Access and equity in universities. Innovative entrepreneurial approaches for students and teachers. (Q3097365)

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Project Q3097365 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Access and equity in universities. Innovative entrepreneurial approaches for students and teachers.
Project Q3097365 in Romania


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    5,672,565.01 Romanian Leu
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    1,134,513.002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    6,673,605.9 Romanian Leu
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    1,334,721.1800000002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    24 June 2019
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    23 June 2021
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    44°12'50.87"N, 23°40'9.23"E
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    46°0'57.31"N, 23°32'48.70"E
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    46°36'23.26"N, 24°37'28.85"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului vizeaza cresterea calitatii, eficientei si accesului la invatamantul superior, in corelare cu nevoile pietei muncii din sectoarele economice, prin dezvoltarea unui program integrat de oferte educationale inovative si atractive, resurse de invatare moderne si flexibile, perfectionarea personalului didactic si sustinerea studentilor proveniti din grupuri vulnerabile. Proiectul propus creeaza cadrul necesar de formare si dezvoltare a unei forte de munca competenta, competitiva si activa, in concordanta cu nevoile pietei muncii din sectoarele economice/domeniile identificate prin SNC si SNCDI. Efectele pe termen mediu vizeaza implementarea unor metode integrate de masuri de asistenta educationala si sprijin financiar pentru studenti: identificare, informare, oferte educationale, burse de studiu, consiliere profesionala si orientare in cariera, shadowing, tutoring, indrumare si sprijin si monitorizare. Pe termen lung, proiectul are impact atat la nivelul parteneriatului creat, cat si la nivelul cadrelor didactice, studentilor si invatamantului superior, generand efecte prin: 1) Diversificarea ofertelor educationale in invatamantul tertiar universitar corelate cu nevoile pietei muncii din sectoarele economice/domeniile identificate prin SNC si SNCDI. Vor fi dezvoltate si implementate doua oferte de studii pentru studenti prin corelarea cu doua domenii de specializare inteligenta din Strategia CDI 2014-2020 (Energie, mediu si schimbari climatice; Sanatate) - Justitie enviromentala si Well-being at work si o oferta de studii in corelarea cu viziunea Strategiei Nationale pentru Competitivitate, mai exact dezvoltarea unui ecosistem competitiv de afaceri, bazat pe un mediu centrat pe antreprenoriat, inovare si creativitate – Competente avansate de antreprenoriat. De ofertele de studii vor beneficia 445 studenti, dintre care minim 320 studenti vor proveni din categorii vulnerabile. Oferta de studii de antreprenoriat va fi insotita pentru minim 50 de studenti, de un program de shadowing pe langa un antreprenor cu rolul de a invata alaturi de un antreprenor secretele unei afaceri si de a beneficia de mentoring. In demersul de dezvoltare a celor 3 oferte de studii, precum si implementarea acestor programe va fi implicat personal didactic pregatit prin programele postuniversitar de perfectionare profesionala dezvoltate in proiect. 2) Perfectionarea profesionala specializata pentru dezvoltarea competentelor pedagogice ale personalului didactic - 80 cadre didactice participante la programe de formare in ceea ce priveste continutul educational inovator si resursele de invatare moderne si flexibile; schimburi de experienta pentru cele 80 de cadre didactice atat la nivelul universitatilor partenere, cat si in tara; stagii de pregatire si diseminare de bune practici in cadrul evenimentelor organizate. 3) Pachete integrate de masuri de asistenta educationala si sprijin financiar pentru studentii si elevii proveniti din g (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project aims to increase quality, efficiency and access to higher education, in line with the needs of the labour market in economic sectors, by developing an integrated program of innovative and attractive educational offers, modern and flexible learning resources, perfecting teaching staff and supporting students from vulnerable groups. The proposed project creates the necessary framework for the training and development of a competent, competitive and active workforce, in accordance with the labour market needs of the economic sectors/areas identified by SNC and SNCDI. Medium-term effects are aimed at implementing integrated methods of educational assistance measures and financial support for students: identification, information, educational offers, scholarships, professional counselling and career guidance, shadowing, tutoring, guidance and support and monitoring. In the long term, the project has an impact both at the level of the created partnership and at the level of teachers, students and higher education, generating effects through: 1) Diversification of educational offers in tertiary university education correlated with labour market needs in economic sectors/areas identified by SNC and SNCDI. Two study offers for students will be developed and implemented by linking with two areas of intelligent specialisation from the RDI Strategy 2014-2020 (Energy, Environment and Climate Change; Health) – Enviromental justice and Well-being at work and an offer of studies in correlation with the vision of the National Strategy for Competitiveness, namely the development of a competitive business ecosystem, based on an environment centered on entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity – Advanced entrepreneurship skills. The study offers will benefit 445 students, of which at least 320 students will come from vulnerable categories. The offer of entrepreneurship studies will be accompanied for a minimum of 50 students, by a shadowing program besides an entrepreneur with the role of learning with an entrepreneur the secrets of a business and benefit from mentoring. In the process of developing the 3 offers of studies, as well as the implementation of these programs will be involved teaching staff prepared by the postgraduate programs of professional improvement developed in the project. 2) Specialised professional improvement for the development of pedagogical competences of teaching staff – 80 teachers participating in training programs in terms of innovative educational content and modern and flexible learning resources; exchanges of experience for the 80 teachers both at the level of the partner universities and in the country; training and dissemination of good practices during organised events. 3) Integrated packages of educational assistance measures and financial support for students and students from g (English)
    16 September 2021
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