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Project Q3097951 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Q3097951 in Romania


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    6,321,068.257 Romanian Leu
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    1,264,213.6514 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    7,486,283.09 Romanian Leu
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    1,497,256.618 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    84.44 percent
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    27 December 2017
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    26 December 2020
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    44°26'10.10"N, 26°6'9.79"E
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    44°30'6.16"N, 26°14'41.68"E
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    45°47'19.36"N, 26°53'1.68"E
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    45°26'1.75"N, 28°3'17.78"E
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    47°10'38.10"N, 24°32'28.10"E
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    44°12'50.87"N, 23°40'9.23"E
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    46°0'57.31"N, 23°32'48.70"E
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    46°36'23.26"N, 24°37'28.85"E
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    47°47'21.05"N, 22°52'21.22"E
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    45°47'50.60"N, 24°9'6.91"E
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    46°9'39.78"N, 21°16'55.13"E
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    44°59'38.98"N, 24°50'56.08"E
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    46°25'34.07"N, 26°42'43.38"E
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    46°59'30.84"N, 22°11'26.63"E
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    47°51'8.42"N, 26°45'34.24"E
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    45°16'17.80"N, 27°58'27.44"E
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    45°39'8.32"N, 25°36'36.97"E
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    45°16'9.34"N, 26°46'29.35"E
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    45°7'37.67"N, 22°4'37.70"E
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    46°46'9.77"N, 23°35'23.82"E
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    44°10'36.19"N, 28°39'2.74"E
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    45°53'48.05"N, 26°0'36.65"E
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    44°55'36.62"N, 25°28'59.20"E
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    44°57'40.21"N, 23°19'32.45"E
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    46°38'38.72"N, 25°37'12.29"E
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    45°47'45.06"N, 22°56'40.13"E
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    44°35'45.89"N, 27°12'5.90"E
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    47°9'41.51"N, 27°35'1.00"E
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    47°40'19.78"N, 24°11'43.69"E
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    44°36'15.19"N, 23°3'9.65"E
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    Obiectivul general il reprezinta cresterea capacitatii de preventie, diagnostic si tratament in vederea reducerii complicatiilor cronice asociate bolilor endocrine si diabetului zaharat, prin dezvoltarea competentelor profesionale ale personalului medical si ale personalului de laborator. Aceasta implica profesionisti din domeniile complementare endocrinologie, diabetologie, medicina de familie, medicina de laborator, si se va realiza prin participarea la programe de formare, stagii de practica in tara si strainatate, sesiuni de simulare a unor activități clinice si de laborator in centrul de cercetare al solicitantului. Astfel, prin abordarea conceptelor de baza dar si a celor mai noi protocoale, ghiduri de diagnostic si tratament, metode si tehnici de laborator, va creste gradul de competenta profesionala a specialistilor in domeniul patologiei endocrino-metabolice. Grupul tinta va cuprinde medici, asistenti medicali si personal de laborator cu studii superioare si medii. Obiectivul general este determinat de cresterea epidemica a prevalentei bolilor endocrine si metabolice care genereaza nevoia de perfectionare a specialistilor din sistemul de asistenta medicala. Avem in vedere complexitatea patologiei tratate, pentru care este necesara o abordare multidisciplinara, astfel incat specialistii sa dispuna de expertiza si abilitatile necesare identificarii si rezolvarii eventualelor complicatii sau ale unor boli rare dificil de diagnosticat. De multe ori cazurile intalnite, sub aparenta unei rutine ascund boli rare, ridica probleme de diagnostic si terapie, astfel incat este necesar ca specialistii sa dispuna de expertiza si de o gama larga de abilitati pentru diagnostic si tratament. Obiectivul general al proiectului se aliniaza obiectivului general al Strategiei Nationale de Sanatate 2014-2020, OG 3, Diminuarea ritmului de creştere a morbidităţii şi mortalităţii prin boli netransmisibile şi reducerea poverii lor în populaţie prin programe naţionale, regionale şi locale de sănătate cu caracter preventiv. Ne propunem o schimbare de paradigma in ceea ce priveste preventia, diagnosticul rapid si interventia precoce in cazul bolilor endocrine si a diabetului zaharat, prin formarea personalului medical specializat, respectiv a medicilor endocrinologi si diabetologi, precum si a medicilor de familie si a asistentelor medicale, avand ca finalitate pacienti. Suplimentar, proiectul implica si sesiuni de formare a personalului de laborator, cu instruiri in cadrul infrastructurii de cercetare a liderului de parteneriat, utilizand aparatura ultraperformanta de ultima generatie. Se asigura astfel premisele pentru preventie, depistarea precoce a imbolnavirilor si oferirea de ingrijiri de calitate in fazele incipiente ale bolii, cu beneficii atat pentru sanatatea pacientului cat si pentru sistemul medical si societate in general. Obiectivul general al proiectului corespunde obiectivelor documentelor programatice din sanatate atat la nivel national cat si la (Romanian)
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    The general objective is to increase the prevention, diagnosis and treatment capacity in order to reduce chronic complications associated with endocrine diseases and diabetes mellitus, by developing the professional competencies of the medical and laboratory staff. It involves professionals from complementary fields of endocrinology, diabetesology, family medicine, laboratory medicine, and will be achieved by participating in training programs, internships in the country and abroad, simulation sessions of some clinical and laboratory activities in the research center of the applicant. Thus, by addressing the basic concepts and the latest protocols, diagnostic and treatment guidelines, laboratory methods and techniques, will increase the degree of professional competence of specialists in the field of endocrino-metabolic pathology. The target group will comprise doctors, nurses and laboratory staff with higher and medium education. The general objective is determined by the epidemic increase of the prevalence of endocrine and metabolic diseases that generate the need for improvement of the specialists in the healthcare system. We take into account the complexity of the treated pathology, for which a multidisciplinary approach is necessary, so that specialists have the expertise and skills necessary to identify and solve possible complications or rare diseases difficult to diagnose. Often the cases encountered, under the appearance of a routine hide rare diseases, raise problems of diagnosis and therapy, so it is necessary for specialists to have expertise and a wide range of diagnostic and treatment abilities. The general objective of the project is in line with the general objective of the National Health Strategy 2014-2020, GO 3, reducing the rate of increase in morbidity and mortality through non-communicable diseases and reducing their burden in the population through preventive national, regional and local health programmes. We aim for a paradigm shift in terms of prevention, rapid diagnosis and early intervention in the case of endocrine diseases and diabetes mellitus, by training specialised medical staff, endocrinologists and diabetesologists, as well as family doctors and nurses, with the purpose of patients. In addition, the project also involves training sessions for laboratory personnel, with training within the research infrastructure of the partner leader, using state-of-the-art ultra-performance equipment. This ensures the prerequisites for prevention, early detection of illnesses and the provision of quality care in the early stages of the disease, with benefits for both the patient’s health and the medical system and society in general. The general objective of the project corresponds to the objectives of the programmatic health documents at both national and national level. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Satu Mare, Romania
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    Judeţul Suceava, Romania
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    Judeţul Neamţ, Romania
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    Judeţul Hunedoara, Romania
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    Judeţul Caraş-Severin, Romania
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    Judeţul Arad, Romania
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    Judeţul Gorj, Romania
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    Judeţul Dolj, Romania
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    Judeţul Ialomiţa, Romania
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    Judeţul Dâmboviţa, Romania
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    Judeţul Argeş, Romania
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    Judeţul Cluj, Romania
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    Judeţul Bistriţa-Năsăud, Romania
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    Judeţul Bihor, Romania
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    Judeţul Botoşani, Romania
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    Judeţul Bacău, Romania
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    Judeţul Mureş, Romania
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    Judeţul Covasna, Romania
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    Judeţul Constanţa, Romania
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    Judeţul Vrancea, Romania
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    Judeţul Tulcea, Romania
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    Judeţul Galaţi, Romania
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    Judeţul Buzău, Romania
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