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Project Q3099870 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Q3099870 in Romania


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    699,856.5 Romanian Leu
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    139,971.30000000002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    823,360.58 Romanian Leu
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    164,672.116 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    28 July 2021
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    28 February 2022
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    46°50'32.71"N, 27°22'33.85"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului “ACHIZITIE DE ECHIPAMENTE NECESARE DESFASURARII ACTIVITATII DIDACTICE IN COMUNA TODIRESTI, JUDETUL IASI” este asigurarea accesului elevilor unitatilor de invatamant din comuna Todiresti, judetul Iasi la procesul de invatare in mediul on-line pentru desfasurarea in bune conditii a activitatii didactice Acesta este in conformitate cu obiectivul general al POC, respectiv, sustine investitiile menite sa raspunda nevoilor si provocarile legate de nivelul redus al competitivitatii economice, in special in ceea ce priveste sprijinul insufficient pentru CDI si infrastructura slab dezvoltata de TIC si implicit serviciile slab dezvoltate, poziționându‐se astfel ca un factor generator de intervenții orizontale în economie și societate, de natură să antreneze creștere și sustenabilitate. Necesitatea desfasurarii in mediul on-line a cursurilor a survenit pentru a evita contactul direct al elevilor cu invatatorii/profesorii si cu ceilalti elevi, precum si pentru a preveni riscul de infectare cu coronavirusul SARS-CoV-2, fapt care ar pune in pericol desfasurarea in conditii normale a tuturor activitatilor didactice necesare procesului de invatamant. Astfel, accesul la resurse si servicii digitale prin utilizarea tehnologiei informatiei si a comunicatilor devine o sursa esentiala in procesul de predare-invatare, putand facilita gestiunea comunicarii si a colaborarii, dezvoltarea creativitatii si accesul la informatie prin dispozitivele mobile, iar beneficiile se transpun in imbunatatirea eficientei si eficacitatii procesului educational la toate nivelurile. Asigurarea accesului elevilor la procesul de invatare in mediul on-line, pentru a evita contactul direct al elevilor cu profesorii si cu ceilalti elevi, precum si pentru a preveni riscul de infectare cu coronavirusul SARS-CoV-2, fapt care ar pune in pericol desfasurarea in conditii normale a tuturor activitatilor didactice necesare procesului de invatamant. Obiectivul general deserveste interesul strategic national, acela de a asigura in bune conditii desfasurarea activitatii didactice si respecta baza legala prevazuta in Ordonanta de Urgenta nr. 144/24.08.2020 privind unele masuri de alocare de fonduri externe nerambursabile necesare desfasurarii activitatii in conditii de preventie a activitatilor didactice aferente anului scolar 2020/2021 in contextul riscului de infectie cu coronavirus SARS-CoV-2”, se refera la asigurarea accesului elevilor la procesul de invatare in mediul on-line. Prin proiect se doreste dotarea elevilor cu echipamente mobile de tipul tabletelor scolare si dotarea cadrelor didactice cu laptop-uri,toate echipamentele ce se vor achizitiona vor fi noi, astfel incat orele de pregatire din timpul activitatilor didactice sa se poata desfasura on-line, pentru evita contactulu direct a elevilor cu profesorii si ceilalti elevi, pentru a preveni riscul de infectare cu coronavirusul SARS CoV2, fapt ce ar pune in perisol desfasurarea in conditii normale a tu (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project “ECI EQUIPMENT ACCOUNT” is to ensure that students of the educational units from Todiresti commune, Iasi county have access to the online learning process for the good conduct of the teaching activity. It is in line with the general objective of the POC, respectively, supports investments aimed at responding to the needs and challenges related to the low level of economic competitiveness, especially in terms of insufficient support for CDI and poorly developed infrastructure of ICT and implicitly developing services, such as a low level of economic activity and thus developing services. The need to conduct the courses online occurred in order to avoid the direct contact of students with teachers/teachers and other students, as well as to prevent the risk of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which would jeopardise the normal development of all the teaching activities necessary for the educational process. Thus, access to digital resources and services through the use of information and communication technology becomes an essential source in the teaching-learning process, being able to facilitate communication and collaboration management, the development of creativity and access to information through mobile devices, and the benefits translate into improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the educational process at all levels. Ensuring students’ access to the online learning process, in order to avoid the direct contact of students with teachers and other students, as well as to prevent the risk of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which would jeopardise the normal conduct of all the teaching activities necessary for the education process. The general objective serves the national strategic interest, which is to ensure in good conditions the performance of the teaching activity and respects the legal basis provided in Emergency Ordinance no. 144/24.08.2020 on some measures to allocate non-reimbursable external funds necessary to carry out the activity in conditions of prevention of teaching activities for the school year 2020/2021 in the context of the risk of coronavirus infection with SARS-CoV-2", refers to ensuring students’ access to the learning process in the online environment. The project aims to equip students with mobile equipment such as school tablets and equipping teachers with laptops, all the equipment that will be purchased will be new, so that the training hours during the teaching activities can take place online, in order to avoid the direct contact of students with teachers and other students, in order to prevent the risk of infection with the SARS CoV2 coronavirus, which would put you in normal conditions. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Todireşti, Romania
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