Equipment and medical equipment of the Provincial Complex Hospital in Toruń (Q86296)
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Project Q86296 in Poland
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Equipment and medical equipment of the Provincial Complex Hospital in Toruń |
Project Q86296 in Poland |
3,287,922.87 zloty
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3,868,144.56 zloty
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85.0 percent
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1 January 2014
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30 September 2018
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W ramach projektu realizowane będą następujące zadania: - zakup sprzętu i aparatury medycznej dla SOR (m. in. analizator parametrów krytycznych, analizator markerów kardiologicznych, defibrylator, pulsoksymetr, aparat do znieczulenia ogólnego, respirator transportowy, respirator stacjonarny, aparat EKG, stół operacyjny). (Polish)
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The project will carry out the following tasks: — purchase of medical equipment and apparatus for SOR (including critical parameters analyser, cardiological marker analyser, defibrillator, pulse oximeter, general anaesthetic apparatus, transport respirator, stationary respirator, ECG apparatus, operating table). (English)
15 October 2020
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Le projet s’acquittera des tâches suivantes: — achat de matériel et d’appareils médicaux pour le SOR (y compris l’analyseur de paramètres critiques, l’analyseur de marqueurs cardiologiques, le défibrillateur, l’oxymètre des impulsions, l’appareil d’anesthésie générale, le respirateur de transport, le respirateur stationnaire, l’appareil ECG, la table d’opération). (French)
30 November 2021
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Im Rahmen des Projekts werden folgende Aufgaben durchgeführt: — Kauf von medizinischen Geräten und Apparaten für SOR (einschließlich Analysator für kritische Parameter, kardiologischer Markeranalysator, Defibrillator, Pulsoximeter, Allgemeinanästhesieapparat, Transportrespirator, stationärer Atemschutz, EKG-Geräte, Betriebstabelle). (German)
7 December 2021
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Het project voert de volgende taken uit: — aankoop van medische apparatuur en apparaten voor SOR (met inbegrip van kritische parameters analysator, cardiologische marker analysator, defibrillator, pulsoximeter, algemene anesthesieapparatuur, transportrespirator, stationaire ademhalingsapparatuur, ECG-apparaten, operatietafel). (Dutch)
16 December 2021
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Il progetto svolgerà i seguenti compiti: — acquisto di attrezzature ed apparecchi medici per SOR (compresi analizzatore di parametri critici, analizzatore di marcatori cardiologici, defibrillatore, pulsossimetro, anestesia generale, respiratore di trasporto, respiratore stazionario, apparecchio ECG, tavola operatoria). (Italian)
16 January 2022
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El proyecto llevará a cabo las siguientes tareas: — adquisición de equipos y aparatos médicos para SOR (incluidos el analizador de parámetros críticos, el analizador de marcadores cardiológicos, el desfibrilador, el oxímetro de pulso, el aparato de anestesia general, el respirador de transporte, el respirador estacionario, el aparato ECG, la mesa de operaciones). (Spanish)
19 January 2022
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