Construction of cycle roads for Jacinki-Polanów and the Republic of the Republic of Poland — Polanów together with the construction of the Neighbours centre in Polanów (Q137576)

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Revision as of 10:06, 11 March 2020 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): As part of the task it is planned to: 1. Construction of the Neighbours Centre in Polans. 2. Construction of 8 981.3 m of bicycle lanes on the Polanow-Yascinki route and by the Republic of Wielka-Polanów, in a city with concrete cubes, in rural areas, in a paved area with a gravel surface. The building of the centre, which exists in the area of the city of Polanowa and newly constructed cycle road sections, will be integrated into one coherent,...)
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Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Construction of cycle roads for Jacinki-Polanów and the Republic of the Republic of Poland — Polanów together with the construction of the Neighbours centre in Polanów
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    2,465,182.16 zloty
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    591,643.7184 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    2,999,999.99 zloty
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    719,999.9976 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    82.35 percent
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    3 April 2018
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    30 November 2019
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    W ramach zadania planowana jest: 1. Budowa Centrum Przesiadkowego w Polanowie. 2. Budowa 8.981,3 m dróg rowerowych na trasie Polanow-Jacinki oraz Rzeczyca Wielka-Polanów, w mieście z kostki betonowej, na terenach wiejskich w technologii utwardzonej z nawierzchnią żwirową. Budynek centrum, istniejące na terenie miasta Polanowa i nowowybudowane odcinki dróg rowerowych połączone zostaną w jeden spójny, zintegrowany system komunikacyjny. Na trasie dróg rowerowych i w pobliżu zakładów pracy zaprojektowano punkty przystankowe i parkingi rowerowe oraz infrastrukturę umożliwiającą odpoczynek i skorzystanie z kontenerów sanitarnych. Centrum przesiadkowe wyposażone będzie w punkt informacyjny, poczekalnię, przechowalnię bagażu, parking rowerowy, zespoły sanitarne w tym dla osób z niepełnosprawnościami, zadaszoną wiatę przeznaczoną dla osób oczekujących na środki transportu. Przed budynkiem zlokalizowany będzie parking dla autobusów, busów i pojazdów samochodowych 44 miejsca z wydzielonymi stanowiskami dla osób niepełnosprawnych. (Polish)
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    As part of the task it is planned to: 1. Construction of the Neighbours Centre in Polans. 2. Construction of 8 981.3 m of bicycle lanes on the Polanow-Yascinki route and by the Republic of Wielka-Polanów, in a city with concrete cubes, in rural areas, in a paved area with a gravel surface. The building of the centre, which exists in the area of the city of Polanowa and newly constructed cycle road sections, will be integrated into one coherent, integrated communication system. Stations and bicycle parking facilities and facilities for the rest and use of sanitary containers have been designed along the path of the cycle and close to the work facilities. The hub will be equipped with an information centre, waiting room, baggage storage, cycling, and sanitary teams, including for persons with disabilities, which is intended for persons waiting for transport. There will be a car park in front of the building for buses, buses and vehicles with 44 seats for disabled persons. (English)
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