Academy of Positive Vocational Change (Q90003)
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Project Q90003 in Poland
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English | Academy of Positive Vocational Change |
Project Q90003 in Poland |
859,262.72 zloty
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1,019,533.37 zloty
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84.28 percent
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1 February 2019
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30 June 2020
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Celem projektu jest podniesienie potencjału zaw. 60 UP (w tym 35K i 25M- osób w wieku 18-29 lat z grupy NEET-nie pracują /wyłącznie bierni zawodowo/ i nie uczą się i nie szkolą, w tym osoby o niskich kwalifikacjach i osoby zam. miasta średnie), w tym osoby z niepełnosprawnościami, zam. w woj. lubuskim, w okresie 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, przez zindywidualizowaną i kompleksową aktywizację zawodowo-edukacyjną realizowaną zgodnie ze sporządzonym IPD, przez szkolenia i/lub staże, wsparte poradnictwem zawodowym i/lub pośrednictwem pracy, poradnictwem psychologicznym.Uczestnikami Projektu będzie młodzież NEET zgodnie z def. przyjętą w PO WER, z wyłączeniem osób należących do grupy docelowej określonej dla trybu konkursowego w poddziałaniu 1.3.1: 60 osób (35K, 25M) w wieku 18-29 lat, które nie pracują (wyłącznie osoby bierne zawodowo), nie uczą się i nie szkolą się, zam. w rozumieniu KC w woj. lubuskim, w tym osoby z niepełnosprawnościami. Minimum 20% będą stanowić osoby niskich kwalif. (do poziomu ISCED 3 włącznie). Minimum 20% będą stanowić mieszkańcy miast średnich. Wnioskodawca zapewni możliwość skorzystania ze wsparcia dla byłych uczestników projektów z zakresu włączenia społ. realizowanych w ramach celu tematycznego 9 w RPO.Działania:Identyfikacja potrzeb, diagnozowanie możliwości w zakresie doskonalenia zawodowego, identyfikacja stopnia oddalenia od rynku pracy, opracowanie IPD;Pośrednictwo pracy i/lub poradnictwo zawodowe;Poradnictwo psychologiczne;Szkolenia kończące się nabyciem kompetencji lub uzyskaniem kwalifikacjiStaże zawodoweWskaźniki:Liczba osób poniżej 30 lat, które uzyskały kwalifikacje po opuszczeniu programu- 20Liczba osób poniżej 30 lat, które uzyskały kwalifikacje lub nabyły kompetencje po opuszczeniu programu- 48Wskaźnik efektywności zatrudnieniowej dla osób:w najtrudniejszej sytuacji- 39%,które nie są w najtrudniejszej sytuacji- 54%Liczba osób biernych zawodowo nieuczestniczących w kształceniu lub szkoleniu objętych wsparciem w programie- 60. (Polish)
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The aim of the project is to increase the potential incl. 60 UP (including 35K and 25M- persons aged 18-29 years of age NEET- do not work/only inactive professionally/and do not learn and do not train, including low-skilled persons and middle people), including persons with disabilities, in the province of Lubuskie Voivodeship, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and educational activities of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and training in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training of persons, in accordance with 35K and 25M. 60 people (35K, 25M) aged 18-29 years who do not work (only inactive persons) do not learn and do not train, as defined by the General Court in Lubuskie voivodship, including persons with disabilities. At least 20 % will be low-qualified persons. (up to and including ISCED level 3). A minimum of 20 % will be made up of residents of medium-sized cities. The applicant will provide the possibility to benefit from support for former participants of projects implemented under the thematic objective 9 in the RPO.Activities:Identification of needs, diagnosis of possibilities for professional improvement, identification of degree of distance from the labour market, elaboration of IPD;Labour mediation and/or vocational guidance;Personal counselling;Training of skills resulting in the acquisition of competences or gaining qualificationsIndicators are not 20 % of those who have received qualifications in the programme. (English)
15 October 2020
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L’objectif du projet est d’accroître le potentiel des insectes. 60 UP (dont 35 000 et 25 millions de personnes âgées de 18 à 29 ans appartenant au groupe NEET ne sont pas actives/seulement inactives/et ne suivent pas d’apprentissage ou de formation, y compris les personnes peu qualifiées et les personnes à l’étranger dans les villes moyennes), y compris les personnes handicapées, dans la voïvodie de Lubuskie au cours de la période du 1.2.2019 au 30.6.2020, grâce à une activation professionnelle et pédagogique individualisée et complète conformément à la DPI, par des formations et/ou des stages, soutenu par une orientation professionnelle et/ou des placements professionnels, des conseils psychologiques.Les participants au projet seront NEET conformément à l’OP KED, à l’exception des personnes appartenant au groupe cible défini pour le mode concours dans la sous-mesure 1.3.1: 60 personnes (35K, 25 M) âgées de 18 à 29 ans qui ne travaillent pas (personnes inactives seulement) n’apprennent pas ou ne suivent pas de formation, au sens du CC en voïvodie de Lubuskie, y compris les personnes handicapées. Un minimum de 20 % sera constitué de qualifs bas. (jusqu’au niveau CITE 3 inclus). Un minimum de 20 % sera composé de résidents de villes de taille moyenne. Le demandeur apportera un soutien aux anciens participants à des projets d’inclusion sociale mis en œuvre au titre de l’objectif thématique 9 du ROP.Działania:identyfikacja besoins, diagnostic des opportunités dans le domaine du développement professionnel, identification du degré de distance par rapport au marché du travail, préparation de la DPI;Médiation en matière d’emploi et/ou orientation professionnelle; orientation psychologique;Formation se terminant par l’acquisition de compétences ou l’obtention de qualifications zawodoweWskaźniki:Liczba des personnes de moins de 30 ans qui ont obtenu des qualifications après avoir quitté le programme — 20Nombre de personnes de moins de 30 ans qui ont obtenu des qualifications ou acquis des compétences après avoir quitté le programme- 48Indicateur de l’efficacité de l’emploi pour les personnes: dans la situation la plus difficile — 39 % de ceux qui ne suivent pas l’éducation dans la situation la plus difficile. (French)
30 November 2021
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Ziel des Projekts ist es, das Potenzial der Insekten zu erhöhen. 60 UP (einschließlich 35K und 25M-Personen im Alter von 18 bis 29 Jahren aus der NEET-Gruppe sind nicht/nur inaktiv/und lernen oder trainieren nicht, einschließlich geringqualifizierter Menschen und Menschen im Ausland in mittleren Städten), einschließlich Menschen mit Behinderungen, in der Woiwodschaft Lubuskie im Zeitraum 1.2.2019-30.6.2020 durch individualisierte und umfassende berufliche und Bildungsaktivierung gemäß der IPD; durch Ausbildung und/oder Praktika, unterstützt durch Berufsberatung und/oder Stellenvermittlung, psychologische Beratung. Die Teilnehmer des Projekts werden NEETs gemäß OP KED sein, mit Ausnahme der Personen, die der Zielgruppe angehören, die in Teilmaßnahme 1.3.1 für den Wettbewerb definiert ist: 60 Personen (35K, 25M) im Alter von 18 bis 29 Jahren, die nicht erwerbstätig sind (nur Nichterwerbstätige), lernen oder trainieren nicht, bestellen im Sinne des CC in der Woiwodschaft Lubuskie, einschließlich Menschen mit Behinderungen. Mindestens 20 % bestehen aus niedrigen Qualifs. (bis einschließlich ISCED-Stufe 3). Mindestens 20 % werden aus Bewohnern mittlerer Städte bestehen. Der Antragsteller unterstützt ehemalige Teilnehmer an Projekten der sozialen Eingliederung, die im Rahmen des thematischen Ziels 9 des ROP durchgeführt werden.Działania:identyfikacja Bedürfnisse, Diagnose von Möglichkeiten im Bereich der beruflichen Entwicklung, Ermittlung des Grads der Entfernung vom Arbeitsmarkt, Vorbereitung der IPD; Vermittlung von Beschäftigung und/oder Berufsberatung; Psychologische Beratung;Ausbildung mit dem Erwerb von Kompetenzen oder dem Erwerb von Qualifikationen zawodoweWskaźniki:Liczba von Personen unter 30 Jahren, die nach dem Ausscheiden aus dem Programm Qualifikationen erworben haben – 20Anzahl der Personen unter 30 Jahren, die nach dem Ausscheiden aus dem Programm Qualifikationen oder Kompetenzen erworben haben – 48Indikator der Beschäftigungseffizienz für Menschen: in der schwierigsten Situation- 39 % der Personen, die sich nicht in der Ausbildung in der schwierigsten Situation befinden. (German)
7 December 2021
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Het doel van het project is het vergroten van het potentieel van de insecten. 60 UP (met inbegrip van 35K en 25 miljoen — personen van 18-29 jaar uit de NEET-groep hebben geen werk/alleen inactief/en leren of trainen, met inbegrip van laaggeschoolden en mensen in het buitenland in middensteden), met inbegrip van personen met een handicap, orde in het Lubuskie-woiwodschap in de periode 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, door middel van geïndividualiseerde en uitgebreide beroeps- en onderwijsactivering in overeenstemming met de IPD, door middel van opleiding en/of stages, ondersteund door loopbaanbegeleiding en/of arbeidsbemiddeling, psychologische begeleiding.De deelnemers aan het project zullen NEET’s zijn in overeenstemming met het OP KED, met uitzondering van personen die behoren tot de doelgroep die is gedefinieerd voor de wedstrijdmodus in submaatregel 1.3.1: 60 personen (35K, 25M) van 18-29 jaar die niet werken (alleen inactieven) leren of trainen niet, orde in de zin van de CC in Lubuskie woiwodeschap, met inbegrip van personen met een handicap. Een minimum van 20 % zal bestaan uit lage kwalifs. (tot en met ISCED-niveau 3). Minimaal 20 % zal bestaan uit inwoners van middelgrote steden. De aanvrager zal steun verlenen aan voormalige deelnemers aan projecten voor sociale inclusie die worden uitgevoerd in het kader van thematische doelstelling 9 in het kader van de ROP.Działania:identyfikacja behoeften, diagnose van kansen op het gebied van professionele ontwikkeling, identificatie van de mate van afstand tot de arbeidsmarkt, voorbereiding van het IPD;Werkgelegenheidsbemiddeling en/of beroepskeuzebegeleiding; Psychologische begeleiding; Opleiding die eindigt met het verwerven van competenties of het behalen van kwalificaties zawodoweWskaźniki:Liczba van personen jonger dan 30 jaar die kwalificaties hebben behaald na het verlaten van het programma — 20Aantal personen jonger dan 30 jaar die kwalificaties of verworven competenties hebben verworven na het verlaten van het programma- 48Indicator van arbeidsefficiëntie voor mensen: in de moeilijkste situatie — 39 % van degenen die niet in het onderwijs in de moeilijkste situatie verkeren. (Dutch)
16 December 2021
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L'obiettivo del progetto è quello di aumentare il potenziale degli insetti. 60 UP (incluse 35K e 25M — persone di età compresa tra 18 e 29 anni appartenenti al gruppo NEET non lavorano/solo inattive/e non imparano o non si formano, comprese le persone poco qualificate e le persone all'estero nelle città centrali), comprese le persone con disabilità, ordinate nel voivodato di Lubuskie nel periodo 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, attraverso un'attivazione professionale e formativa personalizzata e completa in conformità della DPI, attraverso la formazione e/o tirocini, sostenuti da orientamento professionale e/o tirocinio, consulenza psicologica.I partecipanti al progetto saranno NEET in conformità con il PO KED, ad eccezione delle persone appartenenti al gruppo target definito per la modalità di concorso nella sottomisura 1.3.1: 60 persone (35K, 25M) di età compresa tra i 18 e i 29 anni che non lavorano (solo persone inattive) non imparano o non si allenano, ordinate ai sensi del CC nel voivodato di Lubuskie, comprese le persone con disabilità. Un minimo del 20 % sarà costituito da qualifiche basse. (fino al livello CITE 3 incluso). Un minimo del 20 % sarà composto da residenti di città di medie dimensioni. Il richiedente fornirà sostegno agli ex partecipanti a progetti di inclusione sociale attuati nell'ambito dell'obiettivo tematico 9 del POR.Działania:identyfikacja esigenze, diagnosi delle opportunità nel campo dello sviluppo professionale, identificazione del grado di distanza dal mercato del lavoro, preparazione della DPI; mediazione occupazionale e/o orientamento professionale; orientamento psicologico;formazione che termina con l'acquisizione di competenze o l'ottenimento di qualifiche zawodoweWskaźniki:Liczba di persone di età inferiore a 30 anni che hanno ottenuto qualifiche dopo aver lasciato il programma — 20Numero di persone di età inferiore a 30 anni che hanno conseguito qualifiche o competenze acquisite dopo aver lasciato il programma- 48Indicatore dell'efficienza occupazionale per le persone: nella situazione più difficile — il 39 % di coloro che non sono in età scolarizzata nella situazione più difficile. (Italian)
16 January 2022
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El objetivo del proyecto es aumentar el potencial de los insectos. 60 UP (incluidos 35 000 y 25 millones de personas de 18 a 29 años del grupo de ninis) no tienen empleo/solo inactivos/y no aprenden ni se forman, incluidas las personas poco cualificadas y las personas en el extranjero en ciudades intermedias), incluidas las personas con discapacidad, por orden en el Voivodato de Lubuskie durante el período comprendido entre el 1.2.2019 y el 30.6.2020, mediante una activación profesional y educativa individualizada y completa de conformidad con la DIP, los participantes en el proyecto serán ninis de acuerdo con el PO KED, con excepción de las personas pertenecientes al grupo destinatario definido para el modo de competencia en la submedida 1.3.1: 60 personas (35K, 25M) de edades comprendidas entre los 18 y los 29 años que no tienen empleo (solo personas inactivas) no aprenden ni forman, en el sentido del Código Civil en el voivodato de Lubuskie, incluidas las personas con discapacidad. Un mínimo del 20 % estará compuesto por califs bajos. (hasta el nivel CINE 3). Un mínimo del 20 % estará compuesto por residentes de ciudades medianas. El solicitante prestará apoyo a los antiguos participantes en proyectos de inclusión social ejecutados en el marco del objetivo temático 9 en el ROP.Działania:identyfikacja necesidades, diagnóstico de oportunidades en el ámbito del desarrollo profesional, identificación del grado de distancia del mercado laboral, preparación de la DIP; Mediación laboral o orientación profesional; Orientación psicológica; Formación que termina con la adquisición de competencias u obtención de cualificaciones zawodoweWskaźniki:Liczba de personas menores de 30 años que han obtenido cualificaciones después de abandonar el programa — 20 Número de personas menores de 30 años que han obtenido cualificaciones o han adquirido competencias después de abandonar el programa- 48Indicador de la eficiencia laboral para las personas: en la situación más difícil- 39 % de los que no están en la educación en la situación más difícil. (Spanish)
19 January 2022
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The aim of the project is to increase the potential incl. 60 UP (including 35K and 25M- persons aged 18-29 years of age NEET- do not work/only inactive professionally/and do not learn and do not train, including low-skilled persons and middle people), including persons with disabilities, in the province of Lubuskie Voivodeship, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and educational activities of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and training in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training of persons, in accordance with 35K and 25M. 60 inimest (35K, 25M) vanuses 18–29 aastat, kes ei tööta (ainult mitteaktiivsed isikud), ei õpi ega koolita, nagu on määratlenud Üldkohus Lubuskie vojevoodkonnas, sealhulgas puuetega inimesed. Vähemalt 20 % on madala kvalifikatsiooniga isikud. (kuni ja kaasa arvatud ISCED 3. aste). Vähemalt 20 % moodustavad keskmise suurusega linnade elanikud. Taotleja annab võimaluse saada toetust endistele osalejatele RPO.Activities:Identification temaatilise eesmärgi nr 9 raames ellu viidud projektides: vajadused, kutsealase täiustamise võimaluste analüüs, tööturu kauguse kindlakstegemine, IPD väljatöötamine, töövahendus ja/või kutsenõustamine; personaalne nõustamine;oskuste koolitus, mille tulemuseks on pädevuste omandamine või kvalifikatsiooni omandamine. Näitajad ei ole 20 % programmis kvalifikatsiooni omandanud inimestest. (Estonian)
13 August 2022
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The aim of the project is to increase the potential incl. 60 UP (including 35K and 25M- persons aged 18-29 years of age NEET- do not work/only inactive professionally/and do not learn and do not train, including low-skilled persons and middle people), including persons with disabilities, in the province of Lubuskie Voivodeship, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and educational activities of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and training in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training of persons, in accordance with 35K and 25M. 60 18–29 metų amžiaus asmenų (35K, 25M), kurie nedirba (tik neaktyvūs asmenys), taip pat neįgalieji, taip pat neįgalieji, kaip apibrėžta Bendrojo Teismo sprendime Lubuskie vaivadijoje. Bent 20 % bus žemos kvalifikacijos asmenys. (iki ISCED 3 lygmens imtinai). Ne mažiau kaip 20 proc. gyventojų sudarys vidutinio dydžio miestų gyventojai. Pareiškėjas suteiks galimybę gauti paramą buvusiems projektų, įgyvendintų pagal RPO 9 teminį tikslą, dalyviams.Activities:Identification: poreikiai, profesinio tobulėjimo galimybių nustatymas, atstumo nuo darbo rinkos laipsnio nustatymas, IPD parengimas; Darbo tarpininkavimas ir (arba) profesinis orientavimas;Asmens konsultavimas; įgūdžių mokymas, dėl kurio įgyjama kompetencija arba įgyjama kvalifikacijaIndikatoriai sudaro ne 20 % asmenų, turinčių kvalifikaciją pagal programą. (Lithuanian)
13 August 2022
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The aim of the project is to increase the potential incl. 60 UP (including 35K and 25M- persons aged 18-29 years of age NEET- do not work/only inactive professionally/and do not learn and do not train, including low-skilled persons and middle people), including persons with disabilities, in the province of Lubuskie Voivodeship, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and educational activities of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and training in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training of persons, in accordance with 35K and 25M. 60 osoba (35 tisuća, 25 milijuna) u dobi od 18 do 29 godina koje ne rade (samo neaktivne osobe) ne uče i ne osposobljavaju, kako je utvrdio Opći sud u predmetu Lubuskie voivodship, uključujući osobe s invaliditetom. Najmanje 20 % bit će niskokvalificirane osobe. (do razine 3 ISCED-a i uključujući tu razinu). Najmanje 20 % činit će stanovnici gradova srednje veličine. Podnositelj prijave pružit će mogućnost korištenja potpore bivšim sudionicima projekata provedenih u okviru tematskog cilja br. 9 u RPO-u.Activities:Identification o potrebama, dijagnozi mogućnosti za stručno usavršavanje, utvrđivanju stupnja udaljenosti od tržišta rada, izradi IPD-a, posredovanju u radu i/ili profesionalnom usmjeravanju;Osobno savjetovanje;Osposobljavanje vještina koje rezultiraju stjecanjem kompetencija ili stjecanjem kvalifikacijaPokazatelji nisu 20 % onih koji su stekli kvalifikacije u programu. (Croatian)
13 August 2022
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The aim of the project is to increase the potential incl. 60 UP (including 35K and 25M- persons aged 18-29 years of age NEET- do not work/only inactive professionally/and do not learn and do not train, including low-skilled persons and middle people), including persons with disabilities, in the province of Lubuskie Voivodeship, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and educational activities of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and training in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training of persons, in accordance with 35K and 25M. 60 άτομα (35K, 25M) ηλικίας 18-29 ετών που δεν εργάζονται (μόνο ανενεργά άτομα) δεν μαθαίνουν και δεν εκπαιδεύονται, όπως ορίζεται από το Γενικό Δικαστήριο στην υπόθεση Lubuskie voivodship, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των ατόμων με αναπηρία. Τουλάχιστον το 20 % θα είναι άτομα χαμηλής ειδίκευσης. (μέχρι και το επίπεδο ISCED 3). Τουλάχιστον 20 % θα αποτελείται από κατοίκους πόλεων μεσαίου μεγέθους. Ο αιτών θα παρέχει τη δυνατότητα να επωφεληθεί από τη στήριξη πρώην συμμετεχόντων σε έργα που υλοποιήθηκαν στο πλαίσιο του θεματικού στόχου 9 του RPOActivities:Identification, όσον αφορά τις ανάγκες, τη διάγνωση των δυνατοτήτων επαγγελματικής βελτίωσης, τον προσδιορισμό του βαθμού απόστασης από την αγορά εργασίας, την εκπόνηση της ΟΔΠ, τη διαμεσολάβηση εργασίας και/ή τον επαγγελματικό προσανατολισμό, την παροχή συμβουλών προσωπικού·την κατάρτιση δεξιοτήτων που έχουν ως αποτέλεσμα την απόκτηση ικανοτήτων ή την απόκτηση προσόντωνΔείκτες δεν αποτελούν το 20 % εκείνων που έχουν λάβει προσόντα στο πρόγραμμα. (Greek)
13 August 2022
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The aim of the project is to increase the potential incl. 60 UP (including 35K and 25M- persons aged 18-29 years of age NEET- do not work/only inactive professionally/and do not learn and do not train, including low-skilled persons and middle people), including persons with disabilities, in the province of Lubuskie Voivodeship, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and educational activities of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and training in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training of persons, in accordance with 35K and 25M. 60 osôb (35K, 25M) vo veku 18 – 29 rokov, ktoré nepracujú (len neaktívne osoby), sa nenaučia a necvičia, ako ich vymedzil Všeobecný súd vo veci Lubuskie vojvodstva, vrátane osôb so zdravotným postihnutím. Najmenej 20 % budú osoby s nízkou kvalifikáciou. (až do úrovne ISCED 3 vrátane). Minimálne 20 % budú tvoriť obyvatelia stredne veľkých miest. Žiadateľ poskytne možnosť využívať podporu bývalým účastníkom projektov realizovaných v rámci tematického cieľa 9 v RPO.Activities:Identification, pokiaľ ide o potreby, diagnostiku možností profesionálneho zlepšenia, identifikáciu stupňa vzdialenosti od trhu práce, vypracovanie IPD, sprostredkovanie práce a/alebo odborné poradenstvo, osobné poradenstvo, odbornú prípravu zručností, ktorých výsledkom je získanie kompetencií alebo získanie kvalifikácieIndikátory nie sú 20 % tých, ktorí získali kvalifikáciu v programe. (Slovak)
13 August 2022
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The aim of the project is to increase the potential incl. 60 UP (including 35K and 25M- persons aged 18-29 years of age NEET- do not work/only inactive professionally/and do not learn and do not train, including low-skilled persons and middle people), including persons with disabilities, in the province of Lubuskie Voivodeship, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and educational activities of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and training in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training of persons, in accordance with 35K and 25M. 60 18–29-vuotiasta henkilöä (35K, 25M), jotka eivät työskentele (ainoastaan työelämän ulkopuolella olevat), eivät opi eivätkä harjoita, kuten unionin yleinen tuomioistuin on määritellyt Lubuskien voivodikunnassa, mukaan lukien vammaiset henkilöt. Vähintään 20 prosenttia on matalan koulutustason omaavia henkilöitä. (korkeintaan ISCED 3 -tasoon asti). Vähintään 20 prosenttia keskikokoisten kaupunkien asukkaista. Hakija tarjoaa mahdollisuuden saada tukea RPO:n temaattisen tavoitteen 9 puitteissa toteutettujen hankkeiden entisille osallistujille.Activities:Identification tarpeista, ammatillisen parantamisen mahdollisuuksista, työmarkkinoilta etäisyyden määrittämisestä, IPD:n laatimisesta, työpaikan sovittelusta ja/tai ammatillisesta ohjauksesta;Henkilökohtainen neuvonta;Aitojen koulutus, joka johtaa pätevyyden hankkimiseen tai pätevyyden hankkimiseenIndikaattoreita ei ole 20 prosenttia ohjelman tutkinnon suorittaneista. (Finnish)
13 August 2022
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The aim of the project is to increase the potential incl. 60 UP (including 35K and 25M- persons aged 18-29 years of age NEET- do not work/only inactive professionally/and do not learn and do not train, including low-skilled persons and middle people), including persons with disabilities, in the province of Lubuskie Voivodeship, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and educational activities of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and training in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training of persons, in accordance with 35K and 25M. 60 18–29 éves, nem dolgozó (csak inaktív) személy (35K, 25M) nem tanul és nem képez, amint azt a Törvényszék a Lubuskie vajdaságban határozta meg, beleértve a fogyatékossággal élő személyeket is. Legalább 20%-uk alacsony képzettségű személy lesz. (az ISCED 3. szintjéig bezárólag). Legalább 20% közepes méretű városok lakosaiból áll majd. A pályázó lehetőséget biztosít arra, hogy támogatásban részesüljön az RPO 9. tematikus célkitűzése keretében végrehajtott projektek korábbi résztvevői számára.Activities:Identification Az igények, a szakmai fejlődési lehetőségek diagnózisa, a munkaerőpiactól való távolság mértékének meghatározása, az IPD kidolgozása;Munkaügyi közvetítés és/vagy pályaorientáció;Személyes tanácsadás;Személyes tanácsadás;A kompetenciák megszerzését vagy képesítés megszerzését eredményező készségek elsajátításaA mutatók nem 20%-a azoknak, akik a programban képesítést szereztek. (Hungarian)
13 August 2022
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The aim of the project is to increase the potential incl. 60 UP (including 35K and 25M- persons aged 18-29 years of age NEET- do not work/only inactive professionally/and do not learn and do not train, including low-skilled persons and middle people), including persons with disabilities, in the province of Lubuskie Voivodeship, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and educational activities of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and training in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training of persons, in accordance with 35K and 25M. 60 osob (35K, 25M) ve věku 18–29 let, které nepracují (pouze neaktivní osoby), se neučí a neškolí, jak je definuje Tribunál ve věci Lubuskie vojvodství, včetně osob se zdravotním postižením. Nejméně 20 % budou osoby s nízkou kvalifikací. (až do úrovně ISCED 3 včetně). Nejméně 20 % bude tvořeno obyvateli středně velkých měst. Žadatel poskytne možnost využít podpory bývalým účastníkům projektů realizovaných v rámci tematického cíle č. 9 v RPO.Activities:Identification o potřebách, stanovení možností profesního zlepšení, určení stupně vzdálenosti od trhu práce, vypracování IPD; zprostředkování práce a/nebo profesního poradenství; Osobní poradenství;Vzdělávání dovedností vedoucích k získání způsobilosti nebo získání kvalifikaceUkazatelé nejsou 20 % těch, kteří získali kvalifikaci v programu. (Czech)
13 August 2022
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The aim of the project is to increase the potential incl. 60 UP (including 35K and 25M- persons aged 18-29 years of age NEET- do not work/only inactive professionally/and do not learn and do not train, including low-skilled persons and middle people), including persons with disabilities, in the province of Lubuskie Voivodeship, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and educational activities of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and training in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training of persons, in accordance with 35K and 25M. 60 personas (35K, 25 miljoni) vecumā no 18 līdz 29 gadiem, kas nestrādā (tikai neaktīvas personas), nemācās un neapmācās, kā to definējusi Vispārējā tiesa lietā Lubuskie voivodship, tostarp personas ar invaliditāti. Vismaz 20 % būs mazkvalificētas personas. (līdz ISCED 3. līmenim ieskaitot). Vismaz 20 % būs vidēja lieluma pilsētu iedzīvotāji. Pieteikuma iesniedzējs sniegs iespēju saņemt atbalstu bijušajiem dalībniekiem projektos, kas īstenoti saskaņā ar 9. tematisko mērķi RPO.Activities:Identification par vajadzībām, diagnostiku par profesionālās pilnveides iespējām, attāluma no darba tirgus pakāpes noteikšanu, IPD izstrādi, darba starpniecību un/vai profesionālo orientāciju;Personas konsultācijas;Apmācības par prasmēm, kuru rezultātā tiek iegūtas kompetences vai iegūta kvalifikācijaIndikatori nav 20 % no tiem, kas ieguvuši kvalifikāciju programmā. (Latvian)
13 August 2022
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The aim of the project is to increase the potential incl. 60 UP (including 35K and 25M- persons aged 18-29 years of age NEET- do not work/only inactive professionally/and do not learn and do not train, including low-skilled persons and middle people), including persons with disabilities, in the province of Lubuskie Voivodeship, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and educational activities of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and training in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training of persons, in accordance with 35K and 25M. 60 duine (35K, 25M) d’aois idir 18-29 mbliana d’aois nach n-oibríonn (daoine neamhghníomhacha amháin) nach bhfoghlaimíonn agus nach gcuireann oiliúint orthu, mar atá sainithe ag an gCúirt Ghinearálta in uaigneach Lubuskie, lena n-áirítear daoine faoi mhíchumas. Daoine ísealcháilithe a bheidh i 20 % ar a laghad. (suas le ISCED leibhéal 3 agus an méid sin san áireamh). Beidh 20 % ar a laghad comhdhéanta de chónaitheoirí cathracha meánmhéide. Cuirfidh an t-iarratasóir an deis ar fáil chun tairbhe a bhaint as tacaíocht d’iar-rannpháirtithe i dtionscadail arna gcur chun feidhme faoi chuspóir téamach 9 in OCS.Activities:Identification maidir le riachtanais, diagnóis na bhféidearthachtaí maidir le feabhsú gairmiúil, sainaithint a dhéanamh ar an bhfad ó mhargadh an tsaothair, forbairt IPD;Idirghabháil saothair agus/nó gairmthreoir; Comhairleoireacht phearsanta;Ní 20 % díobh siúd a bhfuil cáilíochtaí faighte acu sa chlár oiliúint a chur ar scileanna a mbeidh mar thoradh orthu inniúlachtaí a fháil nó cáilíochtaí a ghnóthú. (Irish)
13 August 2022
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The aim of the project is to increase the potential incl. 60 UP (including 35K and 25M- persons aged 18-29 years of age NEET- do not work/only inactive professionally/and do not learn and do not train, including low-skilled persons and middle people), including persons with disabilities, in the province of Lubuskie Voivodeship, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and educational activities of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and training in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training of persons, in accordance with 35K and 25M. 60 oseb (35 K, 25 M), starih od 18 do 29 let, ki ne delajo (samo neaktivne osebe), se ne uči in ne usposablja, kot je opredelilo Splošno sodišče v sodbi Lubuskie vojvodstvo, vključno z invalidi. Najmanj 20 % bo nizkokvalificiranih oseb. (do vključno stopnje ISCED 3). Najmanj 20 % bodo sestavljali prebivalci srednje velikih mest. Prijavitelj bo zagotovil možnost, da nekdanjim udeležencem projektov, ki se izvajajo v okviru tematskega cilja 9 v RPO.Activities:Identification, zagotovi podporo za potrebe, diagnosticiranje možnosti za poklicno izboljšanje, opredelitev stopnje oddaljenosti od trga dela, pripravo IPD; mediacijo in/ali poklicno usmerjanje pri delu; osebno svetovanje; Usposabljanje znanj in spretnosti, s katerimi se pridobijo kompetence ali pridobijo kvalifikacijeKazalniki ne predstavljajo 20 % tistih, ki so pridobili kvalifikacije v programu. (Slovenian)
13 August 2022
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The aim of the project is to increase the potential incl. 60 UP (including 35K and 25M- persons aged 18-29 years of age NEET- do not work/only inactive professionally/and do not learn and do not train, including low-skilled persons and middle people), including persons with disabilities, in the province of Lubuskie Voivodeship, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and educational activities of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and training in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training of persons, in accordance with 35K and 25M. 60 души (35K, 25M) на възраст 18—29 години, които не работят (само неактивни лица), не учат и не се обучават, както е определено от Общия съд в Решение по дело Lubuskie voivodship, включително лицата с увреждания. Най-малко 20 % ще бъдат нискоквалифицирани лица. (до ниво 3 по ISCED включително). Най-малко 20 % ще бъдат съставени от жители на средни градове. Кандидатът ще предостави възможност да се ползва от подкрепа за бивши участници в проекти, изпълнявани по тематична цел 9 в RPO.Activities:Identification на потребностите, диагностика на възможностите за професионално усъвършенстване, определяне на степента на отдалеченост от пазара на труда, разработване на МЗД; трудово посредничество и/или професионално ориентиране; Лични консултации; Обучение на умения, водещи до придобиване на компетентности или придобиване на квалификацияИндикаторите не са 20 % от тези, които са получили квалификации по програмата. (Bulgarian)
13 August 2022
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The aim of the project is to increase the potential incl. 60 UP (including 35K and 25M- persons aged 18-29 years of age NEET- do not work/only inactive professionally/and do not learn and do not train, including low-skilled persons and middle people), including persons with disabilities, in the province of Lubuskie Voivodeship, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and educational activities of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and training in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training of persons, in accordance with 35K and 25M. 60 persuna (35K, 25M) li għandhom bejn it-18 u d-29 sena li ma jaħdmux (persuni inattivi biss) ma jitgħallmux u ma jitħarrġux, kif definit mill-Qorti Ġenerali fil-kawża Lubuskie voivodship, inklużi l-persuni b’diżabbiltà. Mill-inqas 20 % se jkunu persuni bi kwalifiki baxxi. (sa u inkluż il-livell 3 tal-ISCED). Minimu ta’ 20 % se jkun magħmul minn residenti ta’ bliet ta’ daqs medju. L-applikant se jipprovdi l-possibbiltà li jibbenefika mill-appoġġ għall-parteċipanti preċedenti ta’ proġetti implimentati taħt l-objettiv tematiku 9 fl-RPO.Activities:Identification tal-ħtiġijiet, id-dijanjożi tal-possibbiltajiet għal titjib professjonali, l-identifikazzjoni tal-grad ta’ distanza mis-suq tax-xogħol, l-elaborazzjoni tal-IPD;Il-medjazzjoni tax-xogħol u/jew il-gwida vokazzjonali; Pariri personali;Taħriġ tal-ħiliet li jirriżulta fil-kisba ta’ kompetenzi jew kwalifiki L-indikaturi mhumiex 20 % ta’ dawk li rċevew kwalifiki fil-programm. (Maltese)
13 August 2022
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The aim of the project is to increase the potential incl. 60 UP (including 35K and 25M- persons aged 18-29 years of age NEET- do not work/only inactive professionally/and do not learn and do not train, including low-skilled persons and middle people), including persons with disabilities, in the province of Lubuskie Voivodeship, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and educational activities of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and training in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training of persons, in accordance with 35K and 25M. 60 pessoas (35K, 25 M) com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 29 anos que não trabalham (apenas pessoas inativas) não aprendem e não treinam, tal como definido pelo Tribunal Geral no processo Lubuskie voivodship, incluindo as pessoas com deficiência. Pelo menos 20 % serão pessoas pouco qualificadas. (até ao nível 3 da CITE, inclusive). Um mínimo de 20 % será composto por moradores de cidades de médio porte. O candidato proporcionará a possibilidade de beneficiar de apoio a antigos participantes em projetos executados no âmbito do objetivo temático 9 no RPO.Activities:Identification de necessidades, diagnóstico das possibilidades de melhoria profissional, identificação do grau de distância do mercado de trabalho, elaboração de DPI; Mediação de trabalho e/ou orientação profissional;Aconselhamento pessoal; Formação de competências que resultem na aquisição de competências ou na aquisição de qualificaçõesIndicadores não são 20 % dos que receberam qualificações no programa. (Portuguese)
13 August 2022
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The aim of the project is to increase the potential incl. 60 UP (including 35K and 25M- persons aged 18-29 years of age NEET- do not work/only inactive professionally/and do not learn and do not train, including low-skilled persons and middle people), including persons with disabilities, in the province of Lubuskie Voivodeship, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and educational activities of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and training in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training of persons, in accordance with 35K and 25M. 60 personer (35K, 25M) i alderen 18-29 år, som ikke arbejder (kun erhvervsinaktive personer), lærer ikke og uddanner sig ikke som defineret af Retten i Lubuskie voivodship, herunder personer med handicap. Mindst 20 % vil være lavtuddannede personer. (til og med ISCED-niveau 3). Mindst 20 % vil bestå af beboere i mellemstore byer. Ansøgeren vil give mulighed for at modtage støtte til tidligere deltagere i projekter, der gennemføres under det tematiske mål 9 i RPO.Activities:Identification, om behov, diagnose af muligheder for faglig forbedring, identifikation af afstanden til arbejdsmarkedet, udarbejdelse af IPD, arbejdsmægling og/eller erhvervsvejledning,personlig rådgivning, uddannelse af færdigheder, der resulterer i erhvervelse af kompetencer eller opnåelse af kvalifikationerIndikatorer er ikke 20 % af dem, der har modtaget kvalifikationer i programmet. (Danish)
13 August 2022
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The aim of the project is to increase the potential incl. 60 UP (including 35K and 25M- persons aged 18-29 years of age NEET- do not work/only inactive professionally/and do not learn and do not train, including low-skilled persons and middle people), including persons with disabilities, in the province of Lubuskie Voivodeship, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and educational activities of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and training in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training of persons, in accordance with 35K and 25M. 60 de persoane (35K, 25 milioane) cu vârste cuprinse între 18 și 29 de ani care nu lucrează (numai persoane inactive) nu învață și nu se antrenează, astfel cum a fost definită de Tribunal în voievodatul Lubuskie, inclusiv persoanele cu handicap. Cel puțin 20 % vor fi persoane slab calificate. (până la nivelul 3 ISCED inclusiv). Un minim de 20 % va fi format din rezidenți ai orașelor mijlocii. Solicitantul va oferi posibilitatea de a beneficia de sprijin pentru foștii participanți la proiectele implementate în cadrul obiectivului tematic 9 din RPO.Activities:Identification de necesități, diagnosticarea posibilităților de îmbunătățire profesională, identificarea gradului de distanță față de piața muncii, elaborarea IPD; medierea muncii și/sau orientare profesională;consilierea personală; Formarea abilităților care rezultă în dobândirea de competențe sau obținerea calificărilorIndicatorii nu sunt 20 % dintre cei care au primit calificări în cadrul programului. (Romanian)
13 August 2022
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The aim of the project is to increase the potential incl. 60 UP (including 35K and 25M- persons aged 18-29 years of age NEET- do not work/only inactive professionally/and do not learn and do not train, including low-skilled persons and middle people), including persons with disabilities, in the province of Lubuskie Voivodeship, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and educational activities of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of professional and educational persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and training in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the vocational and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education, in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training of persons, in accordance with the vocational training and education in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional and vocational training, in accordance with the vocational training and education of persons in accordance with the period 1.2.2019-30.6.2020, by personalised and comprehensive activation of the professional-educational and vocational training of persons, in accordance with 35K and 25M. 60 personer (35 000, 25 miljoner) i åldern 18–29 år som inte arbetar (endast inaktiva personer) lär sig inte och tränar inte, enligt tribunalens definition i Lubuskie vojvodskapet, inklusive personer med funktionsnedsättning. Minst 20 % kommer att vara lågkvalificerade personer. (upp till och med Isced-nivå 3). Minst 20 % kommer att bestå av invånare i medelstora städer. Den sökande kommer att ge möjlighet att få stöd till tidigare deltagare i projekt som genomförs inom ramen för det tematiska mål 9 i RPO.Activities:Identification om behov, diagnos av möjligheter till yrkesmässig förbättring, identifiering av graden av avstånd från arbetsmarknaden, utarbetande av IPD, arbetsmedling och/eller yrkesvägledning, personlig rådgivning, utbildning av färdigheter som leder till förvärvande av kompetens eller förvärvande av kvalifikationerIndikatorer är inte 20 % av dem som har fått kvalifikationer i programmet. (Swedish)
13 August 2022
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0 references