Help FOR SUCCES – Pilot project to stimulate participation in education of children with parents gone to work abroad (Q3097927)

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Project Q3097927 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Help FOR SUCCES – Pilot project to stimulate participation in education of children with parents gone to work abroad
Project Q3097927 in Romania


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    3,920,011.67 Romanian Leu
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    46°25'34.07"N, 26°42'43.38"E
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    45°16'9.34"N, 26°46'29.35"E
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    46°9'39.78"N, 21°16'55.13"E
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    44°59'38.98"N, 24°50'56.08"E
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    Obiectivul General al proiectului il reprezinta furnizarea de masuri integrate de prevenire si de asigurare de oportunitati egale pentru 270 copii/elevi ai caror parinti sunt plecati in straintate, care fac parte din categoria grupurilor vulnerabile, cu accent pe elevii apartinand minoritatii roma si pe elevii din mediul rural/comunitatile dezavantajate socio-economic, cu scopul cresterii participarii acestora la invatamantul prescolar si scolar si de reducere a parasirii timpurii a scolii de catre acestia. In elaborarea proiectului avem in vedere Strategia privind reducerea parasirii timpurii a scolii in Romania 2015-2020, document programatic ce contine mecanisme si masuri care urmeaza sa fie implementate pana in 2020, in scopul reducerii procentului tinerilor cu varsta intre 18-24 de ani care au finalizat cel mult clasa a opta si nu urmeaza nicio alta forma de scolarizare sau formare profesionala. Obiectivul Strategiei este reducerea ratei de parasire timpurie a scolii cu sase procente, de la 17,3% in 2013 la 11,3% in 2020, atingand astfel tinta asumata de Romania in cadrul Strategiei Europa 2020. Ideea proiectului pleaca de la prioritatile stabilite de Strategia privind Reducerea Parasirii Timpurii a Scolii in Romania 2015-2020, prin care urmarim la nivel global cresterea participarii la invatamantul obligatoriu, in special a grupurilor cu risc de parasire timpurie a scolii si reducerea parasirii timpurii a scolii prin masuri integrate de prevenire si de asigurare a oportunitatilor egale pentru elevii apartinand grupurilor vulnerabile. Conform Eurostat, in 2018, Romania a inregistrat un nivel ridicat al abandonului scolar timpuriu, de 16,4%, cat si o rata scazuta a populatiei cu varste cuprinse intre 30 si 34 de ani care a absolvit invatamantul superior (24,6%). In clasamentul abandonului scolar, tara noastra este precedata de Spania (17,9%) si Malta (17,5%). La polul opus, un nivel scazut al abandonului scolar timpuriu se inregistreaza in Croatia (3,3%), Slovenia (4,2%), Lituania (4,6%) si Grecia (4,7%), arata Biroul de statistica al UE Eurostat. Obiectivul strategic al UE este de a reduce rata abandonului scolar timpuriu, pana in 2020. Factorii care influenteaza elevul/familia in privinta cererii de educatie, conform Strategiei privind Reducerea Parasirii Timpurii a Scolii in Romania 2015-2020, sunt: • Nivelul scazut al venitului per familie, ca o constrangere financiara pentru a suporta costurile colaterale ale educatiei, in special in randul familiilor sarace si dezavantajate • Accesibilitatea teritoriala scazuta a serviciilor de educatie in zonele rurale izolate • Implicarea copiilor in activitati de munca sezoniera si de ingrijire a fratilor mai mici • Migratia parintilor din unele comunitati, in strainatate (conduce la retragerea temporara de la scoala) • Nivelul de educatie al parintilor, in special nivelul de educatie al mamei • Modul de a percepe beneficiile scolarizarii in familie • Copiii cu dizabilitati si cerinte edu (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to provide integrated measures to prevent and ensure equal opportunities for 270 children/students whose parents are abroad, who belong to the category of vulnerable groups, with a focus on pupils belonging to the Roma minority and students from rural areas/society-economically disadvantaged communities, in order to increase their participation in preschool and school education and to reduce their early school leaving. In the elaboration of the project we consider the Strategy for reducing early school leaving in Romania 2015-2020, a programmatic document containing mechanisms and measures to be implemented by 2020, in order to reduce the percentage of young people aged 18-24 who have completed at most the eighth grade and do not follow any other form of schooling or vocational training. The objective of the Strategy is to reduce the early school leave rate by six percent, from 17.3 % in 2013 to 11.3 % in 2020, thus reaching the target assumed by Romania under the Europe 2020 strategy. The idea of the project starts from the priorities set by the Strategy on Early Leave of School in Romania 2015-2020, through which we aim globally to increase participation in compulsory education, especially groups at risk of early school leaving and to reduce early school leaving through integrated measures to prevent and ensure equal opportunities for students belonging to vulnerable groups. According to Eurostat, in 2018, Romania recorded a high level of early school leaving of 16.4 %, as well as a low population rate between 30 and 34 years old who graduated from higher education (24.6 %). In the ranking of school dropout, our country is preceded by Spain (17.9 %) and Malta (17.5 %). On the other hand, a low level of early school leaving is recorded in Croatia (3.3 %), Slovenia (4.2 %), Lithuania (4.6 %) and Greece (4.7 %), according to Eurostat’s EU Statistics Office. The EU’s strategic objective is to reduce the rate of early school leaving by 2020. The factors that influence the student/family regarding the demand for education, according to the Strategy on Early Leave Reduction of the School in Romania 2015-2020, are: • Low level of income per family, as a financial constraint to bear the side costs of education, especially among poor and disadvantaged families • Low territorial accessibility of education services in remote rural areas • Involvement of children in seasonal work and care for younger brothers • Parent migration from some communities abroad (leading to temporary withdrawal from school) • Parents’ education level, especially the level of education of the mother • How to perceive the benefits of family schooling • Children with disabilities and needs (English)
    16 September 2021
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