The closure of the Cehu Silvaniei placement centre and the establishment of two family-type homes: Family house IRIS and Dalia Family House, as well as a Day Centre for the Development of Independent Life Skills in Cehu Silvaniei (Q2746220)

From EU Knowledge Graph
Revision as of 07:21, 1 December 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): Das allgemeine Ziel des Projekts ist: Umsetzung auf Kreisebene von Salaj bis 2023 eines neuen Modells der qualitativ hochwertigen Betreuung, so nah wie möglich an der Familie für Kinder in Not, mit einem Schwerpunkt auf deren Deinstitutionalisierung von Institutionen des klassischen Wohnsystems, wie Unterbringungszentren mit einer großen Anzahl von Begünstigten, und deren Transfer in Familienleistungen. — In diesem Zusammenhang besteht das Ziel...)
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Project Q2746220 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
The closure of the Cehu Silvaniei placement centre and the establishment of two family-type homes: Family house IRIS and Dalia Family House, as well as a Day Centre for the Development of Independent Life Skills in Cehu Silvaniei
Project Q2746220 in Romania


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    2,513,443.24 Romanian Leu
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    502,688.64800000004 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    3,590,633.2 Romanian Leu
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    718,126.6400000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    70.0 percent
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    8 March 2019
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    31 December 2023
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    47°24'41.00"N, 23°10'36.91"E
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    OBIECTIVUL GENERAL al proiectului consta in: Implementarea la nivelul judetului Salaj pana in anul 2023 a unui nou model de ingrijire calitativ, cat mai aproape de cel familial pentru copiii aflati in dificultate, cu accent pe dezinstitutionalizarea acestora din institutiile sistemului rezidential clasic, de tip centre de plasament cu numar mare de beneficiari, si transferul acestora in servicii de tip familial. -In acest sens, scopul proiectului consta in inchiderea centrului de Plasament CEHU SILVANIEI din cadrul Complexului de Servicii Sociale CEHU SILVANIEI (CSS CEHU SILVANIEI) intr-o perioada de 36 de luni de la data semnarii cererii de finantare si infiintarea de servicii sociale cat mai apropiate de mediul familial. Inchiderea CP Cehu S. presupune infiintarea de servicii sociale noi: 2 case de tip familial pentru 24 de copii din CP si infiintarea unui serviciu social de zi , de tip Centru de Zi pentru Dezvoltarea Deprinderilor de Viață Independentă (CZDDVI), prin valorifiarea locatiei actualului CP CEHU SILVANIEI. -Prin acest proiect se vor realiza 2 CTF- uri (CTF DALIA/12 locuri si CTF IRIS/12locuri ) si un Centru de Zi pentru Dezvoltarea Deprinderilor de Viață Independentă/25 beneficiari /luna (CZDDVI), in locatia CP CEHU SILVANIEI , supus inchiderii . -Proiectul prin scopul si obiectivul general propus este in corelare cu proiectele privind inchiderea centrelor de plasament din Simleu Silvaniei si inchiderea Centrului de plasament JIbou (proiecte depuse in cadrul acestui apel). (Romanian)
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    The GENERAL objective of the project is: Implementation at Salaj county level until 2023 of a new model of quality care, as close as possible to the family for children in need, with a focus on their deinstitutionalisation from institutions of the classical residential system, such as placement centers with a large number of beneficiaries, and their transfer to family services. — In this respect, the aim of the project is to close the Cehu SILVANIEI Placement Center within the Cehu SILVANIEI Social Services Complex (CSS Cehu SILVANIEI) in a period of 36 months from the date of signature of the financing application and the establishment of social services as close as possible to the family environment. The closure of Cehu S. assumes the establishment of new social services: 2 family-type homes for 24 children from CP and setting up a day-care, Day Center for the Development of Independent Living Skills (CZDDVI), by valuing the location of the current CP Cehu SILVANIEI. 2 CTFs (CTF DALIA/12 seats and CTF IRIS/12 places) and a Day Center for the Development of Independent Living Skills/25 beneficiaries/month (CZDDVI) will be realised in the location of Cehu SILVANIEI CP, subject to closure. — The project through the purpose and general objective proposed is related to the projects concerning the closure of the placement centers in Simleu Silvaniei and the closure of the Jibou placement center (projects submitted under this call). (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Obiectivul GENERAL al proiectului consta dans: Implementarea la nivelul judetului Salaj pana in anul 2023 a unui nou model de ingrijire calitativ, cat mai aproape de cel familial pentru copiii aflati in dificultate, cu accent pe dezinstitutionalizarea acestora din institutiile Sistemului REZIDENTIAL clasic, de tip centre de plasament cu Numar mare de beneficiari, si transferul acestora in servicii de tip familial. —Acest sens, Scopul proiectului consta in inchiderea centrului de Plasament Cehu SILVANIEI din cadrul Complexului de Servicii Sociale Cehu SILVANIEI (CSS Cehu SILVANIEI) intr-o perioada de 36 de luni de la data semnarii cererii de finantare si infiintarea de servicii social cat mai apropiate de mediul familial. Inchiderea CP Cehu S. presupune infiintarea de servicii sociale noi: 2 cas de tip familial pentru 24 de copii din CP si infiintarea unui serviciu social de zi, de tip Centru de Zi pentru Dezvoltarea Deprinderilor de viață Independentă (CZDDVI), prin valorifiarea locatiei actualului CP Cehu SILVANIEI. —Prin acest proiect se vor realiza 2 CTF- uri (CTF DALIA/12 locuri si CTF IRIS/12locuri) si un Centru de Zi pentru Dezvoltarea Deprinderilor de viață Independentă/25 beneficiari/luna (CZDDVI), dans Locatia CP Cehu SILVANIEI, supus inchiderii. —Proiectul prin Scopul si Obiectivul general Propus este in corelare cu proiectele privind inchiderea centrelor de plasament din Simleu Silvaniei si inchiderea Centrului de plasament Jibou (proiecte depuse in cadrul acestui apel). (French)
    26 November 2021
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    Das allgemeine Ziel des Projekts ist: Umsetzung auf Kreisebene von Salaj bis 2023 eines neuen Modells der qualitativ hochwertigen Betreuung, so nah wie möglich an der Familie für Kinder in Not, mit einem Schwerpunkt auf deren Deinstitutionalisierung von Institutionen des klassischen Wohnsystems, wie Unterbringungszentren mit einer großen Anzahl von Begünstigten, und deren Transfer in Familienleistungen. — In diesem Zusammenhang besteht das Ziel des Projekts darin, das Cehu SILVANIEI Placement Center innerhalb des Cehu SILVANIEI Social Services Complex (CSS Cehu SILVANIEI) innerhalb eines Zeitraums von 36 Monaten ab dem Datum der Unterzeichnung des Finanzierungsantrags und der Einrichtung sozialer Dienstleistungen so nah wie möglich am familiären Umfeld zu schließen. Die Schließung von Cehu S. setzt die Einrichtung neuer Sozialdienste voraus: 2 Familienhäuser für 24 Kinder von CP und die Einrichtung einer Tagesbetreuung, Day Center for the Development of Independent Living Skills (CZDDVI), indem Sie den Standort des aktuellen CP Cehu SILVANIEI bewerten. 2 CTF (CTF DALIA/12 Sitze und CTF IRIS/12 Plätze) und ein Day Center for the Development of Independent Living Skills/25 Begünstigte/Monat (CZDDVI) werden am Standort von Cehu SILVANIEI CP, vorbehaltlich der Schließung, realisiert. — Das Projekt durch den vorgeschlagenen Zweck und das allgemeine Ziel bezieht sich auf die Projekte betreffend die Schließung der Vermittlungszentren in Simleu Silvaniei und die Schließung des Jibou-Platzierungszentrums (Projekte, die im Rahmen dieser Aufforderung eingereicht wurden). (German)
    1 December 2021
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    Oraş Cehu Silvaniei, Romania
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