Training of entrepreneurs and employees in enterprises – Training-Action for SMEs – 2nd cycle (Q2912471)
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Project Q2912471 in Portugal
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Training of entrepreneurs and employees in enterprises – Training-Action for SMEs – 2nd cycle |
Project Q2912471 in Portugal |
36,847.0 Euro
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40,941.0 Euro
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90.0 percent
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1 October 2019
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30 September 2020
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A formação acção projectada será constituída por formação em sala e consultoria presencial com vista à implementação de um sistema de gestão nas explorações. Esta será adaptada às necessidades de formação identificadas e aos objectivos próprios das empresas abrangidas. Pretende-se contribuir para inovar processos organizativos de gestão e na produção, elevando a sustentabilidade e competitividade das empresas e do tecido económico da região. (Portuguese)
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The projected training will consist of classroom training and face-to-face consultancy with a view to the implementation of a management system in the holdings. This will be adapted to the training needs identified and to the specific objectives of the companies concerned. It aims to contribute to innovating organizational processes of management and production, increasing the sustainability and competitiveness of companies and the economic fabric of the region. (English)
8 July 2021
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La formation à l’action envisagée consistera en une formation en salle et des conseils en personne pour la mise en œuvre d’un système de gestion dans les exploitations agricoles. Celle-ci sera adaptée aux besoins de formation identifiés et aux objectifs spécifiques des entreprises concernées. Il est destiné à contribuer à l’innovation des processus organisationnels de gestion et de production, à accroître la durabilité et la compétitivité des entreprises et le tissu économique de la région. (French)
6 December 2021
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Die geplante Aktionsschulung besteht aus rauminterner Schulung und persönlicher Beratung zur Umsetzung eines Managementsystems in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben. Dies wird an den ermittelten Schulungsbedarf und an die spezifischen Ziele der betroffenen Unternehmen angepasst. Sie soll dazu beitragen, die organisatorischen Prozesse des Managements und der Produktion zu innovieren, die Nachhaltigkeit und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Unternehmen und das wirtschaftliche Gefüge der Region zu erhöhen. (German)
14 December 2021
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De geplande actieopleiding zal bestaan uit opleiding op de kamer en persoonlijk advies voor de invoering van een beheersysteem op landbouwbedrijven. Dit zal worden aangepast aan de vastgestelde opleidingsbehoeften en aan de specifieke doelstellingen van de betrokken ondernemingen. Het is bedoeld om bij te dragen tot de innovatie van de organisatorische processen van beheer en productie, waardoor de duurzaamheid en het concurrentievermogen van bedrijven en het economische weefsel van de regio worden vergroot. (Dutch)
19 December 2021
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La formazione prevista per l'azione consisterà nella formazione in camera e nella consulenza faccia a faccia per l'attuazione di un sistema di gestione nelle aziende agricole. Ciò sarà adattato alle esigenze di formazione individuate e agli obiettivi specifici delle imprese interessate. L'obiettivo è contribuire all'innovazione dei processi organizzativi di gestione e produzione, aumentando la sostenibilità e la competitività delle imprese e il tessuto economico della regione. (Italian)
17 January 2022
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La formación prevista consistirá en una formación presencial y una consultoría presencial para la aplicación de un sistema de gestión en las explotaciones. Esto se adaptará a las necesidades de formación identificadas y a los objetivos específicos de las empresas afectadas. Está destinado a contribuir a la innovación de los procesos organizativos de gestión y producción, aumentando la sostenibilidad y competitividad de las empresas y el tejido económico de la región. (Spanish)
21 January 2022
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