Sustainable development of SC AVIGEO SRL by expanding the activity in the field of advertising services (Q2743065)

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Project Q2743065 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Sustainable development of SC AVIGEO SRL by expanding the activity in the field of advertising services
Project Q2743065 in Romania


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    750,425.0492 Romanian Leu
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    150,085.00984 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    1,103,567.0 Romanian Leu
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    220,713.40000000002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    68.0 percent
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    8 August 2016
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    31 July 2018
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    44°57'0.94"N, 25°49'33.92"E
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    OBIECTIVUL GENERAL AL PROIECTULUI îl constituie: - Consolidarea poziției pe piață a SC AVIGEO SRL, in domeniul serviciilor publicitare, identificat in Strategia Națională de Competitivitate. Achiziționarea echipamentelor ce înglobează tehnologii noi, va determina creșterea competitivității societății pe piața serviciilor de publicitate, de pe plan local și regional. Echipamentele ce vor fi achiziționate in cadrul proiectului se caracterizează printr-un nivel înalt al calității, fiabilității și preciziei tehnologice, utilizarea acestora având ca rezultat creșterea calității serviciilor prestate. Eficiența energetică ridicată precum și performanțele tehnice ale acestora vor contribui la asigurarea dezvoltării sustenabile a întreprinderii. (Romanian)
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    The GENERAL objective of the PROJECT is to: — Strengthening the market position of SC AVIGEO SRL, in the field of advertising services, identified in the National Competitiveness Strategy. The purchase of equipment incorporating new technologies will increase the competitiveness of the company on the local and regional advertising services market. The equipment that will be purchased within the project is characterised by a high level of quality, reliability and technological precision, their use resulting in increasing the quality of the services provided. High energy efficiency as well as their technical performance will help ensure the sustainable development of the company. (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Municipiul Târgovişte, Romania
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