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Project Q2743921 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Q2743921 in Romania


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    768,899.052 Romanian Leu
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    153,779.81040000002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    904,587.12 Romanian Leu
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    180,917.424 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    44°53'52.33"N, 23°9'47.27"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului vizeaza cresterea eficientei energetice in cladirea publica "Sediu Gradinita cu program prelungit din orasul Rovinari" prin derularea de lucrari de interventie cu scopul termoizolarii cladirii, modernizarii instalatiei de preparare si distribuire a agentului termic si a apei menajere, inclusiv utilizarea de surse regenerabile pentru asigurarea necesarului de energie. Obiectivul general sustine Prioritatea de investitii 3.1 Sprijinirea eficientei energetice, a gestionarii inteligente a energiei si a utilizarii energiei din surse regenerabile in infrastructurile publice, inclusiv in cladirile publice, si in sectorul locuintelor, Sectiunea B- Cladiri publice. Prin intermediul acestui proiect vor fi sprijinite activitati specifice realizarii de investitii pentru cresterea eficientei energetice a cladirilor publice, respectiv: Lucrări de reabilitare termică a anvelopei - Izolarea termică a faţadei – parte opacă, cu polistiren expandat de 10 cm; - Izolarea podului cu polistiren extrudat de grosime 10 cm; - La spaleti si soclu, pentru izolare termica, se va folosi polistiren extrudat cu o grosime de 2,0 cm . Lucrări de reabilitare termică a sistemului de încălzire/a sistemului de furnizare a apei calde de consum - Montarea de robineti termostatati in fiecare incapere; - Refacerea instalatiei de distributie interioara a apei calde pentru incalzire. Instalarea unor sisteme alternative de producere a energiei electrice și/sau termice pentru consum propriu - Montarea unui sistem de panouri solare pentru aportul de energie termica la apa calda menajera . - Achizitionarea si montarea unui sistem de automatizare, control si monitorizare a consumului energetic al caldirii (energie electrica si gaze naturale); Lucrările de reabilitare/ modernizare a instalației de iluminat în clădiri - Inlocuirea lampilor existente cu lampi cu LED; - Montarea de senzori de prezenta pentru iluminatul de pe holuri si scari. (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project aims to increase the energy efficiency in the public building “Sedium Gradinita with extended hours in the city of Rovinari” by carrying out intervention works with the aim of thermal insulation of the building, modernisation of the installation for the preparation and distribution of heating and domestic water, including the use of renewable sources to ensure energy needs. The general objective supports the Investment Priority 3.1 Supporting energy efficiency, smart energy management and renewable energy use in public infrastructures, including public buildings, and housing sector, Section B – Public Buildings. Through this project will be supported activities specific to the realisation of investments to increase the energy efficiency of public buildings, namely: Tire thermal rehabilitation works – Thermal insulation of the facade – opaque part, with expanded polystyrene of 10 cm; — Insulation of the bridge with extruded polystyrene of 10 cm thickness; — In washings and sockets, for thermal insulation, extruded polystyrene with a thickness of 2.0 cm will be used. Thermal rehabilitation works of heating system/consumer hot water supply system – Installation of thermostated taps in each room; — The restoration of the inner distribution installation of hot water for heating. Installation of alternative systems for the production of electricity and/or heat for own consumption – Installation of a solar panel system for the supply of heat to domestic hot water. — The acquisition and installation of a system for automation, control and monitoring of the energy consumption of heat (electricity and natural gas); Rehabilitation/modernisation of the lighting installation in buildings – Replacement of existing lamps with LED lamps; — Installation of presence sensors for lighting on hallways and stairs. (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Oraş Rovinari, Romania
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