Development of multimedia platform “” – regional online newspaper (Q2747015)

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Project Q2747015 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Development of multimedia platform “” – regional online newspaper
Project Q2747015 in Romania


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    495,615.08 Romanian Leu
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    99,123.016 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    728,845.7 Romanian Leu
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    145,769.13999999998 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    68.0 percent
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    1 March 2019
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    31 July 2021
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    46°4'7.46"N, 23°34'13.58"E
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    OBIECTIV GENERAL Consolidarea pozitiei pe piata IMM-urilor a SC INDEPENDENT SRL în domeniul competitiv al tehnologiei informatiilor si a comunicatiilor prin achizitionarea de echipamente, software si a unui sistem de energie alternativa în scopul modernizarii si diversificarii si extinderii serviciilor oferite. Domeniul competitiv tehnologia informatiilor si a comunicatiilor, spatiu si securitate este un domeniu competitiv identificat în Strategia Nationala de Competitivitate si în Planul de dezvoltare a Regiunii Centru 2014-2020. Prin activitatile pe care noi le desfasuram, mai exact de multimedia si publicitate, ne încadram pe domeniul competitiv mai sus mentionat si ne suprapunem pe directia de politica industriala cu dinamica competitiva. Obiectivul general al proiectului va fi atins prin realizarea obiectivelor specifice si a activitaþilor proiectului. Proiectul nostru contribuie la Implementarea cu succes a acestui proiect va avea ca efecte imediate cresterea calitatii si diversificarea serviciilor noastre, patrunderea pe o piata extinsa si crearea a 3 noi locuri de munca. Prin implementarea acestui proiect INDEPENDENT SRL va crea 3 noi locuri de munca si va deveni mai competitiva în urma achiziþionarii de echipamente (IT, foto-video, transmisie), software (platforma multimedia) si a unui sistem de energie alternativa. Proiectul nostru contribuie la dezvoltarea economica prin cresterea veniturilor, a contributiilor la bugetul de stat, la îmbunatatirea mediului de afaceri prin sustinerea initiativei private, la dezvoltarea sociala prin faptul ca în cadrul implementarii acestuia se creeaza trei noi locuri de munca, si la dezvoltarea durabila prin promovarea dreptului la un mediu curat, a energiilor alternative si colectarii selective respectând principiile dezvoltarii durabile si a egalitatii de sanse. Prin obiectivul general urmarim consolidarea societatii noastre în domeniile competitive identificate în Strategia Nationala de Competitivitate si în Planul de dezvoltare a Regiunii Centru 2014-2020. Obiectivul general va fi atins prin cele doua obiective specifice; obiectivul specific nr. 1, prin care urmarim crearea/asigurarea infrastructurii (platforma multimedia) pentru un ziar regional cu dotarile aferente (echipamente IT, foto-video, softuri, echipamente transmisii live), iar prin obiectivul specific nr. 2 urmarim sa cream minim 3 noi locuri de munca contribuind astfel la rezolvarea problemelor sociale din judetul Alba si din Regiunea Centru. Cele 3 noi locuri de munca, împreuna cu locurile de munca exitente în situatia financiara precedenta, vor fi mentinute pentru minim 3 ani de la finalizarea proiectului. Tinând cont de aria geografica si virtuala pe care vom patrunde estimam o crestere continua a numarului locurilor de munca din societatea noastra în perioada de durabilitate. Obiectivele specifice vor fi atinse prin derularea activitatilor specifice unui proiect cu finantare nerambursabila în cadrul POR, mai exact prin asi (Romanian)
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    Strengthening the position on the SME market of SC INDEPENDENT SRL in the competitive field of information and communication technology by purchasing equipment, software and an alternative energy system in order to modernise and diversify and expand the services offered. The competitive field of information and communication technology, space and security is a competitive field identified in the National Competitiveness Strategy and the Center Region Development Plan 2014-2020. Through the activities we carry out, namely multimedia and advertising, we fall within the competitive field mentioned above and overlap on the direction of industrial policy with competitive dynamics. The general objective of the project will be achieved by achieving the specific objectives and activities of the project. Our project contributes to the successful implementation of this project will have the immediate effects of increasing the quality and diversification of our services, entering an expanded market and creating 3 new jobs. By implementing this project INDEPENDENT SRL will create 3 new jobs and will become more competitive following the acquisition of equipment (IT, photo-video, transmission), software (multimedia platform) and an alternative energy system. Our project contributes to economic development by increasing revenues, contributions to the state budget, improving the business environment by supporting private initiative, social development by creating three new jobs within its implementation, and to sustainable development by promoting the right to a clean environment, alternative energies and selective collection respecting the principles of sustainable development and equal opportunities. Through the general objective we aim to strengthen our society in the competitive areas identified in the National Competitiveness Strategy and the Center Region Development Plan 2014-2020. The overall objective will be achieved through the two specific objectives; specific objective no. 1, by which we aim to create/ensure infrastructure (multimedia platform) for a regional newspaper with related equipment (IT equipment, photo-video, software, live transmission equipment), and through specific objective no. 2 we aim to create a minimum of 3 new jobs thus contributing to solving social problems in Alba County and in the Centre Region. The 3 new jobs, together with the exiting jobs in the previous financial situation, will be maintained for at least 3 years from the completion of the project. Taking into account the geographical and virtual area that we will penetrate, we estimate a continuous increase in the number of jobs in our society during the period of sustainability. The specific objectives will be achieved by carrying out the specific activities of a project with non-reimbursable financing within the ROP, i.e. through ami (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Alba Iulia, Romania
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