Construction of Voivodeship Road No. 747 at the Radawiec section – Konopnica junction (S -19) (Q88466)
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Project Q88466 in Poland
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Construction of Voivodeship Road No. 747 at the Radawiec section – Konopnica junction (S -19) |
Project Q88466 in Poland |
16,170,494.02 zloty
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19,024,110.62 zloty
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12 January 2016
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30 November 2017
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Przedmiotem Projektu jest budowa nowego odcinka drogi wojewódzkiej nr 747 Iłża - Lipsko - Solec n/Wisłą - Opole Lubelskie - Bełżyce - Konopnica stanowiącej dojazd do węzła "Konopnica" w ciągu drogi ekspresowej S-19 na odcinku od km 91+159,84 do km 94+925,84 wraz z zabezpieczeniem lub przebudową urządzeń obcych kolidujących z budowaną drogą i obiektami inżynierskimi. Realizacja Projektu obejmuje budowę: odcinka drogi wojewódzkiej nr 747, skrzyżowań z innymi drogami publicznymi, dróg serwisowych, skrzyżowań z drogami serwisowymi, zatok autobusowych, ciągów pieszych i rowerowych, zjazdów publicznych, systemu odwodnienia powierzchniowego wraz ze zbiornikiem infiltracyjno-retencyjnym, oświetlenia drogowego skrzyżowań wraz z zasilaniem, przepustów pod korpusem drogi wojewódzkiej, drogami serwisowymi i drogami bocznymi, budowę/przebudowę zjazdów indywidualnych, rozbiórkę i budowę przepustów na istniejących rowach melioracyjnych, przełożenie i konserwację odcinka istniejącego rowu melioracyjnego, wprowadzenie nowej organizacji ruchu drogowego, przebudowę i zabezpieczenie istniejącej sieci infrastruktury uzbrojenia terenu (sieć elektroenergetyczna, gazowa, teletechniczna, wodociągowa), która wystąpi w kolizji z budowaną drogą wojewódzką i przebudowywanymi drogami innych kategorii, wycinkę wszystkich drzew i krzewów kolidujących z budowaną drogą i jej elementami, nasadzenie drzew i krzewów, budowę ekranów akustycznych, rozbiórkę istniejących elementów dróg i ulic, itp. Wskaźnikiem produktu jest: Długość wybudowanych dróg wojewódzkich = 3,76 km. Głównymi użytkownikami Projektu będą mieszkańcy Lubelskiego Obszaru Funkcjonalnego, mieszkańcy województwa lubelskiego, kierowcy samochodów osobowych w ruchu tranzytowym, kierowcy zawodowi samochodów dostawczych i ciężarowych, turyści odwiedzający Lublin. (Polish)
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747 Iłża – Lipsko – Solec n/Wisła – Opole Lubelskie – Bełżyce – Konopnica, which provides access to the Konopnica junction during the S-19 express road section from km 91 + 159.84 to km 94 + 925.84, including security or reconstruction of foreign equipment conflicting with the road and engineering facilities built. Implementation of the Project includes the construction of: section of the regional road, etc., intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, bus bays, pedestrian and cycle routes, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration-retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodeship roads, maintenance roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions and alternating of existing roads, intersections of the roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, cross-sections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with bus bays, pedestrians and cycles, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration and retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodship road, construction of the existing waterways and roads, construction of grooves and interiors on existing roads, culverts, culverts under the body of the voivodship roads, service roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service The product indicator shall be: Length of built voivodeship roads = 3.76 km. The main users of the Project will be residents of Lublin Functional Area, residents of Lubelskie Voivodeship, drivers of passenger cars in transit traffic, drivers of commercial vans and trucks, tourists visiting Lublin. (English)
14 October 2020
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Le projet concerne la construction d’un nouveau tronçon de la route de voïvodie no 747 Iłża — Leipzig — Solec n/Wisła — Opole Lubelskie — Bełżyce — Konopnica, qui permet d’accéder au carrefour Konopnica à l’intérieur de l’autoroute S-19 du km 91 + 159,84 au km 94 + 925,84, ainsi que la protection ou la reconstruction d’équipements étrangers qui interfèrent avec les structures routières et techniques en cours de construction. La mise en œuvre du projet comprend la construction de: section de la route de voïvodie no 747, intersections avec d’autres routes publiques, routes de service, intersections avec routes de service, baies d’autobus, routes piétonnes et cyclables, sorties publiques, système de drainage de surface avec infiltration et citerne de retenue, éclairage routier des intersections avec alimentation électrique, ponceaux sous la carrosserie provinciale, routes de service et routes latérales, construction/reconstruction de sorties individuelles, démolition et construction de ponceaux sur les fossés de drainage existants, translocalisation et entretien d’une section du fossé de drainage existant, introduction d’une nouvelle organisation du trafic, reconstruction et protection du réseau existant d’infrastructures d’armement terrestre (électricité, gaz, télétechnique, réseaux d’approvisionnement en eau), qui entreront en collision avec la route régionale construite et les routes reconstruites d’autres catégories, l’abattage de tous les arbres et arbustes en conflit avec la route et ses éléments, la plantation d’arbres et d’arbustes, la construction d’écrans acoustiques, la démolition d’éléments de route et de rue existants, etc. L’indicateur de sortie est: Longueur des routes provinciales construites = 3,76 km. Les principaux utilisateurs du projet seront les résidents de la zone fonctionnelle de Lublin, les résidents de la voïvodie de Lubelskie, les conducteurs de voitures particulières en transit, les conducteurs professionnels de camionnettes et de camions, les touristes visitant Lublin. (French)
30 November 2021
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Das Projekt betrifft den Bau eines neuen Abschnitts der Woiwodschaftsstraße Nr. 747 Iłża – Leipzig – Solec n/Wisła – Opole Lubelskie – Bełżyce – Konopnica, der Zugang zur Kreuzung Konopnica innerhalb der Schnellstraße S-19 von km 91 + 159,84 bis km 94 + 925.84 bietet, sowie den Schutz oder die Rekonstruktion ausländischer Ausrüstung, die den Bau der Straßen- und Ingenieurbauten beeinträchtigt. Die Projektdurchführung umfasst den Bau von: Abschnitt der Woiwodschaft Straße Nr. 747, Kreuzungen mit anderen öffentlichen Straßen, Dienststraßen, Kreuzungen mit Dienststraßen, Busbuchten, Fußgänger- und Fahrradrouten, öffentliche Ausgänge, Oberflächenentwässerungssystem mit Infiltration und Hafttank, Straßenbeleuchtung von Kreuzungen mit Stromversorgung, kulverts unter der Provinz Straßenbau, Dienststraßen und Nebenstraßen, Bau/Wiederaufbau von einzelnen Ausgängen, Abriss und Bau von Schiefern auf bestehenden Entwässerungsgräben, Translokation und Instandhaltung eines Abschnitts des bestehenden Entwässerungsgrabens, Einführung einer neuen Verkehrsorganisation, Wiederaufbau und Schutz des bestehenden Netzes der Bodenbewaffnungsinfrastruktur (Strom, Gas, Teletechnik, Wasserversorgungsnetze), die mit der gebauten Regionalstraße und den umgebauten Straßen anderer Kategorien kollidieren, das Abholzen aller Bäume und Sträucher, die mit der Straße und ihren Elementen in Konflikt stehen, Bäume und Sträucher pflanzen, akustische Bildschirme bauen, bestehende Straßen- und Straßenelemente abbauen usw. Der Output-Indikator ist: Länge der gebauten Landstraßen = 3,76 km. Die wichtigsten Nutzer des Projekts werden Bewohner des Lublin Funktionsbereichs sein, Einwohner der Woiwodschaft Lubelskie, Fahrer von Personenkraftwagen im Transit, professionelle Fahrer von Vans und LKW, Touristen besuchen Lublin. (German)
7 December 2021
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Het project betreft de aanleg van een nieuw deel van de woiwodschapsweg nr. 747 Iłża — Leipzig — Solec n/Wisła — Opole Lubelskie — Bełżyce — Konopnica, die toegang biedt tot het knooppunt Konopnica binnen de S-19-snelweg van km 91 + 159,84 tot km 94 + 925,84, alsmede de bescherming of wederopbouw van buitenlands materieel dat de aanleg van wegen en technische constructies verstoort. De uitvoering van het project omvat de bouw van: deel van de woiwodschapsweg nr. 747, kruispunten met andere openbare wegen, dienstwegen, kruispunten met dienstwegen, busbekkens, voetgangers- en fietsroutes, openbare uitgangen, afwateringssysteem voor de oppervlakte met infiltratie- en detentietank, wegverlichting van kruispunten met stroomvoorziening, halversnellingen onder het provinciale weglichaam, dienstwegen en zijwegen, bouw/heraanleg van individuele uitgangen, sloop en bouw van duikgaten op bestaande afvoersloten; translocatie en onderhoud van een deel van de bestaande drainagegracht, invoering van een nieuwe verkeersorganisatie, wederopbouw en bescherming van het bestaande netwerk van grondbewapeningsinfrastructuur (elektriciteit, gas, teletechnische, watervoorzieningsnetten), die in botsing zullen komen met de aangelegde regionale weg en herbouwde wegen van andere categorieën, het kappen van alle bomen en struiken die in strijd zijn met de weg en de elementen ervan, het planten van bomen en struiken, het bouwen van akoestische schermen, de sloop van bestaande weg- en straatelementen, enz. De outputindicator is: Lengte van de aangelegde provinciale wegen = 3,76 km. De belangrijkste gebruikers van het project zijn bewoners van het functionele gebied Lublin, inwoners van het woiwodschap Lubelskie, chauffeurs van personenauto’s in transit, professionele chauffeurs van bestelwagens en vrachtwagens, toeristen die Lublin bezoeken. (Dutch)
16 December 2021
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Il progetto riguarda la costruzione di un nuovo tratto della strada voivodata n. 747 Iłża — Lipsia — Solec n/Wisła — Opole Lubelskie — Bełżyce — Konopnica, che consente l'accesso al raccordo Konopnica all'interno della superstrada S-19 dal km 91 + 159,84 al km 94 + 925,84, nonché la protezione o la ricostruzione di attrezzature straniere che interferiscono con le strutture stradali e ingegneristiche in corso di costruzione. L'attuazione del progetto comprende la costruzione di: sezione della strada voivodata n. 747, intersezioni con altre strade pubbliche, strade di servizio, intersezioni con strade di servizio, baie per autobus, percorsi pedonali e ciclabili, uscite pubbliche, sistema di drenaggio superficiale con infiltrazione e cisterna di fermo, illuminazione stradale di intersezioni con alimentazione elettrica, culverti sotto il corpo stradale provinciale, strade di servizio e strade laterali, costruzione/ricostruzione di uscite individuali, demolizione e costruzione di culverti su fossati esistenti, la traslocazione e la manutenzione di un tratto del fossato esistente, l'introduzione di una nuova organizzazione del traffico, la ricostruzione e la protezione della rete esistente di infrastrutture di armamento di terra (elettricità, gas, reti teletecniche, di approvvigionamento idrico), che si scontrano con la strada edificata regionale e le strade ricostruite di altre categorie, l'abbattimento di tutti gli alberi e gli arbusti in conflitto con la strada e i suoi elementi, la piantagione di alberi e arbusti, la costruzione di schermi acustici, la demolizione di elementi stradali e stradali esistenti, ecc. L'indicatore di output è: Lunghezza delle strade provinciali costruite = 3,76 km. I principali utenti del progetto saranno i residenti dell'Area Funzionale Lublino, i residenti del Voivodato di Lubelskie, i conducenti di autovetture in transito, gli autisti professionisti di furgoni e camion, i turisti che visitano Lublino. (Italian)
16 January 2022
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El proyecto se refiere a la construcción de un nuevo tramo de la carretera voivoda n.º 747 Iłża — Leipzig — Solec n/Wisła — Opole Lubelskie — Bełżyce — Konopnica, que permite el acceso al cruce Konopnica dentro de la autopista S-19 desde el km 91 + 159,84 hasta el km 94 + 925.84, junto con la protección o reconstrucción de equipos extranjeros que interfieren con las estructuras viarias y de ingeniería que se están construyendo. La ejecución del proyecto incluye la construcción de: sección de la carretera voivoda n.º 747, intersecciones con otras vías públicas, vías de servicio, intersecciones con carreteras de servicio, bahías de autobuses, rutas para peatones y bicicletas, salidas públicas, sistema de drenaje superficial con tanque de infiltración y detención, iluminación de las intersecciones con suministro de energía, alcantarillado bajo el cuerpo de la carretera provincial, carreteras de servicio y carreteras laterales, construcción/reconstrucción de salidas individuales, demolición y construcción de alcantarillas en las zanjas de drenaje existentes, translocación y mantenimiento de un tramo de la zanja de drenaje existente, introducción de una nueva organización del tráfico, reconstrucción y protección de la red existente de infraestructura de armamento terrestre (electricidad, gas, teletécnica, redes de suministro de agua), que chocará con la carretera regional construida y reconstruirá carreteras de otras categorías, tala de todos los árboles y arbustos en conflicto con la carretera y sus elementos, plantación de árboles y arbustos, construcción de pantallas acústicas, demolición de elementos de carreteras y calles existentes, etc. El indicador de realización es: Longitud de las carreteras provinciales construidas = 3,76 km. Los principales usuarios del proyecto serán los residentes del Área Funcional de Lublin, los residentes del Voivodato de Lubelskie, los conductores de turismos en tránsito, los conductores profesionales de furgonetas y camiones, los turistas que visiten Lublin. (Spanish)
19 January 2022
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747 IÅża Lipsko âEUR Solec n/WisÅa Opole Lubelskie â EUR BeÅżyce â EUR Konopnica, som giver adgang til Konopnica krydset under S-19 ekspresvejsstrækningen fra km 91 + 159.84 til km 94 + 925.84, herunder sikkerhed eller genopbygning af udenlandsk udstyr i strid med vej- og ingeniørfaciliteter bygget. Gennemførelsen af projektet omfatter opførelse af: section of the regional road, etc., intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, bus bays, pedestrian and cycle routes, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration-retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodeship roads, maintenance roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions and alternating of existing roads, intersections of the roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, cross-sections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with bus bays, pedestrians and cycles, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration and retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodship road, construction of the existing waterways and roads, construction of grooves and interiors on existing roads, culverts, culverts under the body of the voivodship roads, service roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service The product indicator shall be: Længde af bygget voivodship veje = 3,76 km. De vigtigste brugere af projektet vil være beboere i Lublin Functional Area, beboere i Lubelskie Voivodeship, chauffører af personbiler i transittrafik, chauffører af kommercielle varevogne og lastbiler, turister, der besøger Lublin. (Danish)
26 July 2022
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747 IÅża â EUR Lipsko â EUR Solec n/WisÅa âEUR Opole Lubelskie â EUR Beżyce â EUR Konopnica, η οποία παρέχει πρόσβαση στη διασταύρωση Konopnica κατά τη διάρκεια του τμήματος ταχείας κυκλοφορίας S-19 από το km 91 + 159,84 σε km 94 + 925.84, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της ασφάλειας ή της ανακατασκευής του ξένου εξοπλισμού που έρχονται σε σύγκρουση με το δρόμο και μηχανικές εγκαταστάσεις που κατασκευάζονται. Η υλοποίηση του Έργου περιλαμβάνει την κατασκευή: section of the regional road, etc., intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, bus bays, pedestrian and cycle routes, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration-retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodeship roads, maintenance roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions and alternating of existing roads, intersections of the roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, cross-sections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with bus bays, pedestrians and cycles, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration and retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodship road, construction of the existing waterways and roads, construction of grooves and interiors on existing roads, culverts, culverts under the body of the voivodship roads, service roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service The product indicator shall be: Μήκος δομημένων οδών βοεβοδάτου = 3,76 χλμ. Οι κύριοι χρήστες του έργου θα είναι κάτοικοι της λειτουργικής περιοχής του Λούμπλιν, κάτοικοι του βοεβοδάτου Lubelskie, οδηγοί επιβατικών αυτοκινήτων σε διαμετακομιστική κυκλοφορία, οδηγοί εμπορικών φορτηγών και φορτηγών, τουρίστες που επισκέπτονται το Λούμπλιν. (Greek)
26 July 2022
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747 IÅţa âEUR Lipsko â EUR Solec n/WisÅa â EUR Opole Lubelskie âEUR BeÅÂyce âEUR Konopnica, koja omogućuje pristup na Konopnica križanju tijekom dionice S-19 ekspresne ceste od km 91 + 159,84 do km 94 + 925.84, ukljuÄ ujuÄ i sigurnost ili rekonstrukciju inozemne opreme koja je u sukobu s izgrađenim cestovnim i inženjerskim objektima. Provedba projekta uključuje izgradnju: section of the regional road, etc., intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, bus bays, pedestrian and cycle routes, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration-retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodeship roads, maintenance roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions and alternating of existing roads, intersections of the roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, cross-sections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with bus bays, pedestrians and cycles, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration and retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodship road, construction of the existing waterways and roads, construction of grooves and interiors on existing roads, culverts, culverts under the body of the voivodship roads, service roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service The product indicator shall be: Dužina izgrađenih voivodeship cesta = 3,76 km. Glavni korisnici projekta bit će stanovnici Lublinskog funkcionalnog područja, stanovnici Lubelskog vojvodstva, vozači osobnih automobila u tranzitnom prometu, vozači komercijalnih kombija i kamiona, turisti koji posjećuju Lublin. (Croatian)
26 July 2022
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747 Iża â EUR Lipsko â EUR Solec n/WisÅa â EUR Opole Lubelskie â EUR Beżyce â EUR Konopnica, care oferă acces la intersecția Konopnica în timpul tronsonului de drum expres S-19 de la km 91 + 159,84 la km 94 + 925.84, inclusiv securitatea sau reconstrucția echipamentelor străine care intră în conflict cu facilitățile rutiere și de inginerie construite. Implementarea proiectului include construirea de: section of the regional road, etc., intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, bus bays, pedestrian and cycle routes, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration-retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodeship roads, maintenance roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions and alternating of existing roads, intersections of the roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, cross-sections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with bus bays, pedestrians and cycles, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration and retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodship road, construction of the existing waterways and roads, construction of grooves and interiors on existing roads, culverts, culverts under the body of the voivodship roads, service roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service The product indicator shall be: Lungimea drumurilor voievodate construite = 3,76 km. Principalii utilizatori ai proiectului vor fi rezidenții zonei funcționale Lublin, rezidenți ai voievodatului Lubelskie, șoferi de autoturisme în trafic de tranzit, șoferi de camionete comerciale și camioane, turiști care vizitează Lublin. (Romanian)
26 July 2022
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747 IÅ 0,25a â EUR Lipsko â EUR Solec n/WisÅa â EUR Opole Lubelskie â EUR BeÅ 0,25yce â EUR Konopnica, ktorá poskytuje prístup na križovatku Konopnica počas úseku rýchlostnej cesty S-19 od km 91 + 159,84 km 94 + 925,84, vrátane zabezpečenia alebo rekonštrukcie zahraničného vybavenia v rozpore s cestnou a inžinierskymi zariadeniami postavenými. Realizácia projektu zahŕňa výstavbu: section of the regional road, etc., intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, bus bays, pedestrian and cycle routes, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration-retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodeship roads, maintenance roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions and alternating of existing roads, intersections of the roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, cross-sections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with bus bays, pedestrians and cycles, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration and retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodship road, construction of the existing waterways and roads, construction of grooves and interiors on existing roads, culverts, culverts under the body of the voivodship roads, service roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service The product indicator shall be: Dĺžka vybudovaných ciest vojvodstva = 3,76 km. Hlavnými používateľmi projektu budú obyvatelia Lublinského funkčného priestoru, obyvatelia Lubelského vojvodstva, vodiči osobných automobilov v tranzitnej doprave, vodiči komerčných dodávok a nákladných vozidiel, turisti navštevujúci Lublin. (Slovak)
26 July 2022
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747 IÅża â EUR Lipsko â EUR Solec n/WisÅa â EUR Opole Lubelskie â EUR BeÅżyce â EUR Konopnica, li jipprovdi aċċess għall-ġunzjoni Konopnica matul is-sezzjoni triq express S-19 minn km 91 + 159.84 km 94 + 925.84, Inklużi sigurtà jew rikostruzzjoni ta ‘tagħmir barrani konfliġġenti mal-faċilitajiet tat-triq u inġinerija mibnija. L-implimentazzjoni tal-Proġett tinkludi l-kostruzzjoni ta’: section of the regional road, etc., intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, bus bays, pedestrian and cycle routes, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration-retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodeship roads, maintenance roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions and alternating of existing roads, intersections of the roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, cross-sections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with bus bays, pedestrians and cycles, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration and retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodship road, construction of the existing waterways and roads, construction of grooves and interiors on existing roads, culverts, culverts under the body of the voivodship roads, service roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service The product indicator shall be: Tul tat-toroq mibnija għall-voivodeship = 3.76 km. L-utenti ewlenin tal-Proġett se jkunu r-residenti taż-Żona Funzjonali ta’ Lublin, ir-residenti ta’ Lubelskie Voivodeship, is-sewwieqa ta’ karozzi tal-passiġġieri fi traffiku ta’ tranżitu, is-sewwieqa ta’ vannijiet u trakkijiet kummerċjali, it-turisti li jżuru Lublin. (Maltese)
26 July 2022
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747 Iża âEUR Lipsko âEUR Solec n/WisÅa âEUR Opole Lubelskie âEUR BeÅżyce âEUR Konopnica, que fornece acesso ao cruzamento Konopnica durante o troço de estrada expresso S-19 do km 91 +159,84 a km 94 +925,84, incluindo a segurança ou reconstrução de equipamentos estrangeiros em conflito com a estrada e as instalações de engenharia construídas. A implementação do Projeto inclui a construção de: section of the regional road, etc., intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, bus bays, pedestrian and cycle routes, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration-retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodeship roads, maintenance roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions and alternating of existing roads, intersections of the roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, cross-sections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with bus bays, pedestrians and cycles, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration and retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodship road, construction of the existing waterways and roads, construction of grooves and interiors on existing roads, culverts, culverts under the body of the voivodship roads, service roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service The product indicator shall be: Comprimento das estradas de voivodia construídas = 3,76 km. Os principais utentes do Projeto serão residentes da Área Funcional de Lublin, residentes da Voivodia de Lubelskie, condutores de carros de passageiros em trânsito, condutores de vans comerciais e camiões, turistas visitando Lublin. (Portuguese)
26 July 2022
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747 IÅża â EUR Lipsko â EUR Solec n/WisÅa â EUR Opole Lubelskie â EUR BeÅżyce â EUR Konopnica, joka tarjoaa pääsyn Konopnica risteykseen aikana S-19 pikatie osuudella kilometri 91 + 159,84 km 94 + 925.84, mukaan lukien turvallisuus tai jälleenrakentaminen ulkomaisten laitteiden ristiriidassa tie- ja insinööripalvelut rakennettu. Hankkeen toteuttamiseen kuuluu seuraavien osien rakentaminen: section of the regional road, etc., intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, bus bays, pedestrian and cycle routes, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration-retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodeship roads, maintenance roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions and alternating of existing roads, intersections of the roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, cross-sections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with bus bays, pedestrians and cycles, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration and retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodship road, construction of the existing waterways and roads, construction of grooves and interiors on existing roads, culverts, culverts under the body of the voivodship roads, service roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service The product indicator shall be: Rakennettujen voivodikunnan teiden pituus = 3,76 km. Hankkeen pääkäyttäjiä ovat Lublinin toiminnallisen alueen asukkaat, Lubelskien voivodikunnan asukkaat, kauttakulkuliikenteessä olevien henkilöautojen kuljettajat, kaupallisten pakettiautojen ja kuorma-autojen kuljettajat, Lublinissa vierailevat matkailijat. (Finnish)
26 July 2022
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747 IÅÅÅ3⁄4a â EUR â EUR Lipsko â EUR â EUR â EUR Solec n/WisÅa â EUR Opole Lubelskie â EUR BeÅÅÅ⁄Yce â EUR Konopnica, ki omogoča dostop do križišča Konopnica med hitrim cestnim odsekom S-19 od km 91 +159.84 do km 94 +925.84, vključno z varnostjo ali obnovo tuje opreme, ki je v nasprotju s cesto in gradbenimi objekti. Izvajanje projekta vključuje gradnjo: section of the regional road, etc., intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, bus bays, pedestrian and cycle routes, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration-retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodeship roads, maintenance roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions and alternating of existing roads, intersections of the roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, cross-sections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with bus bays, pedestrians and cycles, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration and retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodship road, construction of the existing waterways and roads, construction of grooves and interiors on existing roads, culverts, culverts under the body of the voivodship roads, service roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service The product indicator shall be: Dolžina zgrajenih cest voivodeship = 3,76 km. Glavni uporabniki projekta bodo prebivalci funkcionalnega območja Lublina, prebivalci Lubelskega vojvodstva, vozniki osebnih avtomobilov v tranzitnem prometu, vozniki komercialnih kombijev in tovornjakov, turisti, ki obiščejo Lublina. (Slovenian)
26 July 2022
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747 Iża › Lipsko â EUR Solec n/WisÅa › Opole Lubelskie › Beżyce â EUR Konopnica, která poskytuje přístup ke křižovatce Konopnica během úseku rychlostní komunikace S-19 od km 91 + 159,84 do km 94 + 925.84, včetně zabezpečení nebo rekonstrukce zahraničního zařízení v rozporu s vybudovanými silničními a inženýrskými zařízeními. Realizace projektu zahrnuje výstavbu: section of the regional road, etc., intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, bus bays, pedestrian and cycle routes, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration-retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodeship roads, maintenance roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions and alternating of existing roads, intersections of the roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, cross-sections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with bus bays, pedestrians and cycles, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration and retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodship road, construction of the existing waterways and roads, construction of grooves and interiors on existing roads, culverts, culverts under the body of the voivodship roads, service roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service The product indicator shall be: Délka vybudovaných vojvodských silnic = 3,76 km. Hlavními uživateli projektu budou obyvatelé Lublin Funkční oblasti, obyvatelé Lubelského vojvodství, řidiči osobních automobilů v tranzitní dopravě, řidiči komerčních dodávek a nákladních automobilů, turisté navštěvující Lublin. (Czech)
26 July 2022
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747 Lipsko ā EUR Lipsko ā EUR Solec n/WisÅa â EUR Opole Lubelskie â EUR BeÅżyce â EUR Konopnica, kuri suteikia priėjimą prie Konopnicos sankryžos per S-19 greitkelio ruožą nuo 91 km + 159,84 km 94 + 925.84, įskaitant saugumo ar rekonstravimo užsienio įrangos, prieštaraujančios kelių ir inžinerinių įrenginių pastatytas. Projekto įgyvendinimas apima: section of the regional road, etc., intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, bus bays, pedestrian and cycle routes, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration-retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodeship roads, maintenance roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions and alternating of existing roads, intersections of the roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, cross-sections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with bus bays, pedestrians and cycles, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration and retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodship road, construction of the existing waterways and roads, construction of grooves and interiors on existing roads, culverts, culverts under the body of the voivodship roads, service roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service The product indicator shall be: Vaivadijos kelių ilgis = 3,76 km. Pagrindiniai projekto naudotojai bus Liublino funkcinės erdvės gyventojai, Lubelskie vaivadijos gyventojai, tranzitinių automobilių vairuotojai, komercinių furgonų ir sunkvežimių vairuotojai, Liublino lankomi turistai. (Lithuanian)
26 July 2022
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747 IÅża â EUR Lipsko â EUR Solec n/WisÅa â EUR Opole Lubelskie â EUR BeÅżyce â EUR Konopnica, kas nodrošina piekļuvi Konopnica krustojuma laikā S-19 ātrgaitas ceļa posmā no 91 km + 159,84 līdz km 94 + 925.84, ieskaitot drošību vai rekonstrukciju ārvalstu iekārtu pretrunā ar ceļu un inženierijas iekārtas būvētas. Projekta īstenošana ietver: section of the regional road, etc., intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, bus bays, pedestrian and cycle routes, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration-retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodeship roads, maintenance roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions and alternating of existing roads, intersections of the roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, cross-sections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with bus bays, pedestrians and cycles, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration and retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodship road, construction of the existing waterways and roads, construction of grooves and interiors on existing roads, culverts, culverts under the body of the voivodship roads, service roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service The product indicator shall be: Izbūvēto vojevodistes ceļu garums = 3,76 km. Projekta galvenie lietotāji būs Ļubļinas funkcionālā apgabala iedzīvotāji, Lubelskie Voivodeship iedzīvotāji, tranzīta vieglo automobiļu vadītāji, komercautobusu un kravas automobiļu vadītāji, tūristi, kas apmeklēs Ļubļinu. (Latvian)
26 July 2022
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747 IÅża â EUR Lipsko â EUR Solec n/WisÅa â EUR Opole Lubelskie â EUR BeÅżyce â EUR Konopnica, което осигурява достъп до кръстовището Konopnica по време на експресния пътен участък S-19 от km 91 + 159,84 до km 94 + 925.84, включително сигурност или реконструкция на чуждестранно оборудване, противоречащо на изградените пътни и инженерни съоръжения. Изпълнението на проекта включва изграждането на: section of the regional road, etc., intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, bus bays, pedestrian and cycle routes, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration-retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodeship roads, maintenance roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions and alternating of existing roads, intersections of the roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, cross-sections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with bus bays, pedestrians and cycles, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration and retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodship road, construction of the existing waterways and roads, construction of grooves and interiors on existing roads, culverts, culverts under the body of the voivodship roads, service roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service The product indicator shall be: Дължина на изградените воеводствени пътища = 3,76 km. Основните ползватели на проекта ще бъдат жители на Функционална област Люблин, жители на Лубелско воеводство, шофьори на леки автомобили в транзитен трафик, шофьори на търговски микробуси и камиони, туристи, посещаващи Люблин. (Bulgarian)
26 July 2022
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747 Iża â EUR Lipsko â EUR Solec n/WisÅa âEUR Opole Lubelskie â EUR Beżyce â EUR Konopnica, amely hozzáférést biztosít a Konopnica csomóponthoz az S-19 gyorsforgalmi útszakasz során a 91 + 159,84 km-től a 94 + 925,84 km-ig, beleértve az út- és mérnöki létesítményekkel ütköző külföldi berendezések biztonságát vagy rekonstrukcióját. A projekt megvalósítása a következők megépítését foglalja magában: section of the regional road, etc., intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, bus bays, pedestrian and cycle routes, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration-retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodeship roads, maintenance roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions and alternating of existing roads, intersections of the roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, cross-sections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with bus bays, pedestrians and cycles, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration and retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodship road, construction of the existing waterways and roads, construction of grooves and interiors on existing roads, culverts, culverts under the body of the voivodship roads, service roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service The product indicator shall be: A megépített vajdasági utak hossza = 3,76 km. A projekt fő felhasználói a lublini funkcionális terület lakosai, Lubelskie vajdaság lakosai, a tranzitforgalomban lévő személygépkocsik vezetői, kereskedelmi kisteherautók és teherautók vezetői, Lublinba látogató turisták. (Hungarian)
26 July 2022
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EUR 747 âEUR Lipsko âEUR Solec n/WisÅaâEUR Opole Lubelskieâ EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR Konopnica, a sholáthraíonn rochtain ar an acomhal Konopnica le linn an S-19 stráice bóthair in iúl ó km 91 + 159.84 go km 94 + 925.84, lena n-áirítear slándáil nó atógáil trealaimh eachtraigh ag teacht salach ar an mbóthar agus innealtóireachta áiseanna a tógadh. Áirítear le cur i bhfeidhm an Tionscadail na nithe seo a leanas a thógáil: section of the regional road, etc., intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, bus bays, pedestrian and cycle routes, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration-retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodeship roads, maintenance roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions and alternating of existing roads, intersections of the roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, cross-sections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with bus bays, pedestrians and cycles, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration and retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodship road, construction of the existing waterways and roads, construction of grooves and interiors on existing roads, culverts, culverts under the body of the voivodship roads, service roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service The product indicator shall be: Fad na mbóithre voivodeship tógtha = 3.76 km. Is iad príomhúsáideoirí an Tionscadail cónaitheoirí Limistéar Feidhme Lublin, cónaitheoirí Lubelskie Voivodeship, tiománaithe gluaisteán paisinéirí i dtrácht idirthurais, tiománaithe veaineanna agus trucailí tráchtála, turasóirí ar cuairt Lublin. (Irish)
26 July 2022
0 references
747 IÅża â EUR Lipsko â EUR Solec n/WisÅa â EUR Opole Lubelskie â EUR Beżyce â Konopnica, som ger tillgång till Konopnica korsningen under S-19 motorvägsträckan från km 91 + 159,84 till km 94 + 925.84, inklusive säkerhet eller återuppbyggnad av utländsk utrustning som strider mot den väg och tekniska anläggningar som byggts. Genomförandet av projektet omfattar uppförandet av: section of the regional road, etc., intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, bus bays, pedestrian and cycle routes, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration-retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodeship roads, maintenance roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions and alternating of existing roads, intersections of the roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, cross-sections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with bus bays, pedestrians and cycles, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration and retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodship road, construction of the existing waterways and roads, construction of grooves and interiors on existing roads, culverts, culverts under the body of the voivodship roads, service roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service The product indicator shall be: Längd på vojvodskapsvägar = 3,76 km. De viktigaste användarna av projektet kommer att vara invånare i Lublins funktionella område, invånare i Lubelskie vojvodskap, förare av personbilar i transittrafik, förare av kommersiella skåpbilar och lastbilar, turister som besöker Lublin. (Swedish)
26 July 2022
0 references
747 IÅża â EUR Lipsko âEUR Solec n/WisÅa âEUR Opole Lubelskie âEUR Beżyce âEUR Konopnica, mis võimaldab juurdepääsu Konopnica ristmikule S-19 ekspresstee lõigul alates km 91 + 159,84 km 94 + 925,84, sealhulgas turvalisuse või rekonstrueerimine välisvarustuse vastuolus teede ja inseneri rajatised. Projekti rakendamine hõlmab järgmiste elementide ehitamist: section of the regional road, etc., intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, bus bays, pedestrian and cycle routes, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration-retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodeship roads, maintenance roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions and alternating of existing roads, intersections of the roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, cross-sections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with bus bays, pedestrians and cycles, public exits, surface drainage system with infiltration and retention tank, road lighting of road crossings with power supply, culverts under the body of the voivodship road, construction of the existing waterways and roads, construction of grooves and interiors on existing roads, culverts, culverts under the body of the voivodship roads, service roads and side roads, construction/reconstruction of existing junctions, intersections of other roads, intersections with other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections of other roads, intersections with other public roads, service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service roads, intersections with service The product indicator shall be: Ehitatud vojevoodkonna teede pikkus = 3,76 km. Projekti peamised kasutajad on Lublini funktsionaalse piirkonna elanikud, Lubelskie vojevoodkonna elanikud, transiitliikluses olevate sõiduautode juhid, kommertskaubikute ja veoautode juhid, Lublini külastavad turistid. (Estonian)
26 July 2022
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0 references