Quality of education systems and non-superior level FORMATION — FORMATION of teachers and other EDUCAO and FORMATION agents (Q3358165)
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Project Q3358165 in Portugal
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Quality of education systems and non-superior level FORMATION — FORMATION of teachers and other EDUCAO and FORMATION agents |
Project Q3358165 in Portugal |
131,140.0 Euro
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154,283.0 Euro
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85.0 percent
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1 April 2021
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13 March 2023
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Na sequência da publicação do aviso n.º POCH-67-2020-08, que se enquadram no Eixo Prioritário 4 â Qualidade e Inovação do Sistema de Educação e Formação, o CFAE do Planalto Beirão, com sede na Escola Secundária de Tondela, responsável pela formação contÃnua dos 728 docentes que exercem funções nos 5 Agrupamentos de Escolas dos concelhos de Carregal do Sal, Mortágua, Santa Comba Dão e Tondela, elaborou o Plano de Formação que ora apresenta em can (Portuguese)
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Following the PUBLICAÃ3n of Notice POCH-67-2020-08, which fall under Priority Axis 4 âEUR Quality and Innovation of the EDUCAÃ3n and FORMATION System, the CFAE of the Beirã Plateau, based in the Secondary School of Tondela, responsible for FORMAÃ3nÃ3n continuum of the 728 professors who work in the 5 School Groups of the municipalities of Carregal do Sal, mortugua, Santa Comba Dão and Tondela, elaborated the Plan of FORMATION that is now presented in can (English)
29 November 2021
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À la suite de la PUBLICAón de l’Avis POCH-67-2020-08, qui relève de l’axe prioritaire 4 — Qualité et innovation du système EDUCAón et FORMATION, le CFAE du plateau de Beirã, basé à l’école secondaire de Tondela, responsable du continuum FORMAÃ3nón des 728 professeurs qui travaillent dans les 5 groupes scolaires des municipalités de Carregal do Sal, mortugua, Santa Comba Dão et Tondela, a élaboré le Plan de FORMATION qui est maintenant présenté en can (French)
7 December 2021
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Im Anschluss an die Mitteilung POCH-67-2020-08, die unter die Prioritätsachse 4 âEUR Qualität und Innovation des EDUCAÃ3n- und FORMATION-Systems fallen, hat die CFAE des Beirã-Plateau mit Sitz in der Sekundarschule Tondela, zuständig für FORMAÃ3nÃ3n continuum der 728 Professoren, die in den 5 Schulgruppen der Gemeinden Carregal do Sal, mortugua, Santa Comba Dão und Tondela arbeiten, den Plan der FORMATION ausgearbeitet, der nun in Can vorgestellt wird (German)
16 December 2021
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Naar aanleiding van de PUBLICAÃ3n of Notice POCH-67-2020-08, die vallen onder prioritaire as 4 âEUR Kwaliteit en innovatie van het EDUCAÃ3n en FORMATION System, de CFAE van de Beirã Plateau, gevestigd in de middelbare school van Tondela, verantwoordelijk voor FORMAÃ3nÃ3n continuüm van de 728 professoren die werken in de 5 Schoolgroepen van de gemeenten Carregal do Sal, mortugua, Santa Comba Dão en Tondela, uitgewerkt het Plan van FORMATION dat nu wordt gepresenteerd in kan (Dutch)
20 December 2021
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A seguito della pubblicazione della comunicazione POCH-67-2020-08, che rientrano nell'asse prioritario 4 âEUR Qualità e innovazione del sistema EDUCAÃ3n e FORMATION System, il CFAE dell'altopiano di Beirã, con sede nella scuola secondaria di Tondela, responsabile per FORMAÃ3nón continuum dei 728 professori che lavorano nei 5 gruppi scolastici dei comuni di Carregal do Sal, mortugua, Santa Comba Dão e Tondela, ha elaborato il Piano di FORMAZIONE che è ora presentato in can (Italian)
18 January 2022
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Siguiendo el PUBLICAÃ3n del Aviso POCH-67-2020-08, que entran dentro del eje prioritario 4 âEUR Calidad e Innovación del Sistema EDUCAÃ3n y FORMACIÓN, la CFAE de la meseta Beirã, con sede en la Escuela Secundaria de Tondela, responsable de FORMAÃ3n continuo de los 728 profesores que trabajan en los 5 Grupos Escolares de los municipios de Carregal do Sal, mortugua, Santa Comba Dão y Tondela, elaboró el Plan de FORMACIÓN que ahora se presenta en can (Spanish)
22 January 2022
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