de hersenen van een klein kind,door de juiste acties, we aanzienlijk de kans van het kind om de vaardigheden sneller geïmplementeerd te verwerven. Dankzij een dergelijke intense stimulatie tijdens de therapie klassen, een kind met autisme en koppelingen zal effectiever zijn in het verwerven van vaardigheden in verband met zelfredzaamheid, met begrip en met het functioneren in relatie tot de leeftijdsgenoten van het kind. 2020/2021 zal een opleiding inzake sociale vaardigheden volgen en kinderen zullen deelnemen aan groepsactiviteiten ter ondersteuning en ontwikkeling van zelfbedieningsvaardigheden en zelfredzaamheid, dogotherapie, therapeutische muziekconcerten en dansworkshops van therapeutische aard. (Dutch)
17 December 2021
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L'obiettivo principale del progetto, che sarà realizzato entro il 31.12.2020, è quello di livellare le opportunità educative e di sviluppo di 12 bambini (9 ragazzi 3 ragazze) con disabilità (DZN), cioè con autismo e accoppiamenti all'età di 3-9 anni, residenti nell'area di P.legionowski attraverso l'organizzazione di ulteriori classi specializzate, sostenendo ed equiparando le opportunità educative nel settore dei deficit individuati. Periodo di attuazione P.:01.09.19-31.12.2020, cioè 15 mesi.Il periodo di finanziamento dei luoghi prescolastici esistenti, vale a dire l'attuazione di un'offerta supplementare di istruzione, sarà effettuato dall'1.12.2019 al 30.11.2020. DZN in particolare ha bisogno di interazioni terapeutiche molto intense mirate alle loro esigenze individuali in: sviluppo cognitivo, sviluppo sensoriale e sviluppo socio-emotivo. Prendere la terapia durante questo periodo di sviluppo è molto importante a causa dell'elevata plasticità del cervello di un bambino piccolo, a causa di azioni appropriate, aumentiamo significativamente la possibilità del bambino di acquisire le abilità implementate più velocemente. Grazie a tale intensa stimolazione intrapresa durante le lezioni di terapia, un bambino con autismo e accoppiamenti sarà più efficace nell'acquisizione di competenze legate all'autosufficienza, alla comprensione e al funzionamento in relazione ai coetanei del bambino. 2020/2021, saranno oggetto di formazione sulle competenze sociali e i bambini parteciperanno ad attività di gruppo che supportano e sviluppano competenze self-service e autonomia, dogoterapia, concerti musicali terapeutici e laboratori di danza di natura terapeutica. (Italian)
15 January 2022
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El principal objetivo del proyecto, que se alcanzará antes del 31.12.2020, es nivelar las oportunidades educativas y de desarrollo de 12 niños (9 niños y 3 niñas) con discapacidad (DZN), es decir, con autismo y acoplamientos a la edad de 3-9 años, residentes en la zona de P.legionowski mediante la organización de clases especializadas adicionales, apoyando e igualando las oportunidades educativas en el ámbito de los déficits identificados. Período de ejecución P.:01.09.19-31.12.2020, es decir, P.:01.09.19-31.12.2020 15 meses.El período de financiación de las plazas preescolares existentes, es decir, la aplicación de una oferta educativa adicional, se llevará a cabo del 1.12.2019 al 30.11.2020. DZN en particular necesita interacciones terapéuticas muy intensivas dirigidas a sus necesidades individuales en: desarrollo cognitivo, desarrollo sensorial y desarrollo socio-emocional.La toma de terapia durante este período de desarrollo es muy importante debido a la alta plasticidad del cerebro de un niño pequeño, debido a las acciones adecuadas, aumentamos significativamente las posibilidades del niño de adquirir las habilidades implementadas más rápidamente. Gracias a la intensa estimulación realizada durante las clases de terapia, un niño con autismo y acoplamientos será más eficaz en la adquisición de habilidades relacionadas con la autosuficiencia, con comprensión y con el funcionamiento en relación con los compañeros del niño. 2020/2021, se impartirá formación en habilidades sociales y los niños participarán en actividades grupales de apoyo y desarrollo de habilidades de autoservicio y autosuficiencia, dogoterapia, conciertos de música terapéutica y talleres de danza de carácter terapéutico. (Spanish)
18 January 2022
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Hovedformålet med projektet, der skal nås senest den 31.12.2020, er at udligne uddannelses- og udviklingsmulighederne for 12 børn (9 drenge 3 piger) med handicap (DZN), dvs. med autisme og koblinger i alderen 3-9 år, der bor på P.legionowskis område, gennem tilrettelæggelse af yderligere specialiserede aktiviteter, støtte og udligning af uddannelsesmuligheder i form af identificerede mangler. Gennemførelsesperiode P.:01.09.19-31.12.2020, dvs. 15 måneder.Afsluttende periode for de eksisterende førskolefaciliteter, dvs. gennemførelsen af et supplerende uddannelsestilbud vil blive gennemført i perioden fra 01.12.2019-30.11.2020. In particular, DZN need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensomotorial development and socio-emotional development.Entreatment of therapy during this period of development is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because thanks to the proper functioning of the child, through proper actions we significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to become effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs abilities, in particular, they need very intensive therapeutic effects aimed at their individual needs in the field of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because due to proper activities, the functioning of the child will significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to be effectively balanced with the corrective actions of the child will significantly increase the ability of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to this intensive stimulation of the child and the ability of the child to be effective with the ability of the child, the ability of the child to be satisfied with the ability of the child.In particular they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important because of the ability of the brain of a small child, because of proper functioning of the child, we significantly increase the chances of the childâs performance and faster absorption of the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations with childrenâs ability to be effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimu a faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of children, the ability of the child to be effective, because of the proper functioning of the child will be reduced by the ability of the child to perform more quickly and faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations of children and the ability of the child to be taken into account.In particular, they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs: kommunikation, kognition, kognitiv udvikling, fornuftig udvikling og socio-etnisk udvikling og socio-emotionel udvikling.I denne udviklingsperiode er det meget vigtigt på grund af den høje plasticitet i hjernen hos et lille barn, på grund af muligheden for at fungere barnet, på grund af barnets korrekte funktion, og barnets evne til at opnå 2020/2021 vil blive udsat for uddannelse af sociale færdigheder, og børn vil deltage i gruppeaktiviteter, der støtter og udvikler selvbetjeningsfærdigheder og uafhængighed, dogoterapi, musikkoncerter af terapeutisk karakter og danseworkshops af terapeutisk karakter. (Danish)
2 July 2022
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Κύριος στόχος του έργου, που πρέπει να επιτευχθεί έως τις 31.12.2020, είναι να εξισωθούν οι εκπαιδευτικές και αναπτυξιακές ευκαιρίες 12 παιδιών (9 αγόρια 3 κορίτσια) με αναπηρία (DZN), δηλαδή με αυτισμό και συζεύξεις ηλικίας 3-9 ετών, που διαμένουν στην επικράτεια του P.legionowski μέσω της διοργάνωσης πρόσθετων εξειδικευμένων δραστηριοτήτων, υποστηρίζοντας και εξισώνοντας τις εκπαιδευτικές ευκαιρίες όσον αφορά τα διαπιστωθέντα ελλείμματα. Περίοδος υλοποίησης Π.:01.09.19-31.12.2020 δηλ. 15 μήνες.Τελική περίοδος των υφιστάμενων προσχολικών εγκαταστάσεων, δηλαδή η υλοποίηση πρόσθετης εκπαιδευτικής προσφοράς θα πραγματοποιηθεί κατά την περίοδο από 01.12.2019-30.11.2020. In particular, DZN need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensomotorial development and socio-emotional development.Entreatment of therapy during this period of development is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because thanks to the proper functioning of the child, through proper actions we significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to become effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs abilities, in particular, they need very intensive therapeutic effects aimed at their individual needs in the field of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because due to proper activities, the functioning of the child will significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to be effectively balanced with the corrective actions of the child will significantly increase the ability of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to this intensive stimulation of the child and the ability of the child to be effective with the ability of the child, the ability of the child to be satisfied with the ability of the child.In particular they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important because of the ability of the brain of a small child, because of proper functioning of the child, we significantly increase the chances of the childâs performance and faster absorption of the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations with childrenâs ability to be effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimu a faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of children, the ability of the child to be effective, because of the proper functioning of the child will be reduced by the ability of the child to perform more quickly and faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations of children and the ability of the child to be taken into account.In particular, they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs: επικοινωνία, γνωστική, γνωστική ανάπτυξη, λογική ανάπτυξη και κοινωνικο-εθνική ανάπτυξη και κοινωνικο-συναισθηματική ανάπτυξη.Σε αυτή την περίοδο ανάπτυξης είναι πολύ σημαντικό λόγω της υψηλής πλαστικότητας του εγκεφάλου ενός μικρού παιδιού, λόγω της δυνατότητας λειτουργίας του παιδιού, λόγω της εύρυθμης λειτουργίας του παιδιού, και της ικανότητας του παιδιού να επιτύχει το 2020/2021, θα υποβληθεί σε εκπαίδευση κοινωνικών δεξιοτήτων και τα παιδιά θα συμμετέχουν σε ομαδικές δραστηριότητες υποστήριξης και ανάπτυξης δεξιοτήτων αυτοεξυπηρέτησης και ανεξαρτησίας, δογοθεραπείας, μουσικών συναυλιών θεραπευτικού χαρακτήρα και χορευτικών εργαστηρίων θεραπευτικού χαρακτήρα. (Greek)
2 July 2022
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Glavni je cilj projekta, koji se treba ostvariti do 31.12.2020., izjednačiti mogućnosti obrazovanja i razvoja za 12 djece (9 dječaka 3 djevojčice) s teškoćama u razvoju (DZN), tj. s autizmom i povezivanjem u dobi od 3 do 9 godina, koja borave na području P.legionowskog organiziranjem dodatnih specijaliziranih aktivnosti, podupiranjem i izjednačavanjem obrazovnih mogućnosti u smislu utvrđenih deficita. Razdoblje provedbe P.:01.09.19 – 31.12.2020. odnosno 15 mjeseci. Završno razdoblje postojećih predškolskih ustanova, odnosno provedba dodatne obrazovne ponude provest će se u razdoblju od 01.12.2019 – 30.11.2020. In particular, DZN need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensomotorial development and socio-emotional development.Entreatment of therapy during this period of development is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because thanks to the proper functioning of the child, through proper actions we significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to become effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs abilities, in particular, they need very intensive therapeutic effects aimed at their individual needs in the field of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because due to proper activities, the functioning of the child will significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to be effectively balanced with the corrective actions of the child will significantly increase the ability of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to this intensive stimulation of the child and the ability of the child to be effective with the ability of the child, the ability of the child to be satisfied with the ability of the child.In particular they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important because of the ability of the brain of a small child, because of proper functioning of the child, we significantly increase the chances of the childâs performance and faster absorption of the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations with childrenâs ability to be effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimu a faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of children, the ability of the child to be effective, because of the proper functioning of the child will be reduced by the ability of the child to perform more quickly and faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations of children and the ability of the child to be taken into account.In particular, they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs: komunikacija, spoznaja, kognitivni razvoj, razuman razvoj i društveno-etnički razvoj i socio-emocionalni razvoj.U ovom razdoblju razvoja vrlo je važno zbog visoke plastičnosti mozga malog djeteta, zbog mogućnosti funkcioniranja djeteta, zbog pravilnog funkcioniranja djeteta, a sposobnost djeteta da postigne 2020/2021 bit će podvrgnuta osposobljavanju socijalnih vještina, a djeca će sudjelovati u grupnim aktivnostima koje podržavaju i razvijaju samoposlužne vještine i neovisnost, dogotherapy, glazbene koncerte terapeutskog karaktera i plesne radionice terapeutskog karaktera. (Croatian)
2 July 2022
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Obiectivul principal al proiectului, care urmează să fie realizat până la 31.12.2020, este egalizarea oportunităților educaționale și de dezvoltare a 12 copii (9 băieți 3 fete) cu dizabilități (DZN), adică cu autism și cuplaje în vârstă de 3-9 ani, cu reședința pe teritoriul P.legionowski prin organizarea de activități specializate suplimentare, sprijinirea și egalizarea oportunităților educaționale în ceea ce privește deficitele identificate. Perioada de implementare P.:01.09.19-31.12.2020 și anume 15 luni. Perioada finală a unităților preșcolare existente, adică implementarea unei oferte educaționale suplimentare se va desfășura în perioada 1.12.2019-30.11.2020. In particular, DZN need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensomotorial development and socio-emotional development.Entreatment of therapy during this period of development is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because thanks to the proper functioning of the child, through proper actions we significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to become effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs abilities, in particular, they need very intensive therapeutic effects aimed at their individual needs in the field of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because due to proper activities, the functioning of the child will significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to be effectively balanced with the corrective actions of the child will significantly increase the ability of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to this intensive stimulation of the child and the ability of the child to be effective with the ability of the child, the ability of the child to be satisfied with the ability of the child.In particular they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important because of the ability of the brain of a small child, because of proper functioning of the child, we significantly increase the chances of the childâs performance and faster absorption of the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations with childrenâs ability to be effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimu a faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of children, the ability of the child to be effective, because of the proper functioning of the child will be reduced by the ability of the child to perform more quickly and faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations of children and the ability of the child to be taken into account.In particular, they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs: comunicare, cunoaștere, dezvoltare cognitivă, dezvoltare sensibilă și dezvoltare socio-etnică și dezvoltare socio-emoțională. În această perioadă de dezvoltare este foarte important datorită plasticității ridicate a creierului unui copil mic, datorită posibilității de funcționare a copilului, datorită bunei funcționări a copilului, iar capacitatea copilului de a realiza 2020/2021 va fi supusă formării abilităților sociale, iar copiii vor participa la activități de grup care sprijină și dezvoltă abilități de autoservire și independență, dogoterapie, concerte de muzică cu caracter terapeutic și ateliere de dans cu caracter terapeutic. (Romanian)
2 July 2022
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Hlavným cieľom projektu, ktorý sa má dosiahnuť do 31.12.2020, je vyrovnať vzdelávacie a rozvojové príležitosti 12 detí (9 chlapcov 3 dievčatá) so zdravotným postihnutím (DZN), t. j. s autizmom a väzbami vo veku 3 – 9 rokov s bydliskom na území P.legionowského prostredníctvom organizácie ďalších špecializovaných aktivít, podpory a vyrovnávania vzdelávacích príležitostí z hľadiska zistených deficitov. Obdobie realizácie P.:01.09.19 – 31.12.2020, t. j. 15 mesiacov.Záverečné obdobie existujúcich predškolských zariadení, t. j. realizácia dodatočnej ponuky vzdelávania sa uskutoční v období od 01.12.2019 – 30.11.2020. In particular, DZN need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensomotorial development and socio-emotional development.Entreatment of therapy during this period of development is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because thanks to the proper functioning of the child, through proper actions we significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to become effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs abilities, in particular, they need very intensive therapeutic effects aimed at their individual needs in the field of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because due to proper activities, the functioning of the child will significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to be effectively balanced with the corrective actions of the child will significantly increase the ability of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to this intensive stimulation of the child and the ability of the child to be effective with the ability of the child, the ability of the child to be satisfied with the ability of the child.In particular they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important because of the ability of the brain of a small child, because of proper functioning of the child, we significantly increase the chances of the childâs performance and faster absorption of the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations with childrenâs ability to be effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimu a faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of children, the ability of the child to be effective, because of the proper functioning of the child will be reduced by the ability of the child to perform more quickly and faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations of children and the ability of the child to be taken into account.In particular, they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs: komunikácia, poznanie, kognitívny vývoj, rozumný vývoj a sociálno-etnický vývoj a sociálno-emocionálny vývoj.V tomto období vývoja je veľmi dôležité, pretože vysoká plasticita mozgu malého dieťaťa, pretože možnosť fungovania dieťaťa, vzhľadom na správne fungovanie dieťaťa, a schopnosť dieťaťa dosiahnuť 2020/2021 bude podrobená odbornej príprave sociálnych zručností a deti sa budú podieľať na skupinových aktivitách podporujúcich a rozvíjajúcich samoobslužné zručnosti a nezávislosť, dogoterapiu, hudobné koncerty terapeutického charakteru a tanečné dielne terapeutického charakteru. (Slovak)
2 July 2022
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L-objettiv ewlieni tal-proġett, li għandu jintlaħaq sal-31.12.2020, huwa li jiġu bbilanċjati l-opportunitajiet edukattivi u ta’ żvilupp ta’ 12-il tifel u tifla (9 subien 3 tfajliet) b’diżabilità (DZN) jiġifieri bl-awtiżmu u l-akkoppjamenti ta’ bejn it-3 u d-9 snin, li jirrisjedu fit-territorju ta’ P.legionowski permezz tal-organizzazzjoni ta’ attivitajiet speċjalizzati addizzjonali, li jappoġġaw u jugwalizzaw l-opportunitajiet edukattivi f’termini ta’ defiċits identifikati. Il-perjodu ta’ implimentazzjoni P.:01.09.19–31.12.2020 jiġifieri 15-il xahar.Perjodu finali tal-faċilitajiet eżistenti ta’ qabel l-iskola, jiġifieri l-implimentazzjoni ta’ offerta edukattiva addizzjonali se titwettaq fil-perjodu mill-1 ta’ Diċembru 2019 sat-30.11.2020. In particular, DZN need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensomotorial development and socio-emotional development.Entreatment of therapy during this period of development is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because thanks to the proper functioning of the child, through proper actions we significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to become effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs abilities, in particular, they need very intensive therapeutic effects aimed at their individual needs in the field of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because due to proper activities, the functioning of the child will significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to be effectively balanced with the corrective actions of the child will significantly increase the ability of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to this intensive stimulation of the child and the ability of the child to be effective with the ability of the child, the ability of the child to be satisfied with the ability of the child.In particular they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important because of the ability of the brain of a small child, because of proper functioning of the child, we significantly increase the chances of the childâs performance and faster absorption of the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations with childrenâs ability to be effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimu a faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of children, the ability of the child to be effective, because of the proper functioning of the child will be reduced by the ability of the child to perform more quickly and faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations of children and the ability of the child to be taken into account.In particular, they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs: il-komunikazzjoni, il-konjizzjoni, l-iżvilupp konjittiv, l-iżvilupp sensibbli u l-iżvilupp soċjo-etniku u l-iżvilupp soċjo-emozzjonali. F’dan il-perjodu ta’ żvilupp huwa importanti ħafna minħabba l-plastiċità għolja tal-moħħ ta’ tifel żgħir, minħabba l-possibbiltà ta’ funzjonament tat-tfal, minħabba l-funzjonament tajjeb tat-tfal, u l-kapaċità tat-tfal li jiksbu l-2020/2021 se jkunu soġġetti għal taħriġ fil-ħiliet soċjali u t-tfal se jipparteċipaw f’attivitajiet ta’ grupp li jappoġġaw u jiżviluppaw ħiliet self-service u indipendenza, dogoterapija, kunċerti mużikali ta’ natura terapewtika u workshops ta’ żfin ta’ natura terapewtika. (Maltese)
2 July 2022
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O principal objetivo do projeto, a ser alcançado até 31.12.2020, é igualar as oportunidades de educação e desenvolvimento de 12 crianças (9 putos 3 raparigas) com deficiência (DZN), ou seja, com autismo e acoplamentos de 3 a 9 anos, residentes no território de P.legionowski através da organização de atividades especializadas adicionais, apoiando e equalizando oportunidades educacionais em termos de défices identificados. Período de implementação P.:01.09.19-31.12.2020, ou seja, 15 meses.Período final das instalações pré-escolares existentes, ou seja, a implementação de uma oferta educacional adicional será realizada no período de 01.12.2019 a 30.11.2020. In particular, DZN need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensomotorial development and socio-emotional development.Entreatment of therapy during this period of development is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because thanks to the proper functioning of the child, through proper actions we significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to become effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs abilities, in particular, they need very intensive therapeutic effects aimed at their individual needs in the field of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because due to proper activities, the functioning of the child will significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to be effectively balanced with the corrective actions of the child will significantly increase the ability of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to this intensive stimulation of the child and the ability of the child to be effective with the ability of the child, the ability of the child to be satisfied with the ability of the child.In particular they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important because of the ability of the brain of a small child, because of proper functioning of the child, we significantly increase the chances of the childâs performance and faster absorption of the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations with childrenâs ability to be effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimu a faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of children, the ability of the child to be effective, because of the proper functioning of the child will be reduced by the ability of the child to perform more quickly and faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations of children and the ability of the child to be taken into account.In particular, they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs: comunicação, cognição, desenvolvimento cognitivo, desenvolvimento sensível e desenvolvimento socioétnico e socioemocional.Neste período de desenvolvimento é muito importante por causa da alta plasticidade do cérebro de uma criança pequena, devido à possibilidade de funcionamento da criança, devido ao bom funcionamento da criança, e a capacidade da criança para alcançar o 2020/2021 será submetida ao treinamento de habilidades sociais e as crianças participarão de atividades em grupo de apoio e desenvolvimento de habilidades de autoatendimento e independência, dogoterapia, concertos musicais de caráter terapêutico e oficinas de dança de caráter terapêutico. (Portuguese)
2 July 2022
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Hankkeen päätavoitteena, joka on määrä saavuttaa 31.12.2020 mennessä, on tasoittaa P.legionowskin alueella asuvan 12 lapsen (9 poikaa 3 tyttöä) koulutus- ja kehitysmahdollisuudet (DZN) eli autismi ja 3–9-vuotiaat kytkimet järjestämällä lisää erityistoimia, tukemalla ja tasoittamalla koulutusmahdollisuuksia havaittujen alijäämien osalta. Täytäntöönpanojakso P.:01.09.19–31.12.2020 eli 15 kuukautta. Nykyisten esikoulutilojen loppukausi eli lisäkoulutustarjous toteutetaan ajanjaksolla 01.12.2019–30.11.2020. In particular, DZN need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensomotorial development and socio-emotional development.Entreatment of therapy during this period of development is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because thanks to the proper functioning of the child, through proper actions we significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to become effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs abilities, in particular, they need very intensive therapeutic effects aimed at their individual needs in the field of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because due to proper activities, the functioning of the child will significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to be effectively balanced with the corrective actions of the child will significantly increase the ability of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to this intensive stimulation of the child and the ability of the child to be effective with the ability of the child, the ability of the child to be satisfied with the ability of the child.In particular they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important because of the ability of the brain of a small child, because of proper functioning of the child, we significantly increase the chances of the childâs performance and faster absorption of the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations with childrenâs ability to be effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimu a faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of children, the ability of the child to be effective, because of the proper functioning of the child will be reduced by the ability of the child to perform more quickly and faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations of children and the ability of the child to be taken into account.In particular, they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs: viestintä, kognitio, kognitiivinen kehitys, järkevä kehitys ja sosioetninen kehitys ja sosioemotionaalinen kehitys.Tällä kehitysjaksolla se on erittäin tärkeää pienen lapsen aivojen suuren plastisuuden vuoksi, koska lapsen toimintamahdollisuudet, lapsen asianmukainen toiminta ja lapsen kyky saavuttaa 2020/2021, joutuvat sosiaalisten taitojen koulutukseen ja lapset osallistuvat ryhmätoimintaan, joka tukee ja kehittää itsepalvelutaitoja ja itsenäisyyttä, dogoterapiaa, terapeuttisen luonteen musiikkikonsertteja ja terapeuttista luonnetta olevia tanssityöpajoja. (Finnish)
2 July 2022
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Glavni cilj projekta, ki ga je treba doseči do 31.12.2020, je izenačiti izobraževalne in razvojne možnosti 12 otrok (9 dečkov 3 deklice) invalidnih otrok (DZN) z avtizmom in spoji, starimi od 3 do 9 let, ki prebivajo na ozemlju P.legionowskega, z organizacijo dodatnih specializiranih dejavnosti, podpiranjem in izenačevanjem izobraževalnih možnosti v smislu ugotovljenih primanjkljajev. Obdobje izvajanja P.:01.09.19–31.12.2020, tj. 15 mesecev.Končno obdobje obstoječih predšolskih ustanov, tj. izvedba dodatne izobraževalne ponudbe bo izvedena v obdobju od 01.12.2019–30.11.2020. In particular, DZN need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensomotorial development and socio-emotional development.Entreatment of therapy during this period of development is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because thanks to the proper functioning of the child, through proper actions we significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to become effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs abilities, in particular, they need very intensive therapeutic effects aimed at their individual needs in the field of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because due to proper activities, the functioning of the child will significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to be effectively balanced with the corrective actions of the child will significantly increase the ability of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to this intensive stimulation of the child and the ability of the child to be effective with the ability of the child, the ability of the child to be satisfied with the ability of the child.In particular they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important because of the ability of the brain of a small child, because of proper functioning of the child, we significantly increase the chances of the childâs performance and faster absorption of the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations with childrenâs ability to be effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimu a faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of children, the ability of the child to be effective, because of the proper functioning of the child will be reduced by the ability of the child to perform more quickly and faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations of children and the ability of the child to be taken into account.In particular, they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs: komunikacija, spoznavanje, kognitivni razvoj, razumen razvoj in družbeno-etnični razvoj in družbeno-čustveni razvoj.V tem obdobju razvoja je zelo pomembno zaradi visoke plastičnosti možganov majhnega otroka, zaradi možnosti delovanja otroka, zaradi pravilnega delovanja otroka, in sposobnosti otroka, da doseže 2020/2021, bo podvržena usposabljanju socialnih veščin, otroci pa bodo sodelovali v skupinskih dejavnostih, ki podpirajo in razvijajo samopostrežne spretnosti in neodvisnost, dogoterapijo, glasbene koncerte terapevtskega značaja in plesne delavnice terapevtskega značaja. (Slovenian)
2 July 2022
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Hlavním cílem projektu, jehož má být dosaženo do 31. prosince 2020, je vyrovnat vzdělávací a rozvojové příležitosti 12 dětí (9 chlapců 3 dívek) se zdravotním postižením (DZN), tj. s autismem a propojením ve věku 3–9 let, které pobývají na území P.legionowski prostřednictvím organizace dalších specializovaných činností, podpory a vyrovnání vzdělávacích příležitostí, pokud jde o zjištěné deficity. Prováděcí období P.:01.09.19–31.12.2020, tj. 15 měsíců.Závěrečné období stávajících předškolních zařízení, tj. realizace dodatečné vzdělávací nabídky bude probíhat v období od 01.12.2019–30.11.2020. In particular, DZN need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensomotorial development and socio-emotional development.Entreatment of therapy during this period of development is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because thanks to the proper functioning of the child, through proper actions we significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to become effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs abilities, in particular, they need very intensive therapeutic effects aimed at their individual needs in the field of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because due to proper activities, the functioning of the child will significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to be effectively balanced with the corrective actions of the child will significantly increase the ability of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to this intensive stimulation of the child and the ability of the child to be effective with the ability of the child, the ability of the child to be satisfied with the ability of the child.In particular they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important because of the ability of the brain of a small child, because of proper functioning of the child, we significantly increase the chances of the childâs performance and faster absorption of the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations with childrenâs ability to be effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimu a faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of children, the ability of the child to be effective, because of the proper functioning of the child will be reduced by the ability of the child to perform more quickly and faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations of children and the ability of the child to be taken into account.In particular, they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs: komunikace, poznávání, kognitivní rozvoj, rozumný rozvoj a socio-etnický rozvoj a socio-emocionální rozvoj.V tomto období vývoje je velmi důležité vzhledem k vysoké plasticitě mozku malého dítěte, protože možnost fungování dítěte, vzhledem k řádnému fungování dítěte, a schopnost dítěte dosáhnout 2020/2021 budou podrobeny školení sociálních dovedností a děti se zúčastní skupinových aktivit podporujících a rozvoj samoobslužných dovedností a nezávislosti, dogoterapie, hudebních koncertů terapeutického charakteru a tanečních workshopů terapeutického charakteru. (Czech)
2 July 2022
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Pagrindinis projekto tikslas, kuris turi būti pasiektas iki 2020 m. gruodžio 31 d., yra suvienodinti 12 vaikų (9 berniukai 3 mergaitės) su negalia (DZN) švietimo ir vystymosi galimybes, t. y. su 3–9 metų amžiaus autizmu ir mazgais, gyvenančiais P.legionowski teritorijoje, organizuojant papildomą specializuotą veiklą, remiant ir suvienodinant švietimo galimybes nustatytų trūkumų atžvilgiu. Įgyvendinimo laikotarpis P.:01.09.19–31.12.2020, t. y. 15 mėnesių.Galutinis esamų ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų laikotarpis, t. y. papildomo švietimo pasiūlymo įgyvendinimas bus vykdomas laikotarpiu nuo 2019 12 01 iki 2020 11 30. In particular, DZN need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensomotorial development and socio-emotional development.Entreatment of therapy during this period of development is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because thanks to the proper functioning of the child, through proper actions we significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to become effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs abilities, in particular, they need very intensive therapeutic effects aimed at their individual needs in the field of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because due to proper activities, the functioning of the child will significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to be effectively balanced with the corrective actions of the child will significantly increase the ability of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to this intensive stimulation of the child and the ability of the child to be effective with the ability of the child, the ability of the child to be satisfied with the ability of the child.In particular they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important because of the ability of the brain of a small child, because of proper functioning of the child, we significantly increase the chances of the childâs performance and faster absorption of the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations with childrenâs ability to be effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimu a faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of children, the ability of the child to be effective, because of the proper functioning of the child will be reduced by the ability of the child to perform more quickly and faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations of children and the ability of the child to be taken into account.In particular, they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs: bendravimas, pažinimas, kognityvinis vystymasis, protingas vystymasis ir socialinis-etninis vystymasis ir socialinis-emocinis vystymasis.Šiuo vystymosi laikotarpiu tai labai svarbu dėl didelio mažo vaiko smegenų plastiškumo, nes vaiko funkcionavimo galimybė, dėl tinkamo vaiko veikimo ir vaiko gebėjimo pasiekti 2020/2021, bus mokomi socialinių įgūdžių, o vaikai dalyvaus grupinėje veikloje, remiančioje ir plėtojant savitarnos įgūdžius ir nepriklausomybę, dogoterapijos, muzikos koncertus terapinio pobūdžio ir šokio seminarus terapinio pobūdžio. (Lithuanian)
2 July 2022
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Projekta galvenais mērķis, kas jāsasniedz līdz 2020. gada 31. decembrim, ir izlīdzināt izglītības un attīstības iespējas 12 bērniem (9 zēni 3 meitenes) ar invaliditāti (DZN), t. i., ar autismu un saitēm vecumā no 3 līdz 9 gadiem, kuri dzīvo P.legionowski teritorijā, organizējot papildu specializētus pasākumus, atbalstot un izlīdzinot izglītības iespējas konstatēto trūkumu ziņā. Īstenošanas periods P.:01.09.19–31.12.2020., t. i., 15 mēneši. Esošo pirmsskolas iestāžu galīgais periods, t. i., papildu izglītības piedāvājuma īstenošana tiks veikta periodā no 01.12.2019.-30.11.2020. In particular, DZN need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensomotorial development and socio-emotional development.Entreatment of therapy during this period of development is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because thanks to the proper functioning of the child, through proper actions we significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to become effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs abilities, in particular, they need very intensive therapeutic effects aimed at their individual needs in the field of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because due to proper activities, the functioning of the child will significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to be effectively balanced with the corrective actions of the child will significantly increase the ability of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to this intensive stimulation of the child and the ability of the child to be effective with the ability of the child, the ability of the child to be satisfied with the ability of the child.In particular they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important because of the ability of the brain of a small child, because of proper functioning of the child, we significantly increase the chances of the childâs performance and faster absorption of the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations with childrenâs ability to be effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimu a faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of children, the ability of the child to be effective, because of the proper functioning of the child will be reduced by the ability of the child to perform more quickly and faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations of children and the ability of the child to be taken into account.In particular, they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs: komunikācija, izziņas, kognitīvā attīstība, saprātīga attīstība un sociāli etniskā attīstība un sociāli emocionālā attīstība.Šajā attīstības periodā tas ir ļoti svarīgi, jo maza bērna smadzenes ir augstas plastiskums, jo bērna funkcionēšanas iespēja, pateicoties bērna pareizai darbībai, un bērna spēja sasniegt 2020./2021. gadu tiks pakļauta sociālo prasmju apmācībai, un bērni piedalīsies grupu aktivitātēs, kas atbalsta un attīstīs pašapkalpošanās prasmes un neatkarību, dogoterapiju, terapeitiska rakstura mūzikas koncertus un terapeitiska rakstura deju darbnīcas. (Latvian)
2 July 2022
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Основната цел на проекта, която трябва да бъде постигната до 31.12.2020 г., е да се изравнят възможностите за образование и развитие на 12 деца (9 момчета 3 момичета) с увреждания (ДЗН), т.е. с аутизъм и съединители на възраст 3—9 години, пребиваващи на територията на П.легьоновски, чрез организиране на допълнителни специализирани дейности, подкрепа и изравняване на образователните възможности по отношение на установените дефицити. Период на изпълнение П.:01.09.19—31.12.2020 г., т.е. 15 месеца. Окончателен период на съществуващите предучилищни заведения, т.е. изпълнението на допълнително образователно предложение ще бъде осъществено в периода от 01.12.2019 г. до 30.11.2020 г. In particular, DZN need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensomotorial development and socio-emotional development.Entreatment of therapy during this period of development is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because thanks to the proper functioning of the child, through proper actions we significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to become effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs abilities, in particular, they need very intensive therapeutic effects aimed at their individual needs in the field of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because due to proper activities, the functioning of the child will significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to be effectively balanced with the corrective actions of the child will significantly increase the ability of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to this intensive stimulation of the child and the ability of the child to be effective with the ability of the child, the ability of the child to be satisfied with the ability of the child.In particular they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important because of the ability of the brain of a small child, because of proper functioning of the child, we significantly increase the chances of the childâs performance and faster absorption of the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations with childrenâs ability to be effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimu a faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of children, the ability of the child to be effective, because of the proper functioning of the child will be reduced by the ability of the child to perform more quickly and faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations of children and the ability of the child to be taken into account.In particular, they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs: комуникация, познание, когнитивно развитие, разумно развитие и социално-етническо развитие и социално-емоционално развитие.В този период на развитие е много важно поради високата пластичност на мозъка на малко дете, поради възможността за функциониране на детето, поради правилното функциониране на детето, а способността на детето да постигне 2020/2021 г. ще бъде подложена на обучение на социални умения, а децата ще участват в групови дейности за подкрепа и развитие на умения за самообслужване и независимост, доготерапия, музикални концерти с терапевтичен характер и танцови работилници с терапевтичен характер. (Bulgarian)
2 July 2022
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A projekt fő célja, hogy a P.legionowski területén élő 12 (9 fiú 3 lány) fogyatékossággal élő gyermek (DZN) oktatási és fejlesztési lehetőségeinek kiegyenlítése, azaz autizmussal és 3–9 éves kapcsolatokkal rendelkező, P.legionowski területén élő gyermekek oktatási és fejlesztési lehetőségeinek kiegyenlítése további speciális tevékenységek szervezésével, az oktatási lehetőségeknek az azonosított hiányok tekintetében történő támogatásával és kiegyenlítésével valósuljon meg. Végrehajtási időszak P.:01.09.19–2020.12.31., azaz 15 hónap.A meglévő óvodai létesítmények végső időszaka, azaz egy további oktatási ajánlat végrehajtása a 2019. december 1. és 2020. november 30. közötti időszakban történik. In particular, DZN need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensomotorial development and socio-emotional development.Entreatment of therapy during this period of development is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because thanks to the proper functioning of the child, through proper actions we significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to become effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs abilities, in particular, they need very intensive therapeutic effects aimed at their individual needs in the field of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because due to proper activities, the functioning of the child will significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to be effectively balanced with the corrective actions of the child will significantly increase the ability of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to this intensive stimulation of the child and the ability of the child to be effective with the ability of the child, the ability of the child to be satisfied with the ability of the child.In particular they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important because of the ability of the brain of a small child, because of proper functioning of the child, we significantly increase the chances of the childâs performance and faster absorption of the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations with childrenâs ability to be effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimu a faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of children, the ability of the child to be effective, because of the proper functioning of the child will be reduced by the ability of the child to perform more quickly and faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations of children and the ability of the child to be taken into account.In particular, they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs: kommunikáció, kognitív fejlődés, értelmes fejlődés, társadalmi-etnikai fejlődés és társadalmi-érzelmi fejlődés.A fejlődés ezen időszakában nagyon fontos, mert a kisgyermek agyának nagy plaszticitása, a gyermek működésének lehetősége, a gyermek megfelelő működése és a gyermek 2020/2021 elérésére való képessége miatt nagyon fontos a szociális készségek képzése, és a gyermekek részt vesznek az önkiszolgáló készségeket és függetlenséget támogató és fejlődő csoportos tevékenységekben, dogoterápia, terápiás jellegű zenei koncertek és terápiás jellegű táncműhelyek. (Hungarian)
2 July 2022
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Is é príomhchuspóir an tionscadail, atá le baint amach faoin 31.12.2020, cothromú a dhéanamh ar dheiseanna oideachais agus forbartha 12 leanbh (9 mbuachaill 3 chailíní) faoi mhíchumas (DZN) i.e. le huathachas agus cúpláin idir 3 agus 9 mbliana d’aois, a bhfuil cónaí orthu i gcríoch P.legionowski trí ghníomhaíochtaí speisialaithe breise a eagrú, tacú le deiseanna oideachais agus iad a chothromú ó thaobh easnaimh shainaitheanta de. Tréimhse cur chun feidhme P.:01.09.19-31.12.2020 i.e. 15 mhí.Tréimhse deiridh na saoráidí réamhscoile atá ann cheana, i.e. déanfar tairiscint bhreise oideachais a chur i bhfeidhm sa tréimhse ón 01.12.2019-30.11.2020. In particular, DZN need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensomotorial development and socio-emotional development.Entreatment of therapy during this period of development is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because thanks to the proper functioning of the child, through proper actions we significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to become effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs abilities, in particular, they need very intensive therapeutic effects aimed at their individual needs in the field of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because due to proper activities, the functioning of the child will significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to be effectively balanced with the corrective actions of the child will significantly increase the ability of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to this intensive stimulation of the child and the ability of the child to be effective with the ability of the child, the ability of the child to be satisfied with the ability of the child.In particular they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important because of the ability of the brain of a small child, because of proper functioning of the child, we significantly increase the chances of the childâs performance and faster absorption of the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations with childrenâs ability to be effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimu a faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of children, the ability of the child to be effective, because of the proper functioning of the child will be reduced by the ability of the child to perform more quickly and faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations of children and the ability of the child to be taken into account.In particular, they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs: cumarsáid, cognaíocht, forbairt chognaíoch, forbairt chiallmhar agus forbairt shoch-eitneach agus forbairt shoch-eitneach agus forbairt shoch-mhothúchánach.Sa tréimhse forbartha seo tá sé an-tábhachtach mar gheall ar ardphlaisteachas inchinn linbh bhig, mar gheall ar an bhféidearthacht go bhfeidhmeoidh an leanbh, mar gheall ar fheidhmiú cuí an linbh, agus mar gheall ar chumas an linbh oiliúint a chur ar scileanna sóisialta agus beidh leanaí rannpháirteach i ngníomhaíochtaí grúpa a thacóidh le scileanna féinseirbhíse agus neamhspleáchas, dgotherapy, ceolchoirmeacha ceoil de charachtar teiripeach agus ceardlanna damhsa de chineál teiripeach, agus a fhorbróidh iad. (Irish)
2 July 2022
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Huvudsyftet med projektet, som ska uppnås senast den 31 december 2020, är att utjämna utbildnings- och utvecklingsmöjligheterna för 12 barn (9 pojkar 3 flickor) med funktionsnedsättning (DZN), dvs. med autism och kopplingar i åldern 3–9 år, bosatta i P.legionowskis territorium genom att organisera ytterligare specialiserad verksamhet, stödja och utjämna utbildningsmöjligheter i form av konstaterade brister. Genomförandeperiod P.:01.09.19–31.12.2020 dvs. 15 månader.Slutperioden för de befintliga förskoleanläggningarna, dvs. genomförandet av ett ytterligare utbildningserbjudande kommer att genomföras under perioden 01.12.2019–30.11.2020. In particular, DZN need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensomotorial development and socio-emotional development.Entreatment of therapy during this period of development is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because thanks to the proper functioning of the child, through proper actions we significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to become effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs abilities, in particular, they need very intensive therapeutic effects aimed at their individual needs in the field of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because due to proper activities, the functioning of the child will significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to be effectively balanced with the corrective actions of the child will significantly increase the ability of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to this intensive stimulation of the child and the ability of the child to be effective with the ability of the child, the ability of the child to be satisfied with the ability of the child.In particular they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important because of the ability of the brain of a small child, because of proper functioning of the child, we significantly increase the chances of the childâs performance and faster absorption of the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations with childrenâs ability to be effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimu a faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of children, the ability of the child to be effective, because of the proper functioning of the child will be reduced by the ability of the child to perform more quickly and faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations of children and the ability of the child to be taken into account.In particular, they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs: kommunikation, kognition, kognitiv utveckling, förnuftig utveckling och socio-etnisk utveckling och socio-emotionell utveckling.I denna utvecklingsperiod är det mycket viktigt på grund av den höga plasticiteten i hjärnan hos ett litet barn, på grund av barnets möjlighet att fungera, på grund av barnets korrekta funktion, och barnets förmåga att uppnå 2020/2021 kommer att utsättas för utbildning av sociala färdigheter och barn kommer att delta i gruppaktiviteter som stöder och utvecklar självbetjäningsförmåga och självständighet, dogoterapi, musikkonserter av terapeutisk karaktär och dansverkstäder av terapeutisk karaktär. (Swedish)
2 July 2022
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Projekti peamine eesmärk, mis tuleb saavutada 31. detsembriks 2020, on võrdsustada P.legionowski territooriumil elavate 12 puudega lapse (9 poissi 3 tüdrukut) haridus- ja arenguvõimalused (DZN), st 3–9-aastaste autismi ja ühendustega, korraldades täiendavaid eritegevusi, toetades ja võrdsustades haridusvõimalusi tuvastatud puudujääkide osas. Rakendusperiood P.:01.09.19–31.12.2020, st 15 kuud. Olemasolevate koolieelsete asutuste lõppperiood, st täiendava hariduspakkumise rakendamine toimub ajavahemikul 01.12.2019–30.11.2020. In particular, DZN need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensomotorial development and socio-emotional development.Entreatment of therapy during this period of development is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because thanks to the proper functioning of the child, through proper actions we significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to become effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs abilities, in particular, they need very intensive therapeutic effects aimed at their individual needs in the field of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important due to the high plasticity of the brain of a small child, because due to proper activities, the functioning of the child will significantly increase the chances of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation with childrenâs ability, the ability of the child to be effectively balanced with the corrective actions of the child will significantly increase the ability of the child to assimilate the implemented skills.Thanks to this intensive stimulation of the child and the ability of the child to be effective with the ability of the child, the ability of the child to be satisfied with the ability of the child.In particular they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs in the areas of communication, cognitive development, sensible development and socio-emotional development.In this period of development it is very important because of the ability of the brain of a small child, because of proper functioning of the child, we significantly increase the chances of the childâs performance and faster absorption of the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations with childrenâs ability to be effective, because of proper activities, we significantly increase the chance of the child to assimu a faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulation of children, the ability of the child to be effective, because of the proper functioning of the child will be reduced by the ability of the child to perform more quickly and faster assimi the implemented skills.Thanks to such intense stimulations of children and the ability of the child to be taken into account.In particular, they need very intensive therapeutic interactions aimed at their individual needs: kommunikatsioon, tunnetus, kognitiivne areng, mõistlik areng ja sotsiaal-etniline areng ja sotsiaal-emotsionaalne areng.Sellel arenguperioodil on väga oluline, sest suur plastilisus aju väike laps, sest võimalus toimida lapse nõuetekohase toimimise tõttu ja lapse võime saavutada 2020/2021 läbivad koolitus sotsiaalseid oskusi ja lapsed osalevad rühma tegevusi, mis toetavad ja arendada iseteenindus oskusi ja sõltumatust, dogoteraapia, muusika kontserdid terapeutiline iseloom ja tantsu töötoad terapeutiline iseloom. (Estonian)
2 July 2022
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