Lubuska School of Exercise in Żary as an opportunity for the development of teachers, students and students (Q91500)

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Project Q91500 in Poland
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Lubuska School of Exercise in Żary as an opportunity for the development of teachers, students and students
Project Q91500 in Poland


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    849,876.83 zloty
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    203,970.44 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    1,008,396.81 zloty
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    242,015.23 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    84.28 percent
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    2 January 2019
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    31 December 2020
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    Cel główny projektu: poprawa funkcjonowania i zwiększenie wykorzystania systemu wspomagania szkół poprzez wdrożenie modelu Szkoły ćwiczeń w SP5 w Żarach w woj.lubuskim w sieci z 9 szkołami we współpracy z partnerami do 31.12.2020 r.Cel ten będzie osiągnięty poprzez realizację nw zadań:Diagnoza potrzeb szkół objętych wsparciem w ramach szkoły ćwiczeńSzkolenie trenerów szkoły ćwiczeńSzkolenie dyrektorów szkółSeminaria dla nauczycieli - webinariaFunkcjonowanie szkoły ćwiczeńProwadzenie sieci współpracy i samokształceniaProwadzenie lekcji pokazowychPrzeprowadzenie warsztatów metodycznychWykonanie zadań doprowadzi do poniższych rezultatów:Odsetek szkół korzystających z kompleksowego modelu wspierania pracy szkoły dzięki wsparciu z EFS 4,46%Liczba szkół korzystających z kompleksowego modelu wspierania pracy szkoły dzięki wsparciu z EFS 10Pomogą w tym nw produkty:Liczba szkół objętych wsparciem w celu przygotowania i doskonalenia zawodowego nauczycieli (szkoła ćwiczeń) w zakresie określonym wprogramie 10Grupy docelowe: 10 szkół, w tym 4 wiejskie, 1 integracyjna, dyrektorzy (10) i nauczyciele (125) tych szkół.Okres realizacji: 1.01.2019 r.-31.12.2020 r.Projekt będzie realizowany w partnerstwie z Uniwersytetem im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wojewódzką Biblioteką Publiczną w Zielonej Górze oraz Ośrodkiem Doskonalenia Nauczycieli w Zielonej Górze. Szkołą Ćwiczeń będzie SP5 w Żarach (Polish)
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    Main objective of the project: improve the functioning and increase the use of the school support system by implementing the model of the School of Exercise in Zhary in the Voivodeship in the network with 9 schools in cooperation with partners until 31.12.2020.This goal will be achieved through the implementation of the new tasks: Diagnosis of the needs of the schools supported by the school exercises within school exercisesEducation of school trainers in exercisesEducation of school trainers in school exercisesThe training of school establishments is provided by means of school support – webinarsFeature of the school exercise networking and self-educationEducation of the training methodsEducation of the school’s performances by way of school support services – webinarisationFunction of the school exercisesNetworking networks and self-educationing methodsEducation of work methodsPurchase of the school’s performances and to increase the use of the school support by implementing the model of SP5 in Żarach in the region of the voivodship in the network with 9 schools in cooperation with partners until 31.12.2020.This goal will be achieved through the implementation of the new tasks: Diagnognosing the needs of the schools supported by school exercises within school exercisesEducation of trainers of school exercises by means of the training of school directors covered by school support for teachers – webinars – webinarsThe function of school exercisesProduce the networking and Self-Educivation of SchoolsEducitionals of SchoolsEducitionals of SchoolsSchools Supplying of Schools CompetitivesEducing Schools for Teachers – WebinaringFunctioning Schools and Self-EduciodsCreasonment of SchoolsEducing in SchoolsEducation of Schools in Schools of Schools Outcome of SchoolsCompetnershiping Schools – WebinaringFunctioning SchoolsEarning of Training and Self-Educiversal in SchoolsEducal Outcomearing Schools for SchoolsEaring of SchoolsEarning SchoolsCompetnershiping SchoolsCompetnershiping Schools – WebineryFunctioning SchoolsEducialing and Self-EducittingNetreaching and Self-Educial EducationEducing Schools for SchoolsEducing Schools in SchoolsCompetching Outcomplex SchoolsParticipation for Teachers – WebinarningFunctions of Training SchoolsEarning and Self-EducingInvoiceEducing SchoolsEarcomevoicing of SchoolsEducial Outcomes Vocabulary Schools in Schools Outcome Services and Increasing Schools 10 schools, including 4 rural, 1 inclusive, directors (10) and teachers (125) of these schools. 1.01.2019-31.12.2020 The project will be implemented in partnership with the A. Mickiewicz University in Poznań, the Provincial Public Library in Zielona Góra and the Centre for Teacher Excellence in Zielona Góra. The School of Exercise will be SP5 in Frogs (English)
    15 October 2020
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