Small solutions for integrating HEV students into mainstream schools (Q3067114)
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Project Q3067114 in Estonia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Small solutions for integrating HEV students into mainstream schools |
Project Q3067114 in Estonia |
13,312.32 Euro
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18,869.34 Euro
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70.55 percent
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29 October 2018
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31 August 2019
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Rakvere Eragümnaasiumi Hariduskogu
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“Väikelahendused HEV õpilaste integreerimiseks tavakoolidesse“ koostööprojekti raames soovitakse suurendada HEV õpilaste valmisolekut kaasava hariduse põhimõtteid arvestades hakkama saada tavaklassis,soetades selleks savi- ja puutöökoja ning kodunduse klassi vajalikke seadmeid ning õppeklassides IT- vahendeid. Projekti toel luuakse õpilastele uus kaasaegsem õpikeskkond professionaalsemate töövahenditega,mis võimaldavad suuremas mahus täita neile mõeldud õppekavaga ettenähtud aineid. (Estonian)
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The cooperation project “Small Solutions for integrating HEV students into mainstream schools” aims to increase the readiness of HEV students to succeed in the standard class, taking into account the principles of inclusive education, by acquiring the necessary equipment for the clay and tree workshop and the home industry class and with IT tools in the classrooms. The project will provide students with a new, more modern learning environment with more professional tools that will allow them to complete the subjects provided for in the curriculum to a greater extent. (English)
16 August 2021
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