TP KS- ZRSZ-OP-14-20 (Q3270103)

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Project Q3270103 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
TP KS- ZRSZ-OP-14-20
Project Q3270103 in Slovakia


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    4,618,851.61 Euro
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    1 January 2014
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    31 December 2022
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    46°3'19.04"N, 14°32'0.17"E
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    ZRSZ skladno z Uredbo o porabi sredstev evropske kohezijske politike v Republiki Sloveniji v programskem obdobju 2014–2020 za cilj naložbe za rast in delovna mesta nastopa v vlogi izvajalskega organa in skrbi za doseganje ciljev Operativnega programa za izvajanje Evropske kohezijske politike v obdobju 2014 -2020. Cilji projekta TP KS - ZRSZ- OP 2014 -2020 je zagotovitev pogojev za izvajanje aktivnosti, povezanih z razvojem kadrov v okviru Operativnega programa za izvajanje kohezijske politike v obdobju 2014 - 2020. Predvidene projektne aktivnosti so nujne za uspešno in pravilno izvedbo načrtovanih ukrepov in za dosego ciljev OP 2014-2020. ZRSZ bo v vlogi izvajalskega organa nastopalo predvidoma na naslednjih prednostnih oseh in PN:  ? 8. Spodbujanje zaposlovanja in transnacionalna mobilnost delovne sile (PN 8.1., 8.2. in 8.3.);? 9. Socialna vključenost in zmanjševanje tveganja revščine (PN 9.1. in 9.4.).Za vsebinsko in finančno koordinacijo na ravni operativnega programa in koordinacijo izvajanja aktvnosti zavoda s posredniškim organom ter podporo izvedbi programov, ki jih bo izvajal zavod je potrebno zagotoviti sofinanciranje naslednjih aktivnosti:? aktivnost zaposlovanja ustreznih kadrov,? pavšalno financiranje.V okviru projekta TP KS – ZRSZ–OP–2014–2020 bo Zavod RS za zaposlovanje zaposlil 25 oseb, ki bodo izvajale aktivnosti, vezane na učinkovito izvajanje operativnega programa in prenesenih nalog s strani Posredniškega organa. Izvajali bomo ukrepe za zmanjšanje administrativnega bremena upravičencev in ukrepe za krepitev zmogljivosti upravičencev in izbranih izvajalcev (delodajalcev, brezposelnih oseb) za učinkovito upravljanje in uporabo skladov. Osebe, ki bodo zaposlene bodo za izvajanje aktivnosti usposobljene in se bodo tekom trajanja projekta še dodatno usposabljale oz. nadgrajevale svoje znanje na podlagi aktualnih potreb po posameznih področjih dela. Prav tako bomo poskrbeli za ustrezne delovne pogoje z nakupom pripomočkov za delo (nakup strojn (Slovenian)
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    In accordance with the Decree on the use of European cohesion policy funds in the Republic of Slovenia in the 2014-2020 programming period for the Investment for growth and jobs goal, the ZRSZ acts as implementing body and ensures the achievement of the objectives of the Operational Programme for the implementation of the European Cohesion Policy in the period 2014-2020. The objectives of the project TP CF — ZRSZ- OP 2014-2020 is to provide the conditions for the implementation of activities related to the development of human resources within the Operational Programme for the implementation of cohesion policy in the period 2014-2020. The planned project activities are necessary for the successful and correct implementation of the planned measures and for the achievement of the objectives of the 2014-2020 OP. The ZRSZ, acting as implementing body, is expected to act on the following priority axes and SP: 8. Promotion of employment and transnational labour mobility (PN 8.1, 8.2. and 8.3.); 9. Social inclusion and reduction of the risk of poverty (PN 9.1. and 9.4.).For substantive and financial coordination at the level of the operational programme, coordination of the implementation of the activism of the institution with the intermediary body, and support for the implementation of the programmes implemented by the Institute, it is necessary to provide co-financing of the following activities:? activity of recruitment of relevant staff, flat-rate financing.In the framework of the project TP CF — ZRSZ-OP-2014-2020, the Employment Service of the Republic of Slovenia will employ 25 persons who will carry out activities related to the effective implementation of the operational programme and delegated tasks by the Intermediate Body. We will implement measures to reduce the administrative burden on beneficiaries and measures to strengthen the capacity of beneficiaries and selected contractors (employers, unemployed persons) to effectively manage and use the funds. Persons who will be trained to carry out activities and who will further train or upgrade their knowledge on the basis of current needs in each field of work during the project. We will also take care of the right working conditions by purchasing accessories for work (purchase machine (English)
    12 October 2021
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