Developing your professional and educational future (Q3131724)

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Revision as of 12:55, 29 November 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): The general objective of the project is to increase the employment rate of 1060 unemployed NEETs aged between 16-29 years registered at the Public Employment Service in the North-East, North-West, West and Centre regions, with a focus on those from disadvantaged categories such as Roma and rural, by providing information and promotion services, professional training services, mediation services on the labor market and support for the development...)
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Project Q3131724 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Developing your professional and educational future
Project Q3131724 in Romania


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    14,871,475.31 Romanian Leu
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    47°40'19.78"N, 24°11'43.69"E
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    45°47'45.06"N, 22°56'40.13"E
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    47°9'41.51"N, 27°35'1.00"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului il reprezinta cresterea gradului de ocupare al 1060 tineri NEETs someri cu varste cuprinse intre 16-29 ani inregistrati la Serviciul Publice de Ocupare din regiunile Nord-Est, Nord-Vest, Vest si Centru, cu accent pe cei din categorii defavorizate cum ar fi rromi si din mediu rural, prin furnizarea de servicii de informare si promovare, servicii de formare profesionala, servicii de mediere pe piata muncii si sprijin pentru dezvoltarea antreprenorialului in randul acestora pe perioada proiectului.Proiectul isi propune imbunatatirea posibilitatilor de incadrare pe piata muncii a tuturor celor 1060 tineri NEETs someri inregistrati la Serviciul Public de Ocupare (SPO) vizati de proiect (din care cel putin 467 isi vor gasi un loc de munca) si de calificare a acestora (din care cel putin 900 tineri vor obtine un certificate de calificare).De asemenea, proiectul se iinscrie iin Axa Prioritara 2 Imbunatatirea situatiei tinerilor din categoria NEETs, Obiectivul tematic 8: Promovarea unei ocupari sustenabile si de calitate a fortei de munca si sprijinirea mobilitatii fortei de munca; Prioritatea de investitii: 8.ii Integrarea durabila pe piata fortei de munca a tinerilor(FSE) , iin special a celor care nu au un loc de munca, educatie sau formare, inclusiv a tinerilor cu risc de excluziune sociala si a tinerilor din comunitatile marginalizate, inclusiv prin punerea in aplicare a “garantiei pentru tineret”, Obiectivul Specific 2.1 – Cresterea ocuparii tinerilor NEETs someri cu varsta intre 16 – 29 ani, inregistrati la Serviciul Public de Ocupare, cu rezidenta in regiuni eligibile; Obiectivul Specific 2.2 – Imbunatatirea nivelului de competente, inclusiv prin evaluarea si certificarea competentelor dobandite in sistem non-formal si informal al tinerilor NEETs someri cu varsta intre 16 – 29 ani, inregistrati la Serviciul Public de Ocupare, cu rezidenta in regiunile eligibile. CONTRIBUTIA PROIECTULUI LA REALIZAREA OBIECTIVULUI SPECIFIC AL POCU 2014-2020: Prin obiectivul sau general, proiectul raspunde prioritatilor de investitii, obiectivelor si actiunilor asumate de catre Romania in cadrul POCU, respectiv valorizarea capitalului uman, ca resursa pentru o dezvoltare sustenabila in viitor. Prin masurile sale integrate, proiectul genereaza oportunitati de crestere a ocuparii pentru 1060 de tineri NEETs someri cu varsta cuprinsa intre 16-29 ani inregistrati la SPO, cu rezidenta in regiunile Nord-Est, Nord-Vest, Vest si Centru, precum si de imbunatatire a competentelor acestora prin:- furnizarea de servicii de informare si promovare a activitatilor proiectului si a necesitatii si importantei formarii profesionale, precum si a ocuparii (inclusiv a ocuparii pe cont propriu),- furnizarea de servicii de indrumare si inregistrare la SPO in vederea profilarii acestora de catre expertii AJOFM din judetul de reseinta al persoanelor vizate,- furnizarea de servicii de formare profesionala autorizata in ocupatii/meserii solicitate (Romanian)
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    L’objectif général du projet est d’augmenter le taux d’emploi de 1060 NEET sans emploi âgés de 16 à 29 ans inscrits au service public de l’emploi dans les régions du Nord-Est, du Nord-Ouest, de l’Ouest et du Centre, en mettant l’accent sur les personnes appartenant à des catégories défavorisées telles que les Roms et les zones rurales, en fournissant des services d’information et de promotion, des services de formation professionnelle, des services de médiation sur le marché du travail et un soutien au développement de l’esprit d’entreprise au cours de la période du projet. sur l’ensemble des 1060 jeunes chômeurs inscrits au Service public de l’emploi (SPO) avec l’objectif d’au moins 4 jeunes, qui trouveront les jeunes du marché du travail avec un minimum de 900 jeunes inscrits auprès du Service public de l’emploi (SPO) avec l’objectif d’au moins 467 jeunes. Promouvoir l’emploi durable et de qualité et soutenir la mobilité de la main-d’œuvre; Priorité d’investissement: 8.ii Intégration durable sur le marché du travail des jeunes (FSE), en particulier ceux qui n’ont pas d’emploi, d’éducation ou de formation, y compris les jeunes exposés au risque d’exclusion sociale et les jeunes issus de communautés marginalisées, y compris par la mise en œuvre de la «garantie pour la jeunesse», objectif spécifique 2.1 — Accroître l’emploi des chômeurs ne suivant pas d’études ou d’études, âgés de 16 à 29 ans, inscrits auprès du service public de l’emploi et résidant dans des régions éligibles; Objectif spécifique 2.2 — Améliorer le niveau de compétence, y compris par l’évaluation et la certification des compétences acquises dans un système non formel et informel de NEET sans emploi âgés de 16 à 29 ans enregistrés auprès du service public de l’emploi et résidant dans des régions éligibles. CONTRIBUTION DU PROJET À LA RÉALISATION DE L’OBJECTIF SPÉCIFIQUE DU POCU 2014-2020: Par son objectif général, le projet répond aux priorités d’investissement, aux objectifs et aux actions assumées par la Roumanie au sein du POCU, à savoir la valorisation du capital humain en tant que ressource pour le développement durable à l’avenir. Grâce à ses mesures intégrées, le projet crée des possibilités d’emploi pour 1060 NEET sans emploi âgés de 16 à 29 ans inscrits à la SPO, qui résident dans les régions du Nord-Est, du Nord-Ouest, de l’Ouest et du Centre, ainsi que pour améliorer leurs compétences en:- fournissant des services d’information et de promotion pour les activités de projet et la nécessité et l’importance de la formation professionnelle, ainsi que l’emploi (y compris le travail indépendant), la fourniture de services d’orientation et d’enregistrement auprès du SPE pour leur profilage par des experts de l’AJOFM du comté de résidence des personnes concernées, — fourniture de services de formation professionnelle autorisés dans les professions/artisanats requis (French)
    27 November 2021
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    The general objective of the project is to increase the employment rate of 1060 unemployed NEETs aged between 16-29 years registered at the Public Employment Service in the North-East, North-West, West and Centre regions, with a focus on those from disadvantaged categories such as Roma and rural, by providing information and promotion services, professional training services, mediation services on the labor market and support for the development of entrepreneurship among them during the project period. The project aims to improve the possibilities of classification of young people from the labor market, of all 1060 unemployed youngsters registered at the Public Employment Service (SPO) with the target of at least 4 young people, who will find the young people from the job market with a minimum of 900 young people registered with the Public Employment Service (SPO) with the target of at least 467 young people. Promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility; Investment priority: 8.ii Sustainable integration into the labour market of young people (ESF), especially those who do not have a job, education or training, including young people at risk of social exclusion and young people from marginalised communities, including through the implementation of the “Youth Guarantee”, Specific Objective 2.1 — Increasing the employment of NEETs unemployed aged 16-29, registered with the Public Employment Service, with residency in eligible regions; Specific Objective 2.2 — Improving the level of competence, including by assessing and certifying skills acquired in a non-formal and informal system of unemployed NEETs aged 16-29, registered with the Public Employment Service, with residency in eligible regions. CONTRIBUTION OF THE PROJECT TO THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE OF POCU 2014-2020: Through its general objective, the project responds to the investment priorities, objectives and actions assumed by Romania within POCU, namely the valorisation of human capital, as a resource for sustainable development in the future. Through its integrated measures, the project generates employment opportunities for 1060 unemployed NEETs between 16-29 years old registered at SPO, with residency in the North-East, North-West, West and Centre regions, as well as to improve their competences by:- providing information and promotion services for project activities and the need and importance of professional training, as well as employment (including self-employment), provision of guidance and registration services with the PES for their profiling by AJOFM experts from the county of residence of the data subjects, — provision of professional training services authorised in the required occupations/crafts (English)
    29 November 2021
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    Judeţul Alba,Alba,Centru,România
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    Judeţul Timiş,Timiş,Vest,România
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    Judeţul Hunedoara,Hunedoara,Vest,România
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    Judeţul Caraş-Severin,Caraş-Severin,Vest,România
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    Judeţul Arad,Arad,Vest,România
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    Judeţul Sălaj,Sălaj,Nord-Vest,România
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    Judeţul Satu Mare,Satu Mare,Nord-Vest,România
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    Judeţul Maramureş,Maramureş,Nord-Vest,România
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    Judeţul Cluj,Cluj,Nord-Vest,România
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    Judeţul Bistriţa-Năsăud,Bistriţa-Năsăud,Nord-Vest,România
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    Judeţul Bihor,Bihor,Nord-Vest,România
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    Judeţul Vaslui,Vaslui,Nord-Est,România
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    Judeţul Suceava,Suceava,Nord-Est,România
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    Judeţul Neamţ,Neamţ,Nord-Est,România
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    Judeţul Iaşi,Iaşi,Nord-Est,România
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    Judeţul Botoşani,Botoşani,Nord-Est,România
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    Judeţul Bacău,Bacău,Nord-Est,România
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    Judeţul Sibiu,Sibiu,Centru,România
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    Judeţul Mureş,Mureş,Centru,România
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    Judeţul Harghita,Harghita,Centru,România
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    Judeţul Covasna,Covasna,Centru,România
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    Judeţul Braşov,Braşov,Centru,România
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