UVAS (Q4038992)
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Project Q4038992 in Sweden
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English | UVAS |
Project Q4038992 in Sweden |
16,167,606.52 Swedish krona
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24,130,756.0 Swedish krona
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1 June 2015
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30 June 2018
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Regional utveckling
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Q4038960 (Deleted Item)
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Education represents one of the most important preconditions for youths opportunities to worklife. Youths who lack completed high school education, immigrants or people with work disabilities are at high risk of long-term unemployment and future labormarket related problems. 11% of the youths who leave elimentary school within the county of Jämtland are not qualified to a national high school programme. Approximately 20% of all students have not completed their high school education before the year they turn 20, which is more than the national numbers. Complete high school grades represents a precondition for being able to get a job or apply for higher education. There are 1 398 male and female youths in the group of 16-25-year-olds who neither work or study. The aim of the project is to decrease the high youth unemployment in the region and through proven methods support those youths who are not in employment, education or training (NEETs) to find their own way to work or studies. The project will find the youths who are not in employment, education or training through outreaching activities, establish a contact with them and map their needs and preconditions. This will be done in order to offer suitable individually adjusted activities where the youths are supported and activated as well as starts their way towards work or studies. When the youths are ready they will early be matched towards the labor market or to suitable education. The project shall decrease the segregation of the labor market caused by gender in the county of Jämtland by increasing the possibilities of young men and women to choose profession/education based on interest and decrease the influence of gender roles. The project shall also strengthen the establishment of young disabled men and women on the labormarket and in educations through strengthened individual support to disabled and information to employers about disabilities. (Swedish)
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Education represents one of the most important preconditions for youths opportunities to worklife. Youths who lac completed high school education, immigrants or people with work disabilities are at high risk of long-term unemployment and future labormarket related problems. 11 % of the youths who leave elimentary school within the county of Jämtland are not qualified to a national high school programme. Approximately 20 % of all students have not completed their high school education before the year they turn 20, which is more than the national numbers. Complete high school grades represent a precondition for being able to get a job or apply for higher education. There are 1 398 male and female youths in the group of 16-25-year-olds who neither work or study. The aim of the project is to decrease the high youth unemployment in the region and through proven methods support those youths who are not in employment, education or training (NEETs) to find their own way to work or studies. The project will find the youths who are not in employment, education or training through outreaching activities, establish a contact with them and map their needs and preconditions. This will be done in order to offer suitable individually adjusted activities where the youths are supported and activated as well as starting their way towards work or studies. When the youths are ready they will early be matched towards the labor market or to suitable education. The project shall decrease the segregation of the labor market caused by gender in the county of Jämtland by increasing the possibilities of young men and women to choose profession/education based on interest and decrease the influence of gender roles. The project shall also strengthen the establishment of young disabled men and women on the labormarket and in educations through strengthened individual support to disabled and information to employers about disabilities. (English)
27 January 2022
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Bildung ist eine der wichtigsten Voraussetzungen für die Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten junger Menschen. Jugendliche, die eine Schulbildung abgeschlossen haben, Einwanderer oder Menschen mit Arbeitsbehinderungen sind von Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit und künftigen arbeitsmarktbedingten Problemen bedroht. 11 % der Jugendlichen, die die elimentäre Schule in der Grafschaft Jämtland verlassen, sind nicht für ein nationales Highschool-Programm qualifiziert. Etwa 20 % aller Schüler haben ihre High School nicht vor dem Jahr 20 abgeschlossen, was mehr ist als die nationale Zahl. Vollständige Schulnoten stellen eine Voraussetzung dar, um einen Job zu bekommen oder sich um eine Hochschulbildung zu bewerben. Es gibt 1 398 männliche und weibliche Jugendliche in der Gruppe der 16-25-Jährigen, die weder arbeiten noch studieren. Ziel des Projekts ist es, die hohe Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in der Region zu verringern und durch bewährte Methoden diejenigen Jugendlichen zu unterstützen, die sich weder in Beschäftigung noch in Ausbildung befinden (NEETs), um ihren eigenen Weg zur Arbeit oder zum Studium zu finden. Im Rahmen des Projekts werden die Jugendlichen, die sich nicht in Beschäftigung, Bildung oder Ausbildung befinden, durch weitreichende Aktivitäten einen Kontakt zu ihnen herstellen und ihre Bedürfnisse und Vorbedingungen abbilden. Dies wird geschehen, um geeignete individuell angepasste Aktivitäten anzubieten, bei denen die Jugendlichen unterstützt und aktiviert werden, sowie ihren Weg zur Arbeit oder zum Studium zu beginnen. Wenn die Jugendlichen bereit sind, werden sie früh auf den Arbeitsmarkt oder auf eine geeignete Ausbildung abgestimmt. Das Projekt soll die durch das Geschlecht in der Grafschaft Jämtland verursachte Segregation des Arbeitsmarktes verringern, indem es die Möglichkeiten junger Männer und Frauen erhöht, Beruf/Bildung aufgrund von Interesse zu wählen und den Einfluss von Geschlechterrollen zu verringern. Das Projekt soll auch die Etablierung junger behinderter Männer und Frauen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt und in der Bildung durch eine verstärkte individuelle Unterstützung von Behinderten und die Information der Arbeitgeber über Behinderungen stärken. (German)
27 January 2022
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Onderwijs is een van de belangrijkste voorwaarden voor jongeren om te kunnen werken. Jongeren die het middelbare schoolonderwijs hebben voltooid, immigranten of mensen met een arbeidsongeschiktheid lopen een hoog risico op langdurige werkloosheid en toekomstige problemen op de arbeidsmarkt. 11 % van de jongeren die de school verlaten in het graafschap Jämtland, is niet gekwalificeerd voor een nationaal middelbare schoolprogramma. Ongeveer 20 % van alle studenten heeft hun middelbare schoolopleiding nog niet voltooid voor het jaar dat ze 20 jaar zijn, wat meer is dan het nationale aantal. Volledige middelbare schoolopleidingen zijn een voorwaarde om een baan te kunnen vinden of een aanvraag voor hoger onderwijs te kunnen indienen. Er zijn 1 398 mannelijke en vrouwelijke jongeren in de groep van 16-25-jarigen die noch werken noch studeren. Het project heeft tot doel de hoge jeugdwerkloosheid in de regio terug te dringen en via bewezen methoden jongeren die geen werk hebben en geen onderwijs of opleiding volgen (NEET’s) te ondersteunen bij het vinden van hun eigen weg naar werk of studie. Het project zal jongeren vinden die geen werk hebben en geen onderwijs of opleiding volgen door middel van voorlichtingsactiviteiten, contact met hen leggen en hun behoeften en voorwaarden in kaart brengen. Dit zal worden gedaan om geschikte individueel aangepaste activiteiten aan te bieden waarbij de jongeren worden ondersteund en geactiveerd, en hun weg naar werk of studie te starten. Wanneer de jongeren klaar zijn zullen ze vroeg worden afgestemd op de arbeidsmarkt of aan een passend onderwijs. Het project zal de segregatie van de arbeidsmarkt als gevolg van geslacht in de provincie Jämtland verminderen door de mogelijkheden van jonge mannen en vrouwen om een beroep/onderwijs te kiezen op basis van belangstelling te vergroten en de invloed van genderrollen te verminderen. Het project moet ook de vestiging van jonge gehandicapte mannen en vrouwen op de arbeidsmarkt en in het onderwijs versterken door middel van versterkte individuele steun voor gehandicapten en informatie aan werkgevers over handicaps. (Dutch)
27 January 2022
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L'istruzione rappresenta uno dei prerequisiti più importanti per le opportunità di vita professionale dei giovani. I giovani che hanno completato l'istruzione superiore, gli immigrati o le persone con disabilità lavorativa sono ad alto rischio di disoccupazione di lunga durata e futuri problemi legati al mercato del lavoro. L'11 % dei giovani che abbandonano la scuola elementare all'interno della contea di Jämtland non sono qualificati per un programma nazionale di scuola superiore. Circa il 20 % di tutti gli studenti non ha completato l'istruzione superiore prima dell'anno in cui competono 20 anni, vale a dire più del numero nazionale. I voti completi delle scuole superiori rappresentano una condizione preliminare per essere in grado di ottenere un lavoro o candidarsi per l'istruzione superiore. Ci sono 1 398 giovani maschi e femmine nel gruppo di 16-25 anni che non lavorano né studiano. L'obiettivo del progetto è ridurre l'elevato tasso di disoccupazione giovanile nella regione e, attraverso metodi comprovati, sostenere i giovani che non lavorano, non frequentano corsi di istruzione o formazione (NEET) per trovare la propria strada per lavorare o studiare. Il progetto troverà i giovani che non lavorano, non frequentano corsi di istruzione o di formazione attraverso attività di sensibilizzazione, stabiliranno un contatto con loro e ne valuteranno le esigenze e le condizioni preliminari. Ciò sarà fatto per offrire adeguate attività adattate individualmente in cui i giovani sono sostenuti e attivati, nonché per iniziare la loro strada verso il lavoro o gli studi. Quando i giovani sono pronti saranno presto abbinati al mercato del lavoro o ad un'istruzione adeguata. Il progetto ridurrà la segregazione del mercato del lavoro causata dal genere nella contea di Jämtland aumentando le possibilità dei giovani uomini e donne di scegliere la professione/istruzione in base all'interesse e ridurre l'influenza dei ruoli di genere. Il progetto rafforzerà inoltre l'insediamento di giovani disabili sul mercato del lavoro e nell'istruzione, rafforzando il sostegno individuale ai disabili e l'informazione dei datori di lavoro sulle disabilità. (Italian)
27 January 2022
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