No label defined (Q3265470)
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Project Q3265470 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | No label defined |
Project Q3265470 in Slovakia |
132,879.75 Euro
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1 February 2016
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31 December 2019
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Splošen cilj projekta stičišča je, da v prihodnjih 5 letih postanemo razvijalci skupnosti. To bomo dosegli z doseganje naslednjih strateških ciljev: 1.Notranji razvoj stičišča še posebej na področju strukture organizacije, grajenja uspešnega partnerstva, finančne stabilnosti, upravljanja s človeškimi viri, komunikacije, inovativnosti.2.Okrepiti zagovorniške zmogljivosti stičišča in NVO za doseganje načrtovanih sprememb lokalnih politik.3.Okrepiti partnerstva s ključnimi deležniki za naslavljanje lokalnih potreb in izzivov ter izvajanja projektov in javnih storitev (občine, razvojne agencije, domači in tuji NVO, gospodarske družbe).Splošne, strateške in specifične cilje bomo dosegali z inovativnimi pristopi ter koraki kot so dosledno identificiranje NVO s potencialom ter delo z njimi, z vključujočimi ter demokratičnimi zagovorniškimi procesi, kje bodo sodelovali vsi relevantni deležniki, inovativnim medsektorskim povezovanjem za reševanje lokalnih potreb in okrepljenostjo kapacitet stičišča, ki temelji na njegovi zastavljeni viziji. (Slovenian)
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The overall goal of the meeting point project is to become community developers in the next 5 years. This will be achieved by achieving the following strategic objectives: 1.Internal development of the meeting point in particular in the field of organisation structure, building successful partnership, financial stability, human resource management, communication, innovation.2.Strengthen advocacy capacities of the meeting point and NGOs to achieve planned changes to local policies.3.Strengthen partnerships with key stakeholders to address local needs and challenges and the implementation of projects and public services (municipalities, development agencies, domestic and foreign NGOs, companies).The general, strategic and specific objectives will be achieved through innovative approaches and steps such as consistently identifying and working with NGOs with potential, inclusive and democratic advocacy processes, where all relevant stakeholders will be involved, innovative cross-sectoral networking to address local needs and strengthening the capacity of the intersection based on its vision. (English)
12 October 2021
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