Tourist villa through modernisation and extension of existing building (Q3100452)

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Project Q3100452 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Tourist villa through modernisation and extension of existing building
Project Q3100452 in Romania


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    806,866.47 Romanian Leu
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    161,373.294 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    1,186,568.32 Romanian Leu
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    237,313.66400000002 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    68.0 percent
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    1 April 2019
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    31 October 2022
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    45°50'51.14"N, 23°0'58.39"E
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    Prezentul proiect isi propune ca obiectiv general asigurarea mijloacelor tehnice ( infrastructura de cazare cu dotarea aferenta) si umane necesare cresterii nivelului de competitivitate economica a Marsim Stri SRL; In stabilirea obiectivului general s-a tinut cont de strategia de diversificare adoptata de conducerea firmei, de concluziile analizei SWOT aplicata la nivelul intregii activitati a firmei, precum si de tendintele existente pe piata de turism din Romania. Daca pana in prezent firma a derulat activitati de comert respectiv activitati specifice baruruilor si teraselor prin diversificarea activitatii - crearea de facilitati de cazare pentru vacante si perioade de scurta durata (cod CAEN 5520) conducerea Marsim Stri SRL intelege sa exploateze oportunitatea pietei legata de deplasarea turistilor in si dinspre Romania creind un spatiu adecvat cazarii in apropierea principalelor rute de transport. Concluziile analizei SWOT au determinat echipa de conducere a firmei sa ia in considerare masuri de minimizare a punctelor slabe si a ameninatarilor si de maximizare a punctelor tari si a oportunitatilor de pe piata. Ca urmare a celor de mai sus stabilirea obiectivelor specifice vine sa rezolve problemele identificate contribuind totodata la indeplinirea obiectivelor specifice POR 2.1 Promovarea spiritului antreprenorial, in special prin facilitarea exploatarii economice a ideilor noi si prin incurajarea crearii de noi intreprinderi, inclusiv prin incubatoare de afaceri. (Romanian)
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    This project aims to provide the technical (accommodation infrastructure with related equipment) and human resources necessary to increase the level of economic competitiveness of Marsim Stri SRL; In setting the general objective, account was taken of the diversification strategy adopted by the company’s management, the conclusions of the SWOT analysis applied throughout the company’s activity, as well as the trends on the tourism market in Romania. If until now the company has carried out trade activities or activities specific to bars and terraces by diversifying its activity – creating accommodation facilities for holidays and short periods (CAEN code 5520), Marsim Stri SRL’s management understands to exploit the opportunity of the market related to travel to and from Romania creating a suitable accommodation space near the main transport routes. The conclusions of the SWOT analysis prompted the company’s management team to consider measures to minimise weaknesses and threats and maximise strengths and opportunities on the market. As a result of the above, the establishment of specific objectives comes to solve the identified problems while contributing to the achievement of the specific objectives of ROP 2.1 Promoting entrepreneurship, in particular by facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas and by encouraging the creation of new enterprises, including through business incubators. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Oraş Simeria, Romania
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