Alignment of information assets of NSIs with Eurostat requirements and migration to CWC (Q3881349)

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Project Q3881349 in Bulgaria
Language Label Description Also known as
Alignment of information assets of NSIs with Eurostat requirements and migration to CWC
Project Q3881349 in Bulgaria


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    1,278,651.91 Bulgarian lev
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    652,112.47 Euro
    1 December 2021
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    1,504,296.37 Bulgarian lev
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    767,191.15 Euro
    1 December 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    14 September 2016
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    16 August 2018
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    42°36'26.64"N, 25°29'8.38"E
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    Необходимостта от изпълнението на проекта се определя от изискванията за гарантиране на конфиденциалност и интегритет на информационните активи на НСИ, управление на надежден достъп до тях и оптимизиране на използваните ресурси по съхраняването им в отговор на непрекъснато повишаващите се изисквания на респондентите по отношение както на защитата на личните им данни, така и на опазването на статистическата тайна и наличието на европейски и национални нормативни документи, насочени към сигурността на информацията (Закон за защита на класифицираната информация, Закон за защита на личните данни, Регламенти на ЕС в областта на статистическата конфиденциалност и информационната сигурност).Целта на проекта е привеждане на софтуерната, хардуерната и комуникационната инфраструктура на Националния статистически институт в съответствие с изискванията на Евростат за статистическа тайна и подготовка за сертификация по ISO/IEC 27001:2013.Проектът е включен в "Приоритетни проекти в изпълнение на пътната карта за изпълнение на стратегията за развитие на електронното управление в Република България за периоза 2016-2020". (Bulgarian)
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    The need for the implementation of the project is determined by the requirements for ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the information assets of the NSI, managing reliable access to them and optimising the resources used to store them in response to the constantly increasing requirements of respondents regarding both the protection of their personal data and the preservation of statistical secrecy and the availability of European and national normative documents aimed at security of information (Law on the Protection of Classified Information, Act on Personal Data Protection, EU Regulations in the field of statistical confidentiality and information security).The project objective is to align the software, hardware and communication documents aimed at security of information (Law on Protection of Classified Information, Act on Protection of Personal Data, Act on Personal Data Protection, EU Regulations in the field of statistical confidentiality and information security).The objective of the project is to align the software, hardware and communication infrastructure of the National Statistical Institute for the implementation of the National Statistical Institute in accordance with the requirements for the implementation of the National Statistical Institute in accordance with the requirements for the implementation of the National Statistical Institute in accordance with the requirements for the implementation of the National Statistical Institute in accordance with the requirements for ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the information assets of the NSI, managing reliable access to them and optimising the resources used to store them in response to the constantly increasing requirements of respondents in the field of statistical confidentiality and information security.The purpose of the project is to align the software, hardware and communication documents aimed at the security of information (Law on the protection of classified information, law on personal data protection, law on personal data protection, EU regulations in the field of statistical confidentiality and information security).The project objective is to align the software, hardware and communication documents aimed at the security of information (Law on the protection of classified information, law on personal data protection, EU regulations in the field of statistical confidentiality and information security).The purpose of the project is to align the software, hardware and communication infrastructure of the National Statistical Institute to the Republic of Bulgaria’s electronic management in accordance with the requirements for the implementation of the national statistical institute in accordance with the requirements for ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the NSI’s information assets, managing reliable access to them and optimising the resources used to store them in response to the constantly increasing requirements of respondents regarding both the protection of their personal data and the statistical secrecy and the availability of European and national normative documents aimed at the security of information (Law on protection of classified information, Act on Personal Data Protection, EU Regulations in the field of statistical confidentiality and information security).The project objective is to align the software, hardware and communication documents aimed at the security of information (Law on the protection of classified information, Act on the Protection of Personal Data Protection Act, the EU Regulations in the field of statistical confidentiality and information security).The project objective is to align the software, hardware and communication infrastructure of the National Statistical Institute in the case of the Bulgarian Statistical Institute’s implementation in accordance with the requirements for the implementation of the National Statistical Institute in accordance with the (English)
    2 December 2021
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    La nécessité de la mise en œuvre du projet est déterminée par les exigences visant à garantir la confidentialité et l’intégrité des ressources d’information de l’INS, à gérer un accès fiable à ceux-ci et à optimiser les ressources utilisées pour les stocker en réponse aux exigences toujours croissantes des répondants en ce qui concerne tant la protection de leurs données à caractère personnel que la préservation du secret statistique et la disponibilité de documents normatifs européens et nationaux visant à la sécurité des informations (loi sur la protection des informations classifiées, loi sur la protection des données à caractère personnel, règlement de l’UE dans le domaine de la confidentialité statistique et de la sécurité de l’information).L’objectif du projet est d’aligner les logiciels, le matériel et les documents de communication visant la sécurité de l’information (loi sur la protection des informations classifiées, loi sur la protection des données à caractère personnel, loi sur la protection des données à caractère personnel, réglementation de l’UE dans le domaine de la confidentialité statistique et de la sécurité de l’information).L’objectif du projet est d’aligner les logiciels, le matériel et l’infrastructure de communication de l’Institut national de statistique pour la mise en œuvre de l’Institut national de statistique conformément aux exigences de mise en œuvre de l’Institut national de statistique conformément aux exigences de mise en œuvre de l’Institut national de statistique. les exigences relatives à la mise en œuvre de l’Institut national de statistique conformément aux exigences relatives à la confidentialité et à l’intégrité des ressources d’information de l’INS, à la gestion d’un accès fiable à ceux-ci et à l’optimisation des ressources utilisées pour les stocker en réponse aux exigences croissantes des répondants dans le domaine de la confidentialité statistique et de la sécurité de l’information.Le projet a pour objet d’aligner les logiciels, le matériel et les documents de communication visant la sécurité de l’information (loi sur la protection des informations classifiées, loi sur la protection des données à caractère personnel, loi sur la protection des données à caractère personnel, réglementation de l’UE dans le domaine du secret statistique et de la sécurité de l’information.L’objectif du projet est d’aligner les logiciels, le matériel et les documents de communication visant la sécurité des informations (loi sur la protection des informations classifiées, loi sur la protection des données à caractère personnel, réglementation de l’UE dans le domaine de la confidentialité et de la sécurité de l’information).Le projet a pour objet d’aligner les logiciels, le matériel et l’infrastructure de communication de l’Institut national de statistique sur la gestion électronique de la République de Bulgarie, conformément aux exigences relatives à la mise en œuvre de l’institut national de statistique conformément aux exigences visant à garantir la confidentialité et l’intégrité des actifs d’information de l’INS, gérer un accès fiable à ces informations et optimiser les ressources utilisées pour les stocker en réponse aux exigences toujours croissantes des répondants en ce qui concerne à la fois la protection de leurs données à caractère personnel et le secret statistique et la disponibilité de documents normatifs européens et nationaux visant à la sécurité des informations (loi sur la protection des informations classifiées, loi sur la protection des données à caractère personnel, règlement de l’UE dans le domaine de la confidentialité statistique et de la sécurité de l’information).L’objectif du projet est d’aligner les logiciels, matériels et documents de communication visant à la sécurité des informations (loi sur la protection des informations classifiées, loi sur la protection des données à caractère personnel, les règlements de l’UE dans le domaine de la confidentialité statistique et de la sécurité de l’information).L’objectif du projet est d’aligner les infrastructures logicielles, matérielles et de communication de l’Institut national de statistique dans le cas de la mise en œuvre de l’Institut statistique bulgare conformément aux exigences relatives à la mise en œuvre de l’Institut national de statistique conformément aux dispositions de la loi sur la protection des données à caractère personnel et de la réglementation de l’UE dans le domaine de la confidentialité des statistiques et de la sécurité de l’information. (French)
    3 December 2021
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    Die Notwendigkeit der Durchführung des Projekts wird durch die Anforderungen an die Gewährleistung der Vertraulichkeit und Integrität des Informationsvermögens der NSÄ, die Verwaltung eines zuverlässigen Zugangs zu ihnen und die Optimierung der Ressourcen für ihre Speicherung als Reaktion auf die ständig steigenden Anforderungen der Befragten in Bezug auf den Schutz ihrer personenbezogenen Daten und die Wahrung der statistischen Geheimhaltung sowie die Verfügbarkeit europäischer und nationaler normativer Dokumente zur Informationssicherheit (Gesetz über den Schutz von Verschlusssachen, Gesetz über den Schutz personenbezogener Daten, Ziel des Projekts ist es, die Software-, Hardware- und Kommunikationsdokumente zur Informationssicherheit (Gesetz über den Schutz von Verschlusssachen, Gesetz über den Schutz personenbezogener Daten, Gesetz über den Schutz personenbezogener Daten, EU-Verordnungen im Bereich der statistischen Geheimhaltung und Informationssicherheit) anzugleichen.Ziel des Projekts ist es, die Software, Hardware und Kommunikationsinfrastruktur des Nationalen Statistischen Instituts für die Umsetzung des Nationalen Statistischen Instituts entsprechend den Anforderungen für die Umsetzung des Nationalen Statistischen Instituts entsprechend den Anforderungen für die Umsetzung des Nationalen Statistischen Instituts in Einklang zu bringen. die Anforderungen an die Umsetzung des Nationalen Statistischen Instituts im Einklang mit den Anforderungen an die Gewährleistung der Vertraulichkeit und Integrität der Informationsgüter der NSÄ, die Verwaltung des zuverlässigen Zugangs zu ihnen und die Optimierung der Ressourcen, die für ihre Speicherung als Reaktion auf die ständig steigenden Anforderungen der Befragten im Bereich der statistischen Geheimhaltung und der Informationssicherheit verwendet werden.Der Zweck des Projekts ist die Angleichung der Software, Hardware und Kommunikationsdokumente zur Informationssicherheit (Gesetz über den Schutz von Verschlusssachen, Gesetz über den Schutz personenbezogener Daten, Gesetz über den Schutz personenbezogener Daten, EU-Vorschriften im Bereich der statistischen Geheimhaltung und Informationssicherheit).Ziel des Projekts ist die Anpassung der Software, Hardware und Kommunikationsdokumente zur Informationssicherheit (Gesetz über den Schutz von Verschlusssachen, Gesetz über den Schutz personenbezogener Daten, EU-Vorschriften auf dem Gebiet der statistischen Geheimhaltung und Informationssicherheit).Der Zweck des Projekts besteht darin, die Software, Hardware und Kommunikationsinfrastruktur des Nationalen Statistischen Instituts an das elektronische Management der Republik Bulgarien entsprechend den Anforderungen für die Umsetzung des nationalen statistischen Instituts an die Anforderungen an die Gewährleistung der Vertraulichkeit und Integrität der Informationsvermögen des NSI anzupassen, Verwaltung des zuverlässigen Zugangs zu ihnen und Optimierung der Ressourcen, die für ihre Speicherung verwendet werden, um den ständig steigenden Anforderungen der Befragten sowohl in Bezug auf den Schutz ihrer personenbezogenen Daten als auch hinsichtlich des statistischen Geheimhaltungsgrades und der Verfügbarkeit europäischer und nationaler normativer Dokumente zur Informationssicherheit (Gesetz über den Schutz von Verschlusssachen, Gesetz über den Schutz personenbezogener Daten, EU-Verordnungen im Bereich der statistischen Geheimhaltung und Informationssicherheit) Rechnung zu tragen.Ziel des Projekts ist die Angleichung der Software, Hardware und Kommunikationsdokumente zur Informationssicherheit (Gesetz über den Schutz von Verschlusssachen, Gesetz über den Schutz personenbezogener Daten, die EU-Verordnungen auf dem Gebiet der statistischen Geheimhaltung und der Informationssicherheit).Ziel des Projekts ist es, die Software-, Hardware- und Kommunikationsinfrastruktur des Nationalen Statistischen Instituts im Falle der Umsetzung des bulgarischen Statistischen Instituts entsprechend den Anforderungen für die Umsetzung des Nationalen Statistischen Instituts in Einklang zu bringen. (German)
    4 December 2021
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    The need for the implementation of the project is determined by the requirements for ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the information assets of the NSI, managing reliable access to them and optimising the resources used to store them in response to the constantly increasing requirements of respondents regarding both the protection of their personal data and the preservation of statistical secrecy and the availability of European and national normative documents aimed at security of information (Law on the Protection of Classified Information, Act on Personal Data Protection, EU Regulations in the field of statistical confidentiality and information security).The project objective is to align the software, hardware and communication documents aimed at security of information (Law on Protection of Classified Information, Act on Protection of Personal Data, Act on Personal Data Protection, EU Regulations in the field of statistical confidentiality and information security).The objective of the project is to align the software, hardware and communication infrastructure of the National Statistical Institute for the implementation of the National Statistical Institute in accordance with the requirements for the implementation of the National Statistical Institute in accordance with the requirements for the implementation of the National Statistical Institute in accordance with the requirements for the implementation of the National Statistical Institute in accordance with the requirements for ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the information assets of the NSI, managing reliable access to them and optimising the resources used to store them in response to the constantly increasing requirements of respondents in the field of statistical confidentiality and information security.The purpose of the project is to align the software, hardware and communication documents aimed at the security of information (Law on the protection of classified information, law on personal data protection, law on personal data protection, EU regulations in the field of statistical confidentiality and information security).The project objective is to align the software, hardware and communication documents aimed at the security of information (Law on the protection of classified information, law on personal data protection, EU regulations in the field of statistical confidentiality and information security).The purpose of the project is to align the software, hardware and communication infrastructure of the National Statistical Institute to the Republic of Bulgaria’s electronic management in accordance with the requirements for the implementation of the national statistical institute in accordance with the requirements for ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the NSI’s information assets, managing reliable access to them and optimising the resources used to store them in response to the constantly increasing requirements of respondents regarding both the protection of their personal data and the statistical secrecy and the availability of European and national normative documents aimed at the security of information (Law on protection of classified information, Act on Personal Data Protection, EU Regulations in the field of statistical confidentiality and information security).The project objective is to align the software, hardware and communication documents aimed at the security of information (Law on the protection of classified information, Act on the Protection of Personal Data Protection Act, the EU Regulations in the field of statistical confidentiality and information security).The project objective is to align the software, hardware and communication infrastructure of the National Statistical Institute in the case of the Bulgarian Statistical Institute’s implementation in accordance with the requirements for the implementation of the National Statistical Institute in accordance with the (Dutch)
    12 December 2021
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    The need for the implementation of the project is determined by the requirements for ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the information assets of the NSI, managing reliable access to them and optimising the resources used to store them in response to the constantly increasing requirements of respondents regarding both the protection of their personal data and the preservation of statistical secrecy and the availability of European and national normative documents aimed at security of information (Law on the Protection of Classified Information, Act on Personal Data Protection, EU Regulations in the field of statistical confidentiality and information security).The project objective is to align the software, hardware and communication documents aimed at security of information (Law on Protection of Classified Information, Act on Protection of Personal Data, Act on Personal Data Protection, EU Regulations in the field of statistical confidentiality and information security).The objective of the project is to align the software, hardware and communication infrastructure of the National Statistical Institute for the implementation of the National Statistical Institute in accordance with the requirements for the implementation of the National Statistical Institute in accordance with the requirements for the implementation of the National Statistical Institute in accordance with the requirements for the implementation of the National Statistical Institute in accordance with the requirements for ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the information assets of the NSI, managing reliable access to them and optimising the resources used to store them in response to the constantly increasing requirements of respondents in the field of statistical confidentiality and information security.The purpose of the project is to align the software, hardware and communication documents aimed at the security of information (Law on the protection of classified information, law on personal data protection, law on personal data protection, EU regulations in the field of statistical confidentiality and information security).The project objective is to align the software, hardware and communication documents aimed at the security of information (Law on the protection of classified information, law on personal data protection, EU regulations in the field of statistical confidentiality and information security).The purpose of the project is to align the software, hardware and communication infrastructure of the National Statistical Institute to the Republic of Bulgaria’s electronic management in accordance with the requirements for the implementation of the national statistical institute in accordance with the requirements for ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the NSI’s information assets, managing reliable access to them and optimising the resources used to store them in response to the constantly increasing requirements of respondents regarding both the protection of their personal data and the statistical secrecy and the availability of European and national normative documents aimed at the security of information (Law on protection of classified information, Act on Personal Data Protection, EU Regulations in the field of statistical confidentiality and information security).The project objective is to align the software, hardware and communication documents aimed at the security of information (Law on the protection of classified information, Act on the Protection of Personal Data Protection Act, the EU Regulations in the field of statistical confidentiality and information security).The project objective is to align the software, hardware and communication infrastructure of the National Statistical Institute in the case of the Bulgarian Statistical Institute’s implementation in accordance with the requirements for the implementation of the National Statistical Institute in accordance with the (Italian)
    13 January 2022
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