We focus on qualifications (Q103885)

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Revision as of 09:32, 9 March 2020 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): ‘The main purpose of the project is the acquisition and/or upgrading of professional competences and qualifications by 144 adults (120K, 24M) interested in acquiring, supplementing or upgrading competences or professional qualifications of Łódzkie by attending vocational training courses (KKZ) in accordance with the needs of the labour market as part of the 01.09.2018-31.08.2020 project. The following tasks will be carried out as part of the pro...)
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Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
We focus on qualifications
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    546,090.32 zloty
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    131,061.67679999999 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    642,459.2 zloty
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    154,190.20799999998 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    85.0 percent
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    1 September 2018
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    31 August 2020
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    "Celem głównym projektu jest nabycie i/lub podwyższenie kompetencji i kwalifikacji zawodowych przez 144 osoby dorosłe (120K, 24M) zainteresowane z własnej inicjatywy zdobyciem, uzupełnieniem lub podnoszeniem kompetencji lub kwalifikacji zawodowych z województwa łódzkiego poprzez uczestniczenie w Kwalifikacyjnych Kursach Zawodowych (KKZ) zgodnych z zapotrzebowaniem rynku pracy w ramach projektu trwającego od 01.09.2018 do 31.08.2020r. W ramach projektu zrealizowane zostaną następujące zadania: (1) KKZ AU.21 Wykonywanie zabiegów fryzjerskich dla 27 os (2) KKZ AU.26/A.23 Projektowanie fryzur dla 11 os (3) KKZ AU.28 Realizacja projektów multimedialnych dla 48 os (4) KKZ AU.36 Prowadzenie rachunkowości dla 15 os (5) KKZ AU.65 Rozliczanie wynagrodzeń i danin publicznych dla 15 os (6) KKZ AU.22 Obsługa magazynów dla 14 os (7) KKZ AU.32 Organizacja transportu dla 14 os " (Polish)
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    ‘The main purpose of the project is the acquisition and/or upgrading of professional competences and qualifications by 144 adults (120K, 24M) interested in acquiring, supplementing or upgrading competences or professional qualifications of Łódzkie by attending vocational training courses (KKZ) in accordance with the needs of the labour market as part of the 01.09.2018-31.08.2020 project. The following tasks will be carried out as part of the project: (1) KKZ AU.21 Exercise of dressing for 27 os (2) KKZ AU.28 Implementation of the frit project for 11 os (3) KKZ AU. Implementation of the multimedia projects to 48 os (4) KKZ AU.36 Keeping the accounts for 15 os (5) KKZ AU.65 Accounting for salaries and levies for 15 os (6) KKZ AU.22 Warehousing for 14 os (7) KKZ AU.32 Transport organisation for 14 persons (English)
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