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Revision as of 12:45, 9 March 2020 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): The Vision Denmark project is a cluster consolidation in the digital visual industry. Vision Denmark is newly created in order to bring together the lines of business within the film, TV, animation, games and new technologies (XR) in a single cluster. In the context of the new growth plan of the Government, creative industries are important export destinations for Denmark, which make a significant footprint in the economy. The audiovisual indust...)
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Project in Denmark financed by DG Regio
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Project in Denmark financed by DG Regio


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    5,569,666.0 Danish krone
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    724,056.5800000001 Euro
    16 January 2020
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    11,139,333.0 Danish krone
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    1,448,113.29 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    50.0 percent
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    20 May 2019
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    31 December 2020
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    Vision Denmark
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    55°41'0.6"N, 12°34'39.7"E
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    Projektet Vision Denmark er klyngekonsolidering inden for den digitale visuelle industri. Vision Denmark er nystiftet med henblik på at samle brancherne inden for film, tv, animation, spil og nye teknologier (XR) i en samlet klynge. De kreative erhverv er jf. Regeringens nye vækstplan vigtige eksporterhverv for Danmark, som sætter et betydeligt aftryk i samfundsøkonomien. Heraf udgør den audiovisuelle industri den anden største, og den digitale visuelle industri er en vigtig del af denne. I en verden, der hastigt bevæger sig fra det skrevne ord til billeder, vil særligt de digitale visuelle oplevelser, produkter og kompetencer, som er kendetegnet ved kreativitet, originalitet, digitalisering og innovation, blive efterspurgt. Digitale visuelle virksomheder eksperimentere med ny teknologi og de har mennesket i centrum, når de udvikler fortællinger og oplevelser, der engagerer forbrugere og skabe bedre serviceydelser. Industrien har et enormt indtjenings- og vækstpotentiale, både på det internationale marked og på det danske marked; i underholdningsindustrien og i det øvrige erhvervsliv. Det potentiale skal Vision Denmark forløse.Vision Denmark er den første nationale erhvervsalliance og -klynge i Danmark for den digitale visuelle industri (film, spil, tv, animation og de nye teknologier, XR). Vision Denmarks er efterspørgselsdrevet og er derfor stiftet af de største private aktører indenfor industrien, Unity Technologies, SYBO og Nordisk Film sammen med Interactive Denmark, The Animation Workshop, Via University College, Filmby Aarhus, FilmFyn, Producentforeningen samt Copenhagen Film Fund. Vision Denmark konsolideres i 2019/20, hvor industrien i hele landet samles. Vision Denmark vil i 2019/20 omfavne 90 medlemmer fra industrien, hvoraf 22 forventes at markedsintroducerer et nyt produkt. Der afholdes ca. 20 forskellige typer aktiviteter med over 1000 deltagere. Aktiviteter spænder over videnspredning, matchmaking, tiltrækning af investering, styrkelse af entreprenørskab, talentudvikling, kompetencesikring, øget efterspørgsel af innovative produkter, internationalisering mv. Efter konsolideringsfase er målsætningen frem mod udgangen af 2025 at sikre vækst i industrien, herunder 6400 jobs direkte i industrien, hvoraf 2500 er nye jobs; næsten fordoble omsætningen fra i dag 5,7 mia. kr. til 10 mia. kr. i omsætning; udvikle min. 3000 talenter og etablere Danmark som testland for nye fortællinger og teknologier. (Danish)
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    The Vision Denmark project is a cluster consolidation in the digital visual industry. Vision Denmark is newly created in order to bring together the lines of business within the film, TV, animation, games and new technologies (XR) in a single cluster. In the context of the new growth plan of the Government, creative industries are important export destinations for Denmark, which make a significant footprint in the economy. The audiovisual industry is the second largest and the digital visual industry is an important part of it. In a world that is rapidly moving from the written word to images, particularly digital visual experiences, products and skills, characterised by creativity, originality, digitisation and innovation, will be called for. Digital visual businesses are experimenting with new technologies and have a people-centred approach when developing narratives and experiences that engage consumers and create better services. Industry has an enormous earning and growth potential, both on the international market and on the Danish market; in the entertainment industry and in the rest of the economy. The potential of VISION Denmark is the first national industrial alliance and cluster in Denmark for the digital visual industry (film, games, TV, animation and new technologies, XR). Vision Denmarks is demand-driven and is therefore created by the largest private actors in the industry, Unity Technologies, SYBO and Nordisk Film together with Interactive Denmark, The Animation Workshop, Via University College, filmby Aarhus, Filmfyn, The Producers’ Association and the Copenhagen Film Fund. Vision Denmark is consolidated in 2019/20, bringing together industry throughout the country. Vision Denmark will include 90 industry members in 2019/20, of which 22 are expected to market a new product. There are about 20 different types of activities involving over 1000 participants. Activities span knowledge diffusion, matchmaking, attracting investment, strengthening entrepreneurship, talent development, skills security, increasing demand for innovative products, internationalisation, etc. Following the consolidation phase, the objective is to ensure the growth of industry, including 6400 jobs directly in industry, of which 2500 are new jobs by the end of 2025; almost double the turnover from today’s DKK 5,7 billion to DKK 10 billion in turnover; develop at least 3000 talents and establish Denmark as a test country for new narratives and technologies. (English)
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