Ensuring a favourable conservation status for the rescue from extinction of the European mink population – Mustela lutreola (species of community interest, critically endangered) – from Romania – SAVE E-MINK-RO (2017-2020) (Q3099631)

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Project Q3099631 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Ensuring a favourable conservation status for the rescue from extinction of the European mink population – Mustela lutreola (species of community interest, critically endangered) – from Romania – SAVE E-MINK-RO (2017-2020)
Project Q3099631 in Romania


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    34,571,735.83 Romanian Leu
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    6,914,347.166 Euro
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    40,672,630.31 Romanian Leu
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    8,134,526.062000001 Euro
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    45°10'39.07"N, 28°48'5.87"E
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    46°10'14.45"N, 22°47'54.10"E
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    45°11'4.45"N, 29°3'48.02"E
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    44°55'37.60"N, 29°7'38.35"E
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    45°51'57.56"N, 25°47'11.54"E
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    Obiectul general al proiectului: Implementarea unor masuri din Planul de Management al Rezervatiei Biosferei Delta Dunarii pentru îmbunătățirea starii de conservare a nurcii europene (Mustela lutreola) în Delta Dunarii. Prin implementarea activitatilor prevazute în cadrul proiectul vom contribui la îndeplinirea obiectivului specific 4.1 al POIM, axa 4, respectiv la cresterea gradului de conservare si protectie a biodiversitatii prin masuri de management adecvate a habitatelor si speciilor. Proiectul raspunde cerintelor POIM contribuind la: Axa Prioritara 4: “Protectia mediului prin masuri de conservare a biodiversitatii, monitorizarea calitatii aerului si decontaminare a siturilor poluate istoric” Prioritatea de investitii 6c „Protejarea si refacerea biodiversitatii si a solurilor si promovarea unor servicii ecosistemice, inclusiv prin Natura 2000 si de infrastructura ecologica” Obiectivul Specific 4.1 “Cresterea gradului de protectie si conservare a biodiversitatii prin masuri de management adecvate si refacerea ecosistemelor degradate” conform prevederilor Directivei 92/43/EEC privind conservarea habitatelor naturale. Proiectul raspunde cerintelor Strategia UE pentru Regiunea Dunarii contribuind la: Axa prioritara : “Conservarea biodiversitatii, a peisajelor si a calitatii aerului si solurilor” Actiunea : “Conservarea biodiversitatii si a peisajelor” contribuind la viziunea UE 2050 si 2020 pentru biodiversitate, gestionarea eficienta a siturilor Natura 2000 si a altor zone protejate, protejarea si restabilirea celor mai valoroase ecosisteme si a speciilor de animale pe cale de disparitie. Proiectul este de tip B: Implementarea planurilor de management / seturilor de masuri de conservare/ planurilor de actiune pentru ariile naturale protejate si pentru speciile de interes comunitar aprobate (inclusiv mediu marin) actiunea: • Masuri pentru mentinerea si imbunatatirea starii de conservare a speciilor si habitatelor de importanta comunitara, inclusiv reconstructia ecologica a ecosistemelor de pe suprafata ariilor naturale protejate, inclusiv a siturilor Natura 2000. • Monitorizarea si evaluarea starii de conservare a speciilor si habitatelor de importanta comunitara Proiectul va fi implementat pe teritoriul a 2 situri Natura 2000, siturile de importanta comunitara ( SCI) si arii de protectie speciala avifaunistica (SPA) dupa cum urmeaza: ROSCI0065 Delta Dunarii – in suprafata de 453645 ha ROSPA0031 Delta Dunarii si Complexul Razim-Sinoe – in suprafata de 508302 ha Zona in care este propusa implementarea actiunilor din acest proiect este constituita din unitati hidrografice (complexele acvatice) Dunavat-Dranov, Razim-Sinoie, situate in zona centrala a Deltei Dunarii. Prin acest proiect se va implementa masura principala A1.3: Refacerea populaţiilor de nurcă europeană (Mustela lutreola) din planul de management al RBDD, dar se vor implementa partial alte masuri asa cum sunt prezentat ele in matricea de corelare atasata (Romanian)
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    General subject matter of the project: Implementation of measures from the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Management Plan to improve the conservation status of the European mink (Mustela lutreola) in the Danube Delta. By implementing the activities foreseen in the project we will contribute to the achievement of specific objective 4.1 of LIOP, Axis 4, namely to increase the degree of conservation and protection of biodiversity through appropriate habitat and species management measures. The project responds to LIOP requirements by contributing to: Priority Axis 4: “Environmental protection through biodiversity conservation measures, air quality monitoring and decontamination of historically polluted sites” Investment Priority 6c “Protection and restoration of biodiversity and soils and promotion of ecosystem services, including through Natura 2000 and ecological infrastructure” Specific Objective 4.1 “Enhancing biodiversity protection and conservation through appropriate management measures and restoration of degraded ecosystems” according to the provisions of Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats. The project meets the requirements of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region by contributing to: Priority axis: “Conservation of biodiversity, landscapes and air and soil quality” Action: “Preserving biodiversity and landscapes” contributing to the EU 2050 and 2020 vision for biodiversity, efficient management of Natura 2000 sites and other protected areas, protecting and restoring the most valuable ecosystems and endangered animal species. The project is type B: Implementation of management plans/sets of conservation measures/action plans for protected natural areas and approved species of community interest (including marine environment) action: • Measures to maintain and improve the conservation status of species and habitats of community importance, including ecological reconstruction of ecosystems on the surface of protected natural areas, including Natura 2000 sites. • Monitoring and evaluation of the conservation status of species and habitats of community importance The project will be implemented on the territory of 2 Natura 2000 sites, Community Importance Sites (SCIs) and Special Bird Protection Areas (SPAs) as follows: ROSCI0065 Danube Delta – with an area of 453645 ha ROSPA0031 Danube Delta and Razim-Sinoe Complex – in an area of 508302 ha The area where the actions of this project is proposed is made up of hydrographic units (aquatic complexes) Dunavat-Dranov, Razim-Sinoie, located in the central area of the Danube Delta. This project will implement the main measure A1.3: The restoration of European mink populations (Mustela lutreola) from the RBDD management plan, but other measures will be partially implemented as presented in the correlation matrix attached (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Maliuc, Romania
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