Purchase of pocket wagons for intermodal connections (Q85913)
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Project Q85913 in Poland
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Purchase of pocket wagons for intermodal connections |
Project Q85913 in Poland |
27,817,000.0 zloty
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55,634,000.0 zloty
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50.0 percent
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30 January 2018
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31 March 2021
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Zakres przedmiotowego Projektu obejmuje zakup 92 szt. wagonów/platform kieszeniowych pozwalających na załadunek i przewóz naczep intermodalnych (wydatek infrastrukturalny). (Polish)
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The scope of the project includes the purchase of 92 wagons/pocket platforms allowing the loading and transport of intermodal semi-trailers (infrastructural expenditure). (English)
14 October 2020
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Le champ d’application du projet couvre l’achat de 92 wagons/plateformes de poche permettant le chargement et le transport de semi-remorques intermodales (dépenses d’infrastructure). (French)
30 November 2021
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Gegenstand des Projekts ist der Erwerb von 92 Wagen/Taschenplattformen, die die Beladung und Beförderung von intermodalen Sattelanhängern (Infrastrukturausgaben) ermöglichen. (German)
7 December 2021
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Het project heeft betrekking op de aankoop van 92 wagons/pocketplatforms voor het laden en vervoeren van intermodale opleggers (infrastructuuruitgaven). (Dutch)
16 December 2021
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Il progetto comprende l'acquisto di 92 carri/piattaforme tascabili che consentono il carico e il trasporto di semirimorchi intermodali (spese infrastrutturali). (Italian)
16 January 2022
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El ámbito de aplicación del proyecto abarca la compra de 92 vagones/plataformas de bolsillo que permiten la carga y el transporte de semirremolques intermodales (gastos de infraestructura). (Spanish)
19 January 2022
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Projekt hõlmab 92 vaguni/taskuplatvormi ostmist, mis võimaldavad ühendveoga poolhaagiste laadimist ja transporti (infrastruktuurikulud). (Estonian)
13 August 2022
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Projekto taikymo sritis apima 92 vagonų ir kišeninių platformų įsigijimą, kad būtų galima pakrauti ir transportuoti įvairiarūšes puspriekabes (infrastruktūros išlaidos). (Lithuanian)
13 August 2022
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Opseg projekta uključuje kupnju 92 vagona/džepne platforme koje omogućuju utovar i prijevoz intermodalnih poluprikolica (infrastrukturni izdaci). (Croatian)
13 August 2022
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Το πεδίο εφαρμογής του έργου περιλαμβάνει την αγορά 92 φορταμαξών/εξέδρων τσέπης που επιτρέπουν τη φόρτωση και τη μεταφορά διατροπικών ημιρυμουλκούμενων (δαπάνες υποδομής). (Greek)
13 August 2022
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Do rozsahu projektu patrí nákup 92 vozňov/vreckových plošín umožňujúcich nakladanie a prepravu intermodálnych návesov (výdavky na infraštruktúru). (Slovak)
13 August 2022
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Hankkeen soveltamisalaan kuuluu 92 vaunun/taskulavan hankinta, jotka mahdollistavat intermodaalisten puoliperävaunujen lastauksen ja kuljetuksen (infrastruktuurikustannukset). (Finnish)
13 August 2022
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A projekt kiterjed 92 kocsi/zsebplatform beszerzésére, amely lehetővé teszi az intermodális félpótkocsik berakodását és szállítását (infrastrukturális kiadások). (Hungarian)
13 August 2022
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Součástí projektu je nákup 92 vagonů/kapsních plošin umožňujících nakládku a přepravu intermodálních návěsů (výdaje na infrastrukturu). (Czech)
13 August 2022
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Projekta darbības jomā ietilpst 92 vagonu/kabatas platformu iegāde, kas ļauj iekraut un transportēt vairākveidu puspiekabjus (infrastruktūras izdevumi). (Latvian)
13 August 2022
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Cuimsíonn raon feidhme an tionscadail ceannach vaigín/ardán póca 92 lena gceadaítear leathleantóirí idirmhódúla a luchtú agus a iompar (caiteachas bonneagair). (Irish)
13 August 2022
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Projekt zajema nakup 92 vagonov/žepnih peronov, ki omogočajo natovarjanje in prevoz intermodalnih polpriklopnikov (infrastrukturni izdatki). (Slovenian)
13 August 2022
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Обхватът на проекта включва закупуването на 92 вагони/джобни платформи, позволяващи товаренето и транспортирането на интермодални полуремаркета (инфраструктурни разходи). (Bulgarian)
13 August 2022
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L-ambitu tal-proġett jinkludi x-xiri ta’ 92 vaguni/pjattaformi tal-but li jippermettu t-tagħbija u t-trasport ta’ semitrejlers intermodali (nefqa infrastrutturali). (Maltese)
13 August 2022
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O âmbito do projeto inclui a aquisição de 92 vagões/plataformas de bolso que permitem o carregamento e o transporte de semirreboques intermodais (despesas de infraestruturas). (Portuguese)
13 August 2022
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Projektets omfang omfatter indkøb af 92 vogne/lommeplatforme, der gør det muligt at laste og transportere intermodale sættevogne (infrastrukturudgifter). (Danish)
13 August 2022
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Domeniul de aplicare al proiectului include achiziționarea a 92 de vagoane/platforme de buzunar care să permită încărcarea și transportul semiremorcilor intermodale (cheltuieli de infrastructură). (Romanian)
13 August 2022
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Projektet omfattar inköp av 92 vagnar/fickplattformar som möjliggör lastning och transport av intermodala påhängsvagnar (infrastrukturutgifter). (Swedish)
13 August 2022
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