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Project Q2741419 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
Project Q2741419 in Romania |
760,266.8248 Romanian Leu
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1,001,042.6 Romanian Leu
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200,208.52000000002 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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75.95 percent
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1 May 2018
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31 December 2018
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Obiectivul general al proiectului il reprezinta consolidarea pozitiei pe piata a companiei FARLAN TRANS SRL, ca urmare a dezvoltarii unui nou centru de profit si, in consecinta, a diversificarii paletei de servicii oferite de aceasta pe piata Regiunii de Dezvoltare Nord-Est. Obiectivul general al proiectului propus contribuie la realizarea obiectivului specific al axei prioritare 2 a POR, respectiv: consolidarea poziției pe piață a întreprinderilor mici și mijlocii în domeniile competitive identificate în Strategia Națională de Competitivitate şi Planurile Regionale de Dezvoltare, datorita faptului ca, in urma dezvoltarii unui nou centru de profit, compania Farlan Trans SRL va intra pe piata lucrarilor de constructii a drumurilor si autostrazilor, domeniu vizat de documentele strategice relevante. Mai mult decat atat, obiectivul general al proiectului contribuie si la realizarea obiectivului general al POR (cresterea competitivitatii economice si imbunatatirea conditiilor de viata ale comunitatilor locale si regionale prin sprijinirea dezvoltarii mediului de afaceri, a conditiilor infrastructurale si a serviciilor, care sa asigure o dezvoltare sustenabila a regiunilor, capabile sa gestioneze in mod eficient resursele, sa valorifice potentialul lor de inovare si de asimilare a progresului tehnologic): • Prin asigurarea creşterii veniturilor SC FARLAN TRANS SRL pe termen mediu şi lung şi a contribuţiei firmei la bugetul de stat; • Prin creşterea competitivităţii şi productivităţii sectorului de constructii ca urmare a achiziţionării unui utilaj performant şi înalt tehnologizat; • Prin implicarea SC FARLAN TRANS SRL în proiecte care au ca rezultat dezvoltarea infrastructurii de transporturi şi comunicaţii necesare atragerii investiţiilor în regiune; • Prin creşterea nivelului de trai al populaţiei din regiune în urma implicării societatii în proiecte de dezvoltare a infrastructurii de transport. De asemenea, noul utilaj achizitionat va dispune de un înalt potenţial tehnologic şi de inovaţie (fiabilitate tehnică superioară, randament la scară largă, autonomie, tehnologii de vârf), potenţial care va fi exploatat şi valorificat în proiectele de construcţii derulate de SC FARLAN TRANS SRL ulterior achiziţiei. Fiabilitatea tehnică ridicată şi consumul eficient de resurse vor determina o reducere a consumului de produse energetice (combustibili, gaze naturale, electricitate) necesar exploatării şi întreţinerii utilajului. Diversificarea de serviciu si proces va fi realizata ca urmare a implementarii prezentului proiect, deoarece: • Societatea isi de dezvolta un nou centru de profit, prin urmare va intra pe o noua piata. In consecinta, isi va diversifica paleta de servicii si va oferi, pe langa serviciile de transport (activitate preponderenta a companiei in anii anteriori) si servicii de realizare a lucrarilor de constructii, vizand astfel, o crestere a cotei de piata; • Societatea va implementa, ca urmare a achizitiei unui utilaj pe (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to strengthen the market position of Farlan TRANS SRL, as a result of the development of a new profit center and, consequently, the diversification of the range of services offered by it on the market of the North-East Development Region. The general objective of the proposed project contributes to the achievement of the specific objective of Priority Axis 2 of the ROP, namely: strengthening the market position of small and medium-sized enterprises in the competitive areas identified in the National Competitiveness Strategy and Regional Development Plans, due to the fact that, following the development of a new profit center, Farlan Trans SRL will enter the market for road and highway construction works, an area covered by the relevant strategic documents. Moreover, the general objective of the project contributes to the achievement of the general objective of the ROP (increasing economic competitiveness and improving the living conditions of local and regional communities by supporting the development of the business environment, infrastructure conditions and services, ensuring a sustainable development of the regions, capable of efficiently managing resources, capitalising on their potential for innovation and assimilation of technological progress): • By ensuring the increase of SC Farlan TRANS SRL’s revenues in the medium and long term and the company’s contribution to the state budget; • By increasing the competitiveness and productivity of the construction sector as a result of the purchase of a high-performance and high-tech equipment; • By involving SC Farlan TRANS SRL in projects that result in the development of the transport and communication infrastructure necessary to attract investments in the region; • By increasing the living standards of the population in the region following the involvement of society in transport infrastructure development projects. Also, the new equipment purchased will have a high technological and innovation potential (high technical reliability, large-scale efficiency, autonomy, state-of-the-art technologies), potential that will be exploited and exploited in the construction projects carried out by SC Farlan TRANS SRL after the acquisition. High technical reliability and efficient resource consumption will lead to a reduction in the consumption of energy products (fuels, natural gas, electricity) necessary for the operation and maintenance of the machinery. The diversification of service and process will be achieved as a result of the implementation of this project, because: • The company is developing a new profit centre, therefore it will enter a new market. Consequently, it will diversify its range of services and offer, besides the transport services (predominant activity of the company in previous years) and services for the construction works, thus aiming at an increase in market share; • The company will implement, as a result of the purchase of a machine on (English)
14 September 2021
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L’objectif général du projet est de renforcer la position de marché de Farlan TRANS SRL, à la suite du développement d’un nouveau centre de profit et, par conséquent, de la diversification de la gamme de services qu’il propose sur le marché de la Région Développement Nord-Est. L’objectif général du projet proposé contribue à la réalisation de l’objectif spécifique de l’axe prioritaire 2 du ROP, à savoir: renforcer la position sur le marché des petites et moyennes entreprises dans les zones de concurrence identifiées dans la stratégie nationale de compétitivité et les plans de développement régional, en raison du fait qu’à la suite du développement d’un nouveau centre de profit, Farlan Trans SRL entrera sur le marché des travaux de construction de routes et d’autoroutes, domaine couvert par les documents stratégiques pertinents. En outre, l’objectif général du projet contribue à la réalisation de l’objectif général du ROP (accroître la compétitivité économique et améliorer les conditions de vie des communautés locales et régionales en soutenant le développement de l’environnement des entreprises, des infrastructures et des services, en assurant un développement durable des régions, capable de gérer efficacement les ressources, en capitalisant sur leur potentiel d’innovation et d’assimilation du progrès technologique): • En assurant l’augmentation des recettes de SC Farlan TRANS SRL à moyen et long terme et la contribution de l’entreprise au budget de l’État; • En augmentant la compétitivité et la productivité du secteur de la construction grâce à l’achat d’équipements de haute performance et de haute technologie; • En associant SC Farlan TRANS SRL à des projets qui aboutissent au développement des infrastructures de transport et de communication nécessaires pour attirer des investissements dans la région; • En augmentant le niveau de vie de la population de la région à la suite de la participation de la société aux projets de développement des infrastructures de transport. En outre, les nouveaux équipements achetés auront un potentiel technologique et d’innovation élevé (haute fiabilité technique, efficacité à grande échelle, autonomie, technologies de pointe), potentiel qui sera exploité et exploité dans les projets de construction réalisés par SC Farlan TRANS SRL après l’acquisition. Une grande fiabilité technique et une consommation efficace de ressources entraîneront une réduction de la consommation de produits énergétiques (carburants, gaz naturel, électricité) nécessaires au fonctionnement et à l’entretien des machines. La diversification des services et des processus sera réalisée grâce à la mise en œuvre de ce projet, car: • L’entreprise développe un nouveau centre de profit et entrera donc sur un nouveau marché. En conséquence, elle diversifiera sa gamme de services et proposera, outre les services de transport (activité prédominante de l’entreprise au cours des années précédentes) et des services pour les travaux de construction, en vue d’une augmentation de la part de marché; • L’entreprise mettra en œuvre, à la suite de l’achat d’une machine sur (French)
26 November 2021
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Oraş Frasin, Romania
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