Impact LECHINȚA – Integrated measures to improve the socio-economic situation of disadvantaged people in the marginalised communities of Lechinta, Bistrița-Năsăud county (Q3096789)

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Project Q3096789 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Impact LECHINȚA – Integrated measures to improve the socio-economic situation of disadvantaged people in the marginalised communities of Lechinta, Bistrița-Năsăud county
Project Q3096789 in Romania


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    21,653,822.88 Romanian Leu
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    4,330,764.576 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    25,935,643.7 Romanian Leu
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    5,187,128.74 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    83.49 percent
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    1 July 2017
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    30 June 2020
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    46°28'25.54"N, 24°13'35.54"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului: Reducerea numarului de persoane aflate in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala, prin masuri integrate (DLI 360), din comunitatea marginalizata, in care exista populatie apartinand minoritatii rome in proportie de 17.3%. Obiectivul general al proiectului este in concordanta cu obiectivul general pentru AP 4 „Incluziunea sociala si combaterea saraciei”, Obiectivul tematic 9: Promovarea incluziunii sociale, combaterea sărăciei și a oricărei discriminări” (Regulamentul (UE) nr. 1304/2013, art 3, alin 1, a), Prioritatea de investiții 9.ii Integrarea socio-economică a comunităților marginalizate, cum ar fi romii. (Regulamentul (UE) nr. 1304/2013, art. 3, alin 1, a), concentrand masuri integrate (360), privitoare la dezvoltarea comunitatii marginalizate si, in speta, a membrilor comunitatii, pe toate palierele vietii comunitare si se adreseaza pentru un grup tinta de 1000 de persoane apartinand comunitatii marginalizate alcatuit din: 200 copii (150 rromi si 50 neromi) si 800 persoane adulte (550 rromi si 250 neromi). Având la bază problemele identificate în analiza preliminara din satele Lechinta, Vermes, Chirales, Sangeorzu Nou, proiectul își propune, prin acest obiectiv, o abordare integrată privind imbunatatirea serviciilor de ocupare si serviciilor sociale/medicale/socio-medicale, ca arii prioritare de actiune, alaturi de educatie, locuire si reglementarea documentelor de proprietate – ca domenii complementare având la baza dezvoltarea comunitara si promovarea nediscrimarii ca abordare transversala. Obiectivul general al proiectului presupune o abordare de interventii integrate in scopul evitarii unor masuri disparate, mono-sectoriale, a caror eficacitate este diminuata de lipsa masurilor eficiente de acompaniere a interventiilor principale, precum si evitarea neajunsurilor legate de o insuficienta adaptare la specificul local al nevoilor persoanelor aflate in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala din comunitatea marginalizata. Comunitatea Lechinta cu satele Lechinta, Vermes, Chirales, Sangeorzu Nou se confruntă cu o serie de puncte vulnerabile ce determină marginalizarea întregii comunități prin: grad scazut de educatie, grad scazut de ocupare formala, accesul scazut al populatiei la serviciile medicale, socio-medicale si sociale, existenta unui numar mare de gospodarii afectate de saracie persistenta, existenta stereotipurilor etnice, precum si promovarea redusa a combaterii discriminarii. Prin dezvoltarea comunitara intelegem ca de-a lungul celor 36 de luni ale proiectului, beneficiarii si actorii sociali relevanti sunt implicati direct in toate etapele de implementare, pornind de la analiza nevoilor comunitatii (etapa preliminara, anterioara depunerii cererii de finantare) si pâna la evaluarea impactului, cu participarea larga a tuturor factorilor interesati. Abordarea integrata a proiectului contribuie prin intermediul programelor educationale pentru 200 copii, de formare profesionala pentru 600 pe (Romanian)
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    General objective of the project: Reducing the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion, through integrated measures (DLI 360), from the marginalised community, where there is a population belonging to the Roma minority in the proportion of 17.3 %. The general objective of the project is in line with the general objective for PA 4 “Social inclusion and combating poverty”, Thematic Objective 9: Promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and any discrimination' (Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013, Art. 3(1), a), Investment Priority 9.ii Socio-economic integration of marginalised communities, such as Roma. (Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013, Art. 3(1), a), focusing integrated measures (360) on the development of the marginalised community and, in the case, the members of the community, on all levels of community life and addresses for a target group of 1000 people belonging to the marginalised community consisting of: 200 children (150 Roma and 50 neromi) and 800 adults (550 Roma and 250 neromi). Based on the problems identified in the preliminary analysis in the villages Lechinta, Vermes, Chirales, Sangeorzu Nou, the project aims, through this objective, to an integrated approach to improving employment services and social/medical/socio-medical services, as priority areas of action, along with education, housing and the regulation of property documents – as complementary areas based on community development and promotion of non-discrimination as a cross-cutting approach. The general objective of the project involves an integrated intervention approach in order to avoid disparate, mono-sectoral measures, whose effectiveness is diminished by the lack of effective measures to accompany the main interventions, as well as avoiding shortcomings related to an insufficient adaptation to the local specific needs of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion from the marginalised community. The Lechinta community with the villages of Lechinta, Vermes, Chirales, Sangeorzu Nou faces a number of vulnerabilities that determine the marginalisation of the entire community through: low education, low formal employment, low access of the population to medical, socio-medical and social services, the existence of a large number of households affected by persistent poverty, the existence of ethnic stereotypes, as well as the reduced promotion of the fight against discrimination. Through community development we understand that during the 36 months of the project, the relevant beneficiaries and social actors are directly involved in all stages of implementation, starting from the analysis of the community needs (preliminary phase, prior to the submission of the financing application) to the impact assessment, with the wide participation of all stakeholders. The integrated approach of the project contributes through educational programs for 200 children, vocational training for 600 per (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Lechinţa, Romania
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