A chance for employment! (Q3096161)

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Project Q3096161 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
A chance for employment!
Project Q3096161 in Romania


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    3,376,267.711 Romanian Leu
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    675,253.5422 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,032,497.79 Romanian Leu
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    806,499.5580000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    83.73 percent
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    10 July 2018
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    6 January 2020
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    47°51'8.42"N, 26°45'34.24"E
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    47°9'41.51"N, 27°35'1.00"E
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    46°29'51.94"N, 27°48'11.12"E
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    47°10'35.36"N, 23°4'15.85"E
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    47°16'58.30"N, 24°24'38.92"E
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    47°55'41.95"N, 23°53'29.62"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului consta in cresterea sanselor de angajare a 360 persoane – someri, persoane inactive, persoane de etnie roma din mediul urban si rural din regiunea Nord Est (judetele Iasi, Vaslui, Botosani) si regiunea Nord Vest (judetele Maramures, Bistrita Nasaud, Salaj), beneficiari ai serviciilor integrate si personalizate de ocupare. Proiectul va contribui la realizarea obiectivului specific al programului si apelului, la o mai buna integrare a beneficiarilor pe piata muncii prin implementarea pachetelor personalizate de masuri ce cuprind servicii integrate de ocupare si formare profesionala adaptata nevoilor de personal a agentilor economici, pentru 360 pers fara loc de munca, din care: 180 someri si persoane inactive, 72 persoane apartinand minoritatii roma si 108 pers din zona rurala, rezidenti in comunitati urbane si rurale din regiunile Nord Est si Nord Vest, Ca rezultat al implementarii proiectului din cadrul acestei scheme de finantare nerambursabila: - va creste gradul de ocupare a somerilor si a persoanelor inactive (cu accent pe somerii de lunga durata, lucratorii varstnici (55-64 ani), persoanele cu nivel redus de educatie), a persoanelor de etnie roma si a persoanelor din mediul rural (în special persoanele din agricultura de subzistenta si semi-subzistenta) la servicii integrate de ocupare (informare, consiliere, mediere pe piata muncii) - va creste numarul somerilor care si-au îmbunatatit competentele profesionale – cu accent cu accent pe somerii de lunga durata, lucratorii varstnici (55-64 ani), persoanele cu nivel redus de educatie, de persoane de etnie roma si de persoane din mediul rural (în special persoanele din agricultura de subzistenta si semi-subzistenta), - se va imbunatati accesul grupului tinta la servicii de formare profesionala in meserii/ocupatii conforme cu abilitatile, aptitudinile proprii - cresc sansele de angajare a persoanelor absolvente de cursuri – acestea organizandu-se pentru ocupatii/meserii cu potential mare de angajare - se introduc in programele de formare activitati inovatoare de instruire; - creste numarul de persoane care au un loc de munca stabil si durabil ca urmare a asistarii lor, - creste numarul de persoane din grupul tinta ocupate prin initierea de activitati pe cont propriu - se va imbunatati nivelul cunostintelor grupului tinta cu privire la dezvoltarea durabila, egalitatea de sanse si de gen - creste calitatea programelor de formare prin adaptarea metodelor de formare la cerintele pietei muncii. - creste eficienta serviciilor de consiliere prin stabilirea directiilor de orientare, consiliere și sprijin pentru angajare corelate cu cerintele actuale ale pietei muncii - facilitarea angajarii grupurilor marginalizate prin abordări inovative pentru integrarea pe piața forței de muncă. Activitatile proiectului, prin rezultatele estimate vor produce efecte pozitive pe termen lung in domeniul ocuparii si reprezinta elemente care determi (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to increase the employment chances of 360 people – unemployed, inactive, Roma people from urban and rural areas in the North East region (Iasi, Vaslui, Botosani counties) and North West region (Maramures, Bistrita Nasaud, Salaj), beneficiaries of integrated and personalised employment services. The project will contribute to the achievement of the specific objective of the program and call, to a better integration of beneficiaries on the labour market by implementing personalised packages of measures that include integrated employment and training services adapted to the needs of economic agents’ personnel, for 360 persons unemployed, of which: 180 unemployed persons and inactive persons, 72 people belonging to the Roma minority and 108 pers from the rural area, residents in urban and rural communities from North East and North West regions, as a result of the implementation of the project under this grant scheme: — will increase the employment rate of unemployed people and inactive people (with a focus on long-term unemployed, older workers (55-64 years), people with low educational attainment), Roma people and rural people (especially people in subsistence and semi-subsistence farming) to integrated employment services (information, counselling, mediation on the labour market) – will increase the number of unemployed persons who have improved their professional skills – with a focus on long-term unemployed, older workers (55-64 years); people with a low level of education, Roma people and rural people (especially people in subsistence and semi-subsistence farming), – the target group’s access to professional training services in professions/occupations in accordance with skills, their own skills – increases the employability of graduates – organised for occupations/professionals with high employment potential – innovative training activities are introduced in the training programmes; — the number of people who have a stable and sustainable job as a result of their assistance – increases the number of people in the target group by initiating activities on their own – will improve the level of knowledge of the target group on sustainable development, equal opportunities and gender equality – increases the quality of training programs by adapting training methods to the requirements of the labour market. — increases the efficiency of counselling services by establishing directions for guidance, counselling and employment support linked to current labour market requirements – facilitating the employment of marginalised groups through innovative approaches for labour market integration. The project activities, through the estimated results will produce long-term positive effects in the field of employment and are elements that determine (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Municipiul Botoşani, Romania
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    Municipiul Zalău, Romania
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    Municipiul Sighetu Marmaţiei, Romania
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    Oraş Năsăud, Romania
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    Municipiul Vaslui, Romania
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    Municipiul Iaşi, Romania
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