Developing the entrepreneurial environment in the South-East region through access to financing – DEMOFIN – SE (Q3096676)

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Project Q3096676 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Developing the entrepreneurial environment in the South-East region through access to financing – DEMOFIN – SE
Project Q3096676 in Romania


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    11,211,893.72 Romanian Leu
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    2,242,378.74 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    13,333,530.29 Romanian Leu
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    2,666,706.058 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    84.09 percent
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    3 January 2018
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    31 December 2020
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    45°16'17.80"N, 27°58'27.44"E
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    45°16'9.34"N, 26°46'29.35"E
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    44°10'36.19"N, 28°39'2.74"E
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    45°41'50.17"N, 27°11'8.48"E
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    45°26'1.75"N, 28°3'17.78"E
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    45°10'39.07"N, 28°48'5.87"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului vizeaza sprijinirea dezvoltarii de activitati independente la nivelul Regiunii de dezvoltare Sud Est, in vederea promovarii unor locuri de munca durabile si a unui mediu economic stabil la nivelregional. Daca obiectivele specifice vin sa detalieze suplimentar mijloacele prin care obiectivul general va fi atins, indicand impactul pe care actiunile proiectului le vor avea asupra grupului tinta vizat prin proiect si altor grupuri similare pe termen scurt si mediu, obiectivul general asumat de parteneri in prezentul proiectul urmareste un impact pozitiv pe termen lung la nivel regional, cu aspecte in plan economic, social sau politic. Printre efectele pozitive pe care proiectul le va genera atat pe parcursul implementarii dar mai ales pe termen lung, ulterior finalizarii proiectului, redam urmatoarele: - Investitia in mediul economico-social la nivel regional prin noile IMM-uri infiintate, locurile de munca nou create si bunurile/serviciile furnizate de aceste noi intreprinderi pe plan local/regional prin generarea de sinergii la nivelul comunitatii - Cresterea nivelului de taxe si contributii la bugetele locale si bugetul de stat prin toate contributiile pe care noile intreprinderi le vor plati, coform legii - Integrarea pe piata muncii a persoanelor inactive, dar apte de munca - Cresterea nivelului de ocupare la nivel regional pentru diverse categorii de persoane inactive si furnizarea de noi oportunitati de ocupare - Investitia in dezvoltarea capitalului uman si dezvoltarea de noi competente profesionale si abilitati in randul angajatilor/persoanelor inactive astfel incat poate fi generat un efect de reconversie profesionala – tranzitia de la statutul de angajat/casnic-persoana inactiva la cel de antreprenor - Cresterea sanselor de ocupare pentru studenti si proaspeti absolventi imediat dupa finalizarea studiului - Sustinerea mediului antreprenorial local si regional si asigurarea sustenabilitatii afacerilor dezvoltate prin proiect in urma infiintarii a doua centre regionale de sprijin pentru antreprenori, de suport pentru dezvoltarea si aderarea la alte retele consacrate sau de crestere a vizibilitatii afacerilor locale in plan regional/national/international - Crearea de retele si integrarea in asociatii/asocieri la nivel local/regional/national si trans-national prin parteneriatele create in proiect si facilitatea accesului tinerilor antreprenori la retele cu experienta in domeniul de activitate - Dezvoltarea de analize si strategii privind legislatia si politici locale care sa sustina pe termen lung antreprenoriatul - Adaptarea strategiilor locale si a politicilor locale la necesitatile antreprenorilor siale pietei muncii, prin dezvoltarea de instrumente de sprijinire a cresterii ratei de ocupare si dezvoltarea mediului economic - Reducerea impactului activitatilor economice asupra mediului inconjurator, prin promovarea dezvoltarii durabile si a respectuluipentru mediu in cadrul proiectului, (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project aims to support the development of independent activities at the level of the South East Development Region, in order to promote sustainable jobs and a stable economic environment at regional level. If the specific objectives come to further detail the means by which the general objective will be achieved, indicating the impact that the project actions will have on the target group targeted by the project and other similar groups in the short and medium term, the overall objective assumed by the partners in this project aims at a positive long-term impact at regional level, with economic, social or political aspects. (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului vizeaza sprijinirea Dezvoltarii de activitati independente la nivelul Regiunii de dezvoltare Sud Est, in vederea promovarii unor locuri de munca durabile si a unui mediu economic stabil la nivelregional. DACA obiectivele specifice vin sa detalieze suplimentar mijloacele prin care Obiectivul general va fi Atins, indicand impactul pe care actiunile proiectului le vor avea asupra grupului tinta vizat prin proiect si Altor grupuri similare pe termen scurt si mediu, Obiectivul general asumat de Parteneri in prezentul Proiectul Urmareste un impact pozitiv pe termen lung lavel régional, aspecte in plan économique, social Printre efectele pozitive pe care Proiectul le va genera atat pe parcursul implementationarii dar mai ales pe termen poumon, ulterior finalizarii proiectului, Redam urmatoarele: — Investitia in mediul economico-social la nivel regional prin noile IMM-uri infiintate, locurile de munca nou create si bunurile/Serviciile furnizate de aceste noi Intreprinderi pe plan local/régional prinrea de sinergii la nivelul comunitatii — Cresterea nivelu de taxe si contributii la bugetele locale si bugetul de stat prin toate contributiile pe care noile Intreprinderi le vor plati, coform legii — Integrarea pe piata muncii a persoanelor inactive, dar apte de munca — Cresterea nivelului de ocupare la nivel regional pentru diverse categorii de persoane inactive si furnizarea de noi Oportunitati de ocupare — Investitia in dezvoltarea capitalului uman si dezvoltarea de noi competente profesionale si abilitati in randul angajatilor/persoanelor inactive astfel Incat poate fi generat un efect de Reconversie profesionala — tranzitia de la statutul de Angajat/casnic-persoana inactiva la cel de antreprenor — Cresterea sanselor de ocupare pentru studentsi si proaspeti absolventi imediat dupa finalizarea studiului — Sustinerea mediului antreprenorial local si regional si Asigurarea sustenabilitatii Afacerilor dezvoltate prin proiect in urma infiintarii a doua centre regionale de Sprijin pentru antreprenori, de suport pentru dezvoltarea si aderarea la alte retele consacrerate sau de crestere a vizibilitatii Afacerilor local in plan régional/national/international — Crearea de retele si Integrarea in asociatii/asocieri la nivel local/régional/national si transnational prin parteneriatele create in proiect si facilitatea accesului tinerilor antreprenori la retele cu experienta in domeniul de activitate — Dezvoltarea de analise si Strategii privind legislatia si politici locale care sa sustina pe termen lung antreprenoriatul — Adaptarea strategiilor locale si a politicilor local la necesitatile antreprenorilor siale Pietei muncii, prin dezvoltarea de instrumente de sprijinire a cresterii ratei de ocupare si dezvoltarea mediului economic — reductionrea impactului activitatilor economice asupra mediului inconjurator, prin promovarea Dezvoltarii durabile si a respectuluipentru mediu in cadrul proiectului, (French)
    26 November 2021
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    Das allgemeine Ziel des Projekts zielt darauf ab, die Entwicklung unabhängiger Aktivitäten auf der Ebene der Südostentwicklungsregion zu unterstützen, um nachhaltige Arbeitsplätze und ein stabiles wirtschaftliches Umfeld auf regionaler Ebene zu fördern. Wenn die spezifischen Ziele näher auf die Mittel eingehen, mit denen das allgemeine Ziel erreicht werden soll, unter Angabe der Auswirkungen, die die Projektmaßnahmen kurz- und mittelfristig auf die Zielgruppe des Projekts und andere ähnliche Gruppen haben werden, zielt das von den Partnern in diesem Projekt angenommene Gesamtziel auf eine positive langfristige Wirkung auf regionaler Ebene mit wirtschaftlichen, sozialen oder politischen Aspekten ab. Zu den positiven Auswirkungen, die das Projekt sowohl während der Durchführung, aber vor allem langfristig, nach Abschluss des Projekts, erzeugen wird, verweisen wir auf Folgendes: Regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung und regionale Entwicklung. (German)
    1 December 2021
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    De algemene doelstelling van het project is het ondersteunen van de ontwikkeling van onafhankelijke activiteiten op het niveau van de Zuidoost-ontwikkelingsregio, om duurzame banen en een stabiel economisch klimaat op regionaal niveau te bevorderen. Als de specifieke doelstellingen een nadere uitwerking geven van de middelen waarmee de algemene doelstelling zal worden bereikt, met vermelding van de impact die de projectacties zullen hebben op de doelgroep van het project en andere soortgelijke groepen op korte en middellange termijn, de algemene doelstelling die door de partners in dit project een positieve langetermijnimpact op regionaal niveau, met economische, sociale of politieke kwesties. Onder de positieve effecten die het project zal genereren, zowel tijdens de uitvoering, maar vooral op de lange termijn, na voltooiing van het project, rapporteren we het volgende: - Investeringen in de economische en sociale omgeving op regionaal niveau via nieuw opgerichte KMO's, nieuw opgerichte banen en goederen/diensten die door deze nieuwe ondernemingen lokaal/regionaal worden geleverd door synergieën op gemeenschapsniveau te genereren Integratie op de arbeidsmarkt van inactieve maar valide mensen - Verhogen van het werkgelegenheidsniveau op regionaal niveau voor verschillende categorieën inactieven en zorgen voor nieuwe werkgelegenheid - Investeren in de ontwikkeling van menselijk kapitaal en ontwikkelen van nieuwe professionele vaardigheden en capaciteiten bij werknemers/inactieven zodat er kan een reconversie-effect worden gegenereerd professional - de overgang van de status van werknemer/huishoudster-inactieve naar die van ondernemer - Vergroten van werkgelegenheid voor studenten en pas afgestudeerden direct na afronding van de studie - Ondersteuning van het lokale en regionale ondernemingsklimaat en waarborgen van de duurzaamheid van het door het project ontwikkelde bedrijf na de tweede oprichting regionale steunpunten voor ondernemers, ondersteuning voor de ontwikkeling en aansluiting bij andere gevestigde netwerken of voor het vergroten van de zichtbaarheid van lokale bedrijven in regionaal / nationaal / internationaal plan - Netwerken en integreren in verenigingen / verenigingen op lokaal / regionaal / nationaal en trans-level -nationaal door de partnerschappen die in het project zijn ontstaan en de gemakkelijke toegang van jonge ondernemers tot netwerken met ervaring op het gebied van activiteiten - Ontwikkeling van analyses en strategieën over lokale wetgeving en beleid ter ondersteuning van ondernemerschap op lange termijn - Aanpassing van lokale strategieën en lokaal beleid afgestemd op de behoeften van het jaar aan de ondernemers van de arbeidsmarkt, door instrumenten te ontwikkelen om de stijging van de arbeidsparticipatie en de ontwikkeling van de economische omgeving te ondersteunen - Vermindering van de impact van economische activiteiten op het milieu, door duurzame ontwikkeling en respect voor het milieu binnen het project te bevorderen, (Dutch)
    5 December 2021
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    L'obiettivo generale del progetto è sostenere lo sviluppo di attività indipendenti a livello della regione di sviluppo sudorientale, al fine di promuovere posti di lavoro sostenibili e un ambiente economico stabile a livello regionale. Se gli obiettivi specifici vengono ulteriormente precisati i mezzi con cui l'obiettivo generale sarà raggiunto, indicando l'impatto che le azioni del progetto avranno sul gruppo destinatario cui si rivolge il progetto e altri gruppi analoghi a breve e medio termine, l'obiettivo globale assunto dai partner del progetto mira ad un impatto positivo a lungo termine a livello regionale, con aspetti economici, sociali o politici. Tra gli effetti positivi che il progetto genererà sia durante l'attuazione, ma soprattutto a lungo termine, dopo il completamento del progetto, si fa riferimento a quanto segue: The regional development of the regional development/resettlement of the regional projects, the regional development of the regional development and the regional development of the local/regional development of the local/regional development of the regional development and the regional development of the regional development of the regional/resettlement of the regional projects, and the development of the regional development of the regional/resettlement of the regional projects and the development of the regional development of the regional/resettlement activities in the field of regional development and the development of the regional development of the regional/researchables in the field of regional development and the regional development of the regional development of the regional/research-based projects, and the development of the regional development/recontribution of the regional projects, and the regional development of the regional development of the regional projects and the regional development of the regional projects, and the development of the regional development/resettlement of the regional projects, and the regional development of the regional development/resettlement to the regional projects, the regional development of the regional development and the regional development of the regional development and the regional development of the regional development of the regional projects/recontributions, the regional development of the regional development and the regional support to the local budgets, and the social development of the local enterprises and the social development of the local projects, through the development of the regional level/resettlement of the regional development/recontribution to the local budgets and the participation of the representatives in the local budgets, and the contribution that the new enterprises will pay, and the integration of the inactive persons in the labor market and the development of the local employees, as well as the development of the employees in the employees, in the case of the employees in the field of employment and the development of new professional competences and the development of such professional competences and the skills of the employees in the local level, through the development of the regional level/resettlement of the regional development/re-dividing to the local level, the regional development of the regional/reselective activities and the regional development of the regional development/re-dividence to the regional/regional development of the local enterprises/re-organisation of the local/regional projects, through the development of the regional development/reselective regional development and the regional development of the regional projects/research to the regional projects and the regional development of the regional projects and the regional development of the regional development/re-reconnaissance of the regional projects/re-re-re-re-re-reprove to the regional development of local/regional enterprises, through the regional development/research to the regional development/research to the regional projects, through the regional development of the regional development/research to the local level, through the regional development of the regional development/resettlement to the local level, by the regional development of the regional enterprises/resettlement to the local level, by the regional development of the regional/research-reseparencies, by the regional development of the regional/research-recontributions, and the goods/services provided by these new enterprises on the local/regional level, through the generation of synergies at the level of the community — the level of fees and contributions to the local budgets and to the state budget, through all the contributions that the new enterprises will pay and the contribution that will be paid, the integration on the labour market market of the inactive persons, but the implementation of the local level of employment — the creation of the local level of employment and the rehabilitation of the employees in the field of employment in various categ... (Italian)
    12 January 2022
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    El objetivo general del proyecto es apoyar el desarrollo de actividades independientes a nivel de la Región de Desarrollo Sudoriental, con el fin de promover empleos sostenibles y un entorno económico estable a nivel regional. Si los objetivos específicos llegan a detallar los medios por los que se alcanzará el objetivo general, indicando el impacto que las acciones del proyecto tendrán en el grupo destinatario del proyecto y otros grupos similares a corto y medio plazo, el objetivo global asumido por los socios de este proyecto tiene como objetivo un impacto positivo a largo plazo a nivel regional, con aspectos económicos, sociales o políticos. Entre los efectos positivos que el proyecto generará tanto durante la ejecución, pero especialmente a largo plazo, después de la finalización del proyecto, nos referimos a los siguientes: The regional development of the regional development/resettlement of the regional projects, the regional development of the regional development and the regional development of the local/regional development of the local/regional development of the regional development and the regional development of the regional development of the regional/resettlement of the regional projects, and the development of the regional development of the regional/resettlement of the regional projects and the development of the regional development of the regional/resettlement activities in the field of regional development and the development of the regional development of the regional/researchables in the field of regional development and the regional development of the regional development of the regional/research-based projects, and the development of the regional development/recontribution of the regional projects, and the regional development of the regional development of the regional projects and the regional development of the regional projects, and the development of the regional development/resettlement of the regional projects, and the regional development of the regional development/resettlement to the regional projects, the regional development of the regional development and the regional development of the regional development and the regional development of the regional development of the regional projects/recontributions, the regional development of the regional development and the regional support to the local budgets, and the social development of the local enterprises and the social development of the local projects, through the development of the regional level/resettlement of the regional development/recontribution to the local budgets and the participation of the representatives in the local budgets, and the contribution that the new enterprises will pay, and the integration of the inactive persons in the labor market and the development of the local employees, as well as the development of the employees in the employees, in the case of the employees in the field of employment and the development of new professional competences and the development of such professional competences and the skills of the employees in the local level, through the development of the regional level/resettlement of the regional development/re-dividing to the local level, the regional development of the regional/reselective activities and the regional development of the regional development/re-dividence to the regional/regional development of the local enterprises/re-organisation of the local/regional projects, through the development of the regional development/reselective regional development and the regional development of the regional projects/research to the regional projects and the regional development of the regional projects and the regional development of the regional development/re-reconnaissance of the regional projects/re-re-re-re-re-reprove to the regional development of local/regional enterprises, through the regional development/research to the regional development/research to the regional projects, through the regional development of the regional development/research to the local level, through the regional development of the regional development/resettlement to the local level, by the regional development of the regional enterprises/resettlement to the local level, by the regional development of the regional/research-reseparencies, by the regional development of the regional/research-recontributions, and the goods/services provided by these new enterprises on the local/regional level, through the generation of synergies at the level of the community — the level of fees and contributions to the local budgets and to the state budget, through all the contributions that the new enterprises will pay and the contribution that will be paid, the integration on the labour market market of the inactive persons, but the implementation of the local level of employment — the creation of the local level of employment and the rehabilitation of the employees in the field of employment in various categ... (Spanish)
    13 January 2022
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    Municipiul Brăila, Romania
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    Municipiul Focşani, Romania
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    Municipiul Tulcea, Romania
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    Municipiul Galaţi, Romania
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    Municipiul Constanţa, Romania
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    Municipiul Buzău, Romania
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