Reducing fragmentation of study programmes and strengthening the sharing of resources by developing, licensing the bachelor’s study programme “Special Education” and accrediting the study direction “Education, pedagogy and sport”. (Q3057775)

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Project Q3057775 in Latvia
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Reducing fragmentation of study programmes and strengthening the sharing of resources by developing, licensing the bachelor’s study programme “Special Education” and accrediting the study direction “Education, pedagogy and sport”.
Project Q3057775 in Latvia


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    202,701.2 Euro
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    238,472.0 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    1 September 2018
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    31 December 2022
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    Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmija
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    56°54'41.11"N, 24°8'39.98"E
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    Projekta mērķis: mazinot studiju programmu fragmentāciju Latvijas AII un stiprinot resursu koplietošanu, sadarbībā ar LU, DU, LiepU, izstrādāt, licencēt studiju programmu “Speciālā izglītība” un akreditēt izstrādāto studiju programmu ietverošo studiju virzienu “Izglītība, pedagoģija un sports.” Mērķa sasniegšanai tiks izveidota četru augstskolu (RTA, DU, LU, LiepU) deleģētu ekspertu darba grupa, kura sadarbībā ar ekspertu speciālās izglītība īstenošanas jautājumos Latvijā un ES, un ekspertu studiju programmu izstrādes jautājumos, savstarpēji veicot pieredzes apmaiņu speciālās izglītības studiju programmu izstrādes un īstenošanas jautājumos, iepazīstot kompetenču pieejas, iekļaujošas izglītības īstenošanas un speciālās izglītības skolotāju sagatavošanas ziņā pieredzējušu un kompetentu ārvalstu universitāšu darba pieredzi, izstrādās, licencēs un aprobēs Latvijas izglītības sistēmas vajadzībām un ilgtspējīgas plānošanas nostādnēm atbilstošu bakalaura studiju programmu “Speciālā izglītība.” Projekta rezultātā izstrādātā, konceptuāli jaunā profesionālā bakalaura studiju programma “Speciālā izglītība” tiks licencēta, aprobēta un integrēta RTA studiju procesā, kā arī EQAR aģentūrā akreditēts izstrādāto studiju programmu ietverošs studiju virziens “Izglītība, pedagoģija un sports.” Paralēli studiju programmas izstrādes darbam, tiks plānoti, īstenoti ESF 2014 -2020. gada plānošanas perioda publicitātes vadlīnijām atbilstoši jaunizstrādājamās studiju programmas un paša projekta publicitātes pasākumi, sniegta informācija par aktivitātēm un to rezultātiem plašsaziņas līdzekļos, izglītības iestādēs, reklāmas bukletos, konferencēs, semināros, u.c.Projekta mērķa sasniegšanai plānotais attiecināmais finansējums ir 238 472 euro, tai skaitā ESF finansējums – 202 701, 20 euro, valsts budžeta finansējums – 35 770,80 euro.Projekts ilgs 52 mēnešus. Projektu plānots uzsākt 2018. gada septembrī un īstenot līdz 2022. gada decembra beigām. (Latvian)
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    The aim of the project shall be: By reducing fragmentation of study programmes in Latvian HEIs and strengthening resource sharing, in cooperation with LU, DU, LiepU, develop, license the study programme “Special Education” and to accredit the study direction “Education, Pedagogy and Sport” within the framework of the study program.Projects in the field of study “Education, pedagogy and sports” will be created in a license of four universities (RTA, DU, LU, LiepU).The work group of delegated experts will be co-funded in cooperation with the expert in the field of special education implementation in Latvia and in the EU, and in the field of study development of experts, in terms of co-learning of study, in terms of learning experience, in cooperation with the expert in the field of special education in Latvia and in the field of study, and in the field of study development, as well as in terms of study experience, in cooperation with the expert on special education in Latvia, and in the field of study, in cooperation with the University of Latvia, in cooperation with the University of Latvia, DU, LiepU, to elaborate the project program “Special education and practical study.The funding of the project in EUR 35770, EUR 35770, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Sport.For the purpose of achieving the goal will be created in the Move of the Ministry of Educational Programming, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Education, in cooperation with the Ministry of Special Education and Sport, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Education in accordance with the cooperation with the expert in the field of education in Latvia and in the field of study, in cooperation with the University of Latvia, DU, LiepU, develop the project’s promotional study program and license for the project”Special education and study program.The project will be funded in EUR 238472 in cooperation with the expert in the field of implementation of education, and the ESF will be created in a license of four higher education, as well as in terms of qualitative study program, in terms of qualitative studies, in terms of learning and experience in relation to education.The project will be granted in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Education and Sport.The project will be based on the project “Motorships and experience in the field of study, in accordance with the principles of the Ministry of Education,”Education, pedagogy,“will be created in the Ministry of study”Mobility of the study program in the field of study “Mounte for the study program”Special education“and accreditation for the study direction”Education, pedagoy and sport.“For the purpose of achieving the goal will be created in a license of four universities (RTA, DU, and the corresponding bachelor study program, in terms of the project”Special education and LiepU“the work group of delegates to participate in the study programme”Education, pedagogy and sport.“To achieve the goal will be created in a license of four higher education, in which to study results, in terms of the project’s creative study program”Mountary of study, UL and Liepunctuary“the working group of delegated experts, which in cooperation with the expert in the field of education, pedagogy and sport will be created in the Mom of the Ministry of study, the Ministry of study, the Ministry of study, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of study”Mounting of the study program, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of study, as well as the work group of experts in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Education.For the purposes of the project “Mountary planning, and in the field of study programmes”Mounted in the field of study “Mountary of study, Movey of study.Mobility of study.Mounting and accreditation for the study direction”Education, pedidic and sport.“will be created in a license of four universities (RTA, DU, UL, LU, LiepU) for the study program.The project’s own-disciplining study program will be implemented by a working group of experts, which in cooperation with the expert in matters of special education implementation in Latvia and in the field of training, the ESF and expert study program, will be created in a license for the study, in terms of the project”Mounting of study The project is planned to start in September 2018 and to be implemented by the end of December 2022. (English)
    15 July 2021
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    Visa Latvija
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