Ordering water and sewage management in the municipality of Rzepin (Q100398)

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Project Q100398 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
Ordering water and sewage management in the municipality of Rzepin
Project Q100398 in Poland


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    6,467,638.93 zloty
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    1,552,233.34 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    7,608,987.0 zloty
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    1,826,156.88 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    85.0 percent
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    16 December 2016
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    31 December 2019
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    52°20'39.5"N, 14°50'17.9"E
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    Przedmiotem projektu jest uporządkowanie gospodarki wodno-ściekowej na terenie gm. Rzepin poprzez budowę kan. sanitarnej w m. Kowalów ok. 6,8 km, budowę sieci wodociągowej na ul. Słubickiej, Rzepińskiej, Starkowskiej i Polnej w m. Kowalów -ok. 2,3 km, budowę kanalizacji sanitarnej na ul. Kilińskiego, Łąkowej, Ogrodowej i Partyzanckiej w Rzepinie ok.3,75 km, budowę sieci wodociągowej na ul. Łąkowej i Ogrodowej w m. Rzepin o łącznej długości około 0,75 km, budowę oczyszczalni ścieków w Drzeńsku. Wskaźniki: długość wybudowanej kanalizacji sanitarnej: 10,55 km, długość wybudowanej sieci wodociągowej 3,05 km, Liczba wybudowanych oczyszczalni ścieków - 1 szt, Liczba dodatkowych osób korzystających z ulepszonego oczyszczania ścieków - 1215, wielk. ładunku ścieków poddanych ulepszonemu oczyszczaniu 3600, przewidywana liczba osób korzystających z ulepszonego oczyszczania ścieków 935, liczba dodatkowych osób korzystających z ulepszonego zaopatrzenia w wodę - 350. Celem głównym jest poprawa stanu środowiska poprzez uporządkowanie gosp. wodno – ściekowej w Gm. Rzepin. Do celów szczegółowych należą uporządkowanie gosp. ściekowej na terenie aglomeracji Rzepin, zwiększenie liczby mieszkańców regionu korzystających z oczyszczalni ścieków,poprawa parametrów oczyszczania ścieków w Gm. Rzepin do parametrów określonych przepisami, zmniejszenie znacznych dysproporcji pomiędzy rozwojem sys. kanalizacyjnego, w tym zwiększenie odsetka ludności korzystającej z oczyszczalni ścieków, dostosowanie projektu do zmian klimatu, ograniczenie wpływu projektu na zmiany klimatu, poprawa stanu istniejących wód, poprawa spójności terytorialnej regionu, poprawa zdolności adaptacji do zmian klimatu oraz rozwój systemów zarządzania zagrożeniami oraz zwiększenie efektywności wykorzystania zasobów naturalnych i kulturowych oraz ich zachowanie. Proj. jest skierowany do mieszkańców Gm. Rzepin i Woj. Lubuskiego, władz Gm. Rzepin i Woj. Lubuskiego, a także przedsiębiorców. Okres realizacji: lata 2017-2[. (Polish)
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    The object of the project is to organise water and sewage management in the area of the Rzepin building through the construction of sanitary canal in the town of Kowalów approx. 6.8 km, construction of a water supply network on ul. Słubicka, Rzepińska, Starkowska and Polna in Kowalów -ok. 2.3 km, construction of sanitary sewage system on ul. Kilińskiego, Łąkowa, Ogrodowa and Partisancka in Rzepin approx.3.75 km, construction of a water supply network on ul. Meadow and Garden in Rzepin, with a total length of about 0.75 km, construction of a sewage treatment plant in Drzeńsk. Indicators: length of built sanitary sewage system: 10.55 km, length of built water supply 3.05 km, Number of built sewage treatment plants – 1 units, Number of additional persons benefiting from improved waste water treatment – 1215, large waste water cargo undergoing improved treatment 3600, projected number of people benefiting from improved sewage treatment 935, number of additional persons using improved water supply – 350. The main objective is to improve the state of the environment by ordering gosp. water and sewage in Gm. Rzepin. The specific objectives include ordering waste water in the Rzepin agglomeration area, increasing the number of inhabitants of the region using waste water treatment plants, improving waste water treatment parameters in Gm. Rzepin to the parameters defined by the regulations, reducing the significant disparities between the development of sewage systems, improving the capacity of the sewage system and improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the waste water treatment plant, improving the project’s climate change capacity, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, The project is addressed to the inhabitants of Gm. Rzepin and Woj. Lubuski, the authorities of Gm. Rzepin and Woj. Lubuski, as well as entrepreneurs. Period of implementation: the years 2017-2[. (English)
    16 October 2020
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    L’objet du projet est d’organiser la gestion de l’eau et des eaux usées à Rzepin en construisant une canette sanitaire à Kowalów env. 6,8 km, construction d’un réseau d’approvisionnement en eau sur ul. Słubicka, Rzepińska, Starkowska et Polna à Kowalów — env. 2,3 km, construction d’un système d’assainissement sanitaire sur ul. Kilińskiego, Łąkowa, Jardin et Partisanka à Rzepin env. 3,75 km, construction d’un réseau d’approvisionnement en eau sur ul. Prairie et Ogrodowa à Rzepin d’une longueur totale d’environ 0,75 km, construction d’une station d’épuration des eaux usées à Drzeńsk. Indicateurs: longueur du système d’assainissement sanitaire construit: 10,55 km, longueur du réseau d’approvisionnement en eau construit 3,05 km, nombre de stations d’épuration construites — 1 PC, nombre de personnes supplémentaires utilisant un traitement amélioré des eaux usées — 1215, grande charge d’eaux usées traitées avec un traitement amélioré 3600, nombre estimé de personnes utilisant un traitement amélioré des eaux usées 935, nombre de personnes supplémentaires utilisant un meilleur approvisionnement en eau — 350. L’objectif principal est d’améliorer l’état de l’environnement par le rangement de l’eau et des eaux usées à Rzepin. Les objectifs spécifiques sont d’organiser la maison des eaux usées dans l’agglomération de Rzepin, d’augmenter le nombre d’habitants de la région utilisant des stations d’épuration des eaux usées, d’améliorer les paramètres du traitement des eaux usées à Rzepin aux paramètres définis par la réglementation, de réduire les disparités significatives entre le développement des systèmes d’assainissement, y compris l’augmentation de la part de la population utilisant des stations d’épuration des eaux usées, d’adapter le projet au changement climatique, de réduire l’impact du projet sur le changement climatique, d’améliorer l’état des eaux existantes, d’améliorer la cohésion territoriale de la région, d’améliorer la capacité d’adaptation au changement climatique et de développer des systèmes de gestion des risques et d’accroître l’efficacité et la préservation des ressources naturelles et culturelles. Le projet s’adresse aux habitants de Rzepin et Woj. Lubuskie, municipalité de Rzepin et Woj. Lubuskie, ainsi que des entrepreneurs. Période de mise en œuvre: années 2017-2[. (French)
    1 December 2021
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    Ziel des Projekts ist die Organisation der Wasser- und Abwasserwirtschaft in Rzepin durch den Bau eines Sanitärkanisters in Kowalów ca. 6,8 km, Bau eines Wasserversorgungsnetzes auf ul. Słubicka, Rzepińska, Starkowska und Polna in Kowalów – ca. 2,3 km, Bau der sanitären Kanalisation auf ul. Kilińskiego, Łąkowa, Garten und Partisanka in Rzepin ca. 3,75 km, Bau eines Wasserversorgungsnetzes auf ul. Wiese und Ogrodowa in Rzepin mit einer Gesamtlänge von ca. 0,75 km, Bau einer Kläranlage in Drzeńsk. Indikatoren: Länge der sanitären Kanalisation gebaut: 10,55 km, Länge des Wasserversorgungsnetzes gebaut 3,05 km, Anzahl der Kläranlagen gebaut – 1 Stück, Anzahl der zusätzlichen Personen mit verbesserter Abwasserbehandlung – 1215, große Last des Abwassers mit verbesserter Behandlung 3600 behandelt, geschätzte Zahl der Menschen, die verbesserte Abwasserbehandlung 935, Zahl der zusätzlichen Personen, die verbesserte Wasserversorgung nutzen – 350. Das Hauptziel besteht darin, den Zustand der Umwelt zu verbessern, indem das Wasser und die Kläranlage in Rzepin aufgeräumt werden. Die spezifischen Ziele sind die Organisation des Abwasserhauses im Ballungsraum Rzepin, die Erhöhung der Einwohnerzahl in der Region mit Abwasserbehandlungsanlagen, die Verbesserung der Parameter der Abwasserbehandlung in Rzepin an die in den Verordnungen festgelegten Parameter, die Verringerung der erheblichen Unterschiede zwischen der Entwicklung von Kanalisationssystemen, einschließlich der Erhöhung des Anteils der Bevölkerung unter Nutzung von Abwasserbehandlungsanlagen, Anpassung des Projekts an den Klimawandel, Verringerung der Auswirkungen des Projekts auf den Klimawandel, Verbesserung des Zustands bestehender Gewässer, Verbesserung des territorialen Zusammenhalts der Region, Verbesserung der Fähigkeit zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel und zur Entwicklung von Risikomanagementsystemen sowie Steigerung der Effizienz und Erhaltung der natürlichen und kulturellen Ressourcen. Das Projekt richtet sich an die Bewohner von Rzepin und Woj. Lubuskie, Gemeinde Rzepin und Woj. Lubuskie, sowie Unternehmer. Durchführungszeitraum: Jahre 2017-2[. (German)
    7 December 2021
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    Het doel van het project is het organiseren van water- en afvalwaterbeheer in Rzepin door de bouw van een sanitaire bus in Kowalów ca. 6,8 km, aanleg van een waterleidingnet op ul. Słubicka, Rzepińska, Starkowska en Polna in Kowalów — ca. 2,3 km, bouw van sanitaire riolering op ul. Kilińskiego, Łąkowa, Tuin en Partisanka in Rzepin ongeveer 3,75 km, aanleg van een waterleidingnet op ul. Weide en Ogrodowa in Rzepin met een totale lengte van ongeveer 0,75 km, bouw van een rioolwaterzuiveringsinstallatie in Drzeńsk. Indicatoren: lengte van het sanitaire rioleringssysteem gebouwd: 10,55 km, lengte van het waterleidingnet gebouwd 3,05 km, Aantal gebouwde rioolwaterzuiveringsinstallaties — 1 stk, aantal extra mensen die een betere afvalwaterbehandeling gebruiken — 1215, grote lading afvalwater behandeld met verbeterde behandeling 3600, geschat aantal mensen die een verbeterde afvalwaterbehandeling gebruiken 935, aantal extra mensen die een betere watervoorziening gebruiken — 350. Het belangrijkste doel is de toestand van het milieu te verbeteren door het water en de riolering in Rzepin op te ruimen. De specifieke doelstellingen zijn het organiseren van het afvalwaterhuis in de agglomeratie Rzepin, het vergroten van het aantal inwoners van de regio dat waterzuiveringsinstallaties gebruikt, het verbeteren van de parameters voor de behandeling van afvalwater in Rzepin tot de parameters die in de verordeningen zijn vastgesteld, het verkleinen van de aanzienlijke verschillen tussen de ontwikkeling van rioleringssystemen, waaronder het vergroten van het aandeel van de bevolking dat waterzuiveringsinstallaties gebruikt, het aanpassen van het project aan de klimaatverandering, het verminderen van de impact van het project op de klimaatverandering, het verbeteren van de toestand van bestaande wateren, het verbeteren van de territoriale cohesie van de regio, het verbeteren van de capaciteit om zich aan te passen aan klimaatverandering en het ontwikkelen van risicobeheersystemen en het verbeteren van de efficiëntie en het behoud van natuurlijke en culturele hulpbronnen. Het project is gericht tot de bewoners van Rzepin en Woj. Lubuskie, gemeente Rzepin en Woj. Lubuskie, evenals ondernemers. Uitvoeringsperiode: jaar 2017-2[. (Dutch)
    17 December 2021
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    L'obiettivo del progetto è quello di organizzare la gestione delle acque e delle acque reflue a Rzepin costruendo un contenitore sanitario a Kowalów ca. 6,8 km, costruzione di una rete di approvvigionamento idrico su ul. Słubicka, Rzepińska, Starkowska e Polna a Kowalów — ca. 2,3 km, costruzione di impianti fognari sanitari su ul. Kilińskiego, Łąkowa, Giardino e Partisanka a Rzepin circa 3,75 km, costruzione di una rete di approvvigionamento idrico su ul. Prato e Ogrodowa a Rzepin per una lunghezza totale di circa 0,75 km, costruzione di un impianto di depurazione a Drzeńsk. Indicatori: lunghezza del sistema fognario sanitario costruito: 10,55 km, lunghezza della rete di approvvigionamento idrico costruita 3,05 km, numero di impianti di trattamento delle acque reflue costruiti — 1 pezzi, numero di persone aggiuntive che utilizzano un migliore trattamento delle acque reflue — 1215, grande carico di acque reflue trattate con trattamento migliorato 3600, numero stimato di persone che utilizzano un migliore trattamento delle acque reflue 935, numero di persone che utilizzano un migliore approvvigionamento idrico — 350. L'obiettivo principale è quello di migliorare lo stato dell'ambiente riordinando l'acqua e le acque reflue a Rzepin. Gli obiettivi specifici sono quello di organizzare la casa delle acque reflue nell'agglomerato di Rzepin, aumentare il numero di abitanti della regione utilizzando impianti di trattamento delle acque reflue, migliorare i parametri del trattamento delle acque reflue a Rzepin ai parametri definiti dalla normativa, ridurre le notevoli disparità tra lo sviluppo dei sistemi fognari, tra cui l'aumento della quota della popolazione che utilizza impianti di trattamento delle acque reflue, adattare il progetto ai cambiamenti climatici, ridurre l'impatto del progetto sui cambiamenti climatici, migliorare lo stato delle acque esistenti, migliorare la coesione territoriale della regione, migliorare la capacità di adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici e sviluppare sistemi di gestione dei rischi e aumentare l'efficienza e la conservazione delle risorse naturali e culturali. Il progetto è rivolto ai residenti di Rzepin e Woj. Lubuskie, comune di Rzepin e Woj. Lubuskie, così come gli imprenditori. Periodo di attuazione: anni 2017-2[. (Italian)
    15 January 2022
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    El objetivo del proyecto es organizar la gestión del agua y las aguas residuales en Rzepin mediante la construcción de un recipiente sanitario en Kowalów aprox. 6,8 km, construcción de una red de suministro de agua en ul. Słubicka, Rzepińska, Starkowska y Polna en Kowalów — aprox. 2,3 km, construcción de sistema de alcantarillado sanitario en ul. Kilińskiego, Łąkowa, Garden y Partisanka en Rzepin aprox. 3,75 km, construcción de una red de suministro de agua en ul. Prado y Ogrodowa en Rzepin con una longitud total de unos 0,75 km, construcción de una depuradora de aguas residuales en Drzeńsk. Indicadores: longitud del sistema de alcantarillado sanitario construido: 10,55 km, longitud de la red de abastecimiento de agua construida 3,05 km, número de plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales construidas — 1 pcs, número de personas adicionales que utilizan un tratamiento mejorado de las aguas residuales — 1215, gran carga de aguas residuales tratadas con tratamiento mejorado 3600, número estimado de personas que utilizan un tratamiento mejorado de las aguas residuales 935, número de personas adicionales que utilizan un mejor suministro de agua — 350. El objetivo principal es mejorar el estado del medio ambiente ordenando el agua y el alcantarillado en Rzepin. Los objetivos específicos son organizar la casa de aguas residuales en la aglomeración de Rzepin, aumentar el número de habitantes de la región que utilizan plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales, mejorar los parámetros del tratamiento de aguas residuales en Rzepin a los parámetros definidos por la normativa, reducir las diferencias significativas entre el desarrollo de los sistemas de alcantarillado, incluido el aumento de la proporción de la población que utiliza las plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales, adaptar el proyecto al cambio climático, reducir el impacto del proyecto sobre el cambio climático, mejorar el estado de las aguas existentes, mejorar la cohesión territorial de la región, mejorar la capacidad de adaptación al cambio climático y desarrollar sistemas de gestión de riesgos y aumentar la eficiencia y preservación de los recursos naturales y culturales. El proyecto está dirigido a los residentes de Rzepin y Woj. Lubuskie, municipio de Rzepin y Woj. Lubuskie, así como emprendedores. Período de aplicación: años 2017-2[. (Spanish)
    18 January 2022
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    Formålet med projektet er at organisere vand- og spildevandsforvaltning i Rzepin-Bygningens område gennem opførelse af sanitære kanaler i byen Kowalów ca. 6,8 km, opførelse af et vandforsyningsnet på ul. SÅubicka, RzepiÅska, Starkowska og Polna i Kowalów -ok. 2,3 km, anlæg af sanitære kloaksystemer på ul. KiliÅskiego, ÅÄkowa, Ogrodowa og Partisancka i Rzepin ca. 3,75 km, anlæg af et vandforsyningsnet på ul. Eng og have i Rzepin, med en samlet længde på ca. 0,75 km, opførelse af et spildevandsrensningsanlæg i DrzeÅsk. Indikatorer: længde af bygget sanitære kloaksystem: 10,55 km, længde af bygget vandforsyning 3,05 km, Antal opførte rensningsanlæg â EUR 1 enheder, Antal yderligere personer, der nyder godt af forbedret spildevandsrensning â EUR 1215, stor spildevandslast under behandling forbedret behandling 3600, forventet antal mennesker, der nyder godt af forbedret spildevandsrensning 935, antal yderligere personer, der bruger forbedret vandforsyning â EUR 350. Hovedformålet er at forbedre miljøets tilstand ved at bestille gosp. vand og spildevand i Gm. Rzepin. The specific objectives include ordering waste water in the Rzepin agglomeration area, increasing the number of inhabitants of the region using waste water treatment plants, improving waste water treatment parameters in Gm. Rzepin to the parameters defined by the regulations, reducing the significant disparities between the development of sewage systems, improving the capacity of the sewage system and improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the waste water treatment plant, improving the project’s climate change capacity, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, The project is addressed to the inhabitants of Gm. Rzepin and Woj. Lubuski, myndighederne i Gm. Rzepin og Woj. Lubuski, samt iværksættere. Gennemførelsesperiode: årene 2017-2[. (Danish)
    2 July 2022
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    Αντικείμενο του έργου είναι η οργάνωση της διαχείρισης των υδάτων και των λυμάτων στην περιοχή του κτιρίου Rzepin μέσω της κατασκευής διώρυγας υγιεινής στην πόλη Kowalów περίπου 6,8 km, κατασκευή δικτύου ύδρευσης στην ul. SÅubicka, RzepiÅska, Starkowska και Polna στο Kowalów -ok. 2,3 χλμ., κατασκευή συστήματος αποχέτευσης υγιεινής στο ul. KiliÅskiego, ÅÄkowa, Ogrodowa και Partisancka στο Rzepin περίπου 3,75 km, κατασκευή δικτύου ύδρευσης στο ul. Λιβάδι και κήπος στο Rzepin, συνολικού μήκους περίπου 0,75 km, κατασκευή μονάδας επεξεργασίας λυμάτων στο DrzeÅsk. Δείκτες: μήκος του ενσωματωμένου συστήματος αποχέτευσης υγιεινής: 10,55 km, μήκος της χτισμένης παροχής νερού 3,05 km, Αριθμός των χτισμένων σταθμών επεξεργασίας λυμάτων â EUR 1 μονάδες, Αριθμός πρόσθετων ατόμων που επωφελούνται από βελτιωμένη επεξεργασία λυμάτων EUR 1215, μεγάλο φορτίο λυμάτων που υποβάλλονται σε βελτιωμένη επεξεργασία 3600, προβλεπόμενος αριθμός των ανθρώπων που επωφελούνται από τη βελτιωμένη επεξεργασία λυμάτων 935, αριθμός των επιπλέον ατόμων που χρησιμοποιούν βελτιωμένη παροχή νερού 350 EUR. Ο κύριος στόχος είναι να βελτιωθεί η κατάσταση του περιβάλλοντος με την παραγγελία gosp. νερό και λύματα σε Gm. Rzepin. The specific objectives include ordering waste water in the Rzepin agglomeration area, increasing the number of inhabitants of the region using waste water treatment plants, improving waste water treatment parameters in Gm. Rzepin to the parameters defined by the regulations, reducing the significant disparities between the development of sewage systems, improving the capacity of the sewage system and improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the waste water treatment plant, improving the project’s climate change capacity, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, The project is addressed to the inhabitants of Gm. Rzepin and Woj. Lubuski, οι αρχές των Gm. Rzepin και Woj. Lubuski, καθώς και επιχειρηματίες. Περίοδος εφαρμογής: τα έτη 2017-2[. (Greek)
    2 July 2022
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    Cilj projekta je organizirati upravljanje vodom i kanalizacijom na području zgrade Rzepin kroz izgradnju sanitarnog kanala u gradu Kowaló³w cca 6,8 km, izgradnju vodovodne mreže na ul. Šubicka, RzepiÅska, Starkowska i Polna u Kowaló³w -ok. 2,3 km, izgradnja sanitarnih kanalizacijskih sustava na ul. KiliÅskiego, ÅÄkowa, Ogrodowa i Partisancka u Rzepinu cca.3,75 km, izgradnja vodoopskrbne mreže na ul. Livada i vrt u Rzepinu, ukupne dužine oko 0,75 km, izgradnja uređaja za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda u Drzešsku. Pokazatelji: duljina izgrađenog sustava sanitarnih otpadnih voda: 10,55 km, dužina izgrađene vodoopskrbe 3,05 km, Broj izgrađenih uređaja za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda â EUR 1 jedinica, Broj dodatnih osoba koje imaju koristi od poboljšanog pročišćavanja otpadnih voda â EUR 1215, veliki teret otpadnih voda prolazi kroz poboljšanu obradu 3600, predviđeni broj ljudi koji imaju koristi od poboljšanog pročišćavanja otpadnih voda 935, broj dodatnih osoba koje koriste poboljšanu opskrbu vodom 350 EUR. Glavni cilj je poboljšati stanje okoliša naručivanjem gosp. vode i kanalizacije u Gm. Rzepinu. The specific objectives include ordering waste water in the Rzepin agglomeration area, increasing the number of inhabitants of the region using waste water treatment plants, improving waste water treatment parameters in Gm. Rzepin to the parameters defined by the regulations, reducing the significant disparities between the development of sewage systems, improving the capacity of the sewage system and improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the waste water treatment plant, improving the project’s climate change capacity, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, The project is addressed to the inhabitants of Gm. Rzepin and Woj. Lubuski, tijela Gm. Rzepina i Woja. Lubuski, kao i poduzetnici. Razdoblje provedbe: godine 2017 – 2[. (Croatian)
    2 July 2022
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    Obiectul proiectului este de a organiza gestionarea apei și a apelor uzate în zona clădirii Rzepin prin construirea unui canal sanitar în orașul Kowalów aprox. 6,8 km, construirea unei rețele de alimentare cu apă pe ul. SÅubicka, RzepiÅska, Starkowska și Polna în Kowalów -ok. 2,3 km, construcția sistemului sanitar de canalizare pe ul. KiliÅskiego, ÅÄkowa, Ogrodowa și Partisancka în Rzepin aprox.3,75 km, construirea unei rețele de alimentare cu apă pe ul. Lunca și Grădina din Rzepin, cu o lungime totală de aproximativ 0,75 km, construirea unei stații de epurare a apelor uzate în DrzeÅsk. Indicatori: lungimea sistemului de canalizare sanitar construit: 10,55 km, lungimea de alimentare cu apă construită 3,05 km, Numărul de stații de epurare a apelor uzate construite â EUR 1 unități, Numărul de persoane suplimentare care beneficiază de o tratare îmbunătățită a apelor uzate â EUR 1215, încărcătură mare de ape uzate supuse unei tratări îmbunătățite 3600, numărul proiectat de persoane care beneficiază de o mai bună tratare a apelor uzate 935, numărul de persoane suplimentare care utilizează alimentarea îmbunătățită cu apă â EUR 350. Obiectivul principal este de a îmbunătăți starea mediului prin comanda gosp. apă și canalizare în Gm. Rzepin. The specific objectives include ordering waste water in the Rzepin agglomeration area, increasing the number of inhabitants of the region using waste water treatment plants, improving waste water treatment parameters in Gm. Rzepin to the parameters defined by the regulations, reducing the significant disparities between the development of sewage systems, improving the capacity of the sewage system and improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the waste water treatment plant, improving the project’s climate change capacity, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, The project is addressed to the inhabitants of Gm. Rzepin and Woj. Lubuski, autoritățile Gm. Rzepin și Woj. Lubuski, precum și antreprenori. Perioada de punere în aplicare: anii 2017-2[. (Romanian)
    2 July 2022
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    Predmetom projektu je organizovanie vodného a kanalizačného manažmentu v areáli budovy Rzepin prostredníctvom výstavby sanitárneho kanála v meste Kowalów cca 6,8 km, výstavba vodovodnej siete na ul. SÅubicka, RzepiÅska, Starkowska a Polna v Kowalóve -ok. 2,3 km, výstavba sanitárnych kanalizačných systémov na ul. KiliÅskiego, ÅÄkowa, Ogrodowa a Partisancka v Rzepin cca.3,75 km, výstavba vodovodnej siete na ul. Lúka a záhrada v Rzepin, s celkovou dĺžkou asi 0,75 km, výstavba čističky odpadových vôd v DrzeÅsku. Ukazovatele: dĺžka vybudovaného sanitárneho kanalizačného systému: 10,55 km, dĺžka vybudovaného zásobovania vodou 3,05 km, Počet postavených čistiarní odpadových vôd â EUR 1 jednotky, Počet ďalších osôb využívajúcich zlepšené čistenie odpadových vôd â EUR 1215, veľké odpadové vody nákladu prechádza vylepšené čistenie 3600, predpokladaný počet ľudí, ktorí majú prospech z vylepšeného čistenia odpadových vôd 935, počet ďalších osôb pomocou zlepšenej dodávky vody â EUR 350. Hlavným cieľom je zlepšiť stav životného prostredia objednaním vody a kanalizácie v Gm. Rzepin. The specific objectives include ordering waste water in the Rzepin agglomeration area, increasing the number of inhabitants of the region using waste water treatment plants, improving waste water treatment parameters in Gm. Rzepin to the parameters defined by the regulations, reducing the significant disparities between the development of sewage systems, improving the capacity of the sewage system and improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the waste water treatment plant, improving the project’s climate change capacity, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, The project is addressed to the inhabitants of Gm. Rzepin and Woj. Lubuski, úrady Gm. Rzepin a Woj. Lubuski, rovnako ako podnikatelia. Obdobie vykonávania: roky 2017 – 2[. (Slovak)
    2 July 2022
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    L-għan tal-proġett huwa li tiġi organizzata l-ġestjoni tal-ilma u tad-drenaġġ fiż-żona tal-bini Rzepin permezz tal-kostruzzjoni ta’ kanal sanitarju fil-belt ta’ Kowalów madwar 6.8 km, il-kostruzzjoni ta’ netwerk tal-provvista tal-ilma fuq ul. SÅubicka, RzepiÅska, Starkowska u Polna f’Kowalów-ok. 2.3 km, il-kostruzzjoni ta’ sistema tad-drenaġġ sanitarja fuq ul. KiliÅskiego, ÅÄkowa, Ogrodowa u Partisancka f’Rzepin madwar.3.75 km, il-kostruzzjoni ta’ netwerk tal-provvista tal-ilma fuq ul. Mergħat u Ġnien f’Rzepin, b’tul totali ta’ madwar 0.75 km, kostruzzjoni ta’ impjant tat-trattament tad-drenaġġ fi DrzeÅsk. Indikaturi: tul tas-sistema sanitarja tad-drenaġġ mibnija: 10.55 km, tul ta ‘provvista ta’ ilma mibnija 3.05 km, Numru ta ‘impjanti ta’ trattament tad-drenaġġ mibnija â EUR 1 unitajiet, Numru ta ‘persuni addizzjonali li jibbenefikaw minn trattament aħjar ta’ ilma mormi EUR 1215, merkanzija kbira ta ‘ilma mormi għaddejjin minn trattament imtejjeb 3600, numru proġettat ta’ nies li jibbenefikaw minn trattament tad-drenaġġ aħjar 935, numru ta ‘persuni addizzjonali li jużaw provvista ta’ ilma mtejba EUR 350. L-għan ewlieni huwa li jittejjeb l-istat tal-ambjent billi jiġu ordnati l-ilma u d-drenaġġ f’Gm. Rzepin. The specific objectives include ordering waste water in the Rzepin agglomeration area, increasing the number of inhabitants of the region using waste water treatment plants, improving waste water treatment parameters in Gm. Rzepin to the parameters defined by the regulations, reducing the significant disparities between the development of sewage systems, improving the capacity of the sewage system and improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the waste water treatment plant, improving the project’s climate change capacity, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, The project is addressed to the inhabitants of Gm. Rzepin and Woj. Lubuski, l-awtoritajiet ta’ Gm. Rzepin u Woj. Lubuski, kif ukoll intraprendituri. Perjodu ta’ implimentazzjoni: is-snin 2017–2[. (Maltese)
    2 July 2022
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    O objetivo do projeto é organizar a gestão de água e esgoto na área do edifício Rzepin através da construção de canal sanitário na cidade de Kowalów aprox. 6,8 km, construção de uma rede de abastecimento de água em ul. SÅubicka, RzepiÅska, Starkowska e Polna em Kowalów -ok. 2,3 km, construção do sistema de esgoto sanitário em ul. KiliÅskiego, ÅÄkowa, Ogrodowa e Partisancka em Rzepin, aproximadamente 3,75 km, construção de uma rede de abastecimento de água em ul. Prado e Jardim em Rzepin, com um comprimento total de cerca de 0,75 km, construção de uma estação de tratamento de águas residuais em DrzeÅsk. Indicadores: comprimento do sistema de esgoto sanitário construído: 10,55 km, comprimento do abastecimento de água construída 3,05 km, Número de estações de tratamento de águas residuais construídas 1 unidade, Número de pessoas adicionais que beneficiam de um tratamento melhorado de águas residuais âEUR 1215, grande carga de águas residuais em tratamento melhorado 3600, número previsto de pessoas que beneficiam de um tratamento melhorado 935, número de pessoas adicionais que utilizam um melhor abastecimento de água — 350 EUR. O principal objetivo é melhorar o estado do ambiente, ordenando água gosp. e esgoto em Gm. Rzepin. The specific objectives include ordering waste water in the Rzepin agglomeration area, increasing the number of inhabitants of the region using waste water treatment plants, improving waste water treatment parameters in Gm. Rzepin to the parameters defined by the regulations, reducing the significant disparities between the development of sewage systems, improving the capacity of the sewage system and improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the waste water treatment plant, improving the project’s climate change capacity, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, The project is addressed to the inhabitants of Gm. Rzepin and Woj. Lubuski, as autoridades de Gm. Rzepin e Woj. Lubuski, bem como empresários. Período de execução: os anos 2017-2[. (Portuguese)
    2 July 2022
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    Hankkeen tavoitteena on järjestää vesi- ja jätevesihuolto Rzepin-rakennuksen alueella rakentamalla saniteettikanava Kowal³w:n kaupunkiin noin 6,8 km, rakentamalla vesijohtoverkko ul. SÅubicka, RzepiÅska, Starkowska ja Polna Kowalów -okissa. 2,3 km, saniteettijätevesijärjestelmän rakentaminen ul. KiliÅskiego, ÅÄkowa, Ogrodowa ja Partisancka Rzepinissä n. 3,75 km, vesijohtoverkon rakentaminen ul:lle. Rzepinissä sijaitseva niitty ja puutarha, joiden kokonaispituus on noin 0,75 km, jätevedenpuhdistamon rakentaminen DrzeÅskiin. Indikaattorit: rakennetun saniteettijätevesijärjestelmän pituus: 10,55 km, pituus rakennettu vesihuolto 3,05 km, Rakennettujen jätevedenpuhdistamojen lukumäärä 1 yksikköä, Lisähenkilöiden määrä, jotka hyötyvät parannetusta jätevedenkäsittelystä â 1215, suuri jäteveden lasti, jota käsitellään paremmin 3600, ennustettu määrä ihmisiä, jotka hyötyvät paremmasta jäteveden käsittelystä 935, parannettua vesihuoltoa käyttävien henkilöiden määrä 350. Päätavoitteena on parantaa ympäristön tilaa tilaamalla juomaveden ja jäteveden Gm. Rzepin. The specific objectives include ordering waste water in the Rzepin agglomeration area, increasing the number of inhabitants of the region using waste water treatment plants, improving waste water treatment parameters in Gm. Rzepin to the parameters defined by the regulations, reducing the significant disparities between the development of sewage systems, improving the capacity of the sewage system and improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the waste water treatment plant, improving the project’s climate change capacity, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, The project is addressed to the inhabitants of Gm. Rzepin and Woj. Lubuski, Gm. Rzepinin ja Wojin viranomaiset. Lubuski, sekä yrittäjät. Täytäntöönpanokausi: vuodet 2017–2[. (Finnish)
    2 July 2022
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    Cilj projekta je organizirati upravljanje voda in odplak na območju stavbe Rzepin z gradnjo sanitarnega kanala v mestu Kowalów pribl. 6,8 km, gradnja vodovodnega omrežja na ul. SÅubicka, RzepiÅska, Starkowska in Polna v Kowalów -ok. 2,3 km, gradnja sanitarnega kanalizacijskega sistema na ul. KiliÅskiego, ÅÄkowa, Ogrodowa in Partisancka v Rzepinu pribl. 3,75 km, gradnja vodovodnega omrežja na ul. Travnik in vrt v Rzepinu, s skupno dolžino približno 0,75 km, gradnja čistilne naprave v DrzeÅsku. Kazalniki: dolžina vgrajenega sanitarnega kanalizacijskega sistema: 10,55 km, dolžina zgrajene oskrbe z vodo 3,05 km, Število zgrajenih čistilnih naprav EUR 1 enote, Število dodatnih oseb, ki imajo koristi od izboljšanega čiščenja odpadnih voda EUR 1215, velik tovor odpadne vode v postopku izboljšanega čiščenja 3600, predvideno število ljudi, ki imajo koristi od izboljšanega čiščenja odplak 935, število dodatnih oseb, ki uporabljajo izboljšano oskrbo z vodo 350 EUR. Glavni cilj je izboljšati stanje okolja z naročanjem gosp. vode in odplak v Gm. Rzepin. The specific objectives include ordering waste water in the Rzepin agglomeration area, increasing the number of inhabitants of the region using waste water treatment plants, improving waste water treatment parameters in Gm. Rzepin to the parameters defined by the regulations, reducing the significant disparities between the development of sewage systems, improving the capacity of the sewage system and improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the waste water treatment plant, improving the project’s climate change capacity, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, The project is addressed to the inhabitants of Gm. Rzepin and Woj. Lubuski, oblasti Gm. Rzepina in Woja. Lubuski, kot tudi podjetniki. Obdobje izvajanja: leta 2017–2[. (Slovenian)
    2 July 2022
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    Cílem projektu je organizovat vodohospodářství a kanalizaci v areálu budovy Rzepin prostřednictvím výstavby sanitárního kanálu ve městě Kowalów cca 6,8 km, výstavba vodovodní sítě na ul. SÅubická, Rzepišská, Starkowská a Polna v Kowalów -ok. 2,3 km, výstavba sanitární kanalizace na ul. KiliÅskiego, Škowa, Ogrodowa a Partisancka v Rzepinu cca 3,75 km, výstavba vodovodní sítě na ul. Louka a zahrada v Rzepinu, o celkové délce asi 0,75 km, výstavba čistírny odpadních vod v DrzeÅsku. Ukazatele: délka postaveného sanitárního kanalizačního systému: 10,55 km, délka vestavěné dodávky vody 3,05 km, počet vybudovaných čistíren odpadních vod › 1 jednotky, počet dalších osob využívajících lepší čištění odpadních vod › 1215, velký náklad odpadních vod, který prochází vylepšenou úpravou 3600, předpokládaný počet osob využívajících zlepšené čištění odpadních vod 935, počet dalších osob využívajících lepší zásobování vodou › 350 EUR. Hlavním cílem je zlepšit stav životního prostředí objednáním gosp. vody a odpadních vod v Gm. Rzepin. The specific objectives include ordering waste water in the Rzepin agglomeration area, increasing the number of inhabitants of the region using waste water treatment plants, improving waste water treatment parameters in Gm. Rzepin to the parameters defined by the regulations, reducing the significant disparities between the development of sewage systems, improving the capacity of the sewage system and improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the waste water treatment plant, improving the project’s climate change capacity, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, The project is addressed to the inhabitants of Gm. Rzepin and Woj. Lubuski, úřady Gm. Rzepin a Woj. Lubuski, stejně jako podnikatelé. Období provádění: roky 2017–2[. (Czech)
    2 July 2022
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    Projekto tikslas – organizuoti vandens ir nuotekų tvarkymą Rzepin pastato teritorijoje, statant santechnikos kanalą Kowalów mieste apie 6,8 km, tiesiant vandens tiekimo tinklą ul. SÅubicka, RzepiÅska, Starkowska ir Polna Kowalów -ok. 2,3 km, santechnikos nuotekų sistemos statyba ul. KiliÅskiego, ÅÄkowa, Ogrodowa ir Partisancka Rzepin apie.3,75 km, vandentiekio tinklo tiesimas ul. Pievos ir sodas Rzepin, kurių bendras ilgis apie 0,75 km, statybos nuotekų valymo įrenginių DrzeÅsk. Rodikliai: pastatytos sanitarinės nuotekų sistemos ilgis: 10,55 km, pastatyto vandentiekio ilgis 3,05 km, Pastatytų nuotekų valymo įrenginių skaičius â 1 vnt., Papildomų asmenų, kuriems naudingas patobulintas nuotekų valymas, skaičius â 1 215 EUR, dideli nuotekų kroviniai, kuriems taikomas patobulintas valymas 3600, prognozuojamas žmonių, kurie naudojasi geresniu nuotekų valymu, skaičius 935, papildomų asmenų, naudojančių patobulintą vandens tiekimą, skaičius â 350. Pagrindinis tikslas yra pagerinti aplinkos būklę užsakant gosp. vandenį ir nuotekas Gm. Rzepin. The specific objectives include ordering waste water in the Rzepin agglomeration area, increasing the number of inhabitants of the region using waste water treatment plants, improving waste water treatment parameters in Gm. Rzepin to the parameters defined by the regulations, reducing the significant disparities between the development of sewage systems, improving the capacity of the sewage system and improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the waste water treatment plant, improving the project’s climate change capacity, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, The project is addressed to the inhabitants of Gm. Rzepin and Woj. Lubuski, Gm. Rzepin ir Woj valdžios institucijos. Lubuski, taip pat verslininkai. Įgyvendinimo laikotarpis: 2017–2 m.[. (Lithuanian)
    2 July 2022
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    Projekta mērķis ir organizēt ūdens un notekūdeņu apsaimniekošanu Rzepin ēkas teritorijā, izbūvējot sanitāro kanālu Kowalów pilsētā aptuveni 6,8 km, izbūvējot ūdensapgādes tīklu ul. SÅubicka, RzepiÅska, Starkowska un Polna Kowalów -ok. 2,3 km, sanitārās kanalizācijas sistēmas izbūve uz ul. KiliÅskiego, Åkowa, Ogrodowa un Partisancka Rzepin aptuveni 3,75 km, ūdens apgādes tīkla izbūve ul. Pļava un dārzs Rzepinā, kuru kopējais garums ir aptuveni 0,75 km, DrzeÅsk notekūdeņu attīrīšanas iekārtas būvniecība. Rādītāji: izbūvētās sanitārās kanalizācijas sistēmas garums: 10,55 km, garums būvētas ūdensapgādes 3,05 km, skaits būvēto notekūdeņu attīrīšanas iekārtu â 1 vienības, skaits papildu personām, kas gūst labumu no uzlabotas notekūdeņu attīrīšanas â 1 215 EUR, lielas notekūdeņu kravas veic uzlabotu attīrīšanu 3600, prognozētais cilvēku skaits gūst labumu no uzlabotas notekūdeņu attīrīšanas 935, papildu personu skaits, izmantojot uzlabotu ūdens apgādes â 350 EUR. Galvenais mērķis ir uzlabot vides stāvokli, pasūtot gosp. ūdeni un notekūdeņus Gm. Rzepin. The specific objectives include ordering waste water in the Rzepin agglomeration area, increasing the number of inhabitants of the region using waste water treatment plants, improving waste water treatment parameters in Gm. Rzepin to the parameters defined by the regulations, reducing the significant disparities between the development of sewage systems, improving the capacity of the sewage system and improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the waste water treatment plant, improving the project’s climate change capacity, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, The project is addressed to the inhabitants of Gm. Rzepin and Woj. Lubuski, Gm. Rzepin un Woj. Lubuski, kā arī uzņēmēji. Īstenošanas periods: no 2017. līdz 2. gadam[. (Latvian)
    2 July 2022
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    Целта на проекта е да се организира управление на водите и канализацията в района на сградата „Рзепин“ чрез изграждане на санитарен канал в гр. Ковалю, приблизително 6,8 км, изграждане на водоснабдителна мрежа на ул. SÅubicka, RzepiÅska, Starkowska и Polna в Kowalów -ok. 2.3 км, изграждане на санитарна канализационна система на ул. KiliÅskiego, ÅÄkowa, Ogrodowa и Partisancka в Rzepin приблизително.3,75 km, изграждане на водоснабдителна мрежа на ул. Поляна и градина в Rzepin, с обща дължина от около 0,75 km, изграждане на пречиствателна станция за отпадъчни води в DrzeÅsk. Показатели: дължина на изградената санитарна канализационна система: 10,55 km, дължина на изграденото водоснабдяване 3,05 km, брой на изградените пречиствателни станции за отпадъчни води â EUR 1 единици, Брой допълнителни лица, ползващи се от подобрено пречистване на отпадъчни води â EUR 1215, големи товари отпадъчни води, подложени на подобрено пречистване 3600, прогнозен брой на хората, които се възползват от подобрено пречистване на отпадъчни води 935, брой допълнителни лица, използващи подобрено водоснабдяване â 350 EUR. Основната цел е да се подобри състоянието на околната среда чрез поръчване на gosp. вода и канализация в Gm. Rzepin. The specific objectives include ordering waste water in the Rzepin agglomeration area, increasing the number of inhabitants of the region using waste water treatment plants, improving waste water treatment parameters in Gm. Rzepin to the parameters defined by the regulations, reducing the significant disparities between the development of sewage systems, improving the capacity of the sewage system and improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the waste water treatment plant, improving the project’s climate change capacity, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, The project is addressed to the inhabitants of Gm. Rzepin and Woj. Любуски, властите на Gm. Rzepin и Woj. Лубуски, както и предприемачи. Период на изпълнение: годините 2017—2[. (Bulgarian)
    2 July 2022
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    A projekt célja a víz- és szennyvízkezelés megszervezése a Rzepin épület területén Kowalów város egészségügyi csatornájának megépítésével, ul vízellátó hálózat kiépítésével. SÅubicka, RzepiÅska, Starkowska és Polna Kowalów -ok. 2,3 km, egészségügyi szennyvízrendszer építése ul. KiliÅskiego, ÅÄkowa, Ogrodowa és Partisancka Rzepinben kb. 3,75 km, vízellátó hálózat építése ul. Rét és kert Rzepin, teljes hossza körülbelül 0,75 km, építése egy szennyvíztisztító telep DrzeÅsk. Mutatók: a beépített egészségügyi szennyvízrendszer hossza: 10,55 km, az épített vízellátás hossza 3,05 km, az épített szennyvíztisztító telepek száma â 1 EUR, a jobb szennyvíztisztításban részesülő további személyek száma 1 215 EUR, a jobb tisztításon átesett nagy szennyvízrakomány 3600, a jobb szennyvízkezelésből részesülő emberek várható száma 935, a jobb vízellátást igénybe vevő további személyek száma â 350 EUR. A fő cél az, hogy javítsa a környezet állapotát rendelésével gosp. víz és szennyvíz Gm. Rzepin. The specific objectives include ordering waste water in the Rzepin agglomeration area, increasing the number of inhabitants of the region using waste water treatment plants, improving waste water treatment parameters in Gm. Rzepin to the parameters defined by the regulations, reducing the significant disparities between the development of sewage systems, improving the capacity of the sewage system and improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the waste water treatment plant, improving the project’s climate change capacity, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, The project is addressed to the inhabitants of Gm. Rzepin and Woj. Lubuski, Gm. Rzepin és Woj hatóságai. Lubuski, valamint vállalkozók. Végrehajtási időszak: a 2017-es évek 2[. (Hungarian)
    2 July 2022
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    Is é cuspóir an tionscadail bainistíocht uisce agus séarachais a eagrú i limistéar fhoirgneamh Rzepin trí chanáil sláintíochta a thógáil i mbaile Kowalów thart ar 6.8 km, gréasán soláthair uisce a thógáil ar ul. SÅubicka, RzepiÅska, Starkowska agus Polna i Kowalów -ok. 2.3 km, córas séarachais sláintíochta a thógáil ar ul. KiliÅskiego, ÅÄkowa, Ogrodowa agus Partisancka i Rzepin thart ar.3.75 km, tógáil líonra soláthair uisce ar ul. Móinéir agus Gairdín i Rzepin, le fad iomlán de thart ar 0.75 km, tógáil gléasra cóireála séarachais i DrzeÅsk. Táscairí: fad an chórais séarachais sláintíochta tógtha: 10.55 km, fad soláthar uisce a tógadh 3.05 km, Líon na ngléasraí cóireála séarachais tógtha â EUR 1 aonad, Líon na ndaoine breise ag baint tairbhe as cóireáil fuíolluisce feabhsaithe â EUR 1215, lasta fuíolluisce mór faoi chóireáil feabhsaithe 3600, réamh-mheasta líon na ndaoine ag baint tairbhe as cóireáil séarachais feabhsaithe 935, líon na ndaoine breise ag baint úsáide as soláthar uisce feabhsaithe â EUR 350. Is é an príomhchuspóir ná staid an chomhshaoil a fheabhsú trí uisce agus séarachas a ordú i Gm. Rzepin. The specific objectives include ordering waste water in the Rzepin agglomeration area, increasing the number of inhabitants of the region using waste water treatment plants, improving waste water treatment parameters in Gm. Rzepin to the parameters defined by the regulations, reducing the significant disparities between the development of sewage systems, improving the capacity of the sewage system and improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the waste water treatment plant, improving the project’s climate change capacity, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, The project is addressed to the inhabitants of Gm. Rzepin and Woj. Lubuski, údaráis Gm. Rzepin agus Woj. Lubuski, chomh maith le fiontraithe. Tréimhse cur chun feidhme: na blianta 2017-2[. (Irish)
    2 July 2022
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    Syftet med projektet är att organisera vatten- och avloppshantering i området kring Rzepin-byggnaden genom byggandet av sanitetskanalen i staden Kowalów ca 6,8 km, byggandet av ett vattenförsörjningsnät på ul. SÅubicka, RzepiÅska, Starkowska och Polna i Kowalów -ok. 2,3 km, konstruktion av avloppssystem på ul. KiliÅskiego, ÅÄkowa, Ogrodowa och Partisancka i Rzepin ca 3,75 km, byggandet av ett vattenförsörjningsnät på ul. Äng och trädgård i Rzepin, med en total längd på ca 0,75 km, uppförande av ett avloppsreningsverk i DrzeÅsk. Indikatorer: längd på det inbyggda avloppssystemet: 10,55 km, byggd vattenförsörjningslängd 3,05 km, Antal byggda avloppsreningsverk â 1 enheter, Antal ytterligare personer som gynnas av förbättrad rening av avloppsvatten â 1 215 EUR, stor avloppsvattenlast som genomgår förbättrad rening 3600, beräknat antal personer som gynnas av förbättrad avloppsrening 935, antal ytterligare personer som använder förbättrad vattenförsörjning â350 EUR. Huvudsyftet är att förbättra tillståndet i miljön genom att beställa gosp. vatten och avloppsvatten i Gm. Rzepin. The specific objectives include ordering waste water in the Rzepin agglomeration area, increasing the number of inhabitants of the region using waste water treatment plants, improving waste water treatment parameters in Gm. Rzepin to the parameters defined by the regulations, reducing the significant disparities between the development of sewage systems, improving the capacity of the sewage system and improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the waste water treatment plant, improving the project’s climate change capacity, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, The project is addressed to the inhabitants of Gm. Rzepin and Woj. Lubuski, myndigheterna i Gm. Rzepin och Woj. Lubuski, liksom entreprenörer. Genomförandeperiod: åren 2017–2[. (Swedish)
    2 July 2022
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    Projekti eesmärk on korraldada Rzepini hoone piirkonnas vee- ja reoveekäitlust sanitaarkanali ehitamise kaudu Kowalów linnas umbes 6,8 km, veevõrgu ehitamise kaudu ul. SÅubicka, RzepiÅska, Starkowska ja Polna Kowal³w -ok. 2,3 km, kanalisatsioonisüsteemi ehitamine ul. KiliÅskiego, ÅÄkowa, Ogrodowa ja Partisancka Rzepinis umbes 3,75 km, veevarustusvõrgu ehitamine ul. Rzepini heinamaa ja aed, mille kogupikkus on umbes 0,75 km, DrzeÅski reoveepuhasti ehitamine. Näitajad: ehitatud kanalisatsioonisüsteemi pikkus: 10,55 km, ehitatud veevarustuse pikkus 3,05 km, ehitatud reoveepuhastite arv 1 ühikut, Täiendavate inimeste arv, kes saavad kasu reovee paremast puhastamisest â EUR 1215, täiustatud puhastust läbinud suur heitveelast 3600, täiustatud reovee puhastamisest kasu saavate inimeste eeldatav arv 935, täiustatud veevarustust kasutavate täiendavate isikute arv 350 eurot. Peamine eesmärk on parandada keskkonna seisundit, tellides Gm. Rzepinis gosp. vett ja reovett. The specific objectives include ordering waste water in the Rzepin agglomeration area, increasing the number of inhabitants of the region using waste water treatment plants, improving waste water treatment parameters in Gm. Rzepin to the parameters defined by the regulations, reducing the significant disparities between the development of sewage systems, improving the capacity of the sewage system and improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the waste water treatment plant, improving the project’s climate change capacity, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the efficiency of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the design to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adjusting the project to climate change, reducing the impact of the project on climate change, improving the status of existing waters, improving the proportion of the population using waste water treatment plants, adapting the project to climate change, The project is addressed to the inhabitants of Gm. Rzepin and Woj. Lubuski, Gm. Rzepini ja Woj ametiasutused. Lubuski, samuti ettevõtjad. Rakendamise periood: aastad 2017–2[. (Estonian)
    2 July 2022
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