Healthy lifestyle 2015-2018 (Q3265479)
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Project Q3265479 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Healthy lifestyle 2015-2018 |
Project Q3265479 in Slovakia |
6,275,000.55 Euro
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1 December 2015
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15 October 2018
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Zaradi prepoznanega tveganja današnjega sedečega načina življenja predvsem v dobi odraščanja na zdravje otrok ter zaradi opolnomočenja za zdrav način življenja je ključno že v zgodnjem obdobju nuditi otrokom ustrezno podporo predvsem v smeri preprečevanja socialne izključenosti zaradi različnih razlogov. Navedeno je mogoče doseči z naslednjimi dejavnostmi: dodatno spodbuditi otroke k športni dejavnosti, zagotoviti športa željnim učencem pet ur športne aktivnosti na teden ter odpravljati posledice negativnih vplivov sedenja (vadba za primerno telesno držo, odpravljanje ploskosti stopal, odpravljanje debelosti, razvoj splošne vzdržljivosti); vključiti čim več šol in čim več učencev od 1. do 9. razred; ponuditi raznolike športne vsebine in znanja o zdravem načinu življenja.V okviru ciljev OP se s programom predvideva celostno obravnavo otrok in mladostnikov iz socialno ogroženih okolij oziroma otrok in mladostnikov, ki tvegajo socialno izključenost zaradi različnih razlogov s ciljem opolnomočenja in povečanja zmožnosti socialnih in kulturnih kompetenc, ki se lahko izvaja tudi v okviru mrež institucij oziroma nevladnih organizacij.Cilj projekta Zdrav življenjski slog je torej zagotoviti vsem zainteresiranim učencem (dečkom in deklicam) vsaj dve uri dodatne brezplačne športne aktivnosti oziroma skupaj s športno vzgojo 5 ur tedensko (skupaj športna vzgoja in program Zdrav življenjski slog) ter tako spodbujati bolj zdrav življenjski slog in socialno vključenost. Program se bo odvijal v času dni pouka (od ponedeljka do petka) in v času pouka prostih dni (šolske počitnice, sobote in nedelje) in ne bo posegal v izvajanje obveznega vzgojno-izobraževalnega programa šole razen izjemoma, v primeru izvajanja vsebin programa Šolska športna tekmovanja (v času razpisanih šolskih športnih tekmovanj in prireditev). V okviru programa bo otrokom predstavljenih najmanj 12 športnih panog, ki se odvijajo v dvorani, zunanjih športnih površinah ali v naravnem okolju. Predstavljeni jim bodo (Slovenian)
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Given the recognised risk of today’s sedentary lifestyle, especially in the age of growing up on children’s health, and because of the empowerment for a healthy lifestyle, it is crucial to provide appropriate support to children from an early age, especially in order to prevent social exclusion for various reasons. This can be achieved through the following activities: further encourage children to engage in sports activities, provide sports to eager students for five hours of sports activity per week and eliminate the consequences of the negative effects of sitting (workout for appropriate posture, elimination of flatness of the feet, elimination of obesity, development of general endurance); include as many schools as possible and as many pupils as possible from grades 1 to 9; to offer diverse sports content and knowledge about healthy lifestyles.The programme envisages integrated treatment of children and adolescents from socially disadvantaged backgrounds or children and adolescents at risk of social exclusion for various reasons with the aim of empowering and increasing the capacity of social and cultural competences, which can also be carried out within networks of institutions or non-governmental organisations.The objective of the Healthy Lifestyle project is therefore to provide all interested students (boys and girls) with additional free sports activities or, together with sports education 5 hours a week (together with sports education and the Healthy Lifestyle programme), thus promoting a healthier lifestyle and social inclusion. The programme will take place during the days of instruction (from Monday to Friday) and during the school holidays (school holidays, Saturdays and Sundays) and will not interfere with the implementation of the compulsory educational programme of the school, except exceptionally, in the case of the implementation of the contents of the programme School sports competitions (at the time of the offered school sports competitions and events). The programme will present children with at least 12 sports industries taking place in the hall, outdoor sports areas or in the natural environment. They will be presented to them (English)
12 October 2021
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