Access to justice and alternative dispute resolution (Q3096473)
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Project Q3096473 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Access to justice and alternative dispute resolution |
Project Q3096473 in Romania |
1,949,308.98 Romanian Leu
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2,333,420.68 Romanian Leu
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466,684.13600000006 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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83.54 percent
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1 April 2019
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27 March 2021
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Obiectivul general al proiectului îl reprezintă îmbunătăţirea accesului la justiţie pentru cetateni, in special pentru grupuri vulnerabile, precum si imbunatatirea calitatii serviciilor de suport, inclusiv asistenta juridica. Proiectul vizează acțiuni de degrevare a instanțelor și parchetelor prin promovarea medierii/arbitrajului ca metodă alternativă de soluționare a litigiilor (pentru dezvoltarea și diversificarea paletei de servicii de consiliere și asistență juridică adecvate nevoilor cetățenilor), garantarea accesului la justiție, promovarea birourilor/serviciilor de consiliere juridică și informare a cetățenilor, accesibile înainte de a apela la instanță, promovarea activității acestora, acțiuni precum organizarea de campanii de informare, educatie juridica și conștientizare a populației, în special a grupurilor vulnerabile, cu privire la dreptul la asistență judiciară și modalitățile concrete de accesare a acestor servicii. Proiectul vizează creşterea nivelului de conştientizare, cunoştinţe şi asertivitate în rândurile cetatenilor, in special populaţiei vulnerabile, cu privire la drepturile şi obligaţiile care le revin, ca etape obligatorii în îmbunătăţirea accesului la justiţie, în conformitate cu standardele europene. În această privinţă, proiectul răspunde principiului stipulat de Constituţia României care prevede egalitatea în faţa legii pentru toţi cetăţenii. Obiectivul general al proiectului urmareste obținerea de beneficii durabile pentru grupul țintă: • îmbunătăţirea accesului la justiţie pentru cetateni, in special pentru grupuri vulnerabile • imbunatatirea calitatii serviciilor de suport, inclusiv asistenta juridica • derularea de acțiuni de degrevare a instanțelor și parchetelor prin promovarea medierii/arbitrajului ca metodă alternativă de soluționare a litigiilor (pentru dezvoltarea și diversificarea paletei de servicii de consiliere și asistență juridică adecvate nevoilor cetățenilor), prin dezvoltarea si diversificarea paletei de servicii de consiliere si asistenta juridica adecvate nevoilor cetateanului,prin cooperare cu autoritati ale administratiei publice centrale si locale/ alte entitati cu competente in domeniu/ societatea civila • promovarea și consolidarea metodelor alternative de soluționare a litigiilor prin acțiuni de formare a practicienilor dreptului Programul Operațional Capacitate Administrativă este finanţat din Fondul Social European (FSE), în cadrul obiectivului tematic nr. 11 Consolidarea capacității instituționale a autorităților publice și a părților interesate și eficiența administrației publice (OT 11) și își propune să consolideze capacitatea administrativă a autorităților și instituțiilor publice de a susţine o economie modernă și competitivă, abordând provocarea 5 Administrația și guvernarea și provocarea 2 Oamenii și societatea din Acordul de Parteneriat al României. POCA răspunde priorităţii de investiţii 11i Efectuarea de investiții în capacitatea instituțională și în eficienț (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to improve access to justice for citizens, especially for vulnerable groups, as well as to improve the quality of support services, including legal assistance. The project aims to relieve courts and prosecutors’ offices by promoting mediation/arbitrage as an alternative method of dispute resolution (for developing and diversifying the range of advisory services and legal assistance appropriate to the needs of citizens), guaranteeing access to justice, promoting offices/services for legal advice and information to citizens, accessible before going to court, promoting their work, actions such as organising information campaigns, legal education and awareness raising of the population, especially vulnerable groups, about the right to legal aid and the concrete ways to access these services. The project aims to raise awareness, knowledge and assertiveness among citizens, especially the vulnerable population, about their rights and obligations, as binding steps in improving access to justice, in line with European standards. In this regard, the draft complies with the principle laid down in the Romanian Constitution which provides for equality before the law for all citizens. The overall objective of the project is to achieve sustainable benefits for the target group: • improving access to justice for citizens, especially for vulnerable groups • improving the quality of support services, including legal assistance • carrying out relief actions for courts and prosecutor’s offices by promoting mediation/arbitrage as an alternative dispute resolution method (for developing and diversifying the range of advisory services and legal assistance appropriate to citizens‘needs), by developing and diversifying the range of advisory services and legal assistance appropriate to the citizen’s needs, through cooperation with central and local public administration authorities/other entities with competence in the field/civil society, by developing and diversifying the range of advisory services and legal assistance appropriate to the citizen’s needs, through cooperation with central and local public administration authorities’ authorities and other entities with competence in the field/civil society • to promote and strengthen the alternative methods of dispute resolution through training of the legal practitioners of the Social Programme, through cooperation with authorities of central and local public administration/other entities with competence in the field/civil society • promoting and strengthening the alternative methods of dispute resolution through training of the legal practitioners of the Social Programme, through cooperation with authorities of central and local public administration/other entities with competence in the field/civil society • promoting and consolidating alternative methods of dispute resolution through training of the legal practitioners of the Social Programme (Operational Programme No. 11) and strengthen the administrative administration’s capacity in the field/civil society • promote and strengthen the alternative methods of dispute resolution through training of the practitioners of the Law Programme of the National Operational Programme (Operational Operational Programme No. 11) and strengthen the capacity of the Romanian public administration and the civil society • promoting and strengthening the alternative methods of dispute resolution through training of the practitioners of the Law Programme of the Operational Programme No. 11. The Operational Programme is funded by the Administrative Fund and other entities with competence in the field/civil society • the promotion and strengthening of alternative dispute resolution methods through actions for training of the legal practitioners of the Operational Programme No. 11 of the Operational Programme No. 11 of the Public Administration and other entities with competence in the field/civil society • the promotion and strengthening of alternative methods of dispute resolution through actions for training of the legal practitioners, the Operational Programme of the Operational Programme No. 11 is the capacity of the Public Administration and the Public Administration’s capacity in the field and civil society • promoting and strengthening the alternative methods of dispute resolution through training of the practitioners of the Law Programme of the Operational Programme No. 11 (the Operational Programme is financed by the Public Administration within the Administrative Capacity of the Public Administration and the Public Administration in Romania’s capacity in the field and the civil society • promoting and strengthening the alternative methods of dispute resolution through training of the legal practitioners in the Operational Programme No. (English)
14 September 2021
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Obiectivul general al proiectului îl reprezintă îmbunătăţirea accesului la justiţie pentru ceateni, in special pentru grupuri vulnerabile, precum si imbunatatirea Calitatii serviciilor de suport, inclusiv asistenta juridica. Proiectul vizează acțiuni de degrevare a instanțelor și parchetelor prin promovarea medierii/arbitrajului ca metodă alternativă de soluționare a litigiilor (pentru dezvoltarea și diversificarea paletei de servicii de Consiliere și asistență juridică adecvate nevoilorățenilor), garantarea accesului la justiție, promovarea birourilor/serviciilor de Consiliere juridică și informare a ceățenilor, accesibile înainte de apela la instanță, promovarea activității acestora, acțiuni precum organizarea de campanii de informare, educatie juridica și conștientizare a populației, în special a grupurilor vulnerabile, cu privire la dreptul la asistență judiciară și modalitățile concrete de accesare a acestor servicii. Proiectul vizează creşterea nivelului de conştientizare, cunoştinţe şi asertivitate în rândurile ceatenilor, en particulier populaţiei vulnerabile, cu privire la drepturile şi obligaţiile care le revin, ca etape obligatorii în îmbunătăţirea accesului la justiţie, în conformitate cu Standardele europene. În această privinţă, Proiectul Răspunde principiului stipulat de Constituţia României care prevede egalitatea în Faţa legii pentru Toţi ceăţenii. Obiectivul general al proiectului Urmareste obținerea de beneficii durabile pentru grupul țintă: • îmbunătăţirea accesului la justiţie pentru ceateni, in special pentru grupuri vulnerabile • imbunatatirea Calitatii serviciilor de suport, inclusiv asistenta juridica • derularea de acțiuni de degrevare a instanțelor și parchetelor prin promovarea medierii/arbitrajului ca metodă alternativă de soluționare a litigiilor (pentru dezvoltarea și diversificarea paletei de servicii de Consiliere și asistență juridică adecvate nevoilor ceățenilor), prin dezvoltarea si diversificarea paletei de servicii de Consiliere si asistenta juridica adecvate nevoilor ceateanului, prin cooperare cu autoritati ale Administratiei publice centrale si locale/alte entitati cu competente in domeniu/societatea civila • promovarea și consolidarea metodelor alternative de soluționare a litigiilor prin acțiuni de formare a practicienilor dreptului Programul Operațional capacitate administrativă este finanţat din Fondul Social European (FSE), în cadrul obiectivului tematic nr. 11 consolidarea capacității instituționale a autorităților publice și a părților interesate și eficiența administrației publice (OT 11) și își propune să consolideze capacitatea administrativă a autorităților și instituțiilor publice de a susţine o economie modernă și competitivă, abordând provocarea 5 Administrația și guvernarea și provocarea 2 oamenii și societatea din Acordul de Parteneriat al României. POCA Răspunde priorităţii de investiţii 11i efectuarea de investiții în capacitatea instituțională și în eficienț (French)
26 November 2021
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Das allgemeine Ziel des Projekts besteht darin, den Zugang der Bürger zur Justiz, insbesondere für schutzbedürftige Gruppen, zu verbessern und die Qualität der Unterstützungsdienste, einschließlich der Rechtshilfe, zu verbessern. Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, Gerichte und Staatsanwaltschaften zu entlasten, indem Mediation/Arbitrage als alternative Methode zur Streitbeilegung (zur Entwicklung und Diversifizierung des Spektrums von Beratungsdiensten und Rechtsbeistand entsprechend den Bedürfnissen der Bürger) gefördert, der Zugang zur Justiz gewährleistet, Büros/Dienste für Rechtsberatung und -information für Bürger gefördert werden, die vor Gericht zugänglich sind, ihre Arbeit zu fördern, Maßnahmen wie die Organisation von Informationskampagnen, die Rechtserziehung und die Sensibilisierung der Bevölkerung, insbesondere schutzbedürftiger Gruppen, über das Recht auf Prozesskostenhilfe und die konkreten Möglichkeiten des Zugangs zu diesen Diensten zu fördern. Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, die Bürger, insbesondere die schutzbedürftige Bevölkerung, für ihre Rechte und Pflichten als verbindliche Schritte zur Verbesserung des Zugangs zur Justiz im Einklang mit den europäischen Standards zu sensibilisieren, das Wissen und die Durchsetzungsfähigkeit der Bürger und insbesondere der schutzbedürftigen Bevölkerung. In diesem Zusammenhang steht der Entwurf im Einklang mit dem in der rumänischen Verfassung verankerten Grundsatz, der eine Gleichheit vor dem Gesetz für alle Bürger vorsieht. Übergeordnetes Ziel des Projekts ist es, einen nachhaltigen Nutzen für die Zielgruppe zu erzielen: das Programm zur Verbesserung der Streitbeilegung im Bereich der Rechtsberufe und des Programms zur Verbesserung der Streitbeilegung im Bereich der öffentlichen Verwaltung und des Programms zur Förderung alternativer Verfahren im Bereich der Rechts- und Verwaltungszusammenarbeit im Rahmen des Programms zur Förderung der Streitbeilegung im Bereich der öffentlichen Verwaltung und des Programms zur Förderung der Streitbeilegung im Bereich der Rechtsberufe und des Programms zur Förderung der Streitbeilegung im Bereich der Rechtsberufe und des Programms zur Förderung der Streitbeilegung im Bereich der Rechts- und Verwaltungsbehörden im Rahmen des Programms zur Förderung der Streitbeilegung im Bereich der öffentlichen Verwaltung und des Programms zur Förderung der Streitbeilegung im Bereich der öffentlichen Verwaltung. POCA reagiert auf Investitionspriorität 11i Investitionen in institutionelle Kapazitäten und Effizienz (German)
1 December 2021
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De algemene doelstelling van het project is het verbeteren van de toegang tot de rechter voor burgers, met name voor kwetsbare groepen, en het verbeteren van de kwaliteit van ondersteunende diensten, met inbegrip van rechtsbijstand. Het project heeft tot doel rechtbanken en openbare ministeries te ontlasten door bemiddeling/arbitrage te bevorderen als alternatieve methode voor geschillenbeslechting (voor het ontwikkelen en diversifiëren van het scala aan adviesdiensten en juridische bijstand die aangepast zijn aan de behoeften van de burgers), het waarborgen van toegang tot de rechter, het bevorderen van kantoren/diensten voor juridisch advies en juridische informatie voor burgers, die toegankelijk zijn voordat zij naar de rechter gaan, het bevorderen van hun werk, acties zoals het organiseren van voorlichtingscampagnes, juridische educatie en bewustmaking van de bevolking, met name kwetsbare groepen, over het recht op rechtsbijstand en de concrete manieren om toegang te krijgen tot deze diensten. Het project is gericht op het vergroten van het bewustzijn, de kennis en de assertiviteit van burgers, met name de kwetsbare bevolking, over hun rechten en plichten, als bindende stappen ter verbetering van de toegang tot de rechter, in overeenstemming met de Europese normen. In dit verband is het ontwerp in overeenstemming met het beginsel van de Roemeense grondwet, dat voorziet in gelijkheid voor de wet voor alle burgers. De algemene doelstelling van het project is het bereiken van duurzame voordelen voor de doelgroep: in het kader van het programma voor de beroepsopleiding van de burger via het programma voor de beroepsopleiding van de burger via het programma „Pools beleid” en „Plaatselijk beleid” van het programma „Pools beleid” en „Programma van de openbare dienst” (het programma voor de openbare orde en de openbare financiën) en het programma voor de mobilisatie van het openbaar bestuur in het kader van het programma voor de beroepsopleiding van de bevolking. POCA reageert op investeringsprioriteit 11i Investeren in institutionele capaciteit en efficiëntie (Dutch)
5 December 2021
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L'obiettivo generale del progetto è migliorare l'accesso alla giustizia per i cittadini, in particolare per i gruppi vulnerabili, nonché migliorare la qualità dei servizi di sostegno, compresa l'assistenza legale. Il progetto mira a liberare i tribunali e le procure promuovendo la mediazione/arbitraggio come metodo alternativo di risoluzione delle controversie (per sviluppare e diversificare la gamma di servizi di consulenza e assistenza legale adeguati alle esigenze dei cittadini), garantendo l'accesso alla giustizia, promuovendo uffici/servizi di consulenza legale e di informazione dei cittadini, accessibili prima di andare in tribunale, promuovendo il loro lavoro, azioni quali l'organizzazione di campagne d'informazione, l'educazione giuridica e la sensibilizzazione della popolazione, in particolare dei gruppi vulnerabili, sul diritto al patrocinio a spese dello Stato e sulle modalità concrete di accesso a tali servizi. Il progetto mira a sensibilizzare, conoscere e affermare i cittadini, in particolare la popolazione vulnerabile, in merito ai loro diritti e obblighi, come misure vincolanti per migliorare l'accesso alla giustizia, in linea con gli standard europei. A tale riguardo, il progetto è conforme al principio sancito dalla Costituzione rumena, che prevede l'uguaglianza di fronte alla legge per tutti i cittadini. L'obiettivo generale del progetto è conseguire benefici sostenibili per il gruppo destinatario: • improving access to justice for citizens, especially for vulnerable groups • improving the quality of support services, including legal assistance • carrying out relief actions for courts and prosecutor’s offices by promoting mediation/arbitrage as an alternative dispute resolution method (for developing and diversifying the range of advisory services and legal assistance appropriate to citizens‘needs), by developing and diversifying the range of advisory services and legal assistance appropriate to the citizen’s needs, through cooperation with central and local public administration authorities/other entities with competence in the field/civil society, by developing and diversifying the range of advisory services and legal assistance appropriate to the citizen’s needs, through cooperation with central and local public administration authorities’ authorities and other entities with competence in the field/civil society • to promote and strengthen the alternative methods of dispute resolution through training of the legal practitioners of the Social Programme, through cooperation with authorities of central and local public administration/other entities with competence in the field/civil society • promoting and strengthening the alternative methods of dispute resolution through training of the legal practitioners of the Social Programme, through cooperation with authorities of central and local public administration/other entities with competence in the field/civil society • promoting and consolidating alternative methods of dispute resolution through training of the legal practitioners of the Social Programme (Operational Programme No. 11) and strengthen the administrative administration’s capacity in the field/civil society • promote and strengthen the alternative methods of dispute resolution through training of the practitioners of the Law Programme of the National Operational Programme (Operational Operational Programme No. 11) and strengthen the capacity of the Romanian public administration and the civil society • promoting and strengthening the alternative methods of dispute resolution through training of the practitioners of the Law Programme of the Operational Programme No. 11. The Operational Programme is funded by the Administrative Fund and other entities with competence in the field/civil society • the promotion and strengthening of alternative dispute resolution methods through actions for training of the legal practitioners of the Operational Programme No. 11 of the Operational Programme No. 11 of the Public Administration and other entities with competence in the field/civil society • the promotion and strengthening of alternative methods of dispute resolution through actions for training of the legal practitioners, the Operational Programme of the Operational Programme No. 11 is the capacity of the Public Administration and the Public Administration’s capacity in the field and civil society • promoting and strengthening the alternative methods of dispute resolution through training of the practitioners of the Law Programme of the Operational Programme No. 11 (the Operational Programme is financed by the Public Administration within the Administrative Capacity of the Public Administration and the Public Administration in Romania’s capacity in the field and the civil society • promoting and strengthening the alternative methods of dispute resolution through training of the legal practitioners in the Operational Programme No. 11 (the Operational Programme is financed within t... (Italian)
12 January 2022
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El objetivo general del proyecto es mejorar el acceso a la justicia de los ciudadanos, especialmente de los grupos vulnerables, así como mejorar la calidad de los servicios de apoyo, incluida la asistencia jurídica. El proyecto tiene por objeto aliviar a los tribunales y las fiscalías promoviendo la mediación/arbitraje como método alternativo de solución de controversias (para desarrollar y diversificar la gama de servicios de asesoramiento y asistencia jurídica adecuados a las necesidades de los ciudadanos), garantizar el acceso a la justicia, promover oficinas/servicios de asesoramiento jurídico e información para los ciudadanos, accesibles antes de acudir a los tribunales, promover su trabajo, acciones como la organización de campañas de información, educación jurídica y sensibilización de la población, especialmente los grupos vulnerables, sobre el derecho a la asistencia jurídica y las formas concretas de acceder a estos servicios. El proyecto tiene por objeto aumentar la sensibilización, el conocimiento y la asertividad entre los ciudadanos, especialmente la población vulnerable, sobre sus derechos y obligaciones, como medidas vinculantes para mejorar el acceso a la justicia, en consonancia con las normas europeas. A este respecto, el proyecto se ajusta al principio establecido en la Constitución rumana, que establece la igualdad ante la ley para todos los ciudadanos. El objetivo general del proyecto es lograr beneficios sostenibles para el grupo destinatario: • improving access to justice for citizens, especially for vulnerable groups • improving the quality of support services, including legal assistance • carrying out relief actions for courts and prosecutor’s offices by promoting mediation/arbitrage as an alternative dispute resolution method (for developing and diversifying the range of advisory services and legal assistance appropriate to citizens‘needs), by developing and diversifying the range of advisory services and legal assistance appropriate to the citizen’s needs, through cooperation with central and local public administration authorities/other entities with competence in the field/civil society, by developing and diversifying the range of advisory services and legal assistance appropriate to the citizen’s needs, through cooperation with central and local public administration authorities’ authorities and other entities with competence in the field/civil society • to promote and strengthen the alternative methods of dispute resolution through training of the legal practitioners of the Social Programme, through cooperation with authorities of central and local public administration/other entities with competence in the field/civil society • promoting and strengthening the alternative methods of dispute resolution through training of the legal practitioners of the Social Programme, through cooperation with authorities of central and local public administration/other entities with competence in the field/civil society • promoting and consolidating alternative methods of dispute resolution through training of the legal practitioners of the Social Programme (Operational Programme No. 11) and strengthen the administrative administration’s capacity in the field/civil society • promote and strengthen the alternative methods of dispute resolution through training of the practitioners of the Law Programme of the National Operational Programme (Operational Operational Programme No. 11) and strengthen the capacity of the Romanian public administration and the civil society • promoting and strengthening the alternative methods of dispute resolution through training of the practitioners of the Law Programme of the Operational Programme No. 11. The Operational Programme is funded by the Administrative Fund and other entities with competence in the field/civil society • the promotion and strengthening of alternative dispute resolution methods through actions for training of the legal practitioners of the Operational Programme No. 11 of the Operational Programme No. 11 of the Public Administration and other entities with competence in the field/civil society • the promotion and strengthening of alternative methods of dispute resolution through actions for training of the legal practitioners, the Operational Programme of the Operational Programme No. 11 is the capacity of the Public Administration and the Public Administration’s capacity in the field and civil society • promoting and strengthening the alternative methods of dispute resolution through training of the practitioners of the Law Programme of the Operational Programme No. 11 (the Operational Programme is financed by the Public Administration within the Administrative Capacity of the Public Administration and the Public Administration in Romania’s capacity in the field and the civil society • promoting and strengthening the alternative methods of dispute resolution through training of the legal practitioners in the Operational Programme No. ... (Spanish)
13 January 2022
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Crişcior, Romania
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Bucureşci, Romania
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Buceş, Romania
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Beriu, Romania
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Municipiul Deva, Romania
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Sântimbru, Romania
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Stremţ, Romania
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Mihalţ, Romania
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Livezile, Romania
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Almaşu Mare, Romania
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Municipiul Alba Iulia, Romania
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Ighiu, Romania
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Galda de Jos, Romania
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Cricău, Romania
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Şanţ, Romania
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Rebra, Romania
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Şieu-Măgheruş, Romania
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Rodna, Romania
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Parva, Romania
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Mărişelu, Romania
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Municipiul Bistriţa, Romania
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Livezile, Romania
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Ilva Mică, Romania
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Coşbuc, Romania
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Budacu de Jos, Romania
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Someş-Odorhei, Romania
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Năpradea, Romania
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Municipiul Zalău, Romania
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Lozna, Romania
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Letca, Romania
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Băbeni, Romania
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Vama, Romania
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Hodod, Romania
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Călineşti-Oaş, Romania
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Culciu, Romania
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Bogdand, Romania
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Bixad, Romania
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Municipiul Satu Mare, Romania
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Ruscova, Romania
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Remeţi, Romania
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Ocna Şugatag, Romania
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Bârsana, Romania
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Şişeşti, Romania
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Satulung, Romania
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Coltău, Romania
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Dumbrăviţa, Romania
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Recea, Romania
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Măciuca, Romania
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Şuici, Romania
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Uda, Romania
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Sălătrucu, Romania
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Merişani, Romania
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Cuca, Romania
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Ciomăgeşti, Romania
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Milcoiu, Romania
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Budeşti, Romania
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Municipiul Curtea de Arges, Romania
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Cepari, Romania
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Dorolţ, Romania
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Botiz, Romania
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Valea Vinului, Romania
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Turulung, Romania
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Oraşu Nou, Romania
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Odoreu, Romania
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Medieşu Aurit, Romania
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Homoroade, Romania
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Crucişor, Romania
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Certeze, Romania
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Agriş, Romania
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Acâş, Romania
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Mărtineşti, Romania
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Sălăţig, Romania
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Surduc, Romania
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Rus, Romania
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Poiana Blenchii, Romania
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Oraş Cehu Silvaniei, Romania
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Ileanda, Romania
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Dobrin, Romania
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Coşeiu, Romania
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Romos, Romania
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Orăştioara de Sus, Romania
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Oraş Călan, Romania
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Bretea Româ, Romania
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